#!/bin/csh # # Generated by CHARMM-GUI (http://www.charmm-gui.org) v3.7 # This folder contains GROMACS formatted CHARMM36 force fields, a pre-optimized PDB structure, and GROMACS inputs. # All input files were optimized for GROMACS 2019.2 or above, so lower version of GROMACS can cause some errors. # We adopted the Verlet cut-off scheme for all minimization, equilibration, and production steps because it is # faster and more accurate than the group scheme. If you have a trouble with a performance of Verlet scheme while # running parallelized simulation, you should check if you are using appropriate command line. # For MPI parallelizing, we recommand following command: # mpirun -np $NUM_CPU gmx mdrun -ntomp 1 set init = step5_input set rest_prefix = step5_input set mini_prefix = step6.0_minimization set equi_prefix = step6.%d_equilibration set prod_prefix = step7_production set prod_step = step7 # Minimization # In the case that there is a problem during minimization using a single precision of GROMACS, please try to use # a double precision of GROMACS only for the minimization step. gmx grompp -f ${mini_prefix}.mdp -o ${mini_prefix}.tpr -c ${init}.gro -r ${rest_prefix}.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx gmx_d mdrun -v -deffnm ${mini_prefix} # Equilibration set cnt = 1 set cntmax = 6 while ( ${cnt} <= ${cntmax} ) @ pcnt = ${cnt} - 1 set istep = `printf ${equi_prefix} ${cnt}` set pstep = `printf ${equi_prefix} ${pcnt}` if ( ${cnt} == 1 ) set pstep = ${mini_prefix} gmx grompp -f ${istep}.mdp -o ${istep}.tpr -c ${pstep}.gro -r ${rest_prefix}.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx gmx mdrun -v -deffnm ${istep} @ cnt += 1 end # Production set cnt = 1 set cntmax = 10 while ( ${cnt} <= ${cntmax} ) @ pcnt = ${cnt} - 1 set istep = ${prod_step}_${cnt} set pstep = ${prod_step}_${pcnt} if ( ${cnt} == 1 ) then set pstep = `printf ${equi_prefix} 6` gmx grompp -f ${prod_prefix}.mdp -o ${istep}.tpr -c ${pstep}.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx else gmx grompp -f ${prod_prefix}.mdp -o ${istep}.tpr -c ${pstep}.gro -t ${pstep}.cpt -p topol.top -n index.ndx endif gmx mdrun -v -deffnm ${istep} @ cnt += 1 end