WRF-CTSM simulations from the Norwegian Research Council's projects, grant agreement no. 323321 and 337168. Run and generated by Iris Muzic (iris.muzic@cicero.oslo.no) at CICERO Center for International Climate Research. Dataset consist of: Daily file T2_T2MAX_T2MIN_SNOWDP_H2OSNO_FSNO.nc - includes T2 (mean daily 2 m temperature), T2MAX (maximum daily 2 m temperature), T2MIN (minimum daily 2 m temperature), SNOWDP (mean daily snow depth), H2OSNO (mean daily snow water equivalent) and FSNO (mean daily fractional snow-covered area) variables Daily files with names ending in _prec.nc - hourly output of accumulated (not instantaneous) precipitation (convective and non-convective over the preceding hour) - include RAINC (accumulated total cumulus precipitation) and RAINNC (accumulated total grid scale precipitation) variables WRF model output variables are T2, T2MAX, T2MIN, RAINC and RAINNC. CTSM model output variables are SNOWDP, H2OSNO and FSNO.