Camilla Weum Stjern, December 19th 2023 CICERO, Oslo, Norway This folder contains data from simulations using the reduced-complexity model FORTE 2.0. Analyses based on these data are first presented in "Systematic Regional Aerosol Perturbations (SyRAP) in Asia using the intermediate-resolution global climate model FORTE2", Stjern et al., submitted to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems December 2023. Simulations involve Systematic Regional Aerosol Perturbations (SyRAP)of either absorbing or scattering aerosols in either India or China. Core simulations only includ aerosol-radiation interactions (ARI) but we have additional simulations including aerosol-cloud interaction (ACI), to quantify the relative role of the two processes. Atmospheric (and some oceanic) variables are output on monthly or daily time resolution for the 200 years of simulation, for each experiment. We find that FORTE2 is able to reproduce the responses to Asian aerosol changes documented in the literature, and that it can help us decompose regional climate impacts of aerosols from the two regions, as well as from ACI vs ARI. ---------Experiments-------- Perturbation aerosols: su: as control, but with present-day aerosol levels of sulfate BC: as control, but with present-day aerosol levels of BC and OC Sensitivity simulations: suaci: sulfate-perturbation experiment where both ARI and ACI are included aci: sulfate-perturbation experiment where only ACI are included suacia: like suaci but with weaker ACI effect acia: like aci but with weaker ACI effect Perturbation regions: 1: China 2: India 3: North-India 1+2: China + India 1+3: China + North-India Climate states: piC: control experiment, preindustrial CO2 levels (** ppb) and no aerosols p1K: as control, but with present-day CO2 levels (** ppb) p2K: as control, but with future CO2 levels (** ppb) Perturbation experiments have names on the form: $perturbationaerosol$sensitivitysimulation$perturbationregion_$climatestate (for core experiment where perturbation is on top of preindustrial climate, climate state is not specified in experiment name) Examples of experiment names: BC1 su2_p1K aci1+2_p2K --------File names----------- Below follows a list of file names available for each experiment, examplified by the piC experiment. The last word in the file names indicates the temporal resolution. Behind each file name are indications of variables within the files. piC_atmos_monthly.cdf monthly winds, pressure, geopotential piC_ocean_yearly.cdf ocean currents, salinity piC_rad_monthly.cdf radiative fluxes piC_va_daily.cdf meridional wind piC_cloud_monthly.cdf low-level, mid-level and convective clouds piC_pr_psl_ts_daily.cdf temperature and precipitation, as well as surface pressure piC_ta_daily.cdf atmospheric temperature in three levels piC_wap_daily.cdf vertical air motion piC_fluxhum_monthly.cdf surface fluxes piC_qdot_monthly.cdf atmospheric heating rates piC_ua_daily.cdf zonal wind piC_zg_daily.cdf geopotential height