module UrbBuildTempOleson2015Mod #include "shr_assert.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates internal building air temperature ! ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg use decompMod , only : bounds_type use abortutils , only : endrun use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf use clm_varctl , only : iulog use UrbanParamsType , only : urbanparams_type use UrbanTimeVarType , only : urbantv_type use EnergyFluxType , only : energyflux_type use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type use LandunitType , only : lun use ColumnType , only : col ! ! !PUBLIC TYPES: implicit none save private ! ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: BuildingTemperature ! Calculation of interior building air temperature, inner ! surface temperatures of walls and roof, and floor temperature character(len=*), parameter, private :: sourcefile = & __FILE__ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: BuildingTemperature ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine BuildingTemperature (bounds, num_urbanl, filter_urbanl, num_nolakec, & filter_nolakec, tk, urbanparams_inst, temperature_inst, & energyflux_inst, urbantv_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Solve for t_building, inner surface temperatures of roof, sunw, shdw, and floor temperature ! Five equations, five unknowns (t_roof_inner,t_sunw_inner,t_shdw_inner,t_floor,t_building at n+1) ! Derived from energy balance equations at each surface and building air ! rd (radiation), cd (conduction), cv (convection) ! qrd_roof + qcd_roof + qcv_roof = 0 ! qrd_sunw + qcd_sunw + qcv_sunw = 0 ! qrd_shdw + qcd_shdw + qcv_shdw = 0 ! qrd_floor + qcd_floor + qcv_floor = 0 ! Vbld*rho_dair*cpair*(dt_building/dt) = sum(Asfc*hcv_sfc*(t_sfc - t_building) ! + Vvent*rho_dair*cpair*(taf - t_building) ! where Vlbd is volume of building air, ! rho_dair is density of dry air at t_building (kg m-3), ! cpair is specific heat of dry air (J kg-1 K-1), ! dt_building is change in interior building temperature (K), ! dt is timestep (s), ! Asfc is surface area of roof, sunw, shdw, floor (m2) ! hcv_sfc is convective heat transfer coefficient for roof, sunw, shdw, floor (W m-2 K-1) ! t_sfc is inner surface temperature of roof, sunw, shdw, floor (K) ! t_building is interior building temperature (K) ! Vvent is ventilation airflow rate (m3 s-1) ! taf is urban canyon air temperature (K) ! ! This methodology was introduced as part of CLM5.0. ! ! Conduction fluxes are obtained from terms of soil temperature equations ! Radiation fluxes are obtained from linearizing the longwave radiation equations taking into ! account view factors for each surface. ! qrd is positive away from the surface toward room air, so qrd = emitted - absorbed, ! so positive qrd will result in a decrease in temperature ! qcd_floor is positive away from surface toward room air, so positive ! qcd will result in a decrease in temperature ! qcv is positive toward room air, so positive qcv (t_surface > t_room) will ! result in a decrease in temperature ! The LAPACK routine DGESV is used to compute the solution to the real system of linear equations ! a * x = b, ! where a is an n-by-n matrix and x and b are n-by-nrhs matrices. ! ! The LU decomposition with partial pivoting and row interchanges is ! used to factor a as ! a = P * L * U, ! where P is a permutation matrix, L is unit lower triangular, and U is ! upper triangular. The factored form of a is then used to solve the ! system of equations a * x = b. ! The following is from LAPACK documentation ! DGESV computes the solution to system of linear equations A * X = B for GE matrices ! ! =========== DOCUMENTATION =========== ! ! Online html documentation available at ! ! ! Download DGESV + dependencies ! ! [TGZ] ! ! [ZIP] ! ! [TXT] ! ! Definition: ! =========== ! ! SUBROUTINE DGESV( N, NRHS, A, LDA, IPIV, B, LDB, INFO ) ! ! .. Scalar Arguments .. ! INTEGER INFO, LDA, LDB, N, NRHS ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. ! INTEGER IPIV( * ) ! DOUBLE PRECISION A( LDA, * ), B( LDB, * ) ! .. ! ! ! ============= ! ! ! DGESV computes the solution to a real system of linear equations ! A * X = B, ! where A is an N-by-N matrix and X and B are N-by-NRHS matrices. ! ! The LU decomposition with partial pivoting and row interchanges is ! used to factor A as ! A = P * L * U, ! where P is a permutation matrix, L is unit lower triangular, and U is ! upper triangular. The factored form of A is then used to solve the ! system of equations A * X = B. ! ! Arguments: ! ========== ! ! \param[in] N ! N is INTEGER ! The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the ! matrix A. N >= 0. ! ! \param[in] NRHS ! NRHS is INTEGER ! The number of right hand sides, i.e., the number of columns ! of the matrix B. NRHS >= 0. ! ! \param[in,out] A ! A is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDA,N) ! On entry, the N-by-N coefficient matrix A. ! On exit, the factors L and U from the factorization ! A = P*L*U; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. ! ! \param[in] LDA ! LDA is INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,N). ! ! \param[out] IPIV ! IPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N) ! The pivot indices that define the permutation matrix P; ! row i of the matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). ! ! \param[in,out] B ! B is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDB,NRHS) ! On entry, the N-by-NRHS matrix of right hand side matrix B. ! On exit, if INFO = 0, the N-by-NRHS solution matrix X. ! ! \param[in] LDB ! LDB is INTEGER ! The leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= max(1,N). ! ! \param[out] INFO ! INFO is INTEGER ! = 0: successful exit ! < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value ! > 0: if INFO = i, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization ! has been completed, but the factor U is exactly ! singular, so the solution could not be computed. ! ! Authors: ! ======== ! ! \author Univ. of Tennessee ! \author Univ. of California Berkeley ! \author Univ. of Colorado Denver ! \author NAG Ltd. ! ! \date November 2011 ! ! \ingroup doubleGEsolve ! !CALLED FROM: ! subroutine SoilTemperature in this module ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 08/17/12 Keith Oleson: Initial code ! ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use clm_time_manager, only : get_step_size use clm_varcon , only : rair, pstd, cpair, sb, hcv_roof, hcv_roof_enhanced, & hcv_floor, hcv_floor_enhanced, hcv_sunw, hcv_shdw, & em_roof_int, em_floor_int, em_sunw_int, em_shdw_int, & dz_floor, dens_floor, cp_floor, vent_ach use column_varcon , only : icol_roof, icol_sunwall, icol_shadewall use clm_varctl , only : iulog use abortutils , only : endrun use clm_varpar , only : nlevurb, nlevsno, nlevgrnd use UrbanParamsType , only : urban_hac, urban_hac_off, urban_hac_on, urban_wasteheat_on ! ! !ARGUMENTS: implicit none type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds integer , intent(in) :: num_nolakec ! number of column non-lake points in column filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_nolakec(:) ! column filter for non-lake points integer , intent(in) :: num_urbanl ! number of urban landunits in clump integer , intent(in) :: filter_urbanl(:) ! urban landunit filter real(r8), intent(in) :: tk(bounds%begc: , -nlevsno+1: ) ! thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) [col, j] type(urbanparams_type), intent(in) :: urbanparams_inst ! urban parameters type(temperature_type), intent(inout) :: temperature_inst ! temperature variables type(energyflux_type) , intent(inout) :: energyflux_inst ! energy flux variables type(urbantv_type) , intent(in) :: urbantv_inst ! urban time varying variables ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer, parameter :: neq = 5 ! number of equation/unknowns integer :: fc,fl,c,l ! indices real(r8) :: dtime ! land model time step (s) real(r8) :: t_roof_inner_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof inside surface temperature at previous time step (K) real(r8) :: t_sunw_inner_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall inside surface temperature at previous time step (K) real(r8) :: t_shdw_inner_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall inside surface temperature at previous time step (K) real(r8) :: t_floor_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! floor temperature at previous time step (K) real(r8) :: t_building_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! internal building air temperature at previous time step [K] real(r8) :: t_building_bef_hac(bounds%begl:bounds%endl)! internal building air temperature before applying HAC [K] real(r8) :: hcv_roofi(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof convective heat transfer coefficient (W m-2 K-1) real(r8) :: hcv_sunwi(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall convective heat transfer coefficient (W m-2 K-1) real(r8) :: hcv_shdwi(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall convective heat transfer coefficient (W m-2 K-1) real(r8) :: hcv_floori(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! floor convective heat transfer coefficient (W m-2 K-1) real(r8) :: em_roofi(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof inside surface emissivity (-) real(r8) :: em_sunwi(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall inside surface emissivity (-) real(r8) :: em_shdwi(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall inside surface emissivity (-) real(r8) :: em_floori(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! floor inside surface emissivity (-) real(r8) :: dz_floori(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! concrete floor thickness (m) real(r8) :: cp_floori(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! concrete floor volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1) real(r8) :: cv_floori(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! intermediate calculation for concrete floor (W m-2 K-1) real(r8) :: rho_dair(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! density of dry air at standard pressure and t_building (kg m-3) real(r8) :: vf_rf(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! view factor of roof for floor (-) real(r8) :: vf_fr(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! view factor of floor for roof (-) real(r8) :: vf_wf(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! view factor of wall for floor (-) real(r8) :: vf_fw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! view factor of floor for wall (-) real(r8) :: vf_rw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! view factor of roof for wall (-) real(r8) :: vf_wr(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! view factor of wall for roof (-) real(r8) :: vf_ww(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! view factor of wall for wall (-) real(r8) :: zi_roof_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! interface depth of nlevurb roof (m) real(r8) :: z_roof_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! node depth of nlevurb roof (m) real(r8) :: zi_sunw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! interface depth of nlevurb sunwall (m) real(r8) :: z_sunw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! node depth of nlevurb sunwall (m) real(r8) :: zi_shdw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! interface depth of nlevurb shadewall (m) real(r8) :: z_shdw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! node depth of nlevurb shadewall (m) real(r8) :: t_roof_innerl_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof temperature at nlevurb node depth at previous time step (K) real(r8) :: t_sunw_innerl_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall temperature at nlevurb node depth at previous time step (K) real(r8) :: t_shdw_innerl_bef(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall temperature at nlevurb node depth at previous time step (K) real(r8) :: t_roof_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof temperature at nlevurb node depth (K) real(r8) :: t_sunw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall temperature at nlevurb node depth (K) real(r8) :: t_shdw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall temperature at nlevurb node depth (K) real(r8) :: tk_roof_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof thermal conductivity at nlevurb interface depth (W m-1 K-1) real(r8) :: tk_sunw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall thermal conductivity at nlevurb interface depth (W m-1 K-1) real(r8) :: tk_shdw_innerl(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall thermal conductivity at nlevurb interface depth (W m-1 K-1) real(r8) :: qrd_roof(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof inside net longwave for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qrd_sunw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall inside net longwave for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qrd_shdw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall inside net longwave for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qrd_floor(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! floor inside net longwave for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qrd_building(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! building inside net longwave for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcv_roof(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof inside convection flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcv_sunw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall inside convection flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcv_shdw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall inside convection flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcv_floor(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! floor inside convection flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcd_roof(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof inside conduction flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcd_sunw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall inside conduction flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcd_shdw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall inside conduction flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: qcd_floor(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! floor inside conduction flux for energy balance check (W m-2) real(r8) :: enrgy_bal_roof(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! roof inside energy balance (W m-2) real(r8) :: enrgy_bal_sunw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! sunwall inside energy balance (W m-2) real(r8) :: enrgy_bal_shdw(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! shadewall inside energy balance (W m-2) real(r8) :: enrgy_bal_floor(bounds%begl:bounds%endl) ! floor inside energy balance (W m-2) real(r8) :: enrgy_bal_buildair(bounds%begl:bounds%endl)! building air energy balance (W m-2) real(r8) :: sum ! sum of view factors for floor, wall, roof integer :: n ! number of linear equations (= neq) integer :: nrhs ! number of right hand sides (= 1) real(r8) :: a(neq,neq) ! n-by-n coefficient matrix a integer :: lda ! leading dimension of the matrix a integer :: ldb ! leading dimension of the matrix b real(r8) :: result(neq) ! on entry, the right hand side of matrix b ! on exit, if info = 0, the n-by-nrhs solution matrix x integer :: info ! exit information for LAPACK routine dgesv integer :: ipiv(neq) ! the pivot indices that define the permutation matrix P !EOP !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enforce expected array sizes SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(tk) == (/bounds%endc, nlevgrnd/)), errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) associate(& clandunit => col%landunit , & ! Input: [integer (:)] column's landunit ctype => col%itype , & ! Input: [integer (:)] column type zi => col%zi , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:)] interface level below a "z" level (m) z => col%z , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:)] layer thickness (m) ht_roof => lun%ht_roof , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] height of urban roof (m) canyon_hwr => lun%canyon_hwr , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] ratio of building height to street hwidth (-) wtlunit_roof => lun%wtlunit_roof , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] weight of roof with respect to landunit urbpoi => lun%urbpoi , & ! Input: [logical (:)] true => landunit is an urban point taf => temperature_inst%taf_lun , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] urban canopy air temperature (K) tssbef => temperature_inst%t_ssbef_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:)] temperature at previous time step (K) t_soisno => temperature_inst%t_soisno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:)] soil temperature (K) t_roof_inner => temperature_inst%t_roof_inner_lun , & ! InOut: [real(r8) (:)] roof inside surface temperature (K) t_sunw_inner => temperature_inst%t_sunw_inner_lun , & ! InOut: [real(r8) (:)] sunwall inside surface temperature (K) t_shdw_inner => temperature_inst%t_shdw_inner_lun , & ! InOut: [real(r8) (:)] shadewall inside surface temperature (K) t_floor => temperature_inst%t_floor_lun , & ! InOut: [real(r8) (:)] floor temperature (K) t_building => temperature_inst%t_building_lun , & ! InOut: [real(r8) (:)] internal building air temperature (K) t_building_max => urbantv_inst%t_building_max , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] maximum internal building air temperature (K) t_building_min => urbanparams_inst%t_building_min , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] minimum internal building air temperature (K) eflx_building => energyflux_inst%eflx_building_lun , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] building heat flux from change in interior building air temperature (W/m**2) eflx_urban_ac => energyflux_inst%eflx_urban_ac_lun , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] urban air conditioning flux (W/m**2) eflx_urban_heat => energyflux_inst%eflx_urban_heat_lun & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] urban heating flux (W/m**2) ) ! Get step size dtime = get_step_size() ! 1. Save t_* at previous time step ! 2. Set convective heat transfer coefficients (Bueno et al. 2012, GMD). ! An alternative is Salamanca et al. 2010, TAC, where they are all set to 8 W m-2 K-1. ! See clm_varcon.F90 ! 3. Set inner surface emissivities (Bueno et al. 2012, GMD). ! 4. Set concrete floor properties (Salamanca et al. 2010, TAC). do fl = 1,num_urbanl l = filter_urbanl(fl) if (urbpoi(l)) then t_roof_inner_bef(l) = t_roof_inner(l) t_sunw_inner_bef(l) = t_sunw_inner(l) t_shdw_inner_bef(l) = t_shdw_inner(l) t_floor_bef(l) = t_floor(l) t_building_bef(l) = t_building(l) if (t_roof_inner_bef(l) .le. t_building_bef(l)) then hcv_roofi(l) = hcv_roof_enhanced else hcv_roofi(l) = hcv_roof end if if (t_floor_bef(l) .ge. t_building_bef(l)) then hcv_floori(l) = hcv_floor_enhanced else hcv_floori(l) = hcv_floor end if hcv_sunwi(l) = hcv_sunw hcv_shdwi(l) = hcv_shdw em_roofi(l) = em_roof_int em_sunwi(l) = em_sunw_int em_shdwi(l) = em_shdw_int em_floori(l) = em_floor_int ! Concrete floor thickness (m) dz_floori(l) = dz_floor ! Concrete floor volumetric heat capacity (J m-3 K-1) cp_floori(l) = cp_floor ! Intermediate calculation for concrete floor (W m-2 K-1) cv_floori(l) = (dz_floori(l) * cp_floori(l)) / dtime ! Density of dry air at standard pressure and t_building (kg m-3) rho_dair(l) = pstd / (rair*t_building_bef(l)) end if end do ! Get terms from soil temperature equations to compute conduction flux ! Negative is toward surface - heat added ! Note that the conduction flux here is in W m-2 wall area but for purposes of solving the set of ! simultaneous equations this must be converted to W m-2 ground area. This is done below when ! setting up the equation coefficients. do fc = 1,num_nolakec c = filter_nolakec(fc) l = clandunit(c) if (urbpoi(l)) then if (ctype(c) == icol_roof) then zi_roof_innerl(l) = zi(c,nlevurb) z_roof_innerl(l) = z(c,nlevurb) t_roof_innerl_bef(l) = tssbef(c,nlevurb) t_roof_innerl(l) = t_soisno(c,nlevurb) tk_roof_innerl(l) = tk(c,nlevurb) else if (ctype(c) == icol_sunwall) then zi_sunw_innerl(l) = zi(c,nlevurb) z_sunw_innerl(l) = z(c,nlevurb) t_sunw_innerl_bef(l) = tssbef(c,nlevurb) t_sunw_innerl(l) = t_soisno(c,nlevurb) tk_sunw_innerl(l) = tk(c,nlevurb) else if (ctype(c) == icol_shadewall) then zi_shdw_innerl(l) = zi(c,nlevurb) z_shdw_innerl(l) = z(c,nlevurb) t_shdw_innerl_bef(l) = tssbef(c,nlevurb) t_shdw_innerl(l) = t_soisno(c,nlevurb) tk_shdw_innerl(l) = tk(c,nlevurb) end if end if end do ! Calculate view factors do fl = 1,num_urbanl l = filter_urbanl(fl) if (urbpoi(l)) then vf_rf(l) = sqrt(1._r8 + canyon_hwr(l)**2._r8) - canyon_hwr(l) vf_fr(l) = vf_rf(l) ! This view factor implicitly converts from per unit wall area to per unit floor area vf_wf(l) = 0.5_r8*(1._r8 - vf_rf(l)) ! This view factor implicitly converts from per unit floor area to per unit wall area vf_fw(l) = vf_wf(l) / canyon_hwr(l) ! This view factor implicitly converts from per unit roof area to per unit wall area vf_rw(l) = vf_fw(l) ! This view factor implicitly converts from per unit wall area to per unit roof area vf_wr(l) = vf_wf(l) vf_ww(l) = 1._r8 - vf_rw(l) - vf_fw(l) end if end do ! error check -- make sure view factor sums to one for floor, wall, and roof do fl = 1,num_urbanl l = filter_urbanl(fl) if (urbpoi(l)) then sum = vf_rf(l) + 2._r8*vf_wf(l) if (abs(sum-1._r8) > 1.e-06_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban floor view factor error',sum write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() endif sum = vf_rw(l) + vf_fw(l) + vf_ww(l) if (abs(sum-1._r8) > 1.e-06_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban wall view factor error',sum write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() endif sum = vf_fr(l) + vf_wr(l) + vf_wr(l) if (abs(sum-1._r8) > 1.e-06_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban roof view factor error',sum write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() endif endif end do n = neq nrhs = 1 lda = neq ldb = neq do fl = 1,num_urbanl l = filter_urbanl(fl) if (urbpoi(l)) then ! ROOF a(1,1) = 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l) & + 0.5_r8*tk_roof_innerl(l)/(zi_roof_innerl(l) - z_roof_innerl(l)) & + 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8 & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) a(1,2) = - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) a(1,3) = - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) a(1,4) = - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fr(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) a(1,5) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l) result(1) = 0.5_r8*tk_roof_innerl(l)*t_roof_innerl(l)/(zi_roof_innerl(l) - z_roof_innerl(l)) & - 0.5_r8*tk_roof_innerl(l)*(t_roof_inner_bef(l)-t_roof_innerl_bef(l))/(zi_roof_innerl(l) & - z_roof_innerl(l)) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fr(l) & + 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8 & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l)*(t_roof_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l)) ! SUNWALL a(2,1) = - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) a(2,2) = 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) & + 0.5_r8*tk_sunw_innerl(l)/(zi_sunw_innerl(l) - z_sunw_innerl(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & + 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8 & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) a(2,3) = - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) a(2,4) = - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) a(2,5) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) result(2) = 0.5_r8*tk_sunw_innerl(l)*t_sunw_innerl(l)/(zi_sunw_innerl(l) - z_sunw_innerl(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 0.5_r8*tk_sunw_innerl(l)*(t_sunw_inner_bef(l)-t_sunw_innerl_bef(l))/(zi_sunw_innerl(l) & - z_sunw_innerl(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l) & + 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8 & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*(t_sunw_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l))*canyon_hwr(l) ! SHADEWALL a(3,1) = - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) a(3,2) = - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) a(3,3) = 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) & + 0.5_r8*tk_shdw_innerl(l)/(zi_shdw_innerl(l) - z_shdw_innerl(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & + 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8 & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) a(3,4) = - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) a(3,5) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) result(3) = 0.5_r8*tk_shdw_innerl(l)*t_shdw_innerl(l)/(zi_shdw_innerl(l) - z_shdw_innerl(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 0.5_r8*tk_shdw_innerl(l)*(t_shdw_inner_bef(l)-t_shdw_innerl_bef(l))/(zi_shdw_innerl(l) & - z_shdw_innerl(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l) & + 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8 & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*(t_shdw_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l))*canyon_hwr(l) ! FLOOR a(4,1) = - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rf(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) a(4,2) = - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) a(4,3) = - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) a(4,4) = (cv_floori(l) + 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l)) & + 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8 & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) a(4,5) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l) result(4) = cv_floori(l)*t_floor_bef(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rf(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l) & + 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8 & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 3._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 3._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 3._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 3._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l)*(t_floor_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l)) ! Building air temperature a(5,1) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l) a(5,2) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) a(5,3) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) a(5,4) = - 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l) a(5,5) = ((ht_roof(l)*rho_dair(l)*cpair)/dtime) + & ((ht_roof(l)*vent_ach)/3600._r8)*rho_dair(l)*cpair + & 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l) + & 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) + & 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*canyon_hwr(l) + & 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l) result(5) = (ht_roof(l)*rho_dair(l)*cpair/dtime)*t_building_bef(l) & + ((ht_roof(l)*vent_ach)/3600._r8)*rho_dair(l)*cpair*taf(l) & + 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l)*(t_roof_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l)) & + 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*(t_sunw_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & + 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*(t_shdw_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & + 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l)*(t_floor_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l)) ! Solve equations call dgesv(n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, result, ldb, info) ! If dgesv fails, abort if (info /= 0) then write(iulog,*)'fl: ',fl write(iulog,*)'l: ',l write(iulog,*)'dgesv info: ',info write (iulog,*) 'dgesv error' write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() end if ! Assign new temperatures t_roof_inner(l) = result(1) t_sunw_inner(l) = result(2) t_shdw_inner(l) = result(3) t_floor(l) = result(4) t_building(l) = result(5) end if end do ! Energy balance checks do fl = 1,num_urbanl l = filter_urbanl(fl) if (urbpoi(l)) then qrd_roof(l) = - em_roofi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - em_roofi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wr(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - em_roofi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fr(l)*(t_floor(l) - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fr(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wr(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wr(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & + em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8 & + 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*(t_roof_inner(l) - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) qrd_sunw(l) = - em_sunwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - em_sunwi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - em_sunwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(t_floor(l) - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_ww(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & + em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8 & + 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*(t_sunw_inner(l) - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) qrd_shdw(l) = - em_shdwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rw(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - em_shdwi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_ww(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - em_shdwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_fw(l)*(t_floor(l) - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_rf(l)*(1._r8-em_floori(l))*vf_fw(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rw(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_ww(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & + em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8 & + 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*(t_shdw_inner(l) - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) qrd_floor(l) = - em_floori(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_rf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_rf(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - em_floori(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - em_floori(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3._r8*vf_wf(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*vf_fr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*vf_fw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l)*(t_floor(l) & - t_floor_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 4._r8*em_sunwi(l)*sb*t_sunw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) & - t_sunw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_wr(l)*(1._r8-em_roofi(l))*vf_rf(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_shdwi(l)*sb*t_shdw_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_ww(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) & - t_shdw_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_sunwi(l))*vf_wf(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & - (em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**4._r8)*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l) & - 4._r8*em_roofi(l)*sb*t_roof_inner_bef(l)**3.*vf_rw(l)*(1._r8-em_shdwi(l))*vf_wf(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) & - t_roof_inner_bef(l)) & + em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**4._r8 & + 4._r8*em_floori(l)*sb*t_floor_bef(l)**3.*(t_floor(l) - t_floor_bef(l)) qrd_building(l) = qrd_roof(l) + canyon_hwr(l)*(qrd_sunw(l) + qrd_shdw(l)) + qrd_floor(l) if (abs(qrd_building(l)) > .10_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban inside building net longwave radiation balance error ',qrd_building(l) write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() end if qcv_roof(l) = 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) - t_building(l)) + 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l)*(t_roof_inner_bef(l) & - t_building_bef(l)) qcd_roof(l) = 0.5_r8*tk_roof_innerl(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) - t_roof_innerl(l))/(zi_roof_innerl(l) - z_roof_innerl(l)) & + 0.5_r8*tk_roof_innerl(l)*(t_roof_inner_bef(l) - t_roof_innerl_bef(l))/(zi_roof_innerl(l) & - z_roof_innerl(l)) enrgy_bal_roof(l) = qrd_roof(l) + qcv_roof(l) + qcd_roof(l) if (abs(enrgy_bal_roof(l)) > .10_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban inside roof energy balance error ',enrgy_bal_roof(l) write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() end if qcv_sunw(l) = 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) - t_building(l)) + 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*(t_sunw_inner_bef(l) & - t_building_bef(l)) qcd_sunw(l) = 0.5_r8*tk_sunw_innerl(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) - t_sunw_innerl(l))/(zi_sunw_innerl(l) - z_sunw_innerl(l)) & + 0.5_r8*tk_sunw_innerl(l)*(t_sunw_inner_bef(l) - t_sunw_innerl_bef(l))/(zi_sunw_innerl(l) & - z_sunw_innerl(l)) enrgy_bal_sunw(l) = qrd_sunw(l) + qcv_sunw(l)*canyon_hwr(l) + qcd_sunw(l)*canyon_hwr(l) if (abs(enrgy_bal_sunw(l)) > .10_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban inside sunwall energy balance error ',enrgy_bal_sunw(l) write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() end if qcv_shdw(l) = 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) - t_building(l)) + 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*(t_shdw_inner_bef(l) & - t_building_bef(l)) qcd_shdw(l) = 0.5_r8*tk_shdw_innerl(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) - t_shdw_innerl(l))/(zi_shdw_innerl(l) - z_shdw_innerl(l)) & + 0.5_r8*tk_shdw_innerl(l)*(t_shdw_inner_bef(l) - t_shdw_innerl_bef(l))/(zi_shdw_innerl(l) & - z_shdw_innerl(l)) enrgy_bal_shdw(l) = qrd_shdw(l) + qcv_shdw(l)*canyon_hwr(l) + qcd_shdw(l)*canyon_hwr(l) if (abs(enrgy_bal_shdw(l)) > .10_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban inside shadewall energy balance error ',enrgy_bal_shdw(l) write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() end if qcv_floor(l) = 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l)*(t_floor(l) - t_building(l)) + 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l)*(t_floor_bef(l) & - t_building_bef(l)) qcd_floor(l) = cv_floori(l)*(t_floor(l) - t_floor_bef(l)) enrgy_bal_floor(l) = qrd_floor(l) + qcv_floor(l) + qcd_floor(l) if (abs(enrgy_bal_floor(l)) > .10_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban inside floor energy balance error ',enrgy_bal_floor(l) write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() end if enrgy_bal_buildair(l) = (ht_roof(l)*rho_dair(l)*cpair/dtime)*(t_building(l) - t_building_bef(l)) & - ht_roof(l)*(vent_ach/3600._r8)*rho_dair(l)*cpair*(taf(l) - t_building(l)) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l)*(t_roof_inner(l) - t_building(l)) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_roofi(l)*(t_roof_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l)) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*(t_sunw_inner(l) - t_building(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_sunwi(l)*(t_sunw_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*(t_shdw_inner(l) - t_building(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_shdwi(l)*(t_shdw_inner_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l))*canyon_hwr(l) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l)*(t_floor(l) - t_building(l)) & - 0.5_r8*hcv_floori(l)*(t_floor_bef(l) - t_building_bef(l)) if (abs(enrgy_bal_buildair(l)) > .10_r8 ) then write (iulog,*) 'urban building air energy balance error ',enrgy_bal_buildair(l) write (iulog,*) 'clm model is stopping' call endrun() end if end if end do ! Restrict internal building air temperature to between min and max ! Calculate heating or air conditioning flux from energy required to change ! internal building air temperature to t_building_min or t_building_max. do fl = 1,num_urbanl l = filter_urbanl(fl) if (urbpoi(l)) then if (trim(urban_hac) == urban_hac_on .or. trim(urban_hac) == urban_wasteheat_on) then t_building_bef_hac(l) = t_building(l) ! rho_dair(l) = pstd / (rair*t_building(l)) if (t_building_bef_hac(l) > t_building_max(l)) then t_building(l) = t_building_max(l) eflx_urban_ac(l) = wtlunit_roof(l) * abs( (ht_roof(l) * rho_dair(l) * cpair / dtime) * t_building(l) & - (ht_roof(l) * rho_dair(l) * cpair / dtime) * t_building_bef_hac(l) ) else if (t_building_bef_hac(l) < t_building_min(l)) then t_building(l) = t_building_min(l) eflx_urban_heat(l) = wtlunit_roof(l) * abs( (ht_roof(l) * rho_dair(l) * cpair / dtime) * t_building(l) & - (ht_roof(l) * rho_dair(l) * cpair / dtime) * t_building_bef_hac(l) ) else eflx_urban_ac(l) = 0._r8 eflx_urban_heat(l) = 0._r8 end if else eflx_urban_ac(l) = 0._r8 eflx_urban_heat(l) = 0._r8 end if eflx_building(l) = wtlunit_roof(l) * (ht_roof(l) * rho_dair(l)*cpair/dtime) * (t_building(l) - t_building_bef(l)) end if end do end associate end subroutine BuildingTemperature !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end module UrbBuildTempOleson2015Mod