module SurfaceAlbedoMod #include "shr_assert.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Performs surface albedo calculations ! ! !PUBLIC TYPES: use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg use decompMod , only : bounds_type use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil, istcrop, istdlak use clm_varcon , only : grlnd, namep use clm_varpar , only : numrad, nlevcan, nlevsno, nlevcan use clm_varctl , only : fsurdat, iulog, use_snicar_frc, use_SSRE use pftconMod , only : pftcon use SnowSnicarMod , only : sno_nbr_aer, SNICAR_RT, DO_SNO_AER, DO_SNO_OC use AerosolMod , only : aerosol_type use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type use LakeStateType , only : lakestate_type use SurfaceAlbedoType , only : surfalb_type use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type use GridcellType , only : grc use LandunitType , only : lun use ColumnType , only : col use PatchType , only : patch use CanopyHydrologyMod, only : IsSnowvegFlagOn, IsSnowvegFlagOnRad ! implicit none ! ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: SurfaceAlbedoInitTimeConst public :: SurfaceAlbedo ! Surface albedo and two-stream fluxes ! ! !PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTIONS: private :: SoilAlbedo ! Determine ground surface albedo private :: TwoStream ! Two-stream fluxes for canopy radiative transfer ! ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: ! The CLM default albice values are too high. ! Full-spectral albedo for land ice is ~0.5 (Paterson, Physics of Glaciers, 1994, p. 59) ! This is the value used in CAM3 by Pritchard et al., GRL, 35, 2008. ! albedo land ice by waveband (1=vis, 2=nir) real(r8), public :: albice(numrad) = (/ 0.80_r8, 0.55_r8 /) ! namelist default setting for inputting alblakwi real(r8), public :: lake_melt_icealb(numrad) = (/ 0.10_r8, 0.10_r8/) ! albedo frozen lakes by waveband (1=vis, 2=nir) ! unclear what the reference is for this real(r8), private :: alblak(numrad) = (/0.60_r8, 0.40_r8/) ! albedo of melting lakes due to puddling, open water, or white ice ! From D. Mironov (2010) Boreal Env. Research ! To revert albedo of melting lakes to the cold snow-free value, set ! lake_melt_icealb namelist to 0.60, 0.40 like alblak above. real(r8), private :: alblakwi(numrad) ! Coefficient for calculating ice "fraction" for lake surface albedo ! From D. Mironov (2010) Boreal Env. Research real(r8), parameter :: calb = 95.6_r8 ! ! !PRIVATE DATA MEMBERS: ! Snow in vegetation canopy namelist options. logical, private :: snowveg_onrad = .true. ! snowveg_flag = 'ON_RAD' ! ! !PRIVATE DATA FUNCTIONS: real(r8), allocatable, private :: albsat(:,:) ! wet soil albedo by color class and waveband (1=vis,2=nir) real(r8), allocatable, private :: albdry(:,:) ! dry soil albedo by color class and waveband (1=vis,2=nir) integer , allocatable, private :: isoicol(:) ! column soil color class character(len=*), parameter, private :: sourcefile = & __FILE__ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine SurfaceAlbedoInitTimeConst(bounds) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initialize module time constant variables ! ! !USES: use shr_log_mod, only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg use fileutils , only : getfil use abortutils , only : endrun use ncdio_pio , only : file_desc_t, ncd_defvar, ncd_io, ncd_pio_openfile, ncd_pio_closefile use spmdMod , only : masterproc ! ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer :: c,g ! indices integer :: mxsoil_color ! maximum number of soil color classes type(file_desc_t) :: ncid ! netcdf id character(len=256) :: locfn ! local filename integer :: ier ! error status logical :: readvar integer ,pointer :: soic2d (:) ! read in - soil color !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate module variable for soil color allocate(isoicol(bounds%begc:bounds%endc)) ! Determine soil color and number of soil color classes call getfil (fsurdat, locfn, 0) call ncd_pio_openfile (ncid, locfn, 0) call ncd_io(ncid=ncid, varname='mxsoil_color', flag='read', data=mxsoil_color, readvar=readvar) if ( .not. readvar ) then call endrun(msg=' ERROR: mxsoil_color NOT on surfdata file '//errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) end if allocate(soic2d(bounds%begg:bounds%endg)) call ncd_io(ncid=ncid, varname='SOIL_COLOR', flag='read', data=soic2d, dim1name=grlnd, readvar=readvar) if (.not. readvar) then call endrun(msg=' ERROR: SOIL_COLOR NOT on surfdata file'//errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) end if do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc g = col%gridcell(c) isoicol(c) = soic2d(g) end do deallocate(soic2d) call ncd_pio_closefile(ncid) ! Determine saturated and dry soil albedos for n color classes and ! numrad wavebands (1=vis, 2=nir) allocate(albsat(mxsoil_color,numrad), albdry(mxsoil_color,numrad), stat=ier) if (ier /= 0) then write(iulog,*)'allocation error for albsat, albdry' call endrun(msg=errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) end if if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read soil colo data .....' end if if (mxsoil_color == 8) then albsat(1:8,1) = (/0.12_r8,0.11_r8,0.10_r8,0.09_r8,0.08_r8,0.07_r8,0.06_r8,0.05_r8/) albsat(1:8,2) = (/0.24_r8,0.22_r8,0.20_r8,0.18_r8,0.16_r8,0.14_r8,0.12_r8,0.10_r8/) albdry(1:8,1) = (/0.24_r8,0.22_r8,0.20_r8,0.18_r8,0.16_r8,0.14_r8,0.12_r8,0.10_r8/) albdry(1:8,2) = (/0.48_r8,0.44_r8,0.40_r8,0.36_r8,0.32_r8,0.28_r8,0.24_r8,0.20_r8/) else if (mxsoil_color == 20) then albsat(1:20,1) = (/0.25_r8,0.23_r8,0.21_r8,0.20_r8,0.19_r8,0.18_r8,0.17_r8,0.16_r8,& 0.15_r8,0.14_r8,0.13_r8,0.12_r8,0.11_r8,0.10_r8,0.09_r8,0.08_r8,0.07_r8,0.06_r8,0.05_r8,0.04_r8/) albsat(1:20,2) = (/0.50_r8,0.46_r8,0.42_r8,0.40_r8,0.38_r8,0.36_r8,0.34_r8,0.32_r8,& 0.30_r8,0.28_r8,0.26_r8,0.24_r8,0.22_r8,0.20_r8,0.18_r8,0.16_r8,0.14_r8,0.12_r8,0.10_r8,0.08_r8/) albdry(1:20,1) = (/0.36_r8,0.34_r8,0.32_r8,0.31_r8,0.30_r8,0.29_r8,0.28_r8,0.27_r8,& 0.26_r8,0.25_r8,0.24_r8,0.23_r8,0.22_r8,0.20_r8,0.18_r8,0.16_r8,0.14_r8,0.12_r8,0.10_r8,0.08_r8/) albdry(1:20,2) = (/0.61_r8,0.57_r8,0.53_r8,0.51_r8,0.49_r8,0.48_r8,0.45_r8,0.43_r8,& 0.41_r8,0.39_r8,0.37_r8,0.35_r8,0.33_r8,0.31_r8,0.29_r8,0.27_r8,0.25_r8,0.23_r8,0.21_r8,0.16_r8/) else write(iulog,*)'maximum color class = ',mxsoil_color,' is not supported' call endrun(msg=errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) end if ! Set alblakwi alblakwi(:) = lake_melt_icealb(:) end subroutine SurfaceAlbedoInitTimeConst !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine SurfaceAlbedo(bounds,nc, & num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & num_nourbanp, filter_nourbanp, & num_urbanc , filter_urbanc, & num_urbanp , filter_urbanp, & nextsw_cday , declinp1, & clm_fates, & aerosol_inst, canopystate_inst, waterstate_inst, & lakestate_inst, temperature_inst, surfalb_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Surface albedo and two-stream fluxes ! Surface albedos. Also fluxes (per unit incoming direct and diffuse ! radiation) reflected, transmitted, and absorbed by vegetation. ! Calculate sunlit and shaded fluxes as described by ! Bonan et al (2011) JGR, 116, doi:10.1029/2010JG001593 and extended to ! a multi-layer canopy to calculate APAR profile ! ! The calling sequence is: ! -> SurfaceAlbedo: albedos for next time step ! -> SoilAlbedo: soil/lake/glacier/wetland albedos ! -> SNICAR_RT: snow albedos: direct beam (SNICAR) ! -> SNICAR_RT: snow albedos: diffuse (SNICAR) ! -> TwoStream: absorbed, reflected, transmitted solar fluxes (vis dir,vis dif, nir dir, nir dif) ! ! Note that this is called with the "inactive_and_active" version of the filters, because ! the variables computed here are needed over inactive points that might later become ! active (due to landuse change). Thus, this routine cannot depend on variables that are ! only computed over active points. ! ! !USES: use shr_orb_mod use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep use abortutils , only : endrun use clm_varctl , only : subgridflag, use_snicar_frc, use_fates use CLMFatesInterfaceMod, only : hlm_fates_interface_type ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds integer , intent(in) :: nc ! clump index integer , intent(in) :: num_nourbanc ! number of columns in non-urban filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_nourbanc(:) ! column filter for non-urban points integer , intent(in) :: num_nourbanp ! number of patches in non-urban filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_nourbanp(:) ! patch filter for non-urban points integer , intent(in) :: num_urbanc ! number of columns in urban filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_urbanc(:) ! column filter for urban points integer , intent(in) :: num_urbanp ! number of patches in urban filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_urbanp(:) ! patch filter for rban points real(r8) , intent(in) :: nextsw_cday ! calendar day at Greenwich (1.00, ..., days/year) real(r8) , intent(in) :: declinp1 ! declination angle (radians) for next time step type(hlm_fates_interface_type), intent(inout) :: clm_fates type(aerosol_type) , intent(in) :: aerosol_inst type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_inst type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_inst type(lakestate_type) , intent(in) :: lakestate_inst type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_inst type(surfalb_type) , intent(inout) :: surfalb_inst ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer :: i ! index for layers [idx] integer :: aer ! index for sno_nbr_aer real(r8) :: extkn ! nitrogen allocation coefficient integer :: fp,fc,g,c,p,iv ! indices integer :: ib ! band index integer :: ic ! 0=unit incoming direct; 1=unit incoming diffuse real(r8) :: dinc ! lai+sai increment for canopy layer real(r8) :: dincmax ! maximum lai+sai increment for canopy layer real(r8) :: dincmax_sum ! cumulative sum of maximum lai+sai increment for canopy layer real(r8) :: laisum ! sum of canopy layer lai for error check real(r8) :: saisum ! sum of canopy layer sai for error check integer :: flg_slr ! flag for SNICAR (=1 if direct, =2 if diffuse) integer :: flg_snw_ice ! flag for SNICAR (=1 when called from CLM, =2 when called from sea-ice) integer :: num_vegsol ! number of vegetated patches where coszen>0 integer :: num_novegsol ! number of vegetated patches where coszen>0 integer :: filter_vegsol (bounds%endp-bounds%begp+1) ! patch filter where vegetated and coszen>0 integer :: filter_novegsol (bounds%endp-bounds%begp+1) ! patch filter where vegetated and coszen>0 real(r8) :: wl (bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! fraction of LAI+SAI that is LAI real(r8) :: ws (bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! fraction of LAI+SAI that is SAI real(r8) :: blai(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! lai buried by snow: tlai - elai real(r8) :: bsai(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! sai buried by snow: tsai - esai real(r8) :: coszen_gcell (bounds%begg:bounds%endg) ! cosine solar zenith angle for next time step (grc) real(r8) :: coszen_patch (bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! cosine solar zenith angle for next time step (patch) real(r8) :: rho(bounds%begp:bounds%endp,numrad) ! leaf/stem refl weighted by fraction LAI and SAI real(r8) :: tau(bounds%begp:bounds%endp,numrad) ! leaf/stem tran weighted by fraction LAI and SAI real(r8) :: albsfc (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! albedo of surface underneath snow (col,bnd) real(r8) :: albsnd(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! snow albedo (direct) real(r8) :: albsni(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! snow albedo (diffuse) real(r8) :: albsnd_pur (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! direct pure snow albedo (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: albsni_pur (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! diffuse pure snow albedo (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: albsnd_bc (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! direct snow albedo without BC (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: albsni_bc (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! diffuse snow albedo without BC (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: albsnd_oc (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! direct snow albedo without OC (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: albsni_oc (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! diffuse snow albedo without OC (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: albsnd_dst (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! direct snow albedo without dust (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: albsni_dst (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,numrad) ! diffuse snow albedo without dust (radiative forcing) real(r8) :: flx_absd_snw (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:1,numrad) ! flux absorption factor for just snow (direct) [frc] real(r8) :: flx_absi_snw (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:1,numrad) ! flux absorption factor for just snow (diffuse) [frc] real(r8) :: foo_snw (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:1,numrad) ! dummy array for forcing calls real(r8) :: h2osno_liq (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0) ! liquid snow content (col,lyr) [kg m-2] real(r8) :: h2osno_ice (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0) ! ice content in snow (col,lyr) [kg m-2] integer :: snw_rds_in (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0) ! snow grain size sent to SNICAR (col,lyr) [microns] real(r8) :: mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_pur (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer) ! mass concentration of aerosol species for forcing calculation (zero) (col,lyr,aer) [kg kg-1] real(r8) :: mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer) ! mass concentration of aerosol species for BC forcing (col,lyr,aer) [kg kg-1] real(r8) :: mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer) ! mass concentration of aerosol species for OC forcing (col,lyr,aer) [kg kg-1] real(r8) :: mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer) ! mass concentration of aerosol species for dust forcing (col,lyr,aer) [kg kg-1] real(r8) :: mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb (bounds%begc:bounds%endc,-nlevsno+1:0,sno_nbr_aer) ! mass concentration of all aerosol species for feedback calculation (col,lyr,aer) [kg kg-1] real(r8), parameter :: mpe = 1.e-06_r8 ! prevents overflow for division by zero integer , parameter :: nband =numrad ! number of solar radiation waveband classes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- associate(& rhol => pftcon%rhol , & ! Input: leaf reflectance: 1=vis, 2=nir rhos => pftcon%rhos , & ! Input: stem reflectance: 1=vis, 2=nir taul => pftcon%taul , & ! Input: leaf transmittance: 1=vis, 2=nir taus => pftcon%taus , & ! Input: stem transmittance: 1=vis, 2=nir tlai => canopystate_inst%tlai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided leaf area index, no burying by snow tsai => canopystate_inst%tsai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided stem area index, no burying by snow elai => canopystate_inst%elai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided leaf area index with burying by snow esai => canopystate_inst%esai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided stem area index with burying by snow frac_sno => waterstate_inst%frac_sno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of ground covered by snow (0 to 1) h2osno => waterstate_inst%h2osno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] snow water (mm H2O) h2osoi_liq => waterstate_inst%h2osoi_liq_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] liquid water content (col,lyr) [kg/m2] h2osoi_ice => waterstate_inst%h2osoi_ice_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ice lens content (col,lyr) [kg/m2] snw_rds => waterstate_inst%snw_rds_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] snow grain radius (col,lyr) [microns] mss_cnc_bcphi => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_bcphi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of hydrophilic BC (col,lyr) [kg/kg] mss_cnc_bcpho => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_bcpho_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of hydrophobic BC (col,lyr) [kg/kg] mss_cnc_ocphi => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_ocphi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of hydrophilic OC (col,lyr) [kg/kg] mss_cnc_ocpho => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_ocpho_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of hydrophobic OC (col,lyr) [kg/kg] mss_cnc_dst1 => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_dst1_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of dust aerosol species 1 (col,lyr) [kg/kg] mss_cnc_dst2 => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_dst2_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of dust aerosol species 2 (col,lyr) [kg/kg] mss_cnc_dst3 => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_dst3_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of dust aerosol species 3 (col,lyr) [kg/kg] mss_cnc_dst4 => aerosol_inst%mss_cnc_dst4_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass concentration of dust aerosol species 4 (col,lyr) [kg/kg] fsun_z => surfalb_inst%fsun_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] sunlit fraction of canopy layer tlai_z => surfalb_inst%tlai_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] tlai increment for canopy layer tsai_z => surfalb_inst%tsai_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] tsai increment for canopy layer vcmaxcintsun => surfalb_inst%vcmaxcintsun_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf to canopy scaling coefficient, sunlit leaf vcmax vcmaxcintsha => surfalb_inst%vcmaxcintsha_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf to canopy scaling coefficient, shaded leaf vcmax ncan => surfalb_inst%ncan_patch , & ! Output: [integer (:) ] number of canopy layers nrad => surfalb_inst%nrad_patch , & ! Output: [integer (:) ] number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer coszen_col => surfalb_inst%coszen_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] cosine of solar zenith angle albgrd => surfalb_inst%albgrd_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo (direct) albgri => surfalb_inst%albgri_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo (diffuse) albsod => surfalb_inst%albsod_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] direct-beam soil albedo (col,bnd) [frc] albsoi => surfalb_inst%albsoi_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] diffuse soil albedo (col,bnd) [frc] albgrd_pur => surfalb_inst%albgrd_pur_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] pure snow ground albedo (direct) albgri_pur => surfalb_inst%albgri_pur_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] pure snow ground albedo (diffuse) albgrd_bc => surfalb_inst%albgrd_bc_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo without BC (direct) albgri_bc => surfalb_inst%albgri_bc_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo without BC (diffuse) albgrd_oc => surfalb_inst%albgrd_oc_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo without OC (direct) albgri_oc => surfalb_inst%albgri_oc_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo without OC (diffuse) albgrd_dst => surfalb_inst%albgrd_dst_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo without dust (direct) albgri_dst => surfalb_inst%albgri_dst_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo without dust (diffuse) albsnd_hst => surfalb_inst%albsnd_hst_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] snow albedo, direct, for history files (col,bnd) [frc] albsni_hst => surfalb_inst%albsni_hst_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] snow ground albedo, diffuse, for history files (col,bnd) [frc] albd => surfalb_inst%albd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] surface albedo (direct) albi => surfalb_inst%albi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] surface albedo (diffuse) albdSF => surfalb_inst%albdSF_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] diagnostic snow-free surface albedo (direct) albiSF => surfalb_inst%albiSF_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] diagnostic snow-free surface albedo (diffuse) fabd => surfalb_inst%fabd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by canopy per unit direct flux fabd_sun => surfalb_inst%fabd_sun_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by sunlit canopy per unit direct flux fabd_sha => surfalb_inst%fabd_sha_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by shaded canopy per unit direct flux fabi => surfalb_inst%fabi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by canopy per unit diffuse flux fabi_sun => surfalb_inst%fabi_sun_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by sunlit canopy per unit diffuse flux fabi_sha => surfalb_inst%fabi_sha_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by shaded canopy per unit diffuse flux ftdd => surfalb_inst%ftdd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] down direct flux below canopy per unit direct flux ftid => surfalb_inst%ftid_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] down diffuse flux below canopy per unit direct flux ftii => surfalb_inst%ftii_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] down diffuse flux below canopy per unit diffuse flux flx_absdv => surfalb_inst%flx_absdv_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] direct flux absorption factor (col,lyr): VIS [frc] flx_absdn => surfalb_inst%flx_absdn_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] direct flux absorption factor (col,lyr): NIR [frc] flx_absiv => surfalb_inst%flx_absiv_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] diffuse flux absorption factor (col,lyr): VIS [frc] flx_absin => surfalb_inst%flx_absin_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] diffuse flux absorption factor (col,lyr): NIR [frc] fabd_sun_z => surfalb_inst%fabd_sun_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed sunlit leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer fabd_sha_z => surfalb_inst%fabd_sha_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed shaded leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer fabi_sun_z => surfalb_inst%fabi_sun_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed sunlit leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer fabi_sha_z => surfalb_inst%fabi_sha_z_patch & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed shaded leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer ) ! Cosine solar zenith angle for next time step do g = bounds%begg,bounds%endg coszen_gcell(g) = shr_orb_cosz (nextsw_cday, grc%lat(g), grc%lon(g), declinp1) end do do c = bounds%begc,bounds%endc g = col%gridcell(c) coszen_col(c) = coszen_gcell(g) end do do fp = 1,num_nourbanp p = filter_nourbanp(fp) g = patch%gridcell(p) coszen_patch(p) = coszen_gcell(g) end do ! Initialize output because solar radiation only done if coszen > 0 do ib = 1, numrad do fc = 1,num_nourbanc c = filter_nourbanc(fc) albsod(c,ib) = 0._r8 albsoi(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgrd(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgri(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgrd_pur(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgri_pur(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgrd_bc(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgri_bc(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgrd_oc(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgri_oc(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgrd_dst(c,ib) = 0._r8 albgri_dst(c,ib) = 0._r8 do i=-nlevsno+1,1,1 flx_absdv(c,i) = 0._r8 flx_absdn(c,i) = 0._r8 flx_absiv(c,i) = 0._r8 flx_absin(c,i) = 0._r8 enddo end do do fp = 1,num_nourbanp p = filter_nourbanp(fp) albd(p,ib) = 1._r8 albi(p,ib) = 1._r8 if (use_SSRE) then albdSF(p,ib) = 1._r8 albiSF(p,ib) = 1._r8 end if fabd(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabd_sun(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabd_sha(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabi(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabi_sun(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabi_sha(p,ib) = 0._r8 ftdd(p,ib) = 0._r8 ftid(p,ib) = 0._r8 ftii(p,ib) = 0._r8 end do end do ! end of numrad loop ! SoilAlbedo called before SNICAR_RT ! so that reflectance of soil beneath snow column is known ! ahead of time for snow RT calculation. ! Snow albedos ! Note that snow albedo routine will only compute nonzero snow albedos ! where h2osno> 0 and coszen > 0 ! Ground surface albedos ! Note that ground albedo routine will only compute nonzero snow albedos ! where coszen > 0 call SoilAlbedo(bounds, & num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & albsnd(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsni(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & lakestate_inst, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst, surfalb_inst) ! set variables to pass to SNICAR. flg_snw_ice = 1 ! calling from CLM, not CSIM do c=bounds%begc,bounds%endc albsfc(c,:) = albsoi(c,:) h2osno_liq(c,:) = h2osoi_liq(c,-nlevsno+1:0) h2osno_ice(c,:) = h2osoi_ice(c,-nlevsno+1:0) snw_rds_in(c,:) = nint(snw_rds(c,:)) end do ! zero aerosol input arrays do aer = 1, sno_nbr_aer do i = -nlevsno+1, 0 do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_pur(c,i,aer) = 0._r8 mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(c,i,aer) = 0._r8 mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(c,i,aer) = 0._r8 mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst(c,i,aer) = 0._r8 mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(c,i,aer) = 0._r8 end do end do end do ! Set aerosol input arrays ! feedback input arrays have been zeroed ! set soot and dust aerosol concentrations: if (DO_SNO_AER) then mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,1) = mss_cnc_bcphi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,2) = mss_cnc_bcpho(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) ! DO_SNO_OC is set in SNICAR_varpar. Default case is to ignore OC concentrations because: ! 1) Knowledge of their optical properties is primitive ! 2) When 'water-soluble' OPAC optical properties are applied to OC in snow, ! it has a negligible darkening effect. if (DO_SNO_OC) then mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,3) = mss_cnc_ocphi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,4) = mss_cnc_ocpho(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) endif mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,5) = mss_cnc_dst1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,6) = mss_cnc_dst2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,7) = mss_cnc_dst3(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,8) = mss_cnc_dst4(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) endif ! If radiative forcing is being calculated, first estimate clean-snow albedo if (use_snicar_frc) then ! 1. BC input array: ! set dust and (optionally) OC concentrations, so BC_FRC=[(BC+OC+dust)-(OC+dust)] mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,5) = mss_cnc_dst1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,6) = mss_cnc_dst2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,7) = mss_cnc_dst3(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,8) = mss_cnc_dst4(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) if (DO_SNO_OC) then mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,3) = mss_cnc_ocphi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,4) = mss_cnc_ocpho(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) endif ! BC FORCING CALCULATIONS flg_slr = 1; ! direct-beam call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsnd_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) flg_slr = 2; ! diffuse call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsni_bc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) ! 2. OC input array: ! set BC and dust concentrations, so OC_FRC=[(BC+OC+dust)-(BC+dust)] if (DO_SNO_OC) then mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,1) = mss_cnc_bcphi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,2) = mss_cnc_bcpho(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,5) = mss_cnc_dst1(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,6) = mss_cnc_dst2(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,7) = mss_cnc_dst3(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,8) = mss_cnc_dst4(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) ! OC FORCING CALCULATIONS flg_slr = 1; ! direct-beam call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsnd_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) flg_slr = 2; ! diffuse call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsni_oc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) endif ! 3. DUST input array: ! set BC and OC concentrations, so DST_FRC=[(BC+OC+dust)-(BC+OC)] mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,1) = mss_cnc_bcphi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,2) = mss_cnc_bcpho(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) if (DO_SNO_OC) then mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,3) = mss_cnc_ocphi(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:,4) = mss_cnc_ocpho(bounds%begc:bounds%endc,:) endif ! DUST FORCING CALCULATIONS flg_slr = 1; ! direct-beam call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsnd_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) flg_slr = 2; ! diffuse call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsni_dst(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) ! 4. ALL AEROSOL FORCING CALCULATION ! (pure snow albedo) flg_slr = 1; ! direct-beam call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_pur(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsnd_pur(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) flg_slr = 2; ! diffuse call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_frc_pur(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsni_pur(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & foo_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) end if ! CLIMATE FEEDBACK CALCULATIONS, ALL AEROSOLS: flg_slr = 1; ! direct-beam call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsnd(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & flx_absd_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) flg_slr = 2; ! diffuse call SNICAR_RT(flg_snw_ice, bounds, num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen_col(bounds%begc:bounds%endc), & flg_slr, & h2osno_liq(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & h2osno_ice(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & snw_rds_in(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & mss_cnc_aer_in_fdb(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & albsfc(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & albsni(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :), & flx_absi_snw(bounds%begc:bounds%endc, :, :), & waterstate_inst) ! ground albedos and snow-fraction weighting of snow absorption factors do ib = 1, nband do fc = 1,num_nourbanc c = filter_nourbanc(fc) if (coszen_col(c) > 0._r8) then ! ground albedo was originally computed in SoilAlbedo, but is now computed here ! because the order of SoilAlbedo and SNICAR_RT was switched for SNICAR. albgrd(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib)*(1._r8-frac_sno(c)) + albsnd(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) albgri(c,ib) = albsoi(c,ib)*(1._r8-frac_sno(c)) + albsni(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) ! albedos for radiative forcing calculations: if (use_snicar_frc) then ! BC forcing albedo albgrd_bc(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsnd_bc(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) albgri_bc(c,ib) = albsoi(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsni_bc(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) if (DO_SNO_OC) then ! OC forcing albedo albgrd_oc(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsnd_oc(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) albgri_oc(c,ib) = albsoi(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsni_oc(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) endif ! dust forcing albedo albgrd_dst(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsnd_dst(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) albgri_dst(c,ib) = albsoi(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsni_dst(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) ! pure snow albedo for all-aerosol radiative forcing albgrd_pur(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsnd_pur(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) albgri_pur(c,ib) = albsoi(c,ib)*(1.-frac_sno(c)) + albsni_pur(c,ib)*frac_sno(c) end if ! also in this loop (but optionally in a different loop for vectorized code) ! weight snow layer radiative absorption factors based on snow fraction and soil albedo ! (NEEDED FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION) do i = -nlevsno+1,1,1 if (subgridflag == 0 .or. lun%itype(col%landunit(c)) == istdlak) then if (ib == 1) then flx_absdv(c,i) = flx_absd_snw(c,i,ib)*frac_sno(c) + & ((1.-frac_sno(c))*(1-albsod(c,ib))*(flx_absd_snw(c,i,ib)/(1.-albsnd(c,ib)))) flx_absiv(c,i) = flx_absi_snw(c,i,ib)*frac_sno(c) + & ((1.-frac_sno(c))*(1-albsoi(c,ib))*(flx_absi_snw(c,i,ib)/(1.-albsni(c,ib)))) elseif (ib == 2) then flx_absdn(c,i) = flx_absd_snw(c,i,ib)*frac_sno(c) + & ((1.-frac_sno(c))*(1-albsod(c,ib))*(flx_absd_snw(c,i,ib)/(1.-albsnd(c,ib)))) flx_absin(c,i) = flx_absi_snw(c,i,ib)*frac_sno(c) + & ((1.-frac_sno(c))*(1-albsoi(c,ib))*(flx_absi_snw(c,i,ib)/(1.-albsni(c,ib)))) endif else if (ib == 1) then flx_absdv(c,i) = flx_absd_snw(c,i,ib) flx_absiv(c,i) = flx_absi_snw(c,i,ib) elseif (ib == 2) then flx_absdn(c,i) = flx_absd_snw(c,i,ib) flx_absin(c,i) = flx_absi_snw(c,i,ib) endif endif enddo endif enddo enddo ! For diagnostics, set snow albedo to spval over non-snow non-urban points ! so that it is not averaged in history buffer (OPTIONAL) ! TODO - this is set to 0 not spval - seems wrong since it will be averaged in do ib = 1, nband do fc = 1,num_nourbanc c = filter_nourbanc(fc) if ((coszen_col(c) > 0._r8) .and. (h2osno(c) > 0._r8)) then albsnd_hst(c,ib) = albsnd(c,ib) albsni_hst(c,ib) = albsni(c,ib) else albsnd_hst(c,ib) = 0._r8 albsni_hst(c,ib) = 0._r8 endif enddo enddo ! Create solar-vegetated filter for the following calculations num_vegsol = 0 num_novegsol = 0 do fp = 1,num_nourbanp p = filter_nourbanp(fp) if (coszen_patch(p) > 0._r8) then if ((lun%itype(patch%landunit(p)) == istsoil .or. & lun%itype(patch%landunit(p)) == istcrop ) & .and. (elai(p) + esai(p)) > 0._r8) then num_vegsol = num_vegsol + 1 filter_vegsol(num_vegsol) = p else num_novegsol = num_novegsol + 1 filter_novegsol(num_novegsol) = p end if end if end do ! Weight reflectance/transmittance by lai and sai ! Only perform on vegetated patches where coszen > 0 do fp = 1,num_vegsol p = filter_vegsol(fp) wl(p) = elai(p) / max( elai(p)+esai(p), mpe ) ws(p) = esai(p) / max( elai(p)+esai(p), mpe ) end do do ib = 1, numrad do fp = 1,num_vegsol p = filter_vegsol(fp) rho(p,ib) = max( rhol(patch%itype(p),ib)*wl(p) + rhos(patch%itype(p),ib)*ws(p), mpe ) tau(p,ib) = max( taul(patch%itype(p),ib)*wl(p) + taus(patch%itype(p),ib)*ws(p), mpe ) end do end do ! Diagnose number of canopy layers for radiative transfer, in increments of dincmax. ! Add to number of layers so long as cumulative leaf+stem area does not exceed total ! leaf+stem area. Then add any remaining leaf+stem area to next layer and exit the loop. ! Do this first for elai and esai (not buried by snow) and then for the part of the ! canopy that is buried by snow. ! ------------------ ! tlai_z = leaf area increment for a layer ! tsai_z = stem area increment for a layer ! nrad = number of canopy layers above snow ! ncan = total number of canopy layers ! ! tlai_z summed from 1 to nrad = elai ! tlai_z summed from 1 to ncan = tlai ! tsai_z summed from 1 to nrad = esai ! tsai_z summed from 1 to ncan = tsai ! ------------------ ! ! Canopy layering needs to be done for all "num_nourbanp" not "num_vegsol" ! because layering is needed for all time steps regardless of radiation ! ! Sun/shade big leaf code uses only one layer (nrad = ncan = 1), triggered by ! nlevcan = 1 dincmax = 0.25_r8 do fp = 1,num_nourbanp p = filter_nourbanp(fp) if (nlevcan == 1) then nrad(p) = 1 ncan(p) = 1 tlai_z(p,1) = elai(p) tsai_z(p,1) = esai(p) else if (nlevcan > 1) then if (elai(p)+esai(p) == 0._r8) then nrad(p) = 0 else dincmax_sum = 0._r8 do iv = 1, nlevcan dincmax_sum = dincmax_sum + dincmax if (((elai(p)+esai(p))-dincmax_sum) > 1.e-06_r8) then nrad(p) = iv dinc = dincmax tlai_z(p,iv) = dinc * elai(p) / max(elai(p)+esai(p), mpe) tsai_z(p,iv) = dinc * esai(p) / max(elai(p)+esai(p), mpe) else nrad(p) = iv dinc = dincmax - (dincmax_sum - (elai(p)+esai(p))) tlai_z(p,iv) = dinc * elai(p) / max(elai(p)+esai(p), mpe) tsai_z(p,iv) = dinc * esai(p) / max(elai(p)+esai(p), mpe) exit end if end do ! Mimumum of 4 canopy layers if (nrad(p) < 4) then nrad(p) = 4 do iv = 1, nrad(p) tlai_z(p,iv) = elai(p) / nrad(p) tsai_z(p,iv) = esai(p) / nrad(p) end do end if end if end if ! Error check: make sure cumulative of increments does not exceed total laisum = 0._r8 saisum = 0._r8 do iv = 1, nrad(p) laisum = laisum + tlai_z(p,iv) saisum = saisum + tsai_z(p,iv) end do if (abs(laisum-elai(p)) > 1.e-06_r8 .or. abs(saisum-esai(p)) > 1.e-06_r8) then write (iulog,*) 'multi-layer canopy error 01 in SurfaceAlbedo: ',& nrad(p),elai(p),laisum,esai(p),saisum call endrun(decomp_index=p, clmlevel=namep, msg=errmsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) end if ! Repeat to find canopy layers buried by snow if (nlevcan > 1) then blai(p) = tlai(p) - elai(p) bsai(p) = tsai(p) - esai(p) if (blai(p)+bsai(p) == 0._r8) then ncan(p) = nrad(p) else dincmax_sum = 0._r8 do iv = nrad(p)+1, nlevcan dincmax_sum = dincmax_sum + dincmax if (((blai(p)+bsai(p))-dincmax_sum) > 1.e-06_r8) then ncan(p) = iv dinc = dincmax tlai_z(p,iv) = dinc * blai(p) / max(blai(p)+bsai(p), mpe) tsai_z(p,iv) = dinc * bsai(p) / max(blai(p)+bsai(p), mpe) else ncan(p) = iv dinc = dincmax - (dincmax_sum - (blai(p)+bsai(p))) tlai_z(p,iv) = dinc * blai(p) / max(blai(p)+bsai(p), mpe) tsai_z(p,iv) = dinc * bsai(p) / max(blai(p)+bsai(p), mpe) exit end if end do end if ! Error check: make sure cumulative of increments does not exceed total laisum = 0._r8 saisum = 0._r8 do iv = 1, ncan(p) laisum = laisum + tlai_z(p,iv) saisum = saisum + tsai_z(p,iv) end do if (abs(laisum-tlai(p)) > 1.e-06_r8 .or. abs(saisum-tsai(p)) > 1.e-06_r8) then write (iulog,*) 'multi-layer canopy error 02 in SurfaceAlbedo: ',nrad(p),ncan(p) write (iulog,*) tlai(p),elai(p),blai(p),laisum,tsai(p),esai(p),bsai(p),saisum call endrun(decomp_index=p, clmlevel=namep, msg=errmsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) end if end if end do ! Zero fluxes for active canopy layers do fp = 1,num_nourbanp p = filter_nourbanp(fp) do iv = 1, nrad(p) fabd_sun_z(p,iv) = 0._r8 fabd_sha_z(p,iv) = 0._r8 fabi_sun_z(p,iv) = 0._r8 fabi_sha_z(p,iv) = 0._r8 fsun_z(p,iv) = 0._r8 end do end do ! Default leaf to canopy scaling coefficients, used when coszen <= 0. ! This is the leaf nitrogen profile integrated over the full canopy. ! Integrate exp(-kn*x) over x=0 to x=elai and assign to shaded canopy, ! because sunlit fraction is 0. Canopy scaling coefficients are set in ! TwoStream for coszen > 0. So kn must be set here and in TwoStream. extkn = 0.30_r8 do fp = 1,num_nourbanp p = filter_nourbanp(fp) if (nlevcan == 1) then vcmaxcintsun(p) = 0._r8 vcmaxcintsha(p) = (1._r8 - exp(-extkn*elai(p))) / extkn if (elai(p) > 0._r8) then vcmaxcintsha(p) = vcmaxcintsha(p) / elai(p) else vcmaxcintsha(p) = 0._r8 end if else if (nlevcan > 1) then vcmaxcintsun(p) = 0._r8 vcmaxcintsha(p) = 0._r8 end if end do ! Calculate surface albedos and fluxes ! Only perform on vegetated pfts where coszen > 0 if (use_fates) then call clm_fates%wrap_canopy_radiation(bounds, nc, & num_vegsol, filter_vegsol, & coszen_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), surfalb_inst) else call TwoStream (bounds, filter_vegsol, num_vegsol, & coszen_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), & rho(bounds%begp:bounds%endp, :), & tau(bounds%begp:bounds%endp, :), & canopystate_inst, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst, surfalb_inst) ! Run TwoStream again just to calculate the Snow Free (SF) albedo's if (use_SSRE) then if ( nlevcan > 1 )then call endrun( 'ERROR: use_ssre option was NOT developed with allowance for multi-layer canopy: '// & 'nlevcan can ONLY be 1 in when use_ssre is on') end if call TwoStream (bounds, filter_vegsol, num_vegsol, & coszen_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), & rho(bounds%begp:bounds%endp, :), & tau(bounds%begp:bounds%endp, :), & canopystate_inst, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst, surfalb_inst, & SFonly=.true.) end if endif ! Determine values for non-vegetated patches where coszen > 0 do ib = 1,numrad do fp = 1,num_novegsol p = filter_novegsol(fp) c = patch%column(p) fabd(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabd_sun(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabd_sha(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabi(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabi_sun(p,ib) = 0._r8 fabi_sha(p,ib) = 0._r8 ftdd(p,ib) = 1._r8 ftid(p,ib) = 0._r8 ftii(p,ib) = 1._r8 albd(p,ib) = albgrd(c,ib) albi(p,ib) = albgri(c,ib) if (use_SSRE) then albdSF(p,ib) = albsod(c,ib) albiSF(p,ib) = albsoi(c,ib) end if end do end do end associate end subroutine SurfaceAlbedo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine SoilAlbedo (bounds, & num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, & coszen, albsnd, albsni, & lakestate_inst, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst, surfalb_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Determine ground surface albedo, accounting for snow ! ! !USES: use clm_varpar , only : numrad use clm_varcon , only : tfrz use landunit_varcon , only : istice_mec, istdlak use LakeCon , only : lakepuddling ! ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds integer , intent(in) :: num_nourbanc ! number of columns in non-urban points in column filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_nourbanc(:) ! column filter for non-urban points real(r8), intent(in) :: coszen( bounds%begc: ) ! cos solar zenith angle next time step [col] real(r8), intent(in) :: albsnd( bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! snow albedo (direct) [col, numrad] real(r8), intent(in) :: albsni( bounds%begc: , 1: ) ! snow albedo (diffuse) [col, numrad] type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_inst type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_inst type(lakestate_type) , intent(in) :: lakestate_inst type(surfalb_type) , intent(inout) :: surfalb_inst ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: ! integer, parameter :: nband =numrad ! number of solar radiation waveband classes integer :: fc ! non-urban filter column index integer :: c,l ! indices integer :: ib ! waveband number (1=vis, 2=nir) real(r8) :: inc ! soil water correction factor for soil albedo integer :: soilcol ! soilcolor real(r8) :: sicefr ! Lake surface ice fraction (based on D. Mironov 2010) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enforce expected array sizes SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(coszen) == (/bounds%endc/)), errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(albsnd) == (/bounds%endc, numrad/)), errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(albsni) == (/bounds%endc, numrad/)), errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) associate(& snl => col%snl , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] number of snow layers t_grnd => temperature_inst%t_grnd_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] ground temperature (Kelvin) h2osoi_vol => waterstate_inst%h2osoi_vol_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] volumetric soil water [m3/m3] lake_icefrac => lakestate_inst%lake_icefrac_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] mass fraction of lake layer that is frozen albgrd => surfalb_inst%albgrd_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo (direct) albgri => surfalb_inst%albgri_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo (diffuse) albsod => surfalb_inst%albsod_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil albedo (direct) albsoi => surfalb_inst%albsoi_col & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil albedo (diffuse) ) ! Compute soil albedos do ib = 1, nband do fc = 1,num_nourbanc c = filter_nourbanc(fc) if (coszen(c) > 0._r8) then l = col%landunit(c) if (lun%itype(l) == istsoil .or. lun%itype(l) == istcrop) then ! soil inc = max(0.11_r8-0.40_r8*h2osoi_vol(c,1), 0._r8) soilcol = isoicol(c) ! changed from local variable to clm_type: !albsod = min(albsat(soilcol,ib)+inc, albdry(soilcol,ib)) !albsoi = albsod albsod(c,ib) = min(albsat(soilcol,ib)+inc, albdry(soilcol,ib)) albsoi(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib) else if (lun%itype(l) == istice_mec) then ! land ice ! changed from local variable to clm_type: !albsod = albice(ib) !albsoi = albsod albsod(c,ib) = albice(ib) albsoi(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib) ! unfrozen lake, wetland else if (t_grnd(c) > tfrz .or. (lakepuddling .and. lun%itype(l) == istdlak .and. t_grnd(c) == tfrz .and. & lake_icefrac(c,1) < 1._r8 .and. lake_icefrac(c,2) > 0._r8) ) then albsod(c,ib) = 0.05_r8/(max(0.001_r8,coszen(c)) + 0.15_r8) ! This expression is apparently from BATS according to Yongjiu Dai. ! The diffuse albedo should be an average over the whole sky of an angular-dependent direct expression. ! The expression above may have been derived to encompass both (e.g. Henderson-Sellers 1986), ! but I'll assume it applies more appropriately to the direct form for now. ! ZMS: Attn EK, currently restoring this for wetlands even though it is wrong in order to try to get ! bfb baseline comparison when no lakes are present. I'm assuming wetlands will be phased out anyway. if (lun%itype(l) == istdlak) then albsoi(c,ib) = 0.10_r8 else albsoi(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib) end if else ! frozen lake, wetland ! Introduce crude surface frozen fraction according to D. Mironov (2010) ! Attn EK: This formulation is probably just as good for "wetlands" if they are not phased out. ! Tenatively I'm restricting this to lakes because I haven't tested it for wetlands. But if anything ! the albedo should be lower when melting over frozen ground than a solid frozen lake. ! if (lun%itype(l) == istdlak .and. .not. lakepuddling .and. snl(c) == 0) then ! Need to reference snow layers here because t_grnd could be over snow or ice ! but we really want the ice surface temperature with no snow sicefr = 1._r8 - exp(-calb * (tfrz - t_grnd(c))/tfrz) albsod(c,ib) = sicefr*alblak(ib) + (1._r8-sicefr)*max(alblakwi(ib), & 0.05_r8/(max(0.001_r8,coszen(c)) + 0.15_r8)) albsoi(c,ib) = sicefr*alblak(ib) + (1._r8-sicefr)*max(alblakwi(ib), 0.10_r8) ! Make sure this is no less than the open water albedo above. ! Setting lake_melt_icealb(:) = alblak(:) in namelist reverts the melting albedo to the cold ! snow-free value. else albsod(c,ib) = alblak(ib) albsoi(c,ib) = albsod(c,ib) end if end if ! Weighting is done in SurfaceAlbedo, after the call to SNICAR_RT ! This had to be done, because SoilAlbedo is called before SNICAR_RT, so at ! this point, snow albedo is not yet known. end if end do end do end associate end subroutine SoilAlbedo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine TwoStream (bounds, & filter_vegsol, num_vegsol, & coszen, rho, tau, & canopystate_inst, temperature_inst, waterstate_inst, surfalb_inst, & SFonly) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Two-stream fluxes for canopy radiative transfer ! Use two-stream approximation of Dickinson (1983) Adv Geophysics ! 25:305-353 and Sellers (1985) Int J Remote Sensing 6:1335-1372 ! to calculate fluxes absorbed by vegetation, reflected by vegetation, ! and transmitted through vegetation for unit incoming direct or diffuse ! flux given an underlying surface with known albedo. ! Calculate sunlit and shaded fluxes as described by ! Bonan et al (2011) JGR, 116, doi:10.1029/2010JG001593 and extended to ! a multi-layer canopy to calculate APAR profile ! ! !USES: use clm_varpar, only : numrad, nlevcan use clm_varcon, only : omegas, tfrz, betads, betais use clm_varctl, only : iulog ! ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds integer , intent(in) :: filter_vegsol (:) ! filter for vegetated patches with coszen>0 integer , intent(in) :: num_vegsol ! number of vegetated patches where coszen>0 real(r8), intent(in) :: coszen( bounds%begp: ) ! cosine solar zenith angle for next time step [pft] real(r8), intent(in) :: rho( bounds%begp: , 1: ) ! leaf/stem refl weighted by fraction LAI and SAI [pft, numrad] real(r8), intent(in) :: tau( bounds%begp: , 1: ) ! leaf/stem tran weighted by fraction LAI and SAI [pft, numrad] type(canopystate_type) , intent(in) :: canopystate_inst type(temperature_type) , intent(in) :: temperature_inst type(waterstate_type) , intent(in) :: waterstate_inst type(surfalb_type) , intent(inout) :: surfalb_inst logical, optional , intent(in) :: SFonly ! If should just calculate the Snow Free albedos ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer :: fp,p,c,iv ! array indices integer :: ib ! waveband number real(r8) :: cosz ! 0.001 <= coszen <= 1.000 real(r8) :: asu ! single scattering albedo real(r8) :: chil(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! -0.4 <= xl <= 0.6 real(r8) :: gdir(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! leaf projection in solar direction (0 to 1) real(r8) :: twostext(bounds%begp:bounds%endp)! optical depth of direct beam per unit leaf area real(r8) :: avmu(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! average diffuse optical depth real(r8) :: omega(bounds%begp:bounds%endp,numrad) ! fraction of intercepted radiation that is scattered (0 to 1) real(r8) :: omegal ! omega for leaves real(r8) :: betai ! upscatter parameter for diffuse radiation real(r8) :: betail ! betai for leaves real(r8) :: betad ! upscatter parameter for direct beam radiation real(r8) :: betadl ! betad for leaves real(r8) :: tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,tmp6,tmp7,tmp8,tmp9 ! temporary real(r8) :: p1,p2,p3,p4,s1,s2,u1,u2,u3 ! temporary real(r8) :: b,c1,d,d1,d2,f,h,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10 ! temporary real(r8) :: phi1,phi2,sigma ! temporary real(r8) :: temp1 ! temporary real(r8) :: temp0 (bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! temporary real(r8) :: temp2(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! temporary real(r8) :: t1 ! temporary real(r8) :: a1,a2 ! parameter for sunlit/shaded leaf radiation absorption real(r8) :: v,dv,u,du ! temporary for flux derivatives real(r8) :: dh2,dh3,dh5,dh6,dh7,dh8,dh9,dh10 ! temporary for flux derivatives real(r8) :: da1,da2 ! temporary for flux derivatives real(r8) :: d_ftid,d_ftii ! ftid, ftii derivative with respect to lai+sai real(r8) :: d_fabd,d_fabi ! fabd, fabi derivative with respect to lai+sai real(r8) :: d_fabd_sun,d_fabd_sha ! fabd_sun, fabd_sha derivative with respect to lai+sai real(r8) :: d_fabi_sun,d_fabi_sha ! fabi_sun, fabi_sha derivative with respect to lai+sai real(r8) :: laisum ! cumulative lai+sai for canopy layer (at middle of layer) real(r8) :: extkb ! direct beam extinction coefficient real(r8) :: extkn ! nitrogen allocation coefficient logical :: lSFonly ! Local version of SFonly (Snow Free) flag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Enforce expected array sizes SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(coszen) == (/bounds%endp/)), errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(rho) == (/bounds%endp, numrad/)), errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) SHR_ASSERT_ALL((ubound(tau) == (/bounds%endp, numrad/)), errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) if ( present(SFonly) )then lSFonly = SFonly else lSFonly = .false. end if associate(& xl => pftcon%xl , & ! Input: ecophys const - leaf/stem orientation index t_veg => temperature_inst%t_veg_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] vegetation temperature (Kelvin) fwet => waterstate_inst%fwet_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of canopy that is wet (0 to 1) fcansno => waterstate_inst%fcansno_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of canopy that is snow-covered (0 to 1) elai => canopystate_inst%elai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided leaf area index with burying by snow esai => canopystate_inst%esai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided stem area index with burying by snow tlai_z => surfalb_inst%tlai_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] tlai increment for canopy layer tsai_z => surfalb_inst%tsai_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] tsai increment for canopy layer nrad => surfalb_inst%nrad_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer albgrd => surfalb_inst%albgrd_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo (direct) (column-level) albgri => surfalb_inst%albgri_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ground albedo (diffuse)(column-level) ! For non-Snow Free fsun_z => surfalb_inst%fsun_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] sunlit fraction of canopy layer vcmaxcintsun => surfalb_inst%vcmaxcintsun_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf to canopy scaling coefficient, sunlit leaf vcmax vcmaxcintsha => surfalb_inst%vcmaxcintsha_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf to canopy scaling coefficient, shaded leaf vcmax fabd_sun_z => surfalb_inst%fabd_sun_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed sunlit leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer fabd_sha_z => surfalb_inst%fabd_sha_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed shaded leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer fabi_sun_z => surfalb_inst%fabi_sun_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed sunlit leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer fabi_sha_z => surfalb_inst%fabi_sha_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed shaded leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer albd => surfalb_inst%albd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] surface albedo (direct) albi => surfalb_inst%albi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] surface albedo (diffuse) fabd => surfalb_inst%fabd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by canopy per unit direct flux fabd_sun => surfalb_inst%fabd_sun_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by sunlit canopy per unit direct flux fabd_sha => surfalb_inst%fabd_sha_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by shaded canopy per unit direct flux fabi => surfalb_inst%fabi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by canopy per unit diffuse flux fabi_sun => surfalb_inst%fabi_sun_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by sunlit canopy per unit diffuse flux fabi_sha => surfalb_inst%fabi_sha_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] flux absorbed by shaded canopy per unit diffuse flux ftdd => surfalb_inst%ftdd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] down direct flux below canopy per unit direct flx ftid => surfalb_inst%ftid_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] down diffuse flux below canopy per unit direct flx ftii => surfalb_inst%ftii_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] down diffuse flux below canopy per unit diffuse flx ! Needed for SF Snow free case albsod => surfalb_inst%albsod_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil albedo (direct) albsoi => surfalb_inst%albsoi_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil albedo (diffuse) albdSF => surfalb_inst%albdSF_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] Snow Free surface albedo (direct) albiSF => surfalb_inst%albiSF_patch & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] Snow Free surface albedo (diffuse) ) ! Calculate two-stream parameters that are independent of waveband: ! chil, gdir, twostext, avmu, and temp0 and temp2 (used for asu) do fp = 1,num_vegsol p = filter_vegsol(fp) ! note that the following limit only acts on cosz values > 0 and less than ! 0.001, not on values cosz = 0, since these zero have already been filtered ! out in filter_vegsol cosz = max(0.001_r8, coszen(p)) chil(p) = min( max(xl(patch%itype(p)), -0.4_r8), 0.6_r8 ) if (abs(chil(p)) <= 0.01_r8) chil(p) = 0.01_r8 phi1 = 0.5_r8 - 0.633_r8*chil(p) - 0.330_r8*chil(p)*chil(p) phi2 = 0.877_r8 * (1._r8-2._r8*phi1) gdir(p) = phi1 + phi2*cosz twostext(p) = gdir(p)/cosz avmu(p) = ( 1._r8 - phi1/phi2 * log((phi1+phi2)/phi1) ) / phi2 ! Restrict this calculation of temp0. We have seen cases where small temp0 ! can cause unrealistic single scattering albedo (asu) associated with the ! log calculation in temp2 below, thereby eventually causing a negative soil albedo ! See bugzilla bug 2431: temp0(p) = max(gdir(p) + phi2*cosz,1.e-6_r8) temp1 = phi1*cosz temp2(p) = ( 1._r8 - temp1/temp0(p) * log((temp1+temp0(p))/temp1) ) end do ! Loop over all wavebands to calculate for the full canopy the scattered fluxes ! reflected upward and transmitted downward by the canopy and the flux absorbed by the ! canopy for a unit incoming direct beam and diffuse flux at the top of the canopy given ! an underlying surface of known albedo. ! ! Output: ! ------------------ ! Direct beam fluxes ! ------------------ ! albd - Upward scattered flux above canopy (per unit direct beam flux) ! ftid - Downward scattered flux below canopy (per unit direct beam flux) ! ftdd - Transmitted direct beam flux below canopy (per unit direct beam flux) ! fabd - Flux absorbed by canopy (per unit direct beam flux) ! fabd_sun - Sunlit portion of fabd ! fabd_sha - Shaded portion of fabd ! fabd_sun_z - absorbed sunlit leaf direct PAR (per unit sunlit lai+sai) for each canopy layer ! fabd_sha_z - absorbed shaded leaf direct PAR (per unit shaded lai+sai) for each canopy layer ! ------------------ ! Diffuse fluxes ! ------------------ ! albi - Upward scattered flux above canopy (per unit diffuse flux) ! ftii - Downward scattered flux below canopy (per unit diffuse flux) ! fabi - Flux absorbed by canopy (per unit diffuse flux) ! fabi_sun - Sunlit portion of fabi ! fabi_sha - Shaded portion of fabi ! fabi_sun_z - absorbed sunlit leaf diffuse PAR (per unit sunlit lai+sai) for each canopy layer ! fabi_sha_z - absorbed shaded leaf diffuse PAR (per unit shaded lai+sai) for each canopy layer ! Set status of snowveg_flag snowveg_onrad = IsSnowvegFlagOnRad() do ib = 1, numrad do fp = 1,num_vegsol p = filter_vegsol(fp) c = patch%column(p) ! Calculate two-stream parameters omega, betad, and betai. ! Omega, betad, betai are adjusted for snow. Values for omega*betad ! and omega*betai are calculated and then divided by the new omega ! because the product omega*betai, omega*betad is used in solution. ! Also, the transmittances and reflectances (tau, rho) are linear ! weights of leaf and stem values. omegal = rho(p,ib) + tau(p,ib) asu = 0.5_r8*omegal*gdir(p)/temp0(p) *temp2(p) betadl = (1._r8+avmu(p)*twostext(p))/(omegal*avmu(p)*twostext(p))*asu betail = 0.5_r8 * ((rho(p,ib)+tau(p,ib)) + (rho(p,ib)-tau(p,ib)) & * ((1._r8+chil(p))/2._r8)**2) / omegal if ( lSFonly .or. ( (.not. snowveg_onrad) .and. (t_veg(p) > tfrz) ) ) then ! Keep omega, betad, and betai as they are (for Snow free case or ! when there is no snow tmp0 = omegal tmp1 = betadl tmp2 = betail else ! Adjust omega, betad, and betai for intercepted snow if (snowveg_onrad) then tmp0 = (1._r8-fcansno(p))*omegal + fcansno(p)*omegas(ib) tmp1 = ( (1._r8-fcansno(p))*omegal*betadl + fcansno(p)*omegas(ib)*betads ) / tmp0 tmp2 = ( (1._r8-fcansno(p))*omegal*betail + fcansno(p)*omegas(ib)*betais ) / tmp0 else tmp0 = (1._r8-fwet(p))*omegal + fwet(p)*omegas(ib) tmp1 = ( (1._r8-fwet(p))*omegal*betadl + fwet(p)*omegas(ib)*betads ) / tmp0 tmp2 = ( (1._r8-fwet(p))*omegal*betail + fwet(p)*omegas(ib)*betais ) / tmp0 end if end if ! end Snow free omega(p,ib) = tmp0 betad = tmp1 betai = tmp2 ! Common terms b = 1._r8 - omega(p,ib) + omega(p,ib)*betai c1 = omega(p,ib)*betai tmp0 = avmu(p)*twostext(p) d = tmp0 * omega(p,ib)*betad f = tmp0 * omega(p,ib)*(1._r8-betad) tmp1 = b*b - c1*c1 h = sqrt(tmp1) / avmu(p) sigma = tmp0*tmp0 - tmp1 p1 = b + avmu(p)*h p2 = b - avmu(p)*h p3 = b + tmp0 p4 = b - tmp0 ! Absorbed, reflected, transmitted fluxes per unit incoming radiation ! for full canopy t1 = min(h*(elai(p)+esai(p)), 40._r8) s1 = exp(-t1) t1 = min(twostext(p)*(elai(p)+esai(p)), 40._r8) s2 = exp(-t1) ! Direct beam if ( .not. lSFonly )then u1 = b - c1/albgrd(c,ib) u2 = b - c1*albgrd(c,ib) u3 = f + c1*albgrd(c,ib) else ! Snow Free (SF) only ! albsod instead of albgrd here: u1 = b - c1/albsod(c,ib) u2 = b - c1*albsod(c,ib) u3 = f + c1*albsod(c,ib) end if tmp2 = u1 - avmu(p)*h tmp3 = u1 + avmu(p)*h d1 = p1*tmp2/s1 - p2*tmp3*s1 tmp4 = u2 + avmu(p)*h tmp5 = u2 - avmu(p)*h d2 = tmp4/s1 - tmp5*s1 h1 = -d*p4 - c1*f tmp6 = d - h1*p3/sigma tmp7 = ( d - c1 - h1/sigma*(u1+tmp0) ) * s2 h2 = ( tmp6*tmp2/s1 - p2*tmp7 ) / d1 h3 = - ( tmp6*tmp3*s1 - p1*tmp7 ) / d1 h4 = -f*p3 - c1*d tmp8 = h4/sigma tmp9 = ( u3 - tmp8*(u2-tmp0) ) * s2 h5 = - ( tmp8*tmp4/s1 + tmp9 ) / d2 h6 = ( tmp8*tmp5*s1 + tmp9 ) / d2 if ( .not. lSFonly )then albd(p,ib) = h1/sigma + h2 + h3 ftid(p,ib) = h4*s2/sigma + h5*s1 + h6/s1 ftdd(p,ib) = s2 fabd(p,ib) = 1._r8 - albd(p,ib) - (1._r8-albgrd(c,ib))*ftdd(p,ib) - (1._r8-albgri(c,ib))*ftid(p,ib) else albdSF(p,ib) = h1/sigma + h2 + h3 end if a1 = h1 / sigma * (1._r8 - s2*s2) / (2._r8 * twostext(p)) & + h2 * (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) & + h3 * (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) a2 = h4 / sigma * (1._r8 - s2*s2) / (2._r8 * twostext(p)) & + h5 * (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) & + h6 * (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) if ( .not. lSFonly )then fabd_sun(p,ib) = (1._r8 - omega(p,ib)) * ( 1._r8 - s2 + 1._r8 / avmu(p) * (a1 + a2) ) fabd_sha(p,ib) = fabd(p,ib) - fabd_sun(p,ib) end if ! Diffuse if ( .not. lSFonly )then u1 = b - c1/albgri(c,ib) u2 = b - c1*albgri(c,ib) else ! Snow Free (SF) only ! albsoi instead of albgri here: u1 = b - c1/albsoi(c,ib) u2 = b - c1*albsoi(c,ib) end if tmp2 = u1 - avmu(p)*h tmp3 = u1 + avmu(p)*h d1 = p1*tmp2/s1 - p2*tmp3*s1 tmp4 = u2 + avmu(p)*h tmp5 = u2 - avmu(p)*h d2 = tmp4/s1 - tmp5*s1 h7 = (c1*tmp2) / (d1*s1) h8 = (-c1*tmp3*s1) / d1 h9 = tmp4 / (d2*s1) h10 = (-tmp5*s1) / d2 ! Final Snow Free albedo if ( lSFonly )then albiSF(p,ib) = h7 + h8 else ! For non snow Free case, adjustments continue albi(p,ib) = h7 + h8 ftii(p,ib) = h9*s1 + h10/s1 fabi(p,ib) = 1._r8 - albi(p,ib) - (1._r8-albgri(c,ib))*ftii(p,ib) a1 = h7 * (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) + h8 * (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) a2 = h9 * (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) + h10 * (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) fabi_sun(p,ib) = (1._r8 - omega(p,ib)) / avmu(p) * (a1 + a2) fabi_sha(p,ib) = fabi(p,ib) - fabi_sun(p,ib) ! Repeat two-stream calculations for each canopy layer to calculate derivatives. ! tlai_z and tsai_z are the leaf+stem area increment for a layer. Derivatives are ! calculated at the center of the layer. Derivatives are needed only for the ! visible waveband to calculate absorbed PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer. ! Derivatives are calculated first per unit lai+sai and then normalized for sunlit ! or shaded fraction of canopy layer. ! Sun/shade big leaf code uses only one layer, with canopy integrated values from above ! and also canopy-integrated scaling coefficients if (ib == 1) then if (nlevcan == 1) then ! sunlit fraction of canopy fsun_z(p,1) = (1._r8 - s2) / t1 ! absorbed PAR (per unit sun/shade lai+sai) laisum = elai(p)+esai(p) fabd_sun_z(p,1) = fabd_sun(p,ib) / (fsun_z(p,1)*laisum) fabi_sun_z(p,1) = fabi_sun(p,ib) / (fsun_z(p,1)*laisum) fabd_sha_z(p,1) = fabd_sha(p,ib) / ((1._r8 - fsun_z(p,1))*laisum) fabi_sha_z(p,1) = fabi_sha(p,ib) / ((1._r8 - fsun_z(p,1))*laisum) ! leaf to canopy scaling coefficients extkn = 0.30_r8 extkb = twostext(p) vcmaxcintsun(p) = (1._r8 - exp(-(extkn+extkb)*elai(p))) / (extkn + extkb) vcmaxcintsha(p) = (1._r8 - exp(-extkn*elai(p))) / extkn - vcmaxcintsun(p) if (elai(p) > 0._r8) then vcmaxcintsun(p) = vcmaxcintsun(p) / (fsun_z(p,1)*elai(p)) vcmaxcintsha(p) = vcmaxcintsha(p) / ((1._r8 - fsun_z(p,1))*elai(p)) else vcmaxcintsun(p) = 0._r8 vcmaxcintsha(p) = 0._r8 end if else if (nlevcan > 1)then do iv = 1, nrad(p) ! Cumulative lai+sai at center of layer if (iv == 1) then laisum = 0.5_r8 * (tlai_z(p,iv)+tsai_z(p,iv)) else laisum = laisum + 0.5_r8 * ((tlai_z(p,iv-1)+tsai_z(p,iv-1))+(tlai_z(p,iv)+tsai_z(p,iv))) end if ! Coefficients s1 and s2 depend on cumulative lai+sai. s2 is the sunlit fraction t1 = min(h*laisum, 40._r8) s1 = exp(-t1) t1 = min(twostext(p)*laisum, 40._r8) s2 = exp(-t1) fsun_z(p,iv) = s2 ! =============== ! Direct beam ! =============== ! Coefficients h1-h6 and a1,a2 depend of cumulative lai+sai u1 = b - c1/albgrd(c,ib) u2 = b - c1*albgrd(c,ib) u3 = f + c1*albgrd(c,ib) ! Derivatives for h2, h3, h5, h6 and a1, a2 v = d1 dv = h * p1 * tmp2 / s1 + h * p2 * tmp3 * s1 u = tmp6 * tmp2 / s1 - p2 * tmp7 du = h * tmp6 * tmp2 / s1 + twostext(p) * p2 * tmp7 dh2 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) u = -tmp6 * tmp3 * s1 + p1 * tmp7 du = h * tmp6 * tmp3 * s1 - twostext(p) * p1 * tmp7 dh3 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) v = d2 dv = h * tmp4 / s1 + h * tmp5 * s1 u = -h4/sigma * tmp4 / s1 - tmp9 du = -h * h4/sigma * tmp4 / s1 + twostext(p) * tmp9 dh5 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) u = h4/sigma * tmp5 * s1 + tmp9 du = -h * h4/sigma * tmp5 * s1 - twostext(p) * tmp9 dh6 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) da1 = h1/sigma * s2*s2 + h2 * s2*s1 + h3 * s2/s1 & + (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) * dh2 & + (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) * dh3 da2 = h4/sigma * s2*s2 + h5 * s2*s1 + h6 * s2/s1 & + (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) * dh5 & + (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) * dh6 ! Flux derivatives d_ftid = -twostext(p)*h4/sigma*s2 - h*h5*s1 + h*h6/s1 + dh5*s1 + dh6/s1 d_fabd = -(dh2+dh3) + (1._r8-albgrd(c,ib))*twostext(p)*s2 - (1._r8-albgri(c,ib))*d_ftid d_fabd_sun = (1._r8 - omega(p,ib)) * (twostext(p)*s2 + 1._r8 / avmu(p) * (da1 + da2)) d_fabd_sha = d_fabd - d_fabd_sun fabd_sun_z(p,iv) = max(d_fabd_sun, 0._r8) fabd_sha_z(p,iv) = max(d_fabd_sha, 0._r8) ! Flux derivatives are APARsun and APARsha per unit (LAI+SAI). Need ! to normalize derivatives by sunlit or shaded fraction to get ! APARsun per unit (LAI+SAI)sun and APARsha per unit (LAI+SAI)sha fabd_sun_z(p,iv) = fabd_sun_z(p,iv) / fsun_z(p,iv) fabd_sha_z(p,iv) = fabd_sha_z(p,iv) / (1._r8 - fsun_z(p,iv)) ! =============== ! Diffuse ! =============== ! Coefficients h7-h10 and a1,a2 depend of cumulative lai+sai u1 = b - c1/albgri(c,ib) u2 = b - c1*albgri(c,ib) a1 = h7 * (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) + h8 * (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) a2 = h9 * (1._r8 - s2*s1) / (twostext(p) + h) + h10 * (1._r8 - s2/s1) / (twostext(p) - h) ! Derivatives for h7, h8, h9, h10 and a1, a2 v = d1 dv = h * p1 * tmp2 / s1 + h * p2 * tmp3 * s1 u = c1 * tmp2 / s1 du = h * c1 * tmp2 / s1 dh7 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) u = -c1 * tmp3 * s1 du = h * c1 * tmp3 * s1 dh8 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) v = d2 dv = h * tmp4 / s1 + h * tmp5 * s1 u = tmp4 / s1 du = h * tmp4 / s1 dh9 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) u = -tmp5 * s1 du = h * tmp5 * s1 dh10 = (v * du - u * dv) / (v * v) da1 = h7*s2*s1 + h8*s2/s1 + (1._r8-s2*s1)/(twostext(p)+h)*dh7 + (1._r8-s2/s1)/(twostext(p)-h)*dh8 da2 = h9*s2*s1 + h10*s2/s1 + (1._r8-s2*s1)/(twostext(p)+h)*dh9 + (1._r8-s2/s1)/(twostext(p)-h)*dh10 ! Flux derivatives d_ftii = -h * h9 * s1 + h * h10 / s1 + dh9 * s1 + dh10 / s1 d_fabi = -(dh7+dh8) - (1._r8-albgri(c,ib))*d_ftii d_fabi_sun = (1._r8 - omega(p,ib)) / avmu(p) * (da1 + da2) d_fabi_sha = d_fabi - d_fabi_sun fabi_sun_z(p,iv) = max(d_fabi_sun, 0._r8) fabi_sha_z(p,iv) = max(d_fabi_sha, 0._r8) ! Flux derivatives are APARsun and APARsha per unit (LAI+SAI). Need ! to normalize derivatives by sunlit or shaded fraction to get ! APARsun per unit (LAI+SAI)sun and APARsha per unit (LAI+SAI)sha fabi_sun_z(p,iv) = fabi_sun_z(p,iv) / fsun_z(p,iv) fabi_sha_z(p,iv) = fabi_sha_z(p,iv) / (1._r8 - fsun_z(p,iv)) end do ! end of iv loop end if ! nlevcan end if ! first band end if ! NOT lSFonly end do ! end of pft loop end do ! end of radiation band loop end associate end subroutine TwoStream end module SurfaceAlbedoMod