module LunaMod #include "shr_assert.h" !********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates the photosynthetic capacities based on a prescribed leaf nitrogen content, using the LUNA model, developed by Chonggang Xu, Ashehad Ali and Rosie Fisher ! Currently only works for C3 plants. See Xu et al 2012; Ali et al 2015a. Ecological Applications. and Ali et al 2015b.In Review. ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg use clm_varcon , only : rgas, tfrz,spval use abortutils , only : endrun use clm_varctl , only : iulog use clm_varcon , only : namep use clm_varpar , only : nlevcan use decompMod , only : bounds_type use pftconMod , only : pftcon use FrictionvelocityMod , only : frictionvel_type use atm2lndType , only : atm2lnd_type use CanopyStateType , only : canopystate_type use PhotosynthesisMod , only : photosyns_type use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type use PatchType , only : patch use GridcellType , only : grc use SolarAbsorbedType , only : solarabs_type use SurfaceAlbedoType , only : surfalb_type use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type !use EDPhotosynthesisMod , only : vcmaxc, jmaxc implicit none save !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: LunaReadNML !subroutine to read in the Luna namelist public :: Update_Photosynthesis_Capacity !subroutine to update the canopy nitrogen profile public :: Acc24_Climate_LUNA !subroutine to accumulate 24 hr climates public :: Acc240_Climate_LUNA !subroutine to accumulate 10 day climates public :: Clear24_Climate_LUNA !subroutine to clear 24 hr climates private :: NitrogenAllocation !subroutine to update the Vcmax25 and Jmax25 at the leaf level private :: NUEref !Calculate the Nitrogen use effieciency based on reference CO2 and leaf temperature private :: NUE !Calculate the Nitrogen use effieciency based on current CO2 and leaf temperature private :: JmxTLeuning !Calculate the temperature response for Jmax, based on Leunning 2002 Plant, Cell & Environment private :: JmxTKattge !Calculate the temperature response for Jmax, based on Kattge and Knorr 2007 private :: VcmxTLeuning !Calculate the temperature response for Vcmax, based on Leunning 2002 Plant, Cell & Environment private :: VcmxTKattge !Calculate the temperature response for Vcmax, based on Kattge and Knorr 2007 private :: RespTBernacchi !Calculate the temperature response for respiration, following Bernacchi PCE 2001 private :: Photosynthesis_luna !calculate the photosynthetic rate for nitrogen allocation private :: Quadratic !Calculate the soultion using the quadratic formula !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !Constants real(r8), parameter :: Cv = 1.2e-5_r8 * 3600.0 ! conversion factor from umol CO2 to g carbon real(r8), parameter :: Kc25 = 40.49_r8 ! Mechanis constant of CO2 for rubisco(Pa), Bernacchi et al (2001) Plant, Cell and Environment 24:253-259 real(r8), parameter :: Ko25 = 27840_r8 ! Mechanis constant of O2 for rubisco(Pa), Bernacchi et al (2001) Plant, Cell and Environment 24:253-259 real(r8), parameter :: Cp25 = 4.275_r8 ! CO2 compensation point at 25C (Pa), Bernacchi et al (2001) Plant, Cell and Environment 24:253-259 real(r8), parameter :: Fc25 = 294.2_r8 ! Fc25 = 6.22*47.3 #see Rogers (2014) Photosynthesis Research real(r8), parameter :: Fj25 = 1257.0_r8 ! Fj25 = 8.06*156 # #see COSTE 2005 and Xu et al 2012 real(r8), parameter :: NUEr25 = 33.69_r8 ! nitrogen use efficiency for respiration, see Xu et al 2012 real(r8), parameter :: Cb = 1.78_r8 ! nitrogen use effiency for choloraphyll for light capture, see Evans 1989 real(r8), parameter :: O2ref = 209460.0_r8 ! ppm of O2 in the air real(r8), parameter :: CO2ref = 380.0_r8 ! reference CO2 concentration for calculation of reference NUE. real(r8), parameter :: forc_pbot_ref = 101325.0_r8 ! reference air pressure for calculation of reference NUE real(r8), parameter :: Q10Enz = 2.0_r8 ! Q10 value for enzyme decay rate real(r8), parameter :: Jmaxb0 = 0.0311_r8 ! the baseline proportion of nitrogen allocated for electron transport (J) real(r8) :: Jmaxb1 = 0.1_r8 ! the baseline proportion of nitrogen allocated for electron transport (J) real(r8), parameter :: Wc2Wjb0 = 0.8054_r8 ! the baseline ratio of rubisco limited rate vs light limited photosynthetic rate (Wc:Wj) real(r8), parameter :: relhExp = 6.0999_r8 ! electron transport parameters related to relative humidity real(r8), parameter :: Enzyme_turnover_daily = 0.1_r8 ! the daily turnover rate for photosynthetic enzyme at 25oC in view of ~7 days of half-life time for Rubisco (Suzuki et al. 2001) real(r8), parameter :: NMCp25 = 0.715_r8 ! estimated by assuming 80% maintenance respiration is used for photosynthesis enzyme maintenance real(r8), parameter :: Trange1 = 5.0_r8 ! lower temperature limit (oC) for nitrogen optimization real(r8), parameter :: Trange2 = 42.0_r8 ! upper temperature limit (oC) for nitrogen optimization real(r8), parameter :: SNC = 0.004_r8 ! structural nitrogen concentration (g N g-1 dry mass carbon) real(r8), parameter :: mp = 9.0_r8 ! slope of stomatal conductance; this is used to estimate model parameter, but may need to be updated from the physiology file, real(r8), parameter :: PARLowLim = 200.0_r8 ! minimum photosynthetically active radiation for nitrogen optimization real(r8), parameter :: minrelh = 0.25_r8 ! minimum relative humdity for nitrogen optimization character(len=*), parameter, private :: sourcefile = & __FILE__ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contains !********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ! Read in LUNA namelist subroutine LunaReadNML( NLFilename ) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Read the namelist for LUNA ! ! !USES: use fileutils , only : getavu, relavu, opnfil use shr_nl_mod , only : shr_nl_find_group_name use spmdMod , only : masterproc, mpicom use shr_mpi_mod , only : shr_mpi_bcast use clm_varctl , only : iulog use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg use abortutils , only : endrun ! ! !ARGUMENTS: character(len=*), intent(in) :: NLFilename ! Namelist filename ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer :: ierr ! error code integer :: unitn ! unit for namelist file character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'lunaReadNML' character(len=*), parameter :: nmlname = 'luna' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- namelist /luna/ Jmaxb1 ! Initialize options to default values, in case they are not specified in ! the namelist if (masterproc) then unitn = getavu() write(iulog,*) 'Read in '//nmlname//' namelist' call opnfil (NLFilename, unitn, 'F') call shr_nl_find_group_name(unitn, nmlname, status=ierr) if (ierr == 0) then read(unitn, nml=luna, iostat=ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then call endrun(msg="ERROR reading "//nmlname//"namelist"//errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__)) end if else call endrun(msg="ERROR could NOT find "//nmlname//"namelist"//errmsg(__FILE__, __LINE__)) end if call relavu( unitn ) end if call shr_mpi_bcast (Jmaxb1, mpicom) if (masterproc) then write(iulog,*) ' ' write(iulog,*) nmlname//' settings:' write(iulog,nml=luna) write(iulog,*) ' ' end if end subroutine lunaReadNML !********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ! this subroutine updates the photosynthetic capacity as determined by Vcmax25 and Jmax25 subroutine Update_Photosynthesis_Capacity(bounds, fn, filterp, & dayl_factor, atm2lnd_inst, temperature_inst, canopystate_inst, photosyns_inst, & surfalb_inst, solarabs_inst, waterstate_inst, frictionvel_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates Nitrogen fractionation within the leaf, based on optimum calculated fractions in rubisco, cholorophyll, ! Respiration and Storage. Based on Xu et al. 2012 and Ali et al 2015.In Review ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! version 1.0, by Chonggang Xu, Ashehad Ali and Rosie Fisher. July 14 2015. ! version 0.1, by Chonggang Xu, Ashehad Ali and Rosie Fisher. October 30 2014. ! CALLED FROM: ! subroutine CanopyFluxes ! !USES: use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, is_end_curr_day use clm_varpar , only : nlevsoi, mxpft use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf use clm_varctl , only : use_cn use quadraticMod , only : quadratic use CNSharedParamsMod , only : CNParamsShareInst use shr_infnan_mod, only : isnan => shr_infnan_isnan implicit none ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds integer , intent(in) :: fn ! size of pft filter integer , intent(in) :: filterp(fn) ! pft filter real(r8) , intent(in) :: dayl_factor( bounds%begp: ) ! scalar (0-1) for daylength type(atm2lnd_type) , intent(in) :: atm2lnd_inst type(temperature_type) , intent(inout) :: temperature_inst type(canopystate_type) , intent(inout) :: canopystate_inst type(photosyns_type) , intent(inout) :: photosyns_inst type(surfalb_type) , intent(in) :: surfalb_inst type(solarabs_type) , intent(inout) :: solarabs_inst type(waterstate_type) , intent(inout) :: waterstate_inst type(frictionvel_type) , intent(inout) :: frictionvel_inst ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: ! ! local pointers to implicit in variables integer :: c,CL,f,g,iv,j,p,ps ! indices integer :: NCL_p ! number of canopy layers in patch integer :: ft ! plant functional type integer :: z ! the index across leaf layers real (r8) :: PNstoreopt,PNlcopt,PNetopt,PNrespopt,PNcbopt ! the optimal nitrogen allocations real (r8) :: PNstoreold,PNlcold,PNetold,PNrespold,PNcbold ! the previous time step nitrogen allocations real (r8) :: delta_fn ! daily change in nitrogen investiment real (r8) :: relCLNCa ! the relative factor for LNCa due to canopy location and seasonal growth real (r8) :: relSLNCa ! the relative factor for LNCa due to seasonal growth real (r8) :: relRad ! the realtive radiation to the top of the canopy real (r8) :: FNCmtar ! target functional nitrogen content (g N/g leaf c) real (r8) :: LMA ! leaf mass per unit area (g leaf c/m2 leaf) real (r8) :: PARTop ! photosynthetic active radiation on the top of canopy (umol/m2/s) real (r8) :: RadTop ! short-wave radiation on the top of canopy (w/m2) real (r8) :: TRad ! total short-wave radiation on the top of canopy (w/m2) real (r8) :: PARi10 ! 10-day mean photosynthetic active radiation on in the canopy (umol/m2/s) real (r8) :: PARimx10 ! 10-day mean maximum photosynthetic active radiation on in the canopy (umol/m2/s) real (r8) :: tleaf10 ! 10-day mean leaf temperature (oC) real (r8) :: tleafd10 ! 10-day mean daytime leaf temperature (oC) real (r8) :: tleafn10 ! 10-day mean nighttime leaf temperature (oC) real (r8) :: hourpd ! hours per day (hours) real (r8) :: CO2a10 ! 10-day mean air co2 concentration (pa) real (r8) :: O2a10 ! 10-day mean air o2 concentration (pa) real (r8) :: max_daily_pchg ! maximum daily percentrage change for nitrogen allocation real (r8) :: max_daily_decay ! maximum daily decay for nitrogen allocation real (r8) :: radk ! light extintion factor real (r8) :: FNCa ! leaf functional nitrogen content (g/m2) real (r8) :: FNCa_z(1:nlevcan) ! profile of leaf functional nitrogen content (g/m2) real (r8) :: fnps ! fraction of light absorbed by non-photosynthetic pigments real (r8) :: radmax2mean ! ratio of max radiation to mean real (r8) :: qabs ! PAR absorbed by PS II (umol photons/m**2/s) real (r8) :: EnzTurnoverTFactor ! temperature adjust factor for enzyme decay real (r8) :: vcmax25 ! Predicted vcmax25 from EDN model umol CO2/m**2/s real (r8) :: jmax25 ! Predicted jmax25 from EDN model umol electrons/m**2/s real (r8) :: dtime ! stepsize in seconds real (r8) :: rb10v ! 10-day mean boundary layer resistance real (r8) :: relh10 ! 10-day mean relative humidity (unitless) real (r8) :: tair10 ! 10-day running mean of the 2m temperature (oC) real (r8) :: rabsorb ! ratio of absorbed raditation to the total incident radiation real (r8) :: tlaii ! total leaf area index for a certain canopy layer real (r8) :: SNCa ! structural leaf nitrogen content (g N/m2 leaf) real (r8) :: vcmx25_opt ! optimal Vc,max25 (umol CO2/m**2/s) real (r8) :: jmx25_opt ! optimal Jmax25 (umol electron/m**2/s) real (r8) :: chg ! change in Vcmax25 or Jmax25 real (r8) :: chg_constrn ! constrained change in Vcmax25 or Jmax25 logical :: is_end_day ! is end of current day !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- associate( & c3psn => pftcon%c3psn , & ! photosynthetic pathway: 0. = c4, 1. = c3 slatop => pftcon%slatop , & ! specific leaf area at top of canopy, projected area basis [m^2/gC] leafcn => pftcon%leafcn , & ! leaf C:N (gC/gN) forc_pbot10 => atm2lnd_inst%forc_pbot240_downscaled_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10 day mean atmospheric pressure(Pa) CO2_p240 => atm2lnd_inst%forc_pco2_240_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean CO2 partial pressure (Pa) O2_p240 => atm2lnd_inst%forc_po2_240_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean O2 partial pressure (Pa) elai => canopystate_inst%elai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided leaf area index with burying by snow tlai => canopystate_inst%tlai_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided leaf area index tlai_z => surfalb_inst%tlai_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] one-sided leaf area index dayl => grc%dayl , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] daylength (s) sabv => solarabs_inst%sabv_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] patch solar radiation absorbed by vegetation (W/m**2) t_veg => temperature_inst%t_veg_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] vegetation temperature (Kelvin) rhol => pftcon%rhol , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf reflectance: 1=vis, 2=nir taul => pftcon%taul , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] leaf transmittance: 1=vis, 2=nir par240d_z => solarabs_inst%par240d_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] 10-day running mean of daytime patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) par24d_z => solarabs_inst%par24d_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily accumulated absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) par240x_z => solarabs_inst%par240x_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] 10-day running mean of maximum patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) par24x_z => solarabs_inst%par24x_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily maximum of patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) nrad => surfalb_inst%nrad_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] pft number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer lnc => photosyns_inst%lnca_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] top leaf layer leaf N concentration (gN leaf/m^2) t10 => temperature_inst%t_a10_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day running mean of the 2 m temperature (K) t_veg_day => temperature_inst%t_veg_day_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] daytime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) t_veg_night => temperature_inst%t_veg_night_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] nighttime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) t_veg10_day => temperature_inst%t_veg10_day_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean daytime vegetation temperature (Kelvin) t_veg10_night => temperature_inst%t_veg10_night_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean nighttime vegetation temperature (Kelvin) rh10_p => waterstate_inst%rh10_af_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean canopy air relative humidity at the pacth (unitless) rb10_p => frictionvel_inst%rb10_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean boundary layer resistance at the pacth (s/m) gpp_day => photosyns_inst%fpsn24_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] patch 24 hours mean gpp(umol CO2/m**2 ground/day) for canopy layer vcmx25_z => photosyns_inst%vcmx25_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] patch leaf Vc,max25 (umol/m2 leaf/s) for canopy layer jmx25_z => photosyns_inst%jmx25_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] patch leaf Jmax25 (umol electron/m**2/s) for canopy layer pnlc_z => photosyns_inst%pnlc_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] patch proportion of leaf nitrogen allocated for light capture for canopy layer enzs_z => photosyns_inst%enzs_z_patch & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] enzyme decay status 1.0-fully active; 0-all decayed during stress ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !set timestep !Initialize enzyme decay Q10 dtime = get_step_size() is_end_day = is_end_curr_day() fnps = 0.15_r8 call t_startf('LUNA') do f = 1,fn p = filterp(f) ft = patch%itype(p) g = patch%gridcell(p) c = patch%column(p) !---------------------------------------------------- !store the daily mean climate conditions if(t_veg_day(p).ne.spval) then !check whether it is the first day !------------------------------------------ !get the climate driver CO2a10 = CO2_p240(p) O2a10 = O2_p240(p) hourpd = dayl(g) / 3600._r8 tleafd10 = t_veg10_day(p) - tfrz tleafn10 = t_veg10_night(p) - tfrz tleaf10 = (dayl(g)*tleafd10 +(86400._r8-dayl(g)) * tleafd10)/86400._r8 tair10 = t10(p)- tfrz relh10 = min(1.0_r8, rh10_p(p)) rb10v = rb10_p(p) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !calculate the enzyme ternover rate EnzTurnoverTFactor = Q10Enz**(0.1_r8*(min(40.0_r8, tleaf10) - 25.0_r8)) max_daily_pchg = EnzTurnoverTFactor * Enzyme_turnover_daily !----------------------------------------------------------------- rabsorb = 1.0_r8-rhol(ft,1)-taul(ft,1) !Implemented the nitrogen allocation model if(tlai(p) > 0.0_r8 .and. lnc(p) > 0._r8)then RadTop = par240d_z(p,1)/rabsorb PARTop = RadTop*4.6 !conversion from w/m2 to umol/m2/s. PAR is still in umol photons, not electrons. Also the par240d_z is only for radiation at visible range. Hence 4.6 not 2.3 multiplier. !------------------------------------------------------------- !the nitrogen allocation model, may need to be feed from the parameter file in CLM if (nint(c3psn(ft)) == 1)then if(gpp_day(p)>0.0 )then !only optimize if there is growth and it is C3 plants !------------------------------------------------------------- do z = 1, nrad(p) if(tlai_z(p,z)>0.0_r8)then qabs = par240d_z(p,z)/rabsorb PARi10 = qabs * 4.6_r8 else PARi10 = 0.01_r8 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- relRad = PARi10/PARTop relCLNCa = 0.1802_r8*log(relRad)+1.0_r8 !see Ali et al 2015. relCLNCa = max(0.2_r8,relCLNCa) relCLNCa = min(1.0_r8,relCLNCa) relSLNCa = 1.0_r8 !------------------------------------------------------------------ SNCa = 1.0_r8/slatop(ft) * SNC if(0.9_r8 * lnc(p)> SNCa)then FNCa_z(z)= relCLNCa*(lnc(p)-SNCa) else FNCa_z(z)= relCLNCa*0.1_r8*lnc(p) endif enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !nitrogen allocation model do z = 1 , nrad(p) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !for different layers of leaves FNCa = FNCa_z(z) if(FNCa>15.0_r8) then !boundary condition check for unrealistically high leaf nitrogen content FNCa = 15.0_r8 write(iulog, *) 'Warning: leaf nitrogen content become unrealistically high (>15.0 g N/m2 leaf) ', & 'for patch=', p, 'z=', z, "pft=", ft endif radmax2mean = par240x_z(p,z) / par240d_z(p,z) if(tlai_z(p,z)>0.0_r8)then qabs = par240d_z(p,z)/rabsorb PARi10 = qabs * 4.6_r8 else PARi10 = 0.01_r8 endif PARimx10 = PARi10*radmax2mean !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !nitrogen allocastion model-start PNlcold = PNlc_z(p,z) PNetold = 0.0_r8 PNrespold = 0.0_r8 PNcbold = 0.0_r8 call NitrogenAllocation(FNCa,forc_pbot10(p), relh10, CO2a10, O2a10, PARi10, PARimx10, rb10v, hourpd, & tair10, tleafd10, tleafn10, & Jmaxb0, Jmaxb1, Wc2Wjb0, relhExp, PNlcold, PNetold, PNrespold, & PNcbold, PNstoreopt, PNlcopt, PNetopt, PNrespopt, PNcbopt) vcmx25_opt= PNcbopt * FNCa * Fc25 jmx25_opt= PNetopt * FNCa * Fj25 chg = vcmx25_opt-vcmx25_z(p, z) chg_constrn = min(abs(chg),vcmx25_z(p, z)*max_daily_pchg) vcmx25_z(p, z) = vcmx25_z(p, z)+sign(1.0_r8,chg)*chg_constrn chg = jmx25_opt-jmx25_z(p, z) chg_constrn = min(abs(chg),jmx25_z(p, z)*max_daily_pchg) jmx25_z(p, z) = jmx25_z(p, z)+sign(1.0_r8,chg)*chg_constrn PNlc_z(p, z)= PNlcopt if(enzs_z(p,z)<1.0) then enzs_z(p,z) = enzs_z(p,z)* (1.0_r8 + max_daily_pchg) endif !nitrogen allocastion model-end !DML turn off endrun and instead modify vcmx25_z(p,z) and jmx25_z(p,z) to a reasonable value !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(isnan(vcmx25_z(p, z)))then write(iulog, *) 'Error: Vc,mx25 is NaN for patch=', & p, 'z=', z, "pft=", ft write(iulog, *) 'LUNA env:',FNCa,forc_pbot10(p), relh10, CO2a10, O2a10, PARi10, PARimx10, rb10v, & hourpd, tair10, tleafd10, tleafn10 call endrun(msg=errmsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) endif if(vcmx25_z(p, z)>1000._r8 .or. vcmx25_z(p, z)<0._r8)then write(iulog, *) 'Warning: Vc,mx25 become unrealistic (>1000 or negative) for patch=', & p, 'z=', z, "pft=", ft write(iulog, *) 'LUNA env:',vcmx25_z(p,z),FNCa,forc_pbot10(p), relh10, CO2a10, & O2a10, PARi10, PARimx10, rb10v, hourpd, tair10, tleafd10, tleafn10 vcmx25_z(p,z) = 50._r8 endif if(isnan(jmx25_z(p, z)))then write(iulog, *) 'Error: Jmx25 is NaN for patch=', & p, 'z=', z, "pft=", ft write(iulog, *) 'LUNA env:', FNCa,forc_pbot10(p), relh10, CO2a10, O2a10, PARi10, PARimx10, rb10v, & hourpd, tair10, tleafd10, tleafn10 call endrun(msg=errmsg(sourcefile, __LINE__)) endif if(jmx25_z(p, z)>2000._r8 .or. jmx25_z(p, z)<0._r8)then write(iulog, *) 'Warning: Jmx25 become unrealistic (>2000, or negative) for patch=', & p, 'z=', z, "pft=", ft write(iulog, *) 'LUNA env:', jmx25_z(p,z),FNCa,forc_pbot10(p), relh10, CO2a10, & O2a10, PARi10, PARimx10, rb10v, hourpd, tair10, tleafd10, tleafn10 jmx25_z(p,z) = 85._r8 endif enddo ! finished loop of leaf layers else !decay during drought or winter max_daily_decay = min(0.5_r8, 0.1_r8 * max_daily_pchg) !assume enzyme turnover under maintenance is 10 !times lower than enzyme change under growth do z = 1 , nrad(p) if(enzs_z(p,z)>0.5_r8) then !decay is set at only 50% of original !enzyme in view that plant will need to !maintain their basic functionality enzs_z(p,z) = enzs_z(p,z)* (1.0_r8 - max_daily_decay) jmx25_z(p, z) = jmx25_z(p, z)* (1.0_r8 - max_daily_decay) vcmx25_z(p, z) = vcmx25_z(p, z)* (1.0_r8 - max_daily_decay) endif end do endif !checking for growth endif !if not C3 plants else do z = 1 , nrad(p) jmx25_z(p, z) = 85._r8 vcmx25_z(p, z) = 50._r8 end do endif !checking for LAI and LNC endif !the first daycheck end do !fn loop call t_stopf('LUNA') end associate end subroutine Update_Photosynthesis_Capacity subroutine Acc240_Climate_LUNA(bounds, fn, filterp, oair, cair, & rb,rh, temperature_inst, photosyns_inst, & surfalb_inst, solarabs_inst, waterstate_inst, frictionvel_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Accumulate the 10-day running mean climates for LUNA model ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! version 1.0, by Chonggang Xu July 14 2015. ! CALLED FROM: ! subroutine CanopyFluxes ! !USES: use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, is_end_curr_day implicit none ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds integer , intent(in) :: fn ! size of pft filter integer , intent(in) :: filterp(fn) ! pft filter real(r8) , intent(in) :: oair( bounds%begp: ) ! Atmospheric O2 partial pressure (Pa) real(r8) , intent(in) :: cair( bounds%begp: ) ! Atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (Pa) real(r8) , intent(in) :: rb( bounds%begp: ) ! boundary layer resistance (s/m) real(r8) , intent(in) :: rh( bounds%begp: ) ! canopy air relative humidity type(temperature_type) , intent(inout) :: temperature_inst type(photosyns_type) , intent(inout) :: photosyns_inst type(surfalb_type) , intent(in) :: surfalb_inst type(solarabs_type) , intent(inout) :: solarabs_inst type(waterstate_type) , intent(inout) :: waterstate_inst type(frictionvel_type) , intent(inout) :: frictionvel_inst ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: ! ! local pointers to implicit in variables integer :: c,f,g,iv,j,p ! indices integer :: ft ! plant functional type integer :: z ! the index across leaf layers real (r8) :: dtime ! stepsize in seconds real (r8) :: TRad ! total short-wave radiation on the top of canopy (w/m2) real (r8) :: tlaii ! total leaf area index for a certain canopy layer real (r8) :: t_veg_dayi ! daytime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) real (r8) :: t_veg_nighti ! nighttime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) real (r8) :: par24d_z_i(1:nlevcan) ! daytime mean radiation (w/m**2) logical :: is_end_day ! is end of current day !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- associate( & par24d_z => solarabs_inst%par24d_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily accumulated absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) par24x_z => solarabs_inst%par24x_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily maximum of patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) nrad => surfalb_inst%nrad_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] pft number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer t_veg_day => temperature_inst%t_veg_day_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] daytime accumulative vegetation temperature (Kelvin*nsteps) t_veg_night => temperature_inst%t_veg_night_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] nighttime accumulative vegetation temperature (Kelvin*nsteps) nnightsteps => temperature_inst%nnightsteps_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] number of nighttime steps in 24 hours from mid-night, LUNA specific ndaysteps => temperature_inst%ndaysteps_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] number of daytime steps in 24 hours from mid-night, LUNA specific t_veg10_day => temperature_inst%t_veg10_day_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) t_veg10_night => temperature_inst%t_veg10_night_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) rh10_p => waterstate_inst%rh10_af_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean canopy air relative humidity at the pacth (s/m) rb10_p => frictionvel_inst%rb10_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 10-day mean boundary layer resistance at the pacth (s/m) par240d_z => solarabs_inst%par240d_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] 10-day running mean of daytime patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) par240x_z => solarabs_inst%par240x_z_patch & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] 10-day running mean of maximum patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !set timestep !Initialize enzyme decay Q10 dtime = get_step_size() is_end_day = is_end_curr_day() do f = 1,fn p = filterp(f) ft = patch%itype(p) g = patch%gridcell(p) c = patch%column(p) if(t_veg_day(p).ne.spval) then !check whether it is the first day !--------------------------------------------------------- !calculate the 10 day running mean radiations if(ndaysteps(p)>0.0) then par24d_z_i=par24d_z(p,:)/(dtime * ndaysteps(p)) else par24d_z_i = 0._r8 endif if(par240d_z(p,1).eq. spval)then !first day set as the same of first day environmental conditions par240x_z(p,:)= par24x_z(p,:) par240d_z(p,:)= par24d_z_i else par240x_z(p,:)= 0.9_r8 * par240x_z(p,:) + 0.1_r8 * par24x_z(p,:) par240d_z(p,:)= 0.9_r8 * par240d_z(p,:) + 0.1_r8 * par24d_z_i endif !------------------------------------------------------- !calculate the 10 day running mean daytime temperature if(ndaysteps(p)>0.0)then t_veg_dayi = t_veg_day(p) / ndaysteps(p) else t_veg_dayi = t_veg_night(p) / nnightsteps(p) endif if(t_veg10_day(p).eq. spval)then t_veg10_day(p) = t_veg_dayi endif t_veg10_day(p) = 0.9_r8 * t_veg10_day(p)+ 0.1_r8 * t_veg_dayi !------------------------------------------------------- !calculate the 10 day running mean nighttime temperature if(nnightsteps(p)>0)then t_veg_nighti = t_veg_night(p) / nnightsteps(p) else t_veg_nighti = t_veg_day(p) / ndaysteps(p) endif if(t_veg10_night(p).eq. spval)then t_veg10_night(p) = t_veg_nighti endif t_veg10_night(p) = 0.9_r8 * t_veg10_night(p) + 0.1_r8 * t_veg_nighti !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if(rh10_p(p).eq. spval)then rh10_p(p) = rh(p) endif rh10_p(p) = 0.9_r8 * rh10_p(p) + 0.1_r8 * min(1.0_r8, rh(p)) if(rb10_p(p).eq. spval)then rb10_p(p) = rb(p) endif rb10_p(p) = 0.9_r8 * rb10_p(p) + 0.1_r8 * rb(p) endif !the first day check end do !fn loop end associate end subroutine Acc240_Climate_LUNA subroutine Acc24_Climate_LUNA(bounds, fn, filterp, canopystate_inst, photosyns_inst, & surfalb_inst, solarabs_inst,temperature_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Accumulate the 24 hr climates for LUNA model ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! version 1.0, by Chonggang Xu July 14 2015. ! CALLED FROM: ! subroutine CanopyFluxes ! !USES: use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size implicit none ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds integer , intent(in) :: fn ! size of pft filter integer , intent(in) :: filterp(fn) ! pft filter type(canopystate_type) , intent(inout) :: canopystate_inst type(photosyns_type) , intent(inout) :: photosyns_inst type(surfalb_type) , intent(in) :: surfalb_inst type(solarabs_type) , intent(inout) :: solarabs_inst type(temperature_type) , intent(inout) :: temperature_inst ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: ! ! local pointers to implicit in variables integer :: c,f,g,iv,j,p ! indices integer :: ft ! plant functional type integer :: z ! the index across leaf layers real (r8) :: dtime ! stepsize in seconds real (r8) :: TRad ! total short-wave radiation on the top of canopy (w/m2) real (r8) :: tlaii ! total leaf area index for a certain canopy layer !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- associate( & sabv => solarabs_inst%sabv_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] patch solar radiation absorbed by vegetation (W/m**2) t_veg => temperature_inst%t_veg_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] vegetation temperature (Kelvin) par_sun_z => solarabs_inst%parsun_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] par absorbed per unit lai for sunlit canopy layer (w/m**2) par_sha_z => solarabs_inst%parsha_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] par absorbed per unit lai for shaded canopy layer (w/m**2) lai_sun_z => canopystate_inst%laisun_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] leaf area index for sunlit canopy layer lai_sha_z => canopystate_inst%laisha_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] leaf area index for canopy shaded layer par24d_z => solarabs_inst%par24d_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily accumulated absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) par24x_z => solarabs_inst%par24x_z_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily maximum of patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) nrad => surfalb_inst%nrad_patch , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] pft number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer gpp => photosyns_inst%fpsn_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] patch instaneous gpp (umol CO2/m**2 ground/s) for canopy layer gpp_day => photosyns_inst%fpsn24_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] patch 24 hours acculative gpp(umol CO2/m**2 ground/day) from mid-night t_veg_day => temperature_inst%t_veg_day_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] daytime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) t_veg_night => temperature_inst%t_veg_night_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] nighttime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) nnightsteps => temperature_inst%nnightsteps_patch , & ! Output: [integer (:) ] number of nighttime steps in 24 hours from mid-night, LUNA specific ndaysteps => temperature_inst%ndaysteps_patch & ! Output: [integer (:) ] number of daytime steps in 24 hours from mid-night, LUNA specific ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !set timestep !Initialize enzyme decay Q10 dtime = get_step_size() do f = 1,fn p = filterp(f) ft = patch%itype(p) g = patch%gridcell(p) c = patch%column(p) !---------------------------------------------------- !store the daily mean climate conditions if(t_veg_day(p).ne.spval) then !check whether it is the first day if(sabv(p)>0)then t_veg_day(p) = t_veg_day(p) + t_veg(p) ndaysteps(p) = ndaysteps(p) + 1 else t_veg_night(p) = t_veg_night(p) + t_veg(p) nnightsteps(p) = nnightsteps(p) + 1 endif do z = 1, nrad(p) !average of sunlit and shaded leaves tlaii = lai_sun_z(p,z) + lai_sha_z(p,z) if(tlaii > 0._r8)then TRad = (par_sun_z(p,z)*lai_sun_z(p,z)+par_sha_z(p,z)*lai_sha_z(p,z))/tlaii TRad = par_sun_z(p,z) !RF & GBB. Make LUNA predict sunlit fraction N fractionation, scale in PhotosynthesisMod. par24d_z(p,z)= par24d_z(p,z)+ dtime * TRad if(TRad > par24x_z(p,z))then par24x_z(p,z) = TRad endif endif enddo gpp_day(p) = gpp_day(p) + dtime * gpp(p) endif !first day check end do !fn loop end associate end subroutine Acc24_Climate_LUNA subroutine Clear24_Climate_LUNA(bounds, fn, filterp, canopystate_inst, photosyns_inst, & surfalb_inst, solarabs_inst,temperature_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Zero out the 24 hr climates for LUNA model ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! version 1.0, by Chonggang Xu July 14 2015. ! CALLED FROM: ! subroutine CanopyFluxes ! !USES: use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, is_end_curr_day implicit none ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds integer , intent(in) :: fn ! size of pft filter integer , intent(in) :: filterp(fn) ! pft filter type(canopystate_type) , intent(inout) :: canopystate_inst type(photosyns_type) , intent(inout) :: photosyns_inst type(surfalb_type) , intent(in) :: surfalb_inst type(solarabs_type) , intent(inout) :: solarabs_inst type(temperature_type) , intent(inout) :: temperature_inst ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: ! ! local pointers to implicit in variables integer :: c,f,g,iv,j,p ! indices integer :: ft ! plant functional type integer :: z ! the index across leaf layers real (r8) :: dtime ! stepsize in seconds logical :: is_end_day ! is end of current day !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- associate( & par24d_z => solarabs_inst%par24d_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily accumulated absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) par24x_z => solarabs_inst%par24x_z_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] daily maximum of patch absorbed PAR for leaves in canopy layer (W/m**2) gpp_day => photosyns_inst%fpsn24_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] patch 24 hours acculative gpp(umol CO2/m**2 ground/day) from mid-night t_veg_day => temperature_inst%t_veg_day_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] daytime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) t_veg_night => temperature_inst%t_veg_night_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] nighttime mean vegetation temperature (Kelvin) nnightsteps => temperature_inst%nnightsteps_patch , & ! Output: [integer (:) ] number of nighttime steps in 24 hours from mid-night, LUNA specific ndaysteps => temperature_inst%ndaysteps_patch & ! Output: [integer (:) ] number of daytime steps in 24 hours from mid-night, LUNA specific ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !set timestep !Initialize enzyme decay Q10 dtime = get_step_size() is_end_day = is_end_curr_day() do f = 1,fn p = filterp(f) ft = patch%itype(p) g = patch%gridcell(p) c = patch%column(p) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !clear out the daily state variables at the begining of simulations t_veg_day(p) = 0.0_r8 t_veg_night(p) = 0.0_r8 par24d_z(p,:) = 0.0_r8 par24x_z(p,:) = 0.0_r8 gpp_day(p) = 0.0_r8 nnightsteps(p) = 0.0_r8 ndaysteps(p) = 0.0_r8 end do !fn loop end associate end subroutine Clear24_Climate_LUNA !************************************************************************************************************************************************ !Use the LUNA model to calculate the Nitrogen partioning subroutine NitrogenAllocation(FNCa,forc_pbot10, relh10, CO2a10,O2a10, PARi10,PARimx10,rb10, hourpd, tair10, tleafd10, tleafn10, & Jmaxb0, Jmaxb1, Wc2Wjb0, relhExp,& PNlcold, PNetold, PNrespold, PNcbold, & PNstoreopt, PNlcopt, PNetopt, PNrespopt, PNcbopt) implicit none real(r8), intent (in) :: FNCa !Area based functional nitrogen content (g N/m2 leaf) real(r8), intent (in) :: forc_pbot10 !10-day mean air pressure (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: relh10 !10-day mean relative humidity (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: CO2a10 !10-day meanCO2 concentration in the air (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: O2a10 !10-day mean O2 concentration in the air (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: PARi10 !10-day mean photosynthetic active radiation on in a canopy (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (in) :: PARimx10 !10-day mean 24hr maximum photosynthetic active radiation on in a canopy (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (in) :: rb10 !10-day mean boundary layer resistance real(r8), intent (in) :: hourpd !hours of light in a the day (hrs) real(r8), intent (in) :: tair10 !10-day running mean of the 2m temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (in) :: tleafd10 !10-day running mean of daytime leaf temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (in) :: tleafn10 !10-day running mean of nighttime leaf temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (in) :: Jmaxb0 !baseline proportion of nitrogen allocated for electron transport rate (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: Jmaxb1 !coefficient determining the response of electron transport rate to light availability (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: Wc2Wjb0 !the baseline ratio of rubisco-limited rate vs light-limited photosynthetic rate (Wc:Wj) real(r8), intent (in) :: relhExp !specifies the impact of relative humidity on electron transport rate (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: PNlcold !old value of the proportion of nitrogen allocated to light capture (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: PNetold !old value of the proportion of nitrogen allocated to electron transport (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: PNrespold !old value of the proportion of nitrogen allocated to respiration (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: PNcbold !old value of the proportion of nitrogen allocated to carboxylation (unitless) real(r8), intent (out):: PNstoreopt !optimal proportion of nitrogen for storage real(r8), intent (out):: PNlcopt !optimal proportion of nitrogen for light capture real(r8), intent (out):: PNetopt !optimal proportion of nitrogen for electron transport real(r8), intent (out):: PNrespopt !optimal proportion of nitrogen for respiration real(r8), intent (out):: PNcbopt !optial proportion of nitrogen for carboxyaltion !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !intermediate variables real(r8) :: Carboncost1 !absolute amount of carbon cost associated with maintenance respiration due to deccrease in light capture nitrogen(g dry mass per day) real(r8) :: Carboncost2 !absolute amount of carbon cost associated with maintenance respiration due to increase in light capture nitrogen(g dry mass per day) real(r8) :: Carbongain1 !absolute amount of carbon gain associated with maintenance respiration due to deccrease in light capture nitrogen(g dry mass per day) real(r8) :: Carbongain2 !absolute amount of carbon gain associated with maintenance respiration due to increase in light capture nitrogen(g dry mass per day) real(r8) :: Fc !the temperature adjustment factor for Vcmax real(r8) :: Fj !the temperature adjustment factor for Jmax real(r8) :: PNlc !the current nitrogen allocation proportion for light capture real(r8) :: Jmax !the maximum electron transport rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: JmaxCoef !coefficient determining the response of electron transport rate to light availability (unitless) and humidity real(r8) :: Jmaxb0act !base value of Jmax (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: JmaxL !the electron transport rate with maximum daily radiation (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: JmeanL !the electron transport rate with mean radiation (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: Nstore !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to storage (gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Nresp !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to respiration (gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Nlc !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to light capture (gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Net !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to electron transport (gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Ncb !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to carboxylation (gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Nresp1 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to respiration due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Nlc1 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to light capture due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Net1 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to electron transport due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Ncb1 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to carboyxlation due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Nresp2 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to respiration due to decrease in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Nlc2 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to light capture due to decrease in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Net2 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to electron transport due to decrease in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Ncb2 !absolute amount of nitrogen allocated to carboxylation due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: PSN !g carbon photosynthesized per day per unit(m2) of leaf real(r8) :: RESP !g carbon respired per day per unit(m2) of leaf due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: PSN1 !g carbon photosynthesized per day per unit(m2) of leaf due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: RESP1 !g carbon respired per day per unit(m2) of leaf due to decrease in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: PSN2 !g carbon photosynthesized per day per unit(m2) of leaf due to decrease in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: RESP2 !g carbon respired per day per unit(m2) of leaf real(r8) :: Npsntarget !absolute amount of target nitrogen for photosynthesis(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Npsntarget1 !absolute amount of target nitrogen for photosynthesis due to increase in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: Npsntarget2 !absolute amount of target nitrogen for photosynthesis due to decrease in light capture nitrogen(gN/m2 leaf) real(r8) :: NUEj !nitrogen use efficiency for electron transport under current environmental conditions real(r8) :: NUEc !nitrogen use efficiency for carboxylation under current environmental conditions real(r8) :: NUEjref !nitrogen use efficiency for electron transport under reference environmental conditions (25oC and 385ppm Co2) real(r8) :: NUEcref !nitrogen use efficiency for carboxylation under reference environmental conditions (25oC and 385ppm Co2) real(r8) :: NUEr !nitrogen use efficiency for respiration real(r8) :: PARi10c !10-day mean constrained photosynthetic active radiation on in a canopy (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: PARimx10c !10-day mean constrained 24hr maximum photosynthetic active radiation on in a canopy (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: Kj2Kcref !the ratio of rubisco-limited photosynthetic rate (Wc) to light limited photosynthetic rate (Wj) real(r8) :: PNlcoldi !old value of the proportion of nitrogen allocated to light capture (unitless) real(r8) :: Kj2Kc !the ratio of Wc to Wj under changed conditions real(r8) :: Kc !conversion factors for Vc,max to Wc real(r8) :: Kj !conversion factor for electron transport rate to Wj real(r8) :: theta !efficiency of light energy conversion (unitless) real(r8) :: chg_per_step !the nitrogen change per interation real(r8) :: Vcmaxnight !Vcmax during night (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: ci !inter-cellular CO2 concentration (Pa) real(r8) :: theta_cj !interpolation coefficient real(r8) :: tleafd10c !10-day mean daytime leaf temperature, contrained for physiological range (oC) real(r8) :: tleafn10c !10-day mean leaf temperature for night, constrained for physiological range (oC) real(r8) :: Vcmax !the maximum carboxyaltion rate (umol/m2/s) integer :: KcKjFlag !flag to indicate whether to update the Kc and Kj using the photosynthesis subroutine; 0--Kc and Kj need to be calculated; 1--Kc and Kj is prescribed. integer :: jj !index record fo the number of iterations integer :: increase_flag !whether to increase or decrease call NUEref(NUEjref, NUEcref, Kj2Kcref) theta_cj = 0.95_r8 Nlc = PNlcold * FNCa !proportion of light capturing nitrogen in functional nitrogen Net = PNetold * FNCa !proportion of light harvesting (electron transport) nitrogen in functional nitrogen Nresp = PNrespold * FNCa !proportion of respirational nitrogen in functional nitrogen Ncb = PNcbold * FNCa !proportion of carboxylation nitrogen in functional nitrogen if (Nlc > FNCa * 0.5_r8) Nlc = 0.5_r8 * FNCa chg_per_step = 0.02* FNCa PNlc = PNlcold PNlcoldi = PNlcold - 0.001_r8 PARi10c = max(PARLowLim, PARi10) PARimx10c = max(PARLowLim, PARimx10) increase_flag = 0 jj = 1 tleafd10c = min(max(tleafd10, Trange1), Trange2) !constrain the physiological range tleafn10c = min(max(tleafn10, Trange1), Trange2) !constrain the physiological range ci = 0.7_r8 * CO2a10 JmaxCoef = Jmaxb1 * ((hourpd / 12.0_r8)**2.0_r8) * (1.0_r8 - exp(-relhExp * max(relh10 - minrelh, 0.0_r8) / & (1.0_r8 - minrelh))) do while (PNlcoldi .NE. PNlc .and. jj < 100) Fc = VcmxTKattge(tair10, tleafd10c) * Fc25 Fj = JmxTKattge(tair10, tleafd10c) * Fj25 NUEr = Cv * NUEr25 * (RespTBernacchi(tleafd10c) * hourpd + RespTBernacchi(tleafn10c) * (24.0_r8 - hourpd)) !nitrogen use efficiency for respiration (g biomass/m2/day/g N) !**************************************************** !Nitrogen Allocation Scheme: store the initial value !**************************************************** KcKjFlag = 0 call NUE(O2a10, ci, tair10, tleafd10c, NUEj, NUEc, Kj2Kc) call Nitrogen_investments (KcKjFlag,FNCa, Nlc, forc_pbot10, relh10, CO2a10,O2a10, PARi10c, PARimx10c,rb10, hourpd, tair10, & tleafd10c,tleafn10c, & Kj2Kc, Wc2Wjb0, JmaxCoef, Fc,Fj, NUEc, NUEj, NUEcref, NUEjref, NUEr, Kc, Kj, ci, & Vcmax, Jmax,JmeanL,JmaxL, Net, Ncb, Nresp, PSN, RESP) Npsntarget = Nlc + Ncb + Net !target nitrogen allocated to photosynthesis, which may be lower or higher than Npsn_avail PNlcoldi = Nlc / FNCa Nstore = FNCa - Npsntarget - Nresp !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !test the increase of light capture nitrogen if (Nstore > 0.0_r8 .and.(increase_flag .eq. 1 .or. jj .eq. 1)) then Nlc2 = Nlc + chg_per_step if (Nlc2 / FNCa > 0.95_r8) Nlc2 = 0.95_r8 * FNCa KcKjFlag = 1 call Nitrogen_investments (KcKjFlag,FNCa, Nlc2, forc_pbot10, relh10, CO2a10,O2a10, PARi10c, PARimx10c,rb10, hourpd, & tair10, tleafd10c,tleafn10c, & Kj2Kc, Wc2Wjb0, JmaxCoef, Fc,Fj, NUEc, NUEj, NUEcref, NUEjref,NUEr, Kc, Kj, ci, & Vcmax, Jmax,JmeanL,JmaxL, Net2, Ncb2, Nresp2, PSN2, RESP2) Npsntarget2 = Nlc2 + Ncb2 + Net2 !update the nitrogen change Carboncost2 = (Npsntarget2 - Npsntarget) * NMCp25 * Cv * (RespTBernacchi(tleafd10c) * hourpd + & RespTBernacchi(tleafn10c) * (24.0_r8 - hourpd)) Carbongain2 = PSN2 - PSN if(Carbongain2 > Carboncost2 .and. (Npsntarget2 + Nresp2 < 0.95_r8 * FNCa))then Nlc = Nlc2 Net = Net2 Ncb = Ncb2 Nstore = FNCa - Npsntarget2 - Nresp2 if (jj == 1) increase_flag = 1 end if end if !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !test the decrease of light capture nitrogen if (increase_flag == 0) then if (Nstore < 0.0_r8) then Nlc1 = Nlc * 0.8_r8 !bigger step of decrease if it is negative else Nlc1 = Nlc - chg_per_step end if if (Nlc1 < 0.05_r8) Nlc1 = 0.05_r8 KcKjFlag = 1 call Nitrogen_investments (KcKjFlag,FNCa, Nlc1,forc_pbot10, relh10, CO2a10,O2a10, PARi10c, PARimx10c,rb10, hourpd, & tair10, tleafd10c,tleafn10c, & Kj2Kc, Wc2Wjb0, JmaxCoef, Fc,Fj, NUEc, NUEj, NUEcref, NUEjref,NUEr, Kc, Kj, ci,& Vcmax, Jmax,JmeanL,JmaxL, Net1, Ncb1, Nresp1, PSN1, RESP1) Npsntarget1 = Nlc1 + Ncb1 + Net1 Carboncost1 = (Npsntarget - Npsntarget1) * NMCp25 * Cv * (RespTBernacchi(tleafd10c) * hourpd + & RespTBernacchi(tleafn10c) * (24.0_r8 - hourpd)) Carbongain1 = PSN - PSN1 if((Carbongain1 < Carboncost1 .and. Nlc1 > 0.05_r8) .or. (Npsntarget + Nresp) > 0.95_r8 * FNCa)then Nlc = Nlc1 Net = Net1 Ncb = Ncb1 Nstore = FNCa - Npsntarget1 - Nresp1 end if end if PNlc = Nlc / FNCa jj = jj + 1 end do PNlcopt = Nlc / FNCa PNstoreopt = Nstore / FNCa PNcbopt = Ncb / FNCa PNetopt = Net / FNCa PNrespopt = Nresp / FNCa end subroutine NitrogenAllocation !***************************************************************************************************************** !calcualte the nitrogen investment for electron transport, carb10oxylation, respiration given a specified value !of nitrogen allocation in light capture [Nlc]. This equation are based on Ali et al 2015b. subroutine Nitrogen_investments (KcKjFlag, FNCa, Nlc, forc_pbot10, relh10, & CO2a10, O2a10, PARi10, PARimx10, rb10, hourpd, tair10, tleafd10, tleafn10, & Kj2Kc, Wc2Wjb0, JmaxCoef, Fc, Fj, NUEc, NUEj, NUEcref, NUEjref, NUEr, Kc, & Kj, ci, Vcmax, Jmax, JmeanL, JmaxL, Net, Ncb, Nresp, PSN, RESP) implicit none integer, intent (in) :: KcKjFlag !flag to indicate whether to update the Kc and Kj using the photosynthesis subroutine; 0--Kc and Kj need to be calculated; 1--Kc and Kj is prescribed. real(r8), intent (in) :: FNCa !Area based functional nitrogen content (g N/m2 leaf) real(r8), intent (in) :: Nlc !nitrogen content for light capture(g N/m2 leaf) real(r8), intent (in) :: forc_pbot10 !10-day mean air pressure (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: relh10 !10-day mean relative humidity (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: CO2a10 !10-day mean CO2 concentration in the air (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: O2a10 !10-day mean O2 concentration in the air (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: PARi10 !10-day mean photosynthetic active radiation on in a canopy (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (in) :: PARimx10 !10-day mean 24hr maximum photosynthetic active radiation on in a canopy (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (in) :: rb10 !10-day mean boundary layer resistance (s/m) real(r8), intent (in) :: hourpd !hours of light in a the day (hrs) real(r8), intent (in) :: tair10 !10-day running mean of the 2m temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (in) :: tleafd10 !10-day mean daytime leaf temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (in) :: tleafn10 !10-day mean nighttime leaf temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (in) :: Kj2Kc !ratio: Kj / Kc real(r8), intent (in) :: Wc2Wjb0 !the baseline ratio of rubisco-limited rate vs light-limited photosynthetic rate (Wc:Wj) real(r8), intent (in) :: JmaxCoef !coefficient determining the response of electron transport rate to light availability (unitless) and humidity real(r8), intent (in) :: Fc !the temperature adjustment factor for Vcmax real(r8), intent (in) :: Fj !the temperature adjustment factor for Jmax real(r8), intent (in) :: NUEc !nitrogen use efficiency for carboxylation real(r8), intent (in) :: NUEj !nitrogen use efficiency for electron transport real(r8), intent (in) :: NUEcref !nitrogen use efficiency for carboxylation under reference climates real(r8), intent (in) :: NUEjref !nitrogen use efficiency for electron transport under reference climates real(r8), intent (in) :: NUEr !nitrogen use efficiency for respiration real(r8), intent (inout) :: Kc !conversion factors from Vc,max to Wc real(r8), intent (inout) :: Kj !conversion factor from electron transport rate to Wj real(r8), intent (inout) :: ci !inter-cellular CO2 concentration (Pa) real(r8), intent (out) :: Vcmax !the maximum carboxyaltion rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (out) :: Jmax !the maximum electron transport rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (out) :: JmaxL !the electron transport rate with maximum daily radiation (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (out) :: JmeanL !the electron transport rate with mean radiation (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (out) :: Net !nitrogen content for electron transport(g N/m2 leaf) real(r8), intent (out) :: Ncb !nitrogen content for carboxylation(g N/m2 leaf) real(r8), intent (out) :: Nresp !nitrogen content for respiration(g N/m2 leaf) real(r8), intent (out) :: PSN !daily photosynthetic rate(g C/day/m2 leaf) real(r8), intent (out) :: RESP !daily respiration rate(g C/day/m2 leaf) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !intermediate variables real(r8) :: A !Gross photosynthetic rate (umol CO2/m2/s) real(r8) :: Wc2Wj !ratio: Wc/Wj real(r8) :: ELTRNabsorb !absorbed electron rate, umol electron/m2 leaf /s real(r8) :: Jmaxb0act !base value of Jmax (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: theta_cj !interpolation coefficient real(r8) :: theta !light absorption rate (0-1) real(r8) :: Vcmaxnight !Vcmax during night (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: Wc !rubisco-limited photosynthetic rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: Wj !light limited photosynthetic rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: NUECHG !the nitrogen use efficiency change under current conidtions compared to reference climate conditions (25oC and 385 ppm ) real(r8), parameter :: leaf_mr_vcm = 0.015_r8 !Scalar constant of leaf respiration with Vcmax (should use parameter in CanopyStateMod) theta_cj = 0.95_r8 theta = 0.292_r8 / (1.0_r8 + 0.076_r8 / (Nlc * Cb)) ELTRNabsorb = theta * PARi10 Jmaxb0act = Jmaxb0 * FNCa * Fj Jmax = Jmaxb0act + JmaxCoef * ELTRNabsorb JmaxL = theta * PARimx10 / (sqrt(1.0_r8 + (theta * PARimx10 / Jmax)**2.0_r8)) NUEchg = (NUEc / NUEcref) * (NUEjref / NUEj) Wc2Wj = Wc2Wjb0 * (NUEchg**0.5_r8) Wc2Wj = min(1.0_r8, Wc2Wj) Vcmax = Wc2Wj * JmaxL * Kj2Kc JmeanL = theta * PARi10 / (sqrt(1.0_r8 + (ELTRNabsorb / Jmax)**2.0_r8)) if(KcKjFlag.eq.0)then !update the Kc,Kj, anc ci information call Photosynthesis_luna(forc_pbot10, tleafd10, relh10, CO2a10, O2a10,rb10, Vcmax, JmeanL, ci, Kc, Kj, A) else Wc = Kc * Vcmax Wj = Kj * JmeanL A = (1.0_r8 - theta_cj) * max(Wc, Wj) + theta_cj * min(Wc, Wj) endif PSN = Cv * A * hourpd Vcmaxnight = VcmxTKattge(tair10, tleafn10) / VcmxTKattge(tair10, tleafd10) * Vcmax RESP = Cv * leaf_mr_vcm * (Vcmax * hourpd + Vcmaxnight * (24.0_r8 - hourpd)) Net = Jmax / Fj Ncb = Vcmax / Fc Nresp = RESP / NUEr end subroutine Nitrogen_investments !******************************************************************************************************************** ! Calculate the photosynthesis by solving the following 3 equations for 3 unknowns (A, gs, Ci): Farquahr's non-linear equation (A versus Ci), ! Ball-Berry equation (gs versus A) and the diffusion equation (A = gs * (Ca - Ci). The approach taken is the following; Solve the 3 equations for ! two phases. First phase is where Rubisco is limiting (Wc <= Wj) and second phase is where light is limiting (Wj > Wc). subroutine Photosynthesis_luna(forc_pbot, tleafd, relh, CO2a,O2a, rb, Vcmax, JmeanL, ci, Kc, Kj, A) implicit none real(r8), intent (in) :: forc_pbot !air presure (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: tleafd !daytime leaf temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (in) :: relh !relative humidity (unitless) real(r8), intent (in) :: CO2a !atmospheric CO2 partial pressure(Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: O2a !atmospheric O2 partial pressure(Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: rb !boundary layer resistance (s/m) real(r8), intent (in) :: Vcmax !maximum carboxylation rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (in) :: JmeanL !average electron transport rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8), intent (out):: ci !inter-cellular CO2 concentration (ppm) real(r8), intent (out):: Kc !conversion factors for Vc,max to Wc real(r8), intent (out):: Kj !conversion factors for Jmax to Wj real(r8), intent (out):: A !g dry mass photosynthesized per day !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !intermediate variables real(r8) :: awc !second deminator term for rubsico limited carboxylation rate based on Farquhar model real(r8) :: cf !conversion factor of resistance: m**2/umol -> s/m real(r8) :: bp !maximum stomatal resistance real(r8) :: mpe !plant functional type dependent parameter for stomatal conductance real(r8) :: rs !stomatal resistance (s/m) real(r8) :: r1 !root1 of quadratic equations real(r8) :: r2 !root2 of quadratic equations real(r8) :: Wc !rubisco-limited photosynthetic rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: Wj !light-limited photosynthetic rate (umol/m2/s) real(r8) :: k_o !Michaelis-menten constant for O2 in Farquhar's model real(r8) :: k_c !Michaelis-menten constant for CO2 in Farquhar's model real(r8) :: CO2c !partial pressure of CO2 (Pa) real(r8) :: O2c !partial pressure of oxygen (Pa) real(r8) :: c_p !Michaelis-menten constant for Farquhar's model related to rubisco specificity factor real(r8) :: tdayk !daytime temperature in Kelvin real(r8) :: ciold !old value of inter-cellular CO2 concentration for convergence check real(r8) :: bbb !Ball-Berry minimum leaf conductance (umol H20/m2/s) real(r8) :: mbb !Ball-Berry slope of conductance photosynthesis relationship (stressed) real(r8) :: gs_mol !leaf stomatal conductance (umol H20/m2/s) real(r8) :: gb_mol !leaf boundary layer conductance (umol H20/m2/s) real(r8) :: aquad !terms of quadratic equations real(r8) :: bquad !terms of quadratic equations real(r8) :: cquad !terms of quadratic equations real(r8) :: phi !terms of quadratic equations real(r8) :: rsmax0 !maximum stomata conductance (s/m) real(r8) :: tleaf !daytime leaf temperature (oC) real(r8) :: tleafk !the temperature of the leaf in Kelvin real(r8) :: theta_cj !the interpolation coefficient for Wj and Wc real(r8) :: relhc !constrained relative humidity (unitless) integer :: i !index record the number of iterations theta_cj = 0.95_r8 rsmax0 = 2.0_r8 * 1.0e4_r8 bp = 2000.0_r8 tleaf = tleafd tleafk = tleaf + tfrz aquad = 1.0_r8 relhc = max(minrelh, relh) bbb = 1.0_r8 / bp mbb = mp CO2c = CO2a O2c = O2a ci = 0.7_r8 * CO2c ciold = ci - 0.02_r8 cf = forc_pbot / (8.314_r8 * tleafk) * 1.0e6_r8 gb_mol = cf / rb k_c = kc25 * exp((79430.0_r8 / (8.314_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) k_o = ko25 * exp((36380.0_r8 / (8.314_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) c_p = Cp25 * exp((37830.0_r8 / (8.314_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) awc = k_c * (1.0_r8 + O2c / k_o) i = 1 do while (abs(ci - ciold) > 0.01_r8 .and. i < 100) ! for RUBISCO limitation i = i + 1 ciold = ci Kc = max(ci - c_p, 0.0_r8) / (ci + awc) Wc = Kc * Vcmax gs_mol = bbb + mbb * Wc / CO2c * forc_pbot * relhc phi = forc_pbot * (1.37_r8 * gs_mol + 1.6_r8 * gb_mol) / (gb_mol * gs_mol) bquad = awc - CO2c + phi * Vcmax cquad = -(c_p * phi * Vcmax + awc * CO2c) call Quadratic(aquad, bquad, cquad, r1, r2) ci = max(r1, r2) if (ci < 0.0_r8) ci = c_p + 0.5_r8 * ciold end do Kj = max(ci - c_p, 0.0_r8) / (4.0_r8 * ci + 8.0_r8 * c_p) Kc = max(ci - c_p, 0.0_r8) / (ci + awc) Wc = Kc * Vcmax Wj = Kj * JmeanL ciold = ci - 0.02_r8 if (Wj < Wc) then !light limitation i = 1 do while (abs(ci - ciold) > 0.01_r8 .and. i < 100) i = i + 1 ciold = ci gs_mol = bbb + mbb * Wj / CO2c * forc_pbot * relhc phi = forc_pbot * (1.37_r8 * gs_mol + 1.6_r8 * gb_mol) / (gb_mol * gs_mol) bquad = 2.0_r8 * c_p - CO2c + phi * JmeanL / 4.0_r8 cquad = -(c_p * phi * JmeanL / 4.0_r8 + 2.0_r8 * c_p * CO2c) call Quadratic(aquad, bquad, cquad, r1, r2) ci = max(r1, r2) if (ci < 0.0_r8) ci = c_p + 0.5_r8 * ciold Kj = max(ci - c_p, 0.0_r8) / (4.0_r8 * ci + 8.0_r8 * c_p) Wj = Kj * JmeanL end do Kj = max(ci - c_p, 0.0_r8) / (4.0_r8 * ci + 8.0_r8 * c_p) Kc = max(ci - c_p, 0.0_r8) / (ci + awc) Wc = Kc * Vcmax Wj = Kj * JmeanL end if A = (1.0_r8 - theta_cj) * max(Wc, Wj) + theta_cj * min(Wc, Wj) !use this instead of the quadratic to avoid values not in the range of wc and wj rs = cf / gs_mol rs = min(rsmax0, rs) end subroutine Photosynthesis_luna !********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** !Calculate the reference nitrogen use effieciency dependence on CO2 and leaf temperature subroutine NUEref(NUEjref,NUEcref,Kj2Kcref) implicit none real(r8), intent (out):: NUEjref !nitrogen use efficiency for electron transport under refernce environmental conditions (25oC and 385 ppm co2) real(r8), intent (out):: NUEcref !nitrogen use efficiency for carboxylation under reference environmental conditions (25oC and 385 ppm co2) real(r8), intent (out):: Kj2Kcref !the ratio of Wc to Wj under reference (25oC and 385 ppm co2) conditions !--------------------------------------------- !intermediate variables real(r8) :: Fj !the temperature adjust factor for Jmax real(r8) :: Fc !the temperatuer adjust factor for Vcmax real(r8) :: tgrow !10 day mean growth temperature (oC), 24 hour mean temperature real(r8) :: tleaf !leaf temperature (oC) real(r8) :: CO2c !CO2 concentration (ppm) real(r8) :: O2c !O2 concentration (ppm) real(r8) :: k_o !Rubsico O2 specifity real(r8) :: k_c !Rubsico CO2 specifity real(r8) :: awc !second deminator term for rubsico limited carboxylation rate based on Farquhar model real(r8) :: c_p !CO2 compenstation point (Pa) real(r8) :: ci !leaf internal [CO2] (Pa) real(r8) :: Kc !converstion factor from Vcmax to Wc real(r8) :: Kj !converstion factor from J to Wc tgrow = 25.0_r8 tleaf = 25.0_r8 Fc = VcmxTKattge(tgrow, tleaf) * Fc25 Fj = JmxTKattge(tgrow, tleaf) * Fj25 CO2c = co2ref * forc_pbot_ref * 1.0e-6_r8 !pa O2c = O2ref * forc_pbot_ref * 1.0e-6_r8 !pa k_c = Kc25 * exp((79430.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) k_o = Ko25 * exp((36380.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) c_p = Cp25 * exp((37830.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) awc = k_c * (1.0_r8+O2c/k_o) ci = 0.7_r8 * CO2c Kj = max( ci-c_p,0.0_r8 ) / ( 4.0_r8*ci + 8.0_r8*c_p ) Kc = max( ci-c_p,0.0_r8 ) / (ci+awc) NUEjref = Kj * Fj NUEcref = Kc * Fc Kj2Kcref = Kj / Kc end subroutine NUEref !******************************************************************************************************************** !Calculate the Nitrogen use effieciency dependence on CO2 and leaf temperature subroutine NUE(O2a, ci, tgrow, tleaf, NUEj,NUEc,Kj2Kc) implicit none real(r8), intent (in) :: o2a !air O2 partial presuure (Pa) real(r8), intent (in) :: ci !leaf inter-cellular [CO2] (PPM) real(r8), intent (in) :: tgrow !10 day growth temperature (oC), 24 hour mean temperature real(r8), intent (in) :: tleaf !leaf temperature (oC) real(r8), intent (out):: NUEj !nitrogen use efficiency for electron transport under refernce environmental conditions (25oC and 385 ppm co2) real(r8), intent (out):: NUEc !nitrogen use efficiency for carboxylation under reference environmental conditions (25oC and 385 ppm co2) real(r8), intent (out):: Kj2Kc !the ratio of Kj to Kc !------------------------------------------------ !intermediate variables real(r8) :: Fj !the temperatuer adjust factor for Jmax real(r8) :: Fc !the temperatuer adjust factor for Vcmax real(r8) :: Kc !conversion factor from Vcmax to Wc real(r8) :: Kj !conversion factor from J to W real(r8) :: k_o !Rubsico O2 specifity real(r8) :: k_c !Rubsico CO2 specifity real(r8) :: awc !second deminator term for rubsico limited carboxylation rate based on Farquhar model real(r8) :: c_p !CO2 compenstation point (Pa) Fc = VcmxTKattge(tgrow, tleaf) * Fc25 Fj = JmxTKattge(tgrow, tleaf) * Fj25 k_c = Kc25 * exp((79430.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) k_o = Ko25 * exp((36380.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) c_p = Cp25 * exp((37830.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) awc = k_c * ( 1.0_r8 + O2a/k_o ) Kj = max( ci-c_p,0.0_r8 ) / ( 4.0_r8*ci + 8.0_r8*c_p ) Kc = max( ci-c_p,0.0_r8 ) / ( ci+awc ) NUEj = Kj * Fj NUEc = Kc * Fc Kj2Kc = Kj / Kc end subroutine NUE !************************************************************************************************************************************************ !Calculate the temperature response for Vcmax; assuming temperature acclimation as in CLM4.5, based on Kattge and Knorr 2007 real(r8) function VcmxTKattge(tgrow, tleaf) implicit none real(r8), intent(in):: tgrow !daytime and nightime growth temperature (oC) real(r8), intent(in):: tleaf !leaf temperature (oC) real(r8) :: TlimVcmx !Vcmax activation energy real(r8) :: Vcmxf1 !Vcmax coef1 real(r8) :: Vcmxf2 !Vcmax coef2 real(r8) :: Vcmxf3 !Vcmax coef3 TlimVcmx = 668.39_r8- 1.07_r8 * (min(max(tgrow, 11.0_r8), 35.0_r8)) Vcmxf1 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimVcmx * (25.0_r8 + tfrz) - 200000.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) Vcmxf2 = exp((72000.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1.0_r8 - (tfrz+ 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) Vcmxf3 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimVcmx * (tleaf + tfrz) - 200000.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (tleaf + tfrz))) VcmxTKattge = Vcmxf1 * Vcmxf2 / Vcmxf3 end function VcmxTKattge !************************************************************************************************************************************************ !Calculate the temperature response for Jmax; assuming temperature acclimation as in CLM4.5, based on Kattge and Knorr 2007 real(r8) function JmxTKattge(tgrow, tleaf) implicit none real(r8), intent(in):: tgrow !daytime and nightime growth temperature (oC) real(r8), intent(in):: tleaf !leaf temperature (oC) real(r8) :: TlimJmx !Jmax activation energy real(r8) :: Jmxf1 !Jmax coef1 real(r8) :: Jmxf2 !Jmax coef2 real(r8) :: Jmxf3 !Jmax coef3 TlimJmx = 659.7_r8 - 0.75_r8 * (min(max(tgrow, 11.0_r8), 35.0_r8)) Jmxf1 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimJmx * (25.0_r8 + tfrz) - 200000.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) Jmxf2 = exp((50000.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1._r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tleaf+tfrz))) Jmxf3 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimJmx * (tleaf + tfrz) - 200000.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (tleaf + tfrz))) JmxTKattge = Jmxf1 * Jmxf2 / Jmxf3 end function JmxTKattge !******************************************************************************************************************** !Calculate the temperature response for Vcmax; without assuming temperature acclimation and following Leunning 2002 Plant, Cell & Environment real(r8) function VcmxTLeuning(tgrow, tleaf) implicit none real(r8), intent(in) :: tgrow !daytime and nightime growth temperature (oC) real(r8), intent(in) :: tleaf !leaf temperature (oC) real(r8) :: TlimVcmx !Vcmax activation energy real(r8) :: Vcmxf1 !Vcmax coef1 real(r8) :: Vcmxf2 !Vcmax coef2 real(r8) :: Vcmxf3 !Vcmax coef3 TlimVcmx = 486.0_r8 Vcmxf1 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimVcmx * (25.0_r8 + tfrz) - 149252.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) Vcmxf2 = exp((73637.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1._r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) Vcmxf3 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimVcmx * (tleaf + tfrz) - 149252.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (tleaf + tfrz))) VcmxTLeuning = Vcmxf1 * Vcmxf2 / Vcmxf3 end function VcmxTLeuning !******************************************************************************************************************** !Calculate the temperature response for Jmax; without assuming temperature acclimation and following Leunning 2002 Plant, Cell & Environment real(r8) function JmxTLeuning(tgrow, tleaf) implicit none real(r8), intent(in):: tgrow !daytime and nightime growth temperature (oC) real(r8), intent(in):: tleaf !leaf temperature (oC) real(r8) :: TlimJmx !Jmax activation energy real(r8) :: Jmxf1 !Jmax coef1 real(r8) :: Jmxf2 !Jmax coef2 real(r8) :: Jmxf3 !Jmax coef3 TlimJmx = 495.0_r8 Jmxf1 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimJmx * (25.0_r8 + tfrz) - 152044.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) Jmxf2 = exp((50300.0_r8 / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (25.0_r8 + tfrz))) * (1._r8 - (tfrz + 25.0_r8) / (tfrz + tleaf))) Jmxf3 = 1.0_r8 + exp((TlimJmx * (tleaf + tfrz) - 152044.0_r8) / (rgas*1.e-3_r8 * (tleaf + tfrz))) JmxTLeuning = Jmxf1 * Jmxf2 / Jmxf3 end function JmxTLeuning !******************************************************************************************************************** !Calculate the temperature response for respiration, following Bernacchi PCE 2001 real(r8) function RespTBernacchi(tleaf) implicit none real(r8), intent(in):: tleaf !leaf temperature (oC) RespTBernacchi= exp(18.72_r8-46.39_r8/(rgas*1.e-6_r8 *(tleaf+tfrz))) end function RespTBernacchi !******************************************************************************************************************** !Calculate the soultion using the quadratic formula subroutine Quadratic(a,b,c,r1,r2) implicit none real(r8), intent(in) :: a !coefficient a real(r8), intent(in) :: b !coefficient b real(r8), intent(in) :: c !coefficient c real(r8), intent(out) :: r1 !root one real(r8), intent(out) :: r2 !root one real(r8) :: q ! temporary term for quadratic solution r1 = 1.0e36_r8 r2 = 1.0e36_r8 if (a == 0.0_r8) return if (b .GE. 0.0_r8) then q = -0.5_r8 * (b + sqrt(b*b - 4.0_r8*a*c)) else q = -0.5_r8 * (b - sqrt(b*b - 4.0_r8*a*c)) end if r1 = q / a if (q .NE. 0.0_r8)then r2 = c / q else r2 = 1.0e36_r8 end if end subroutine Quadratic end module LunaMod