module LakeFluxesMod !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates surface fluxes and temperature for lakes. ! Created by Zack Subin, 2009 ! ! !USES use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8 use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg use decompMod , only : bounds_type use atm2lndType , only : atm2lnd_type use EnergyFluxType , only : energyflux_type use FrictionVelocityMod , only : frictionvel_type use LakeStateType , only : lakestate_type use SolarAbsorbedType , only : solarabs_type use TemperatureType , only : temperature_type use WaterfluxType , only : waterflux_type use WaterstateType , only : waterstate_type use HumanIndexMod , only : humanindex_type use GridcellType , only : grc use ColumnType , only : col use PatchType , only : patch ! ! !PUBLIC TYPES: implicit none save private ! ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: LakeFluxes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine LakeFluxes(bounds, num_lakec, filter_lakec, num_lakep, filter_lakep, & atm2lnd_inst, solarabs_inst, frictionvel_inst, temperature_inst, & energyflux_inst, waterstate_inst, waterflux_inst, lakestate_inst, & humanindex_inst) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates lake temperatures and surface fluxes. ! Lakes have variable depth, possible snow layers above, freezing & thawing of lake water, ! and soil layers with active temperature and gas diffusion below. ! WARNING: This subroutine assumes lake columns have one and only one pft. ! ! !USES: use clm_varpar , only : nlevlak use clm_varcon , only : hvap, hsub, hfus, cpair, cpliq, tkwat, tkice, tkair use clm_varcon , only : sb, vkc, grav, denh2o, tfrz, spval, zsno use clm_varctl , only : use_lch4 use LakeCon , only : betavis, z0frzlake, tdmax, emg_lake use LakeCon , only : lake_use_old_fcrit_minz0 use LakeCon , only : minz0lake, cur0, cus, curm, fcrit use QSatMod , only : QSat use FrictionVelocityMod , only : FrictionVelocity, MoninObukIni, frictionvel_parms_inst use HumanIndexMod , only : all_human_stress_indices, fast_human_stress_indices, & Wet_Bulb, Wet_BulbS, HeatIndex, AppTemp, & swbgt, hmdex, dis_coi, dis_coiS, THIndex, & SwampCoolEff, KtoC, VaporPres ! ! !ARGUMENTS: type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds integer , intent(in) :: num_lakec ! number of column non-lake points in column filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_lakec(:) ! column filter for non-lake points integer , intent(in) :: num_lakep ! number of column non-lake points in pft filter integer , intent(in) :: filter_lakep(:) ! patch filter for non-lake points type(atm2lnd_type) , intent(in) :: atm2lnd_inst type(solarabs_type) , intent(inout) :: solarabs_inst type(frictionvel_type) , intent(inout) :: frictionvel_inst type(energyflux_type) , intent(inout) :: energyflux_inst type(waterstate_type) , intent(inout) :: waterstate_inst type(waterflux_type) , intent(inout) :: waterflux_inst type(temperature_type) , intent(inout) :: temperature_inst type(lakestate_type) , intent(inout) :: lakestate_inst type(humanindex_type) , intent(inout) :: humanindex_inst ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: real(r8), pointer :: z0mg_col(:) ! roughness length over ground, momentum [m] real(r8), pointer :: z0hg_col(:) ! roughness length over ground, sensible heat [m] real(r8), pointer :: z0qg_col(:) ! roughness length over ground, latent heat [m] integer , parameter :: niters = 4 ! maximum number of iterations for surface temperature real(r8), parameter :: beta1 = 1._r8 ! coefficient of convective velocity (in computing W_*) [-] real(r8), parameter :: zii = 1000._r8 ! convective boundary height [m] integer :: i,fc,fp,g,c,p ! do loop or array index integer :: fncopy ! number of values in pft filter copy integer :: fnold ! previous number of pft filter values integer :: fpcopy(num_lakep) ! patch filter copy for iteration loop integer :: iter ! iteration index integer :: nmozsgn(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! number of times moz changes sign integer :: jtop(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top level for each column (no longer all 1) real(r8) :: ax ! used in iteration loop for calculating t_grnd (numerator of NR solution) real(r8) :: bx ! used in iteration loop for calculating t_grnd (denomin. of NR solution) real(r8) :: degdT ! d(eg)/dT real(r8) :: dqh(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! diff of humidity between ref. height and surface real(r8) :: dth(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! diff of virtual temp. between ref. height and surface real(r8) :: dthv ! diff of vir. poten. temp. between ref. height and surface real(r8) :: dzsur(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! 1/2 the top layer thickness (m) real(r8) :: eg ! water vapor pressure at temperature T [pa] real(r8) :: htvp(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! latent heat of vapor of water (or sublimation) [j/kg] real(r8) :: obu(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! monin-obukhov length (m) real(r8) :: obuold(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! monin-obukhov length of previous iteration real(r8) :: qsatg(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! saturated humidity [kg/kg] real(r8) :: qsatgdT(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! d(qsatg)/dT real(r8) :: qstar ! moisture scaling parameter real(r8) :: ram(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! aerodynamical resistance [s/m] real(r8) :: rah(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! thermal resistance [s/m] real(r8) :: raw(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! moisture resistance [s/m] real(r8) :: stftg3(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! derivative of fluxes w.r.t ground temperature real(r8) :: temp1(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! relation for potential temperature profile real(r8) :: temp12m(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! relation for potential temperature profile applied at 2-m real(r8) :: temp2(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! relation for specific humidity profile real(r8) :: temp22m(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! relation for specific humidity profile applied at 2-m real(r8) :: tgbef(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! initial ground temperature real(r8) :: thm(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! intermediate variable (forc_t+0.0098*forc_hgt_t_patch) real(r8) :: thv(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! virtual potential temperature (kelvin) real(r8) :: thvstar ! virtual potential temperature scaling parameter real(r8) :: tksur(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! thermal conductivity of snow/soil (w/m/kelvin) real(r8) :: tsur(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! top layer temperature real(r8) :: tstar ! temperature scaling parameter real(r8) :: um(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! wind speed including the stablity effect [m/s] real(r8) :: ur(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! wind speed at reference height [m/s] real(r8) :: ustar(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! friction velocity [m/s] real(r8) :: wc ! convective velocity [m/s] real(r8) :: zeta ! dimensionless height used in Monin-Obukhov theory real(r8) :: zldis(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! reference height "minus" zero displacement height [m] real(r8) :: displa(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! displacement (always zero) [m] real(r8) :: z0mg(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! roughness length over ground, momentum [m] real(r8) :: z0hg(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! roughness length over ground, sensible heat [m] real(r8) :: z0qg(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! roughness length over ground, latent heat [m] real(r8) :: u2m ! 2 m wind speed (m/s) real(r8) :: fm(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) ! needed for BGC only to diagnose 10m wind speed real(r8) :: bw ! partial density of water (ice + liquid) real(r8) :: t_grnd_temp ! Used in surface flux correction over frozen ground real(r8) :: betaprime(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! Effective beta: sabg_lyr(p,jtop) for snow layers, beta otherwise real(r8) :: e_ref2m ! 2 m height surface saturated vapor pressure [Pa] real(r8) :: de2mdT ! derivative of 2 m height surface saturated vapor pressure on t_ref2m real(r8) :: qsat_ref2m ! 2 m height surface saturated specific humidity [kg/kg] real(r8) :: dqsat2mdT ! derivative of 2 m height surface saturated specific humidity on t_ref2m real(r8) :: sabg_nir ! NIR that is absorbed (W/m^2) ! For calculating roughness lengths real(r8) :: cur ! Charnock parameter (-) real(r8) :: fetch(bounds%begc:bounds%endc) ! Fetch (m) real(r8) :: sqre0 ! root of roughness Reynolds number real(r8), parameter :: kva0 = 1.51e-5_r8 ! kinematic viscosity of air (m^2/s) at 20C and 1.013e5 Pa real(r8) :: kva0temp ! (K) temperature for kva0; will be set below real(r8), parameter :: kva0pres = 1.013e5_r8 ! (Pa) pressure for kva0 real(r8) :: kva ! kinematic viscosity of air at ground temperature and forcing pressure real(r8), parameter :: prn = 0.713 ! Prandtl # for air at neutral stability real(r8), parameter :: sch = 0.66 ! Schmidt # for water in air at neutral stability !----------------------------------------------------------------------- associate( & snl => col%snl , & ! Input: [integer (:) ] number of snow layers dz => col%dz , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer thickness for soil or snow (m) dz_lake => col%dz_lake , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] layer thickness for lake (m) lakedepth => col%lakedepth , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] variable lake depth (m) forc_t => atm2lnd_inst%forc_t_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] atmospheric temperature (Kelvin) forc_pbot => atm2lnd_inst%forc_pbot_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] atmospheric pressure (Pa) forc_th => atm2lnd_inst%forc_th_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] atmospheric potential temperature (Kelvin) forc_q => atm2lnd_inst%forc_q_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] atmospheric specific humidity (kg/kg) forc_rho => atm2lnd_inst%forc_rho_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] density (kg/m**3) forc_lwrad => atm2lnd_inst%forc_lwrad_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] downward infrared (longwave) radiation (W/m**2) forc_snow => atm2lnd_inst%forc_snow_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] snow rate [mm/s] forc_rain => atm2lnd_inst%forc_rain_downscaled_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] rain rate [mm/s] forc_u => atm2lnd_inst%forc_u_grc , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] atmospheric wind speed in east direction (m/s) forc_v => atm2lnd_inst%forc_v_grc , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] atmospheric wind speed in north direction (m/s) fsds_nir_d => solarabs_inst%fsds_nir_d_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] incident direct beam nir solar radiation (W/m**2) fsds_nir_i => solarabs_inst%fsds_nir_i_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] incident diffuse nir solar radiation (W/m**2) fsr_nir_d => solarabs_inst%fsr_nir_d_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] reflected direct beam nir solar radiation (W/m**2) fsr_nir_i => solarabs_inst%fsr_nir_i_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] reflected diffuse nir solar radiation (W/m**2) sabg_lyr => solarabs_inst%sabg_lyr_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed solar radiation (pft,lyr) [W/m2] sabg_chk => solarabs_inst%sabg_chk_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] sum of soil/snow using current fsno, for balance check sabg => solarabs_inst%sabg_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] solar radiation absorbed by ground (W/m**2) savedtke1 => lakestate_inst%savedtke1_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] top level eddy conductivity from previous timestep (W/mK) lakefetch => lakestate_inst%lakefetch_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] lake fetch from surface data (m) h2osoi_liq => waterstate_inst%h2osoi_liq_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] liquid water (kg/m2) h2osoi_ice => waterstate_inst%h2osoi_ice_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] ice lens (kg/m2) t_skin_patch => temperature_inst%t_skin_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] patch skin temperature (K) t_lake => temperature_inst%t_lake_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] lake temperature (Kelvin) t_soisno => temperature_inst%t_soisno_col , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:,:) ] soil (or snow) temperature (Kelvin) u10_clm => frictionvel_inst%u10_clm_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:)] 10 m height winds (m/s) forc_hgt_u_patch => frictionvel_inst%forc_hgt_u_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] observational height of wind at pft level [m] forc_hgt_t_patch => frictionvel_inst%forc_hgt_t_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] observational height of temperature at pft level [m] forc_hgt_q_patch => frictionvel_inst%forc_hgt_q_patch , & ! Input: [real(r8) (:) ] observational height of specific humidity at pft level [m] zetamax => frictionvel_parms_inst%zetamaxstable , & ! Input: [real(r8) ] max zeta value under stable conditions ram1 => frictionvel_inst%ram1_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] aerodynamical resistance (s/m) q_ref2m => waterstate_inst%q_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 2 m height surface specific humidity (kg/kg) rh_ref2m => waterstate_inst%rh_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 2 m height surface relative humidity (%) tc_ref2m => humanindex_inst%tc_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m height surface air temperature (C) vap_ref2m => humanindex_inst%vap_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m height vapor pressure (Pa) appar_temp_ref2m => humanindex_inst%appar_temp_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m apparent temperature (C) swbgt_ref2m => humanindex_inst%swbgt_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Simplified Wetbulb Globe temperature (C) humidex_ref2m => humanindex_inst%humidex_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Humidex (C) wbt_ref2m => humanindex_inst%wbt_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Stull Wet Bulb temperature (C) wb_ref2m => humanindex_inst%wb_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Wet Bulb temperature (C) teq_ref2m => humanindex_inst%teq_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m height Equivalent temperature (K) ept_ref2m => humanindex_inst%ept_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m height Equivalent Potential temperature (K) discomf_index_ref2m => humanindex_inst%discomf_index_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Discomfort Index temperature (C) discomf_index_ref2mS => humanindex_inst%discomf_index_ref2mS_patch, & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m height Discomfort Index Stull temperature (C) nws_hi_ref2m => humanindex_inst%nws_hi_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m NWS Heat Index (C) thip_ref2m => humanindex_inst%thip_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Temperature Humidity Index Physiology (C) thic_ref2m => humanindex_inst%thic_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Temperature Humidity Index Comfort (C) swmp65_ref2m => humanindex_inst%swmp65_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Swamp Cooler temperature 65% effi (C) swmp80_ref2m => humanindex_inst%swmp80_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)] 2 m Swamp Cooler temperature 80% effi (C) qflx_evap_soi => waterflux_inst%qflx_evap_soi_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] soil evaporation (mm H2O/s) (+ = to atm) qflx_evap_tot => waterflux_inst%qflx_evap_tot_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] qflx_evap_soi + qflx_evap_can + qflx_tran_veg qflx_prec_grnd => waterflux_inst%qflx_prec_grnd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] water onto ground including canopy runoff [kg/(m2 s)] t_veg => temperature_inst%t_veg_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] vegetation temperature (Kelvin) t_ref2m => temperature_inst%t_ref2m_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] 2 m height surface air temperature (Kelvin) t_grnd => temperature_inst%t_grnd_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] ground temperature (Kelvin) eflx_lwrad_out => energyflux_inst%eflx_lwrad_out_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (W/m**2) eflx_lwrad_net => energyflux_inst%eflx_lwrad_net_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] net infrared (longwave) rad (W/m**2) [+ = to atm] eflx_soil_grnd => energyflux_inst%eflx_soil_grnd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] soil heat flux (W/m**2) [+ = into soil] eflx_lh_tot => energyflux_inst%eflx_lh_tot_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] total latent heat flux (W/m**2) [+ to atm] eflx_lh_grnd => energyflux_inst%eflx_lh_grnd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] ground evaporation heat flux (W/m**2) [+ to atm] eflx_sh_grnd => energyflux_inst%eflx_sh_grnd_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] sensible heat flux from ground (W/m**2) [+ to atm] eflx_sh_tot => energyflux_inst%eflx_sh_tot_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] total sensible heat flux (W/m**2) [+ to atm] eflx_gnet => energyflux_inst%eflx_gnet_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] net heat flux into ground (W/m**2) taux => energyflux_inst%taux_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] wind (shear) stress: e-w (kg/m/s**2) tauy => energyflux_inst%tauy_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] wind (shear) stress: n-s (kg/m/s**2) ks => lakestate_inst%ks_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] coefficient passed to LakeTemperature ws => lakestate_inst%ws_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] surface friction velocity (m/s) betaprime => lakestate_inst%betaprime_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] fraction of solar rad absorbed at surface: equal to NIR fraction ram1_lake => lakestate_inst%ram1_lake_patch , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] aerodynamical resistance (s/m) ust_lake => lakestate_inst%ust_lake_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] friction velocity (m/s) lake_raw => lakestate_inst%lake_raw_col , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] aerodynamic resistance for moisture (s/m) begp => bounds%begp , & endp => bounds%endp & ) ! the following cause a crash if they are set as associated z0mg_col => frictionvel_inst%z0mg_col z0hg_col => frictionvel_inst%z0hg_col z0qg_col => frictionvel_inst%z0qg_col kva0temp = 20._r8 + tfrz do fp = 1, num_lakep p = filter_lakep(fp) c = patch%column(p) g = col%gridcell(c) ! Set fetch for prognostic roughness length-- if not found in surface data. ! This is poorly constrained, and should eventually be based on global lake data ! For now, base on lake depth, assuming that small lakes are likely to be shallower ! The dependence will be weak, especially for large fetch !, based on ! Hutchinson, G.E. 1957 A treatise on limnology v.1. Geography, Physics and Chemistry, ! and Wetzel, R.G., and Likens, G.E.. 1991. Limnological Analyses, suggests lakes usually have ! depths less than 2% of their diameter. if (lakefetch(c) > 0._r8) then ! fetch available in surface data fetch(c) = lakefetch(c) else ! Estimate crudely based on lake depth if (lakedepth(c) < 4._r8) then fetch(c) = 100._r8 ! Roughly the smallest lakes resolveable in the GLWD else fetch(c) = 25._r8*lakedepth(c) end if end if ! Initialize roughness lengths if (t_grnd(c) > tfrz) then ! for unfrozen lake z0mg(p) = z0mg_col(c) kva = kva0 * (t_grnd(c)/kva0temp)**1.5_r8 * kva0pres/forc_pbot(c) ! kinematic viscosity of air sqre0 = (max(z0mg(p)*ust_lake(c)/kva,0.1_r8))**0.5_r8 ! Square root of roughness Reynolds number z0hg(p) = z0mg(p) * exp( -vkc/prn*( 4._r8*sqre0 - 3.2_r8) ) ! SH roughness length z0qg(p) = z0mg(p) * exp( -vkc/sch*( 4._r8*sqre0 - 4.2_r8) ) ! LH roughness length z0qg(p) = max(z0qg(p), minz0lake) z0hg(p) = max(z0hg(p), minz0lake) else if (snl(c) == 0) then ! frozen lake with ice z0mg(p) = z0frzlake z0hg(p) = z0mg(p)/exp(0.13_r8 * (ust_lake(c)*z0mg(p)/1.5e-5_r8)**0.45_r8) ! Consistent with BareGroundFluxes z0qg(p) = z0hg(p) else ! use roughness over snow as in Biogeophysics1 z0mg(p) = zsno z0hg(p) = z0mg(p)/exp(0.13_r8 * (ust_lake(c)*z0mg(p)/1.5e-5_r8)**0.45_r8) ! Consistent with BareGroundFluxes z0qg(p) = z0hg(p) end if ! Surface temperature and fluxes forc_hgt_u_patch(p) = forc_hgt_u_patch(p) + z0mg(p) forc_hgt_t_patch(p) = forc_hgt_t_patch(p) + z0mg(p) forc_hgt_q_patch(p) = forc_hgt_q_patch(p) + z0mg(p) ! Find top layer jtop(c) = snl(c) + 1 if (snl(c) < 0) then betaprime(c) = sabg_lyr(p,jtop(c))/max(1.e-5_r8,sabg(p)) ! Assuming one pft dzsur(c) = dz(c,jtop(c))/2._r8 else ! no snow layers ! Calculate the NIR fraction of absorbed solar. sabg_nir = fsds_nir_d(p) + fsds_nir_i(p) - fsr_nir_d(p) - fsr_nir_i(p) sabg_nir = min(sabg_nir, sabg(p)) betaprime(c) = sabg_nir/max(1.e-5_r8,sabg(p)) ! Some fraction of the "visible" may be absorbed in the surface layer. betaprime(c) = betaprime(c) + (1._r8-betaprime(c))*betavis dzsur(c) = dz_lake(c,1)/2._r8 end if sabg_chk(p) = sabg(p) ! Originally dzsur was 1*dz, but it should it be 1/2 dz. ! Saturated vapor pressure, specific humidity and their derivatives ! at lake surface call QSat(t_grnd(c), forc_pbot(c), eg, degdT, qsatg(c), qsatgdT(c)) ! Potential, virtual potential temperature, and wind speed at the ! reference height thm(p) = forc_t(c) + 0.0098_r8*forc_hgt_t_patch(p) ! intermediate variable thv(c) = forc_th(c)*(1._r8+0.61_r8*forc_q(c)) ! virtual potential T end do do fp = 1, num_lakep p = filter_lakep(fp) c = patch%column(p) g = patch%gridcell(p) nmozsgn(p) = 0 obuold(p) = 0._r8 displa(p) = 0._r8 ! Latent heat if (t_grnd(c) > tfrz) then htvp(c) = hvap else htvp(c) = hsub end if ! Zack Subin, 3/26/09: Changed to ground temperature rather than the air temperature above. ! Initialize stability variables ur(p) = max(1.0_r8,sqrt(forc_u(g)*forc_u(g)+forc_v(g)*forc_v(g))) dth(p) = thm(p)-t_grnd(c) dqh(p) = forc_q(c)-qsatg(c) dthv = dth(p)*(1._r8+0.61_r8*forc_q(c))+0.61_r8*forc_th(c)*dqh(p) zldis(p) = forc_hgt_u_patch(p) - 0._r8 ! Initialize Monin-Obukhov length and wind speed call MoninObukIni(ur(p), thv(c), dthv, zldis(p), z0mg(p), um(p), obu(p)) end do iter = 1 fncopy = num_lakep fpcopy(1:num_lakep) = filter_lakep(1:num_lakep) ! Begin stability iteration ITERATION : do while (iter <= niters .and. fncopy > 0) ! Determine friction velocity, and potential temperature and humidity ! profiles of the surface boundary layer call FrictionVelocity(begp, endp, fncopy, fpcopy, & displa(begp:endp), z0mg(begp:endp), z0hg(begp:endp), z0qg(begp:endp), & obu(begp:endp), iter, ur(begp:endp), um(begp:endp), ustar(begp:endp), & temp1(begp:endp), temp2(begp:endp), temp12m(begp:endp), temp22m(begp:endp), fm(begp:endp), & frictionvel_inst) do fp = 1, fncopy p = fpcopy(fp) c = patch%column(p) g = patch%gridcell(p) tgbef(c) = t_grnd(c) if (t_grnd(c) > tfrz .and. t_lake(c,1) > tfrz .and. snl(c) == 0) then tksur(c) = savedtke1(c) ! Set this to the eddy conductivity from the last ! timestep, as the molecular conductivity will be orders of magnitude too small. ! It will be initialized in initLakeMod to the molecular conductivity for the first timestep if arbinit. tsur(c) = t_lake(c,1) else if (snl(c) == 0) then !frozen but no snow layers tksur(c) = tkice ! This is an approximation because the whole layer may not be frozen, and it is not ! accounting for the physical (but not nominal) expansion of the frozen layer. tsur(c) = t_lake(c,1) else !Need to calculate thermal conductivity of the top snow layer bw = (h2osoi_ice(c,jtop(c))+h2osoi_liq(c,jtop(c)))/dz(c,jtop(c)) tksur(c) = tkair + (7.75e-5_r8 *bw + 1.105e-6_r8*bw*bw)*(tkice-tkair) tsur(c) = t_soisno(c,jtop(c)) end if ! Determine aerodynamic resistances ram(p) = 1._r8/(ustar(p)*ustar(p)/um(p)) rah(p) = 1._r8/(temp1(p)*ustar(p)) raw(p) = 1._r8/(temp2(p)*ustar(p)) if (use_lch4) then lake_raw(c) = raw(p) ! Pass out for calculating ground ch4 conductance end if ram1(p) = ram(p) ! pass value to global variable ram1_lake(p) = ram1(p) ! for history ! Get derivative of fluxes with respect to ground temperature stftg3(p) = emg_lake*sb*tgbef(c)*tgbef(c)*tgbef(c) ! Changed surface temperature from t_lake(c,1) to tsur(c). ! Also adjusted so that if there are snow layers present, the top layer absorption ! from SNICAR is assigned to the surface skin. ax = betaprime(c)*sabg(p) + emg_lake*forc_lwrad(c) + 3._r8*stftg3(p)*tgbef(c) & + forc_rho(c)*cpair/rah(p)*thm(p) & - htvp(c)*forc_rho(c)/raw(p)*(qsatg(c)-qsatgdT(c)*tgbef(c) - forc_q(c)) & + tksur(c)*tsur(c)/dzsur(c) !Changed sabg(p) to betaprime(c)*sabg(p). bx = 4._r8*stftg3(p) + forc_rho(c)*cpair/rah(p) & + htvp(c)*forc_rho(c)/raw(p)*qsatgdT(c) + tksur(c)/dzsur(c) t_grnd(c) = ax/bx ! Update htvp if (t_grnd(c) > tfrz) then htvp(c) = hvap else htvp(c) = hsub end if ! Surface fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat ! using ground temperatures from previous time step eflx_sh_grnd(p) = forc_rho(c)*cpair*(t_grnd(c)-thm(p))/rah(p) qflx_evap_soi(p) = forc_rho(c)*(qsatg(c)+qsatgdT(c)*(t_grnd(c)-tgbef(c))-forc_q(c))/raw(p) ! Re-calculate saturated vapor pressure, specific humidity and their ! derivatives at lake surface call QSat(t_grnd(c), forc_pbot(c), eg, degdT, qsatg(c), qsatgdT(c)) dth(p)=thm(p)-t_grnd(c) dqh(p)=forc_q(c)-qsatg(c) tstar = temp1(p)*dth(p) qstar = temp2(p)*dqh(p) thvstar=tstar*(1._r8+0.61_r8*forc_q(c)) + 0.61_r8*forc_th(c)*qstar zeta=zldis(p)*vkc * grav*thvstar/(ustar(p)**2*thv(c)) if (zeta >= 0._r8) then !stable zeta = min(zetamax,max(zeta,0.01_r8)) um(p) = max(ur(p),0.1_r8) else !unstable zeta = max(-100._r8,min(zeta,-0.01_r8)) wc = beta1*(-grav*ustar(p)*thvstar*zii/thv(c))**0.333_r8 um(p) = sqrt(ur(p)*ur(p)+wc*wc) end if obu(p) = zldis(p)/zeta if (obuold(p)*obu(p) < 0._r8) nmozsgn(p) = nmozsgn(p)+1 obuold(p) = obu(p) if (t_grnd(c) > tfrz .and. snl(c) == 0) then ! t_grnd hasn't been corrected yet if snow layers but above frz ! Update roughness lengths using approach in Subin et al. 2011 ! Also allow wave development (phase speed) to be depth-limited as well as fetch-limited if (lake_use_old_fcrit_minz0) then ! Original formulation in Subin et al. 2011; converted Vickers & Mahrt 1997 to use u instead of u* ! assuming u = 0.1 u*. ! That probably slightly overestimates the dimensionless fetch as u* is often smaller than 0.1 u cur = cur0 + curm* exp( max( -(fetch(c)*grav/ur(p)/ur(p))**(1._r8/3._r8)/fcrit, & ! Fetch-limited -(lakedepth(c)*grav/ur(p)/ur(p))**0.5_r8 ) ) ! depth-limited ! In this case fcrit is 22, not 100 in clm_varcon else ! Fetch relationship from Vickers & Mahrt 1997 cur = cur0 + curm* exp( max( -(fetch(c)*grav/ustar(p)/ustar(p))**(1._r8/3._r8)/fcrit, & ! Fetch-limited -(lakedepth(c)*grav/ur(p)/ur(p))**0.5_r8 ) ) ! depth-limited end if kva = kva0 * (t_grnd(c)/kva0temp)**1.5_r8 * kva0pres/forc_pbot(c) ! kinematic viscosity of air z0mg(p) = max(cus*kva/max(ustar(p),1.e-4_r8), cur*ustar(p)*ustar(p)/grav) ! momentum roughness length ! This lower limit on ustar is just to prevent floating point exceptions and ! should not be important z0mg(p) = max(z0mg(p), minz0lake) ! This limit is redundant with current values. sqre0 = (max(z0mg(p)*ustar(p)/kva,0.1_r8))**0.5_r8 ! Square root of roughness Reynolds number z0hg(p) = z0mg(p) * exp( -vkc/prn*( 4._r8*sqre0 - 3.2_r8) ) ! SH roughness length z0qg(p) = z0mg(p) * exp( -vkc/sch*( 4._r8*sqre0 - 4.2_r8) ) ! LH roughness length z0qg(p) = max(z0qg(p), minz0lake) z0hg(p) = max(z0hg(p), minz0lake) else if (snl(c) == 0) then ! in case it was above freezing and now below freezing z0mg(p) = z0frzlake z0hg(p) = z0mg(p)/exp(0.13_r8 * (ustar(p)*z0mg(p)/1.5e-5_r8)**0.45_r8) ! Consistent with BareGroundFluxes z0qg(p) = z0hg(p) else ! Snow layers ! z0mg won't have changed z0hg(p) = z0mg(p)/exp(0.13_r8 * (ustar(p)*z0mg(p)/1.5e-5_r8)**0.45_r8) ! Consistent with BareGroundFluxes z0qg(p) = z0hg(p) end if end do ! end of filtered pft loop iter = iter + 1 if (iter <= niters ) then ! Rebuild copy of pft filter for next pass through the ITERATION loop fnold = fncopy fncopy = 0 do fp = 1, fnold p = fpcopy(fp) if (nmozsgn(p) < 3) then fncopy = fncopy + 1 fpcopy(fncopy) = p end if end do ! end of filtered pft loop end if end do ITERATION ! end of stability iteration do fp = 1, num_lakep p = filter_lakep(fp) c = patch%column(p) g = patch%gridcell(p) ! If there is snow on the ground or lake is frozen and t_grnd > tfrz: reset t_grnd = tfrz. ! Re-evaluate ground fluxes. ! [ZMS 1/7/11] Only for resolved snow layers, as unresolved snow does not have a temperature state and ! can accumulate on unfrozen lakes in LakeHydrology; will be melted in LakeTemperature or bring lake top ! to freezing. ! note that qsatg and qsatgdT should be f(tgbef) (PET: not sure what this ! comment means) ! Zack Subin, 3/27/09: Since they are now a function of whatever t_grnd was before cooling ! to freezing temperature, then this value should be used in the derivative correction term. ! Allow convection if ground temp is colder than lake but warmer than 4C, or warmer than ! lake which is warmer than freezing but less than 4C. if ( (snl(c) < 0 .or. t_lake(c,1) <= tfrz) .and. t_grnd(c) > tfrz) then t_grnd_temp = t_grnd(c) t_grnd(c) = tfrz eflx_sh_grnd(p) = forc_rho(c)*cpair*(t_grnd(c)-thm(p))/rah(p) qflx_evap_soi(p) = forc_rho(c)*(qsatg(c)+qsatgdT(c)*(t_grnd(c)-t_grnd_temp) - forc_q(c))/raw(p) else if ( (t_lake(c,1) > t_grnd(c) .and. t_grnd(c) > tdmax) .or. & (t_lake(c,1) < t_grnd(c) .and. t_lake(c,1) > tfrz .and. t_grnd(c) < tdmax) ) then ! Convective mixing will occur at surface t_grnd_temp = t_grnd(c) t_grnd(c) = t_lake(c,1) eflx_sh_grnd(p) = forc_rho(c)*cpair*(t_grnd(c)-thm(p))/rah(p) qflx_evap_soi(p) = forc_rho(c)*(qsatg(c)+qsatgdT(c)*(t_grnd(c)-t_grnd_temp) - forc_q(c))/raw(p) end if ! Update htvp if (t_grnd(c) > tfrz) then htvp(c) = hvap else htvp(c) = hsub end if ! Net longwave from ground to atmosphere ! eflx_lwrad_out(p) = (1._r8-emg_lake)*forc_lwrad(c) + stftg3(p)*(-3._r8*tgbef(c)+4._r8*t_grnd(c)) ! What is tgbef doing in this equation? Can't it be exact now? --Zack Subin, 4/14/09 eflx_lwrad_out(p) = (1._r8-emg_lake)*forc_lwrad(c) + emg_lake*sb*t_grnd(c)**4._r8 ! Ground heat flux eflx_soil_grnd(p) = sabg(p) + forc_lwrad(c) - eflx_lwrad_out(p) - & eflx_sh_grnd(p) - htvp(c)*qflx_evap_soi(p) ! The original code in Biogeophysiclake had a bug that calculated incorrect fluxes but conserved energy. ! This is kept as the full sabg (not just that absorbed at surface) so that the energy balance check will be correct. !This is the effective energy flux into the ground including the lake [and now snow in CLM 4] solar absorption !below the surface. This also keeps the output FGR similar to non-lakes by including the light & heat flux. ! The variable eflx_gnet will be used to pass the actual heat flux !from the ground interface into the lake. taux(p) = -forc_rho(c)*forc_u(g)/ram(p) tauy(p) = -forc_rho(c)*forc_v(g)/ram(p) eflx_sh_tot(p) = eflx_sh_grnd(p) qflx_evap_tot(p) = qflx_evap_soi(p) eflx_lh_tot(p) = htvp(c)*qflx_evap_soi(p) eflx_lh_grnd(p) = htvp(c)*qflx_evap_soi(p) ! 2 m height air temperature t_ref2m(p) = thm(p) + temp1(p)*dth(p)*(1._r8/temp12m(p) - 1._r8/temp1(p)) ! 2 m height specific humidity q_ref2m(p) = forc_q(c) + temp2(p)*dqh(p)*(1._r8/temp22m(p) - 1._r8/temp2(p)) ! 2 m height relative humidity call QSat(t_ref2m(p), forc_pbot(c), e_ref2m, de2mdT, qsat_ref2m, dqsat2mdT) rh_ref2m(p) = min(100._r8, q_ref2m(p) / qsat_ref2m * 100._r8) ! Human Heat Stress if ( all_human_stress_indices .or. fast_human_stress_indices )then call KtoC(t_ref2m(p), tc_ref2m(p)) call VaporPres(rh_ref2m(p), e_ref2m, vap_ref2m(p)) call Wet_BulbS(tc_ref2m(p), rh_ref2m(p), wbt_ref2m(p)) call HeatIndex(tc_ref2m(p), rh_ref2m(p), nws_hi_ref2m(p)) call AppTemp(tc_ref2m(p), vap_ref2m(p), u10_clm(p), appar_temp_ref2m(p)) call swbgt(tc_ref2m(p), vap_ref2m(p), swbgt_ref2m(p)) call hmdex(tc_ref2m(p), vap_ref2m(p), humidex_ref2m(p)) call dis_coiS(tc_ref2m(p), rh_ref2m(p), wbt_ref2m(p), discomf_index_ref2mS(p)) if ( all_human_stress_indices ) then call Wet_Bulb(t_ref2m(p), vap_ref2m(p), forc_pbot(c), rh_ref2m(p), & q_ref2m(p), teq_ref2m(p), ept_ref2m(p), wb_ref2m(p)) call dis_coi(tc_ref2m(p), wb_ref2m(p), discomf_index_ref2m(p)) call THIndex(tc_ref2m(p), wb_ref2m(p), thic_ref2m(p), thip_ref2m(p)) call SwampCoolEff(tc_ref2m(p), wb_ref2m(p), swmp80_ref2m(p), swmp65_ref2m(p)) end if end if ! Energy residual used for melting snow ! Effectively moved to LakeTemp eflx_gnet(p) = betaprime(c) * sabg(p) + forc_lwrad(c) - (eflx_lwrad_out(p) + & eflx_sh_tot(p) + eflx_lh_tot(p)) ! This is the actual heat flux from the ground interface into the lake, not including ! the light that penetrates the surface. !u2m = max(1.0_r8,ustar(p)/vkc*log(2._r8/z0mg(p))) ! u2 often goes below 1 m/s; it seems like the only reason for this minimum is to ! keep it from being zero in the ks equation below; 0.1 m/s is a better limit for ! stable conditions --ZS u2m = max(0.1_r8,ustar(p)/vkc*log(2._r8/z0mg(p))) ws(c) = 1.2e-03_r8 * u2m ks(c) = 6.6_r8*sqrt(abs(sin(grc%lat(g))))*(u2m**(-1.84_r8)) ! Update column roughness lengths and friction velocity z0mg_col(c) = z0mg(p) z0hg_col(c) = z0hg(p) z0qg_col(c) = z0qg(p) ust_lake(c) = ustar(p) end do ! The following are needed for global average on history tape. do fp = 1, num_lakep p = filter_lakep(fp) c = patch%column(p) t_veg(p) = forc_t(c) eflx_lwrad_net(p) = eflx_lwrad_out(p) - forc_lwrad(c) qflx_prec_grnd(p) = forc_rain(c) + forc_snow(c) t_skin_patch(p) = t_veg(p) end do end associate end subroutine LakeFluxes end module LakeFluxesMod