COMFORT EU H2020 Project Dataset ================================ FOR MOST USERS -------------- For simplicily of use (and issues with previous exports), you are strongly advised to use the SQLite instance of Version 2, which can be found in next to this file. Note that the SQLite file is 12Gb compressed, and 48Gb uncompressed. See "Report on COMFORT dataset.docx" for details on the various database versions. Folder Contents: ---------------- This folder: The compresed SQLite version of the database. QC_Flags.txt - the meanings of QC flags in the database. databases: The original Firebird format databases version_01: Text export of the first version of the database. Note: there are some data integrity issues with this export. version_02: Details of outliers found in Oxygen data. The script for building the SQLite database from the original Firebird database.