Total Nb of available Diagnostics: ndiagt= 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Num |<-Name->|Levs| mate |<- code ->|<-- Units -->|<- Tile (max=80c) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 |SDIAG1 | 1 | |SM L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #1 2 |SDIAG2 | 1 | |SM L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #2 3 |SDIAG3 | 1 | |SM L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #3 4 |SDIAG4 | 1 | |SM L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #4 5 |SDIAG5 | 1 | |SM L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #5 6 |SDIAG6 | 1 | |SM L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #6 7 |SDIAG7 | 1 | |SU L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #7 8 |SDIAG8 | 1 | |SV L1|user-defined |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic #8 9 |SDIAG9 | 1 | 10 |UU L1|user-defined |User-Defined U.vector Surface Diag. #9 10 |SDIAG10 | 1 | 9 |VV L1|user-defined |User-Defined V.vector Surface Diag. #10 11 |UDIAG1 |130 | |SM MR|user-defined |User-Defined Model-Level Diagnostic #1 12 |UDIAG2 |130 | |SM MR|user-defined |User-Defined Model-Level Diagnostic #2 13 |UDIAG3 |130 | |SMR MR|user-defined |User-Defined Model-Level Diagnostic #3 14 |UDIAG4 |130 | |SMR MR|user-defined |User-Defined Model-Level Diagnostic #4 15 |UDIAG5 |130 | |SU MR|user-defined |User-Defined Model-Level Diag. #5 16 |UDIAG6 |130 | |SV MR|user-defined |User-Defined Model-Level Diag. #6 17 |UDIAG7 |130 | 18 |UUR MR|user-defined |User-Defined U.vector Model-Lev Diag.#7 18 |UDIAG8 |130 | 17 |VVR MR|user-defined |User-Defined V.vector Model-Lev Diag.#8 19 |UDIAG9 |130 | |SM ML|user-defined |User-Defined Phys-Level Diagnostic #9 20 |UDIAG10 |130 | |SM ML|user-defined |User-Defined Phys-Level Diagnostic #10 21 |SDIAGC | 1 | 22 |SM C L1|user-defined |User-Defined Counted Surface Diagnostic 22 |SDIAGCC | 1 | |SM L1|count |User-Defined Surface Diagnostic Counter 23 |ETAN | 1 | |SM M1|m |Surface Height Anomaly 24 |ETANSQ | 1 | |SM P M1|m^2 |Square of Surface Height Anomaly 25 |DETADT2 | 1 | |SM M1|m^2/s^2 |Square of Surface Height Anomaly Tendency 26 |THETA |130 | |SMR MR|degC |Potential Temperature 27 |SALT |130 | |SMR MR|psu |Salinity 28 |RELHUM |130 | |SMR MR|percent |Relative Humidity 29 |SALTanom|130 | |SMR MR|psu |Salt anomaly (=SALT-35; g/kg) 30 |UVEL |130 | 31 |UUR MR|m/s |Zonal Component of Velocity (m/s) 31 |VVEL |130 | 30 |VVR MR|m/s |Meridional Component of Velocity (m/s) 32 |WVEL |130 | |WM LR|m/s |Vertical Component of Velocity (r_units/s) 33 |THETASQ |130 | |SMRP MR|degC^2 |Square of Potential Temperature 34 |SALTSQ |130 | |SMRP MR|(psu)^2 |Square of Salinity 35 |SALTSQan|130 | |SMRP MR|(psu)^2 |Square of Salt anomaly (=(SALT-35)^2 (g^2/kg^2) 36 |UVELSQ |130 | 37 |UURP MR|m^2/s^2 |Square of Zonal Comp of Velocity (m^2/s^2) 37 |VVELSQ |130 | 36 |VVRP MR|m^2/s^2 |Square of Meridional Comp of Velocity (m^2/s^2) 38 |WVELSQ |130 | |WM P LR|m^2/s^2 |Square of Vertical Comp of Velocity 39 |UE_VEL_C|130 | 40 |UMR MR|m/s |Eastward Velocity (m/s) (cell center) 40 |VN_VEL_C|130 | 39 |VMR MR|m/s |Northward Velocity (m/s) (cell center) 41 |UV_VEL_C|130 | 41 |UMR MR|m^2/s^2 |Product of horizontal Comp of velocity (cell center) 42 |UV_VEL_Z|130 | 42 |UZR MR|m^2/s^2 |Meridional Transport of Zonal Momentum (m^2/s^2) 43 |WU_VEL |130 | |WU LR|m.m/s^2 |Vertical Transport of Zonal Momentum 44 |WV_VEL |130 | |WV LR|m.m/s^2 |Vertical Transport of Meridional Momentum 45 |UVELMASS|130 | 46 |UUr MR|m/s |Zonal Mass-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s) 46 |VVELMASS|130 | 45 |VVr MR|m/s |Meridional Mass-Weighted Comp of Velocity (m/s) 47 |WVELMASS|130 | |WM LR|m/s |Vertical Mass-Weighted Comp of Velocity 48 |PhiVEL |130 | 45 |SMR P MR|m^2/s |Horizontal Velocity Potential (m^2/s) 49 |PsiVEL |130 | 48 |SZ P MR|m.m^2/s |Horizontal Velocity Stream-Function 50 |UTHMASS |130 | 51 |UUr MR|degC.m/s |Zonal Mass-Weight Transp of Pot Temp 51 |VTHMASS |130 | 50 |VVr MR|degC.m/s |Meridional Mass-Weight Transp of Pot Temp 52 |WTHMASS |130 | |WM LR|degC.m/s |Vertical Mass-Weight Transp of Pot Temp (K.m/s) 53 |USLTMASS|130 | 54 |UUr MR|psu.m/s |Zonal Mass-Weight Transp of Salinity 54 |VSLTMASS|130 | 53 |VVr MR|psu.m/s |Meridional Mass-Weight Transp of Salinity 55 |WSLTMASS|130 | |WM LR|psu.m/s |Vertical Mass-Weight Transp of Salinity 56 |UVELTH |130 | 57 |UUR MR|degC.m/s |Zonal Transport of Pot Temp 57 |VVELTH |130 | 56 |VVR MR|degC.m/s |Meridional Transport of Pot Temp 58 |WVELTH |130 | |WM LR|degC.m/s |Vertical Transport of Pot Temp 59 |UVELSLT |130 | 60 |UUR MR|psu.m/s |Zonal Transport of Salinity 60 |VVELSLT |130 | 59 |VVR MR|psu.m/s |Meridional Transport of Salinity 61 |WVELSLT |130 | |WM LR|psu.m/s |Vertical Transport of Salinity 62 |UVELPHI |130 | 63 |UUr MR|m^3/s^3 |Zonal Mass-Weight Transp of Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly 63 |VVELPHI |130 | 62 |VVr MR|m^3/s^3 |Merid. Mass-Weight Transp of Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly 64 |RHOAnoma|130 | |SMR MR|kg/m^3 |Density Anomaly (=Rho-rhoConst) 65 |RHOANOSQ|130 | |SMRP MR|kg^2/m^6 |Square of Density Anomaly (=(Rho-rhoConst)^2) 66 |URHOMASS|130 | 67 |UUr MR|kg/m^2/s |Zonal Transport of Density 67 |VRHOMASS|130 | 66 |VVr MR|kg/m^2/s |Meridional Transport of Density 68 |WRHOMASS|130 | |WM LR|kg/m^2/s |Vertical Transport of Density 69 |WdRHO_P |130 | |WM LR|kg/m^2/s |Vertical velocity times delta^k(Rho)_at-const-P 70 |WdRHOdP |130 | |WM LR|kg/m^2/s |Vertical velocity times delta^k(Rho)_at-const-T,S 71 |PHIHYD |130 | |SMR MR|m^2/s^2 |Hydrostatic Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly 72 |PHIHYDSQ|130 | |SMRP MR|m^4/s^4 |Square of Hyd. Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly 73 |PHIBOT | 1 | |SM M1|m^2/s^2 |Bottom Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly 74 |PHIBOTSQ| 1 | |SM P M1|m^4/s^4 |Square of Bottom Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly 75 |PHI_SURF| 1 | |SM M1|m^2/s^2 |Surface Dynamical Pressure Pot.(p/rho) 76 |PHIHYDcR|130 | |SMR MR|m^2/s^2 |Hydrostatic Pressure Pot.(p/rho) Anomaly @ const r 77 |PHI_NH |130 | |SMR MR|m^2/s^2 |Non-Hydrostatic Pressure Pot.(p/rho) 78 |MXLDEPTH| 1 | |SM M1|m |Mixed-Layer Depth (>0) 79 |DRHODR |130 | |SM LR|kg/m^4 |Stratification: d.Sigma/dr (kg/m3/r_unit) 80 |CONVADJ |130 | |SMR LR|fraction |Convective Adjustment Index [0-1] 81 |oceTAUX | 1 | 82 |UU U1|N/m^2 |zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel 82 |oceTAUY | 1 | 81 |VV U1|N/m^2 |meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel 83 |atmPload| 1 | |SM U1|Pa |Atmospheric pressure loading 84 |sIceLoad| 1 | |SM U1|kg/m^2 |sea-ice loading (in Mass of ice+snow / area unit) 85 |oceFWflx| 1 | |SM U1|kg/m^2/s |net surface Fresh-Water flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 decreases salinity 86 |oceSflux| 1 | |SM U1|g/m^2/s |net surface Salt flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases salinity 87 |oceQnet | 1 | |SM U1|W/m^2 |net surface heat flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases theta 88 |oceQsw | 1 | |SM U1|W/m^2 |net Short-Wave radiation (+=down), >0 increases theta 89 |oceFreez| 1 | |SM U1|W/m^2 |heating from freezing of sea-water (allowFreezing=T) 90 |TRELAX | 1 | |SM U1|W/m^2 |surface temperature relaxation, >0 increases theta 91 |SRELAX | 1 | |SM U1|g/m^2/s |surface salinity relaxation, >0 increases salt 92 |surForcT| 1 | |SM U1|W/m^2 |model surface forcing for Temperature, >0 increases theta 93 |surForcS| 1 | |SM U1|g/m^2/s |model surface forcing for Salinity, >0 increases salinity 94 |TFLUX | 1 | |SM U1|W/m^2 |total heat flux (match heat-content variations), >0 increases theta 95 |SFLUX | 1 | |SM U1|g/m^2/s |total salt flux (match salt-content variations), >0 increases salt 96 |RCENTER |130 | |SM MR|m |Cell-Center Height 97 |RSURF | 1 | |SM M1|m |Surface Height 98 |TOTUTEND|130 | 99 |UUR MR|m/s/day |Tendency of Zonal Component of Velocity 99 |TOTVTEND|130 | 98 |VVR MR|m/s/day |Tendency of Meridional Component of Velocity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Num |<-Name->|Levs| mate |<- code ->|<-- Units -->|<- Tile (max=80c) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 |TOTTTEND|130 | |SMR MR|degC/day |Tendency of Potential Temperature 101 |TOTSTEND|130 | |SMR MR|psu/day |Tendency of Salinity 102 |MoistCor|130 | |SM MR|W/m^2 |Heating correction due to moist thermodynamics 103 |gT_Forc |130 | |SMR MR|degC/s |Potential Temp. forcing tendency 104 |gS_Forc |130 | |SMR MR|psu/s |Salinity forcing tendency 105 |AB_gT |130 | |SMR MR|degC/s |Potential Temp. tendency from Adams-Bashforth 106 |AB_gS |130 | |SMR MR|psu/s |Salinity tendency from Adams-Bashforth 107 |gTinAB |130 | |SMR MR|degC/s |Potential Temp. tendency going in Adams-Bashforth 108 |gSinAB |130 | |SMR MR|psu/s |Salinity tendency going in Adams-Bashforth 109 |AB_gU |130 | 110 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Adams-Bashforth 110 |AB_gV |130 | 109 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Adams-Bashforth 111 |AB_gW |130 | |WM LR|m/s^2 |W momentum tendency from Adams-Bashforth 112 |ADVr_TH |130 | |WM LR|degC.m^3/s |Vertical Advective Flux of Pot.Temperature 113 |ADVx_TH |130 | 114 |UU MR|degC.m^3/s |Zonal Advective Flux of Pot.Temperature 114 |ADVy_TH |130 | 113 |VV MR|degC.m^3/s |Meridional Advective Flux of Pot.Temperature 115 |DFrE_TH |130 | |WM LR|degC.m^3/s |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature (Explicit part) 116 |DFxE_TH |130 | 117 |UU MR|degC.m^3/s |Zonal Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature 117 |DFyE_TH |130 | 116 |VV MR|degC.m^3/s |Meridional Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature 118 |DFrI_TH |130 | |WM LR|degC.m^3/s |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature (Implicit part) 119 |ADVr_SLT|130 | |WM LR|psu.m^3/s |Vertical Advective Flux of Salinity 120 |ADVx_SLT|130 | 121 |UU MR|psu.m^3/s |Zonal Advective Flux of Salinity 121 |ADVy_SLT|130 | 120 |VV MR|psu.m^3/s |Meridional Advective Flux of Salinity 122 |DFrE_SLT|130 | |WM LR|psu.m^3/s |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Salinity (Explicit part) 123 |DFxE_SLT|130 | 124 |UU MR|psu.m^3/s |Zonal Diffusive Flux of Salinity 124 |DFyE_SLT|130 | 123 |VV MR|psu.m^3/s |Meridional Diffusive Flux of Salinity 125 |DFrI_SLT|130 | |WM LR|psu.m^3/s |Vertical Diffusive Flux of Salinity (Implicit part) 126 |SALTFILL|130 | |SM MR|psu.m^3/s |Filling of Negative Values of Salinity 127 |VISCAHZ |130 | |SZ MR|m^2/s |Harmonic Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Zeta Pt) 128 |VISCA4Z |130 | |SZ MR|m^4/s |Biharmonic Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Zeta Pt) 129 |VISCAHD |130 | |SM MR|m^2/s |Harmonic Viscosity Coefficient (m2/s) (Div Pt) 130 |VISCA4D |130 | |SM MR|m^4/s |Biharmonic Viscosity Coefficient (m4/s) (Div Pt) 131 |VISCAHW |130 | |WM LR|m^2/s |Harmonic Viscosity Coefficient (m2/s) (W Pt) 132 |VISCA4W |130 | |WM LR|m^4/s |Biharmonic Viscosity Coefficient (m4/s) (W Pt) 133 |VAHZMAX |130 | |SZ MR|m^2/s |CFL-MAX Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Zeta Pt) 134 |VA4ZMAX |130 | |SZ MR|m^4/s |CFL-MAX Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Zeta Pt) 135 |VAHDMAX |130 | |SM MR|m^2/s |CFL-MAX Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Div Pt) 136 |VA4DMAX |130 | |SM MR|m^4/s |CFL-MAX Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Div Pt) 137 |VAHZMIN |130 | |SZ MR|m^2/s |RE-MIN Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Zeta Pt) 138 |VA4ZMIN |130 | |SZ MR|m^4/s |RE-MIN Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Zeta Pt) 139 |VAHDMIN |130 | |SM MR|m^2/s |RE-MIN Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Div Pt) 140 |VA4DMIN |130 | |SM MR|m^4/s |RE-MIN Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Div Pt) 141 |VAHZLTH |130 | |SZ MR|m^2/s |Leith Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Zeta Pt) 142 |VA4ZLTH |130 | |SZ MR|m^4/s |Leith Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Zeta Pt) 143 |VAHDLTH |130 | |SM MR|m^2/s |Leith Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Div Pt) 144 |VA4DLTH |130 | |SM MR|m^4/s |Leith Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Div Pt) 145 |VAHZLTHD|130 | |SZ MR|m^2/s |LeithD Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Zeta Pt) 146 |VA4ZLTHD|130 | |SZ MR|m^4/s |LeithD Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Zeta Pt) 147 |VAHDLTHD|130 | |SM MR|m^2/s |LeithD Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Div Pt) 148 |VA4DLTHD|130 | |SM MR|m^4/s |LeithD Biharm Visc Coefficient (m4/s) (Div Pt) 149 |VAHZSMAG|130 | |SZ MR|m^2/s |Smagorinsky Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Zeta Pt) 150 |VA4ZSMAG|130 | |SZ MR|m^4/s |Smagorinsky Biharm Visc Coeff. (m4/s) (Zeta Pt) 151 |VAHDSMAG|130 | |SM MR|m^2/s |Smagorinsky Harm Visc Coefficient (m2/s) (Div Pt) 152 |VA4DSMAG|130 | |SM MR|m^4/s |Smagorinsky Biharm Visc Coeff. (m4/s) (Div Pt) 153 |momKE |130 | |SMR MR|m^2/s^2 |Kinetic Energy (in momentum Eq.) 154 |momHDiv |130 | |SMR MR|s^-1 |Horizontal Divergence (in momentum Eq.) 155 |momVort3|130 | |SZR MR|s^-1 |3rd component (vertical) of Vorticity 156 |Strain |130 | |SZR MR|s^-1 |Horizontal Strain of Horizontal Velocities 157 |Tension |130 | |SMR MR|s^-1 |Horizontal Tension of Horizontal Velocities 158 |UBotDrag|130 | 159 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Bottom Drag 159 |VBotDrag|130 | 158 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Bottom Drag 160 |USidDrag|130 | 161 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Side Drag 161 |VSidDrag|130 | 160 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Side Drag 162 |Um_Diss |130 | 163 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Dissipation 163 |Vm_Diss |130 | 162 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Dissipation 164 |Um_Advec|130 | 165 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Advection terms 165 |Vm_Advec|130 | 164 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Advection terms 166 |Um_Cori |130 | 167 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Coriolis term 167 |Vm_Cori |130 | 166 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Coriolis term 168 |Um_dPHdx|130 | 169 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Hydrostatic Pressure grad 169 |Vm_dPHdy|130 | 168 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Hydrostatic Pressure grad 170 |Um_dPSdx| 1 | 171 |UU M1|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Surface Gradient 171 |Vm_dPSdy| 1 | 170 |VV M1|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Surface Gradient 172 |Um_Ext |130 | 173 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from external forcing 173 |Vm_Ext |130 | 172 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from external forcing 174 |Um_AdvZ3|130 | 175 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from Vorticity Advection 175 |Vm_AdvZ3|130 | 174 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from Vorticity Advection 176 |Um_AdvRe|130 | 177 |UUR MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from vertical Advection (Explicit part) 177 |Vm_AdvRe|130 | 176 |VVR MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from vertical Advection (Explicit part) 178 |Wm_Diss |130 | |WMr LR|m/s^2 |W momentum tendency from Dissipation 179 |Wm_Advec|130 | |WMr LR|m/s^2 |W momentum tendency from Advection terms 180 |WSidDrag|130 | |WMr LR|m/s^2 |Vertical momentum tendency from Side Drag 181 |ADVx_Um |130 | 182 |UM MR|m^4/s^2 |Zonal Advective Flux of U momentum 182 |ADVy_Um |130 | 181 |VZ MR|m^4/s^2 |Meridional Advective Flux of U momentum 183 |ADVrE_Um|130 | |WU LR|m^4/s^2 |Vertical Advective Flux of U momentum (Explicit part) 184 |ADVx_Vm |130 | 185 |UZ MR|m^4/s^2 |Zonal Advective Flux of V momentum 185 |ADVy_Vm |130 | 184 |VM MR|m^4/s^2 |Meridional Advective Flux of V momentum 186 |ADVrE_Vm|130 | |WV LR|m^4/s^2 |Vertical Advective Flux of V momentum (Explicit part) 187 |VISCx_Um|130 | 188 |UM MR|m^4/s^2 |Zonal Viscous Flux of U momentum 188 |VISCy_Um|130 | 187 |VZ MR|m^4/s^2 |Meridional Viscous Flux of U momentum 189 |VISrE_Um|130 | |WU LR|m^4/s^2 |Vertical Viscous Flux of U momentum (Explicit part) 190 |VISrI_Um|130 | |WU LR|m^4/s^2 |Vertical Viscous Flux of U momentum (Implicit part) 191 |VISCx_Vm|130 | 192 |UZ MR|m^4/s^2 |Zonal Viscous Flux of V momentum 192 |VISCy_Vm|130 | 191 |VM MR|m^4/s^2 |Meridional Viscous Flux of V momentum 193 |VISrE_Vm|130 | |WV LR|m^4/s^2 |Vertical Viscous Flux of V momentum (Explicit part) 194 |VISrI_Vm|130 | |WV LR|m^4/s^2 |Vertical Viscous Flux of V momentum (Implicit part) 195 |SHIfwFlx| 1 | |SM L1|kg/m^2/s |Ice shelf fresh water flux (positive upward) 196 |SHIhtFlx| 1 | |SM L1|W/m^2 |Ice shelf heat flux (positive upward) 197 |SHIUDrag|130 | 198 |UU MR|m/s^2 |U momentum tendency from ice shelf drag 198 |SHIVDrag|130 | 197 |VV MR|m/s^2 |V momentum tendency from ice shelf drag 199 |SHIForcT| 1 | |SM L1|W/m^2 |Ice shelf forcing for theta, >0 increases theta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Num |<-Name->|Levs| mate |<- code ->|<-- Units -->|<- Tile (max=80c) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 200 |SHIForcS| 1 | |SM L1|g/m^2/s |Ice shelf forcing for salt, >0 increases salt 201 |SHIgammT| 1 | |SM L1|m/s |Ice shelf exchange coefficient for theta 202 |SHIgammS| 1 | |SM L1|m/s |Ice shelf exchange coefficient for salt 203 |SHIuStar| 1 | |SM L1|m/s |Friction velocity at bottom of ice shelf 204 |SHI_mass| 1 | |SM L1|kg/m^2 |dynamic ice shelf mass for surface load anomaly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Num |<-Name->|Levs| mate |<- code ->|<-- Units -->|<- Tile (max=80c) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------