* Z Values determine initial values from SAM ** Notes by Taoyuan Wei, Feb. 25, 2009 * When set values to these Z-parameters. Make sure the balance of data. Any modification may * distroy the initial balance. Then it is a good idea to check the balance by using 'balanchk.gms' * It might be necessary to redefine the equations in 'balanchk.gms'. Parameter *PZ(y,r) init armington price *PDZ(y,r) init domestic price of output PFZ(f,r) factor price in BAU PDAZ(a,y,r) init domestic price of output by each technology PFAZ(f,y,r) init factor price PFDZ(y,j,r) init price of consumption good PIMZ(y,r,rr) price of impot good i P_IOZ(yy,y,r) agents' prices of intermediate inputs *PTZ init price of international transport PTMZ(y,r,rr) init price of transport (includes import tarrif) *QFPZ(y,j,r) init agent's final demand price for armington dDEP(r) rate of depreciation KHAT(r) init normal rate of growth in the rate of return to capital tFD(y,j,r) tax on FD use of good i *BY_VKB(r) base year capital stock *CAPDEPZ(r) initial capital depreciation EXRZ(y,r,rr) init domestic output exported from r to rr FDZ(y,j,r) init demand of good i to final demand j FTOT(f,r) total endowment of factor f GLOBTRUST global trust GLOBTRUSTSHARE(r) share of global trust earnings IFZ(f,y,r) init factor use IFAZ(f,a,y,r) init factor use by activity a IMZ(y,r) init aggregate import good i IMTOTZ(y,r) init aggregate import good i *INCZ(j,r) init regional final demand income (equal to TRNZ + SAVZ) INVZ(r) init investments to region r IOZ(y,yy,r) init intermediate use IOAZ(yy,a,y,r) init intermediate use by activity a *ITRANRZ(y,r,rr) init int'l transport for export good i from r to rr SAVZ(r) init regional savings in region r REGINCZ(r) init regional income *ROREZ(r) init expected rate of growth in the rate of return *TOTFDZ(y,r) total final demand of good i TRANRZ(y,r) init int'l transport provided by sector i in region r TRNZ(j,r) init private and public income VKBZ(r) init capital stock VKEZ(r) init end of period capital stock XZ(y,r) init armington good XDZ(y,r) init domestic output XDAZ(a,y,r) init domestic output produced by acitivity a XDDZ(y,r) init domestic output sold domestically GDPZ(r) initial GDP FOSSZ(y,r) initial energy in mtoe *new parameters for dynamic adjustment SAVINGS(r) regional cumulative savings in Global Trust PPZ(r) initial carbon price or tax - US$2004 per ton carbon PERMITZ(r) Initial allowed rate of emissions level compared to base year - default is 1 * for electricity GWhprod(a,r) Electrical output by generation g (TWh) *P_GZ(a,r) Unit cost for each power generation technology (USD per million Wh) *techinput(*,a,r) input share of each primary factor for each tech. in percentage gene_t(a,y,r,t) generation path of electricity gene_g_t(a,y,r,t) growth rates of generation path of electricity gene_gz(a,y,r) the BAU volume index of elc. generation from each tech. (=1 in 2004) CAPAZ(a,y,r) the capacity constraints for elc. generation * for green bond INV_noCZ(r) Global non-coal green bond by region in a given year INV_noCTOTZ Global non-coal green bond in a given year INV_noFZ(r) Global non-fossil-fuel green bond in a given year INV_noFTOTZ Global non-fossil-fuel green bond in a given year RORZ(R) Regional rates of returns to capital in base year VKBSZ(y,r) sectoral capital stock at the beginning of base year VKB_noCZ(r) capital stock of non-coal sectors at the beginning of base year VKB_noFZ(r) capital stock of non-fossil-fuel sectors at the beginning of base year IF_ABSZ(*,a,y,r) init factor use by activity a IO_ABSZ(y,a,yy,r) intermediate goods FD_ABSZ(y,j,r) Goods consumed by final consumers ROREZ(r) the expected net rates of returns to capital in the previous year RORGFLEX(r) elasticity of rate of return to capital stock ;