Idealised simulations with Polar WRF 3.9.1 used for the study

Sensitivity of Air-Sea Heat Exchange in Cold-Air Outbreaks to Model Resolution and Sea-Ice Distribution

by Spensberger and Spengler (2021). [DOI:]

The archive contains more simulation than were used for this publication. The experiments are

 * ice_straight: Control experiment with a straight ice edge and homogeneous winds of 20 m/s

 * linear_050: Linear decrease of the ice concentration over 50 km
 * linear_200: Linear decrease of the ice concentration over 200 km
 * tanh_050: tanh-shaped decrease if the ice concentration with a MIZ width scale of 50 km
 * tanh_200: tanh-shaped decrease if the ice concentration with a MIZ width scale of 200 km
 * tanh_050_random_0200: Random ice concentration with the ice concentrations of tanh_050 and tanh_200 as the upper/lower bounds.
 * tanhL_050: Lower half of the tanh-shape, yielding a rapid initial decrease in ice concentration with a MIZ width scale of 50 km
 * tanhL_200: Lower half of the tanh-shape, yielding a rapid initial decrease in ice concentration with a MIZ width scale of 200 km
 * tanhU_050: Upper half of the tanh-shape, yielding a slow initial decrease in ice concentration with a MIZ width scale of 50 km
 * tanhU_200: Upper half of the tanh-shape, yielding a slow initial decrease in ice concentration with a MIZ width scale of 200 km
 * step_48: Sharp sea-ice edge with a step of 48 km depth in flow direction.
 * step_192: Sharp sea-ice edge with a step of 192 km depth in flow direction.
 * step_576; Sharp sea-ice edge with a step of 576 km depth in flow direction.
 * Istep_48: Sharp sea-ice edge with an inverse step of 48 km depth in flow direction.
 * Istep_192: Sharp sea-ice edge with an inverse step of 192 km depth in flow direction.
 * Istep_576: Sharp sea-ice edge with an inverse step of 576 km depth in flow direction.
 * tri_010: Convex triangular sea-ice edge, as sharp as resolved, 10 degree-angle between flow and edge.
 * tri_030: Convex triangular sea-ice edge, as sharp as resolved, 30 degree-angle between flow and edge.
 * tri_060: Convex triangular sea-ice edge, as sharp as resolved, 60 degree-angle between flow and edge.
 * Itri_010: Concave triangular sea-ice edge, as sharp as resolved, 10 degree-angle between flow and edge.
 * Itri_030: Concave triangular sea-ice edge, as sharp as resolved, 30 degree-angle between flow and edge.
 * Itri_060: Concave triangular sea-ice edge, as sharp as resolved, 60 degree-angle between flow and edge.
 * pbl_MYNN25: As control, but with the MYJ PBL parameterisation.
 * pbl_MYNN25: As control, but with the MYNN25 PBL parameterisation.
 * pbl_MYNN3: As control, but with the MYNN3 PBL parameterisation.
 * pbl_YSU: As control, but with the YSU PBL parameterisation.

 * ff10: As control, but with homogenous 10 m/s winds.
 * ff30: As control, but with homogenous 10 m/s winds.
 * warm: As control, but with higher SSTs.
 * gradwarm: As control, but with linearly increasing SSTs from the sea ice edge.
 * shear_5c15: As control, but with cyclonic wind shear in meridional direction, with winds increasing from 5 to 15 m/s.
 * shear_15a5: As control, but with anticyclonic wind shear in meridional direction, with winds decreasing from 15 to 5 m/s.
 * shear_5c15_gradwarm: Combination of the cyclonic shear with the linearly increasing SSTs.

All experiments are run for 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 km horizontal resolution, designated by r030 through r960, respectively.