\-/ -/- PTRAJ: a utility for processing trajectory files /-\ \-/ Version: "AMBER 11.0 integrated" (4/2010) -/- Executable is: "/net/bccs/cbu/linux64/amber11/bin/ptraj" /-\ Running on 1 processor(s) \-/ Residue labels: ADP MG2 PTRAJ: Processing input from file _MMPBSA_ligtraj.in.0 PTRAJ: trajin _MMPBSA_ligand.mdcrd 1 150 1 Checking coordinates: _MMPBSA_ligand.mdcrd Rank: 0 Atoms: 40 FrameSize: 972 TitleSize: 30 NumBox: 0 Seekable 1 PTRAJ: trajout _MMPBSA_ligand.mdcrd.0 PTRAJ: Successfully read the input file. Coordinate processing will occur on 150 frames. Summary of I/O and actions follows: INPUT COORDINATE FILES File (_MMPBSA_ligand.mdcrd) is an AMBER trajectory with 150 sets OUTPUT COORDINATE FILE File (_MMPBSA_ligand.mdcrd.0) is an AMBER trajectory NO ACTIONS WERE SPECIFIED Processing AMBER trajectory file _MMPBSA_ligand.mdcrd 1% ............ 25% ............ 50% ............ 75% ............ 100% PTRAJ: Successfully read in 150 sets and processed 150 sets. Dumping accumulated results (if any)