* read pdb * add protons and water molecules * bomblev -2 ! { parameters passed } set diam_w 2.8 ! { pseudo diameter of water model } $SET$ ! Read in Topology and Parameter files open unit 1 card read name @path/lib/top_all22_prot_na.inp read RTF card unit 1 close unit 1 open unit 1 card read name @path/lib/par_all22_prot_na.inp read PARA card unit 1 close unit 1 !-----------------------------------------------> define protein ! Initial psf open unit 1 card read name @path/scr/@pdb.psf.his read psf card unit 1 close unit 1 ! Initial coordinates open unit 1 card read name @path/scr/@pdb.mini_@ext_abnr.crd read coor card unit 1 close unit 1 ! BEGIN { retranslate system to reaction region origin } define origin select all end ! { find the centre of the reaction region } coordinate statistics select ( origin ) end ! { make this point the origin } coordinate orient sele all end !coordinate translate xdirection -?XAVE ydirection -?YAVE zdirection -?ZAVE ! { verify } coordinate statistics select ( origin ) end ! end { translate system to reaction region origin } ! { read box of equilibrated water } open unit 1 read formatted name @path/lib/box90r.crd read sequence coor unit 1 rewind unit 1 ! { generate new segment } generate bulk noangle nodihedral ! { get water box } read coor card unit 1 append close unit 1 ! BEGIN { retranslate water to origin } define origin select segid bulk end ! { find the centre of the reaction region } coordinate statistics select ( origin ) end ! { make this point the origin } coordinate rotate ydir 1.0 phi -90. sele origin end coordinate statistics select ( origin ) end coordinate translate xdirection -?XAVE ydirection -?YAVE zdirection -?ZAVE - sele segid bulk end ! { verify } coordinate statistics select ( origin ) end ! end { translate system to reaction region origin } ! verify location of protein and water sphere COOR STATISTICS SELE ( SEGID bulk .or. SEGID W ) END COOR STATISTICS SELE ( SEGID @fc .or SEGID @sc ) END ! { delete waters which overlap with protein or ca ion} delete atom sort - select .byres. (segid bulk .AND. type oh2 .and. - ((.not. (segid bulk .OR. hydrogen)) .around. @{diam_w})) end !find out number of waters added define count select (segid bulk .AND. type oh2) end set c ?nsel ! write out the psf and the coordinates open unit 1 write formatted name @path/scr/@pdb.dyna_solv.psf write psf card unit 1 * @job * PSF * INITIAL SOLVENT OVERLAY: @c waters added to @pdb. * open unit 1 write formatted name @path/scr/@pdb.dyna_solv.crd write coordinate card unit 1 * @job * COORdinates * INITIAL SOLVENT OVERLAY: @c waters added to @pdb. * OPEN WRITE CARD NAME @path/scr/@pdb_solv.pdb UNIT 20 WRITE COOR PDB UNIT 20 * @job * COORdinates * INITIAL SOLVENT OVERLAY: @c waters added to @pdb. * energy STOP