structure ../scr/XXXINP.xplor.psf parameters ../lib/torben_prot27_lipid32.prm coordinates ../scr/XXXINP.heat_10k.coor extendedsystem ../scr/XXXINP.heat_10k.xsc source abf/abf.tcl abf coordinate dummy abf restraintlist { dist1 {dist {l 176 og} {l 44 ne2} 2.7 2.5} } #label heating timestep 1.0 temperature 100 seed 58 numsteps 2000 paraTypeCharmm on switching on switchdist 9.0 cutoff 11.0 pairlistdist 13.0 # distance of inclusion in the pair list of Nbonded int pairlistspercycle 2 margin 10.0 stepspercycle 20 #a cycle is actually 20 per default splitpatch hydrogen #fullElectFrequency 4 #rigid is all, we can evaluate elec each 4fs (default=1) #nonbondedFreq 2 # how often short-range-Nb-int should be calculated, the value here allow triple timestepping. #MTSAlgorithm verletI #longSplitting c1 # method to split elec forces between short and long range potentials eg SHIFT exclude scaled1-4 1-4scaling 1.0 outputEnergies 20 outputpressure 20 outputTiming 20 outputName ../scr/XXXINP.heat_100k binaryoutput no #restartname ../scr/heat_pr3_substrate_16_100K restartfreq 100 DCDfreq 100 PME on PMETolerance 10e-6 PMEInterpOrder 4 # order of interpolation (value+1) PMEGridSizeX XXXPMEX PMEGridSizeY XXXPMEY PMEGridSizeZ XXXPMEZ langevin on langevinTemp 100 # temp that will be mainTained throught the addition of friction and random forces langevinDamping 100 #@damp #coupling coeff to be applied to atoms affected by langevin # it is the freq of modifying the temP per picosec # to be set to 1 for EQUIL and PROD # langevinHydrogen off ! turn off langevin dynamics for hydrogen atoms if langevinDamp is on LangevinPiston on # Pressure control LangevinPistonTarget 1 LangevinPistonPeriod 75 LangevinPistonDecay 25 LangevinPistonTemp 10 StrainRate 0. 0. 0. rigidbonds water # all H belonging to water O--H bonds Are Shaked useGroupPressure yes reassignfreq 10 # Number of Timesteps between temp reassignement reassigntemp 10 # temp to wich velocities are reassigned every "ReassignFreq" timesteps reassignincr 0 # after each Reassign can add this value ...for annealing...or cooling prot # reassignHold # Final temp for reassignement only with A "Reassingincr"