import os,sys,string,re, time import assign_helices import analyspdb import display_helices import CalcModes import util import settings from MMTK import * sys.path.append('./utilities/pyutils') sys.path.append('./applications/tmm') ## ## - initiates the calculation of the normal modes and predicts the TM alpha helical segments. ## def tmm_start (items, results): items['resultid'] = items['jobid'] results['resultid'] = items['resultid'] # if the user input to TMM is a pdb code, we retrieve the PDB file from the flat file if items['pdbcode']: print '...submitted pdb code:',items['pdbcode'] results['pdbcode'] = items['pdbcode'] # #Aug07: The flat db stores pdbfiles with lowercase names. #added convertion of pdb-code to lowercase to avoid error if user writes in upper case #Note: The pdb-standard specifies letters in the pdb-code to be upper case # cleaned_code = items['pdbcode'].lower() path = settings.PDB_PATH file = 'pdb'+cleaned_code+'.ent' filename = path + file try: filehandle = open(filename,'r') items['pdbstruct'] = except: print 'This is not an existing pdb code' results['modefile_name'] = '' results['messages'] = 'This is not an existing pdb code' results['status'] = 'FAILED' return results else: print 'no pdb code entered' print 'checking uploaded pdbfile' # the pdb structure is now saved in the variable items['pdbstruct'] even though the input was a pdb code if items['pdbstruct']: if items['pdbcode'] == '': results['pdbcode'] = items['jobid'][0:5] items['pdbcode'] = items['jobid'][0:5] print 'parsing the pdb file' # If this test is true the file that has been entered is not a pdb file if string.find(items['pdbstruct'],"ATOM") == -1: results = items results['pdbstruct'] = ' ' results['modefile_name'] = '' results['status'] = 'FAILED' results['messages'] = 'The file you entered is probably not a pdb-file. Please check that you have the right file and try again from the main page.' return results print 'pdbfile ok' # Saving the pdb file to local disk pdbfile_name = items['pdbfilename'] results['pdbfilename'] = items['pdbfilename'] pdbfile = open(pdbfile_name, 'w') pdbfile.write(items['pdbstruct']) pdbfile.close() # Checking for the length of the structure. No structure should be larger than 20000 residues. calphanb = analyspdb.analyspdb(items['pdbstruct'], items) if (calphanb > 20000): results['messages'] = 'This server does not support systems with more than 20000 residues' results['status']='FAILED' results['modefile_name'] = '' return results else: print 'number of ca atoms:',calphanb ## using DSSP to find all alpha helices in the PDB structure print 'Assigning helices to the protein...' helices, residues, hydro, chains = assign_helices.AssignHelices( pdbfile_name ) #print residues #print helices print str(len(helices)) + ' found.' ## We calculate the normal modes, unless it exist on the hard drive though... if items['pdbcode'] != items['jobid'][0:5]: exist = exists(settings.MODE_DIR, items['pdbcode']) ## if exist is set to 0, files will not be looked up. #exist = 0 if exist != 0: saved_nmodes = len(load(exist)) print 'files stores ' + str(saved_nmodes) + ' modes' user_wants_nmodes = int(float(calphanb) * 3.0 * float(items['nmodes'])) print 'user wants ' + str(user_wants_nmodes) #if exist != 0 and saved_nmodes >= (user_wants_nmodes-10): if exist != 0: print 'Normal modes already calculated. Using file ' + exist + '.' items['modefile_name'] = exist else: print 'Calculating the normal modes...' items['modefile_name'] = './scratch/'+items['jobid'] + '.mode' try: print 'calcing' html = CalcModes.CalcModes('./scratch/'+items['jobid']+'-2.pdb', items['modefile_name'], items['nmodes']) print 'done' util.saveModeFile(items['modefile_name'], settings.MODE_DIR, items['pdbcode'], items['nmodes']) except AttributeError: print 'modes cannot be calulated' results['messages'] = 'An error occurred during the calculation of the normal modes. Please contact us at' results['status']='FAILED' results['modefile_name'] = '' return results else: try: print 'calcing' items['modefile_name'] = './scratch/'+items['jobid'] + '.mode' html = CalcModes.CalcModes('./scratch/'+items['jobid']+'-2.pdb', items['modefile_name'], items['nmodes']) print 'done' except AttributeError: print 'modes cannot be calulated' results['messages'] = 'An error occurred during the calculation of the normal modes. Please contact us at' results['status']='FAILED' results['modefile_name'] = '' return results ## assigning some variables that will be sent right back to zope print 'Finding which helices to use...' items['display_0'] = pdbfile_name.replace('pdb', '0.png') results['display_0'] = items['display_0'] results['vmdfilename'] = pdbfile_name.replace('pdb', 'vmd') results['vmd'] = results['vmdfilename'] results['chainlist'] = util.turnList(chains) if len(results['chainlist']) == 0: results['chainlist'].append('') ## This is where we find all the TM alpha helices. They are stored in the variable 'bundle' ## I guess we produce the VMD file here as well bundle, reason = display_helices.HelixWrapper( items, helices, pdbfile_name, hydro, residues, chains ) ## All lists should be strings when it is sent to biaz and zope name_list = ['']*len(helices) results['bundle'], results['reason'], results['chains'], results['h_start'], results['h_end'], results['tm_helices'], results['residues'], results['h_name'] = util.convertToStrings(bundle, reason, helices, residues, name_list ) #print "tm_helices" #print results['tm_helices'] #print "h_start" #print results['h_start'] #print "h_end" #print results['h_end'] #print "h_name" #print results['h_name'] results['jobid'] = items['jobid'] results['modefile_name'] = items['modefile_name'] ## Then we have to edit the VMD file to make it more convenient for the user edit_vmd_file(results['vmdfilename']) else: results['status'] = 'FAILED' results['messages'] = 'Please submit a PDB file or a PDB code' results['modefile_name'] = '' return results return results ## Function for finding if the normal mode file of a protein exist def exists(mode_dir, pdbcode): directories = ['full_set', 'half_set', 'small_set', '200'] #directories = ['1'] for dir in directories: dir = mode_dir + dir + '/' name = dir + pdbcode + '.mode' exists = 1 try: about = os.stat(name) print "Size of file is "+str(about[6])+ " bytes" return name except OSError: print "File does not exist or is not accessible" exists = 0 return 0 # The VMD file is allready made, but we have to change something in it... def edit_vmd_file( vmdfilename ): statefile = open(vmdfilename, 'r') array = [] array = statefile.readlines() statefile.close() new_statefile = open(vmdfilename, 'w') c=0 while c < len(array): # changes and removes a bunch of crap if array[c][0:7] == 'mol new': str = 'mol new {myPdbFile.pdb} type pdb\n' new_statefile.write(str) elif array[c][0:5] == 'save_': str = '' elif array[c][0:5] == 'rende': str = '' elif array[c][0:4] == 'quit': str = 'lugh' elif array[c][0:4] == 'scal': str = 'lugh' elif array[c][0:4] == 'colo': str = 'lugh' elif array[c][0:4] == 'axes': str = 'lugh' elif array[c][0:8] == 'mol load': str = 'lugh' #print array[c][0:8] else: #print array[c] new_statefile.write(array[c]) c=c+1 new_statefile.close() return