#! /bin/csh unalias rm if ($#argv != 2) then echo ' ' echo 'Usage: dosq0 slo shi ' echo ' ' echo ' computes Sq0 for filtrations slo to shi, assuming that' echo ' the directory Sq0 exists, containing a link to ../../bin/startsq0' echo ' and that Sq0/Map contains Sq0 for all filtrations below slo.' echo ' Initially, Sq0/Map should contain ' echo '0 0' echo ' ' echo '1' echo '0 0 1 x80' echo ' ' echo ' which says that Sq^0(1) = 1' echo ' ' exit endif set slo=$1 set shi=$2 set s=$slo while ($s <= $shi) cd Sq0 ./startsq0 $s cd .. ./liftem rm oldToLift* set s=`expr 1 + $s` end cd Sq0 if (-e Map.aug) mv Map.aug old.Map.aug awk -f ../../map_template/augment < Map| sort -k 1,1n -k 2,2n > Map.aug cd .. exit