definitions: # definition of the components: datasets, encodings, ML models, reports datasets: dataset_AVFDRKSDAK: # the dataset specific for the epitope AVFDRKSDAK of EBV virus combined with naive receptors format: AIRR params: is_repertoire: False path: data/AVFDRKSDAK.tsv paired: True import_illegal_characters: False import_empty_nt_sequences: True import_empty_aa_sequences: False receptor_chains: TRA_TRB metadata_column_mapping: AVFDRKSDAK: AVFDRKSDAK organism: human encodings: # how to represent the data one_hot: # encoding for the neural network includes one-hot encoding of receptors and additional three positional channels OneHot: use_positional_info: True distance_to_seq_middle: 3 flatten: False tcrdist_enc: # represents the the receptors by tcrdist distances between them TCRdist: cores: 32 kmer_frequency: # represents receptors by the frequency of k-mers per chain KmerFrequency: k: 3 sequence_encoding: continuous_kmer # split sequence into overlapping k-mers scale_to_unit_variance: True # scale the normalized examples to have unit variance scale_to_zero_mean: False # scale the normalized examples to have zero mean -> setting this to True might destroy sparsity ml_methods: # which machine learning methods to use cnn: # a convolutiional network ReceptorCNN: number_of_threads: 32 batch_size: 20000 evaluate_at: 1000 iteration_count: 20000 kernel_count: 50 kernel_size: [3, 4, 5, 6] positional_channels: 3 learning_rate: 0.01 l1_weight_decay: 0.01 l2_weight_decay: 0.01 tcrdist_cls: # kNN classifier based on tcrdist distances [computed in the encoding phase] TCRdistClassifier: percentage: 0.1 # the percentage of receptors relevant for determining the class assignment (binding vs. not binding), based on the paper by Dash et al. 2017 logistic_regression: LogisticRegression: penalty: [l1, l2] # try lasso and ridge C: [1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001] # regularization constants model_selection_cv: True # do a third level of cross-validation where only the logistic regression hyperparameters listed here will be optimized by scikit-learn internally model_selection_n_folds: 5 # for this third level of CV, use 5-fold CV reports: # additional output: analysis reports cnn_kernel_logo: KernelSequenceLogo # this report will visualize kernels from the CNN as sequences logos since the kernels are conditioned to represent information gain matrices tcrdist_logo: # uses tcrdist3 library to discover the motifs in the hierarchically clustered receptors based on tcrdist distance TCRdistMotifDiscovery: positive_class_name: True # will only cluster the positive class (receptors binding to AVFDRKSDAK) min_cluster_size: 100 # minimum cluster size to extract the motif from coefficients: Coefficients: # plot top 100 largest coefficients for logistic regression coefs_to_plot: [n_largest] n_largest: [100] gliph_exporter: # will export the receptor data in format compatible with GLIPH2 (Huang et al. 2020) so that it can be directly used on the data as splited in this analysis GLIPH2Exporter: condition: AVFDRKSDAK # what is the condition, as defined by GLIPH2 instructions: tcrdist_cnn_comparison: # definition of the analysis type: TrainMLModel # analysis for training ML models settings: # which combinations of previously defined encodings and ML models to consider - encoding: one_hot ml_method: cnn - encoding: tcrdist_enc ml_method: tcrdist_cls - encoding: kmer_frequency ml_method: logistic_regression assessment: # how to perform the outer loop of nested cross-validation to obtain performance estimate split_strategy: random # randomly split to train and test split_count: 1 # make only one such split training_percentage: 0.7 # use 70% of data for testing reports: # which reports to generate of the data and the models obtained in this way models: # reports to generate from the models, here: motif discovery - cnn_kernel_logo - tcrdist_logo - coefficients data_splits: # reports to generate from the data, here: output the data in GLIPH2-compatible format - gliph_exporter selection: # how to perform the inner loop of nested cross-validation to choose the optimal model split_strategy: k_fold # do 5-fold cross-validation split_count: 5 reports: # again, which reports to generate, same as under assessment models: - cnn_kernel_logo - tcrdist_logo - coefficients data_splits: - gliph_exporter labels: # which labels to use to train the ML models - AVFDRKSDAK dataset: dataset_AVFDRKSDAK # which dataset to use metrics: [balanced_accuracy, precision, recall] # metrics to be computed for all settings strategy: GridSearch # how to evaluate different combinations of encodings and ML models listed under settings, here: just compare them all with each other number_of_processes: 32 # in the parallelized parts of the code, how many processes to use optimization_metric: auc # the metric used for optimization reports: [] # some additional reports, not applicable here store_encoded_data: False # whether to store the encoded data, if set to True, it could increase the disk space usage refit_optimal_model: False # whether to refit the optimal model before exporting it (not in this use-case as the models will be used for comparison, not for classifying some new data)