======================================================================== Time Management: time_manager_nml namelist settings: &TIME_MANAGER_NML RUNID = bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM , DT_COUNT = 1.00000000000000 , DT_OPTION = steps_per_day , IYEAR0 = 18, IMONTH0 = 1, IDAY0 = 1, IHOUR0 = 0, IMINUTE0 = 0, ISECOND0 = 0, STOP_OPTION = never , STOP_COUNT = -1, DATE_SEPARATOR = -, ALLOW_LEAPYEAR = F / ======================================================================== zero_gcm_fluxes: T test_coupling: F ******************************************************************************* Started logging at 2018-12-28 11:51:16.213 ******************************************************************************* ======================================================================== GLC Override Frac: glc_override_nml namelist settings: &GLC_OVERRIDE_NML ENABLE_FRAC_OVERRIDES = F, DECREASE_OVERRIDE_DELAY = 0, INCREASE_OVERRIDE_DELAY = 0, REARRANGE_OVERRIDE_DELAY = 0, DECREASE_FRAC = 0.000000000000000E+000, INCREASE_FRAC = 0.000000000000000E+000, REARRANGE_FREQ = 0 / glc_io_read_restart_time: using dumpfile for restart = bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0020-01-01-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Grid specification ------------------ ewn : 416 nsn : 704 upn : 11 EW grid spacing : 4000.00000000000 NS grid spacing : 4000.00000000000 Outflow global boundary conditions; scalars in global halo will be set to ze ro sigma file : Time steps ---------- start time (yr) : 0.000000000000000E+000 end time (yr) : 1000.00000000000 time step (yr) : 0.100000000000000 thermal dt factor : 1.00000000000000 diagnostic interval (years): 0.100000000000000 Dycore options ------------- I/O parameter file : Dycore : 2glissade temperature calculation : 1prognostic temperature flow law : 2Paterson and Budd basal_water : 0none marine_margin : 1remove all floating ice calving_init : 1ice calves at initialization calving_domain : 1calving in all cells where criterion i s met Icebergs will be removed The thickness of marine ice cliffs will be limited calving_domain : 1calving in all cells where criterion i s met Calving-front cells will not be culled at initialization evolution : 3incremental remapping minthck for diagnostics : 1include cells with H > thklim in globa l diagnostics vertical_integration : 0standard basal melt, floating ice: 0none basal mass balance : 1in continuity eqn smb input : 0SMB input in units of m/yr ice overwrite_acab : 0do not overwrite acab anywhere geothermal heat flux : 1read flux from file, if present isostasy : 0no isostasy calculation Restarting model from a previous run Higher-order options: ---------- ho_whichefvs : 2nonlinear, from eff strain rate ho_whichdisp : 1first-order model (Blatter-Pattyn) ho_whichthermal_timestep: 2vertical thermal solve split into two parts ho_whichbabc : 3pseudo-plastic sliding law ho_whichbwat : 2basal water depth computed from local till model ho_whicheffecpress : 4reduced effecpress with increasing bas al water which_ho_nonlinear : 0use standard Picard iteration ho_whichresid : 4relative L2 norm, |Ax-b|/|b| ho_whichsparse : 3Native PCG solver, Chronopoulos-Gear ho_whichapprox : 4Depth-integrated viscosity (glissade_v elo_higher) ho_whichgradient : 0centered gradient (glissade) ho_whichgradient_margin : 1compute edge gradient when ice lies ab ove ice-free land ho_whichvertical_remap : 0first-order accurate ho_whichassemble_beta : 1use local beta at each vertex (glissad e dycore) ho_whichassemble_taud : 1use local driving stress at each verte x (glissade dycore) ho_whichassemble_bfric : 1use local basal friction at each verte x (glissade dycore) ho_whichcalving_front : 0no subgrid calving front parameterizat ion ho_whichground : 0f_ground = 0 or 1; no GLP (glissade d ycore) ho_whichground_bmlt : 0bmlt_float applied to partly grounded cells ho_whichice_age : 1ice age computation on glissade_maxiter : 50 ho_whichprecond : 1Diagonal preconditioner (glissade PCG) Parameters ---------- thickness limit for dynamically active ice (m) : 1.00000000000000 Advection will be subcycled when CFL > 0.500000000000000 thickness limit for temperature calculations (m) : 1.00000000000000 thickness scale for gradient ramp (m): 50.0000000000000 pmp threshold for temperature (K): 1.000000000000000E-003 taumax_cliff : 1000000.00000000 cliff time scale (yr) : 0.000000000000000E+000 ice density (kg/m^3) : 917.000000000000 ocean density (kg/m^3) : 1026.00000000000 gravitational accel (m/s^2) : 9.80616000000000 heat capacity of ice (J/kg/K) : 2117.27000000000 latent heat of ice (J/kg) : 333700.000000000 triple point of water (K) : 273.160000000000 geothermal flux (W/m^2) : -5.000000000000000E-002 flow factor (grounded ice) : 1.00000000000000 flow factor (floating ice) : 1.00000000000000 max surface slope : 0.100000000000000 pseudo-plastic q : 0.500000000000000 pseudo-plastic u0 : 100.000000000000 pseudo-plastic phi_min (deg) : 5.00000000000000 pseudo-plastic phi_max (deg) : 40.0000000000000 pseudo-plastic bed min (m) : -700.000000000000 pseudo-plastic bed max (m) : 700.000000000000 min beta, grounded ice (Pa yr/m) : 100.000000000000 effective pressure delta : 2.000000000000000E-002 maximum till water depth (m) : 2.00000000000000 till drainage rate (m/yr) : 1.000000000000000E-003 GLAD climate ------------- evolve_ice (0=fixed, 1=evolve): 0 The ice sheet state will not evolve after initialization Mass-balance accumulation time will be set to max(ice timestep, mbal timestep ) ice_tstep_multiply: 1 CISM 2.0 Computing Glide sigma levels Sigma levels: ------------------ 0.000 0.231 0.407 0.544 0.653 0.741 0.812 0.872 0.922 0.964 1.000 ******************************************************************************* opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0020-01-01-00000 .nc for input ******************************************************************************* Restart: New tstart, tstep_count = 19.0000000000000 190 Reading time slice 1( 19.0000000000000 ) from file bwma1850 .f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0020-01-01-00000.nc at time 19.00000 00000000 Loading x1 Loading y1 Loading acab Loading artm Loading beta Loading bfricflx Loading bheatflx Loading btractx Loading btracty Loading bwat Loading dissipstag Loading efvs Loading ice_age Loading kinbcmask Loading tempstag Loading thk Loading thkmask Loading topg Loading uvel Loading uvel_2d Loading vvel Loading vvel_2d Set area scale factor = 1 for polar stereographic projection Projection ---------- Type: Stereographic Longitude of central meridian: -45.0000000000000 Latitude of projection origin: 90.0000000000000 False easting: 0.000000000000000E+000 False northing: 0.000000000000000E+000 Standard parallel: 70.0000000000000 Scale factor: 0.000000000000000E+000 * Global idiag, jdiag: 134 280 * Local idiag, jdiag, task: 32 18 13 Initializing ice temperature from the restart file Loading hflx_tavg Loading lat Loading lon Loading rofi_tavg Loading rofl_tavg ---------------------------------------------------------- * Diagnostic output, time = 19.0000000000000000 * Total ice area (km^2) 0.1667679999999865E+07 * Grounded ice area (km^2) 0.1663999999999865E+07 * Floating ice area (km^2) 0.3679999999999996E+04 * Total ice volume (km^3) 0.2952805440572578E+07 * Total ice mass (kg) 0.2707722589005053E+19 * Mass above flotation (kg) 0.2668477290954693E+19 * Total ice energy (J) -0.1142852668752733E+24 * Total SMB flux (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total BMB flux (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total calving flux (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total dmass/dt (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * dmass/dt error (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total gr line flux (Gt/y) -0.2897558656354176E+01 * Mean thickness (m) 1770.6067354485373926 * Mean temperature (C) -19.9347059892330165 * Max thickness (m), i, j 3402.6667480468750000 230 366 * Max temperature, i, j, k -2.5815498828887939 297 216 0 * Min temperature, i, j, k -30.3878574371337891 236 451 0 * Max sfc spd (m/yr), i, j 999.9088967434951201 198 100 * Max base spd (m/yr), i, j 354.5326263138903755 304 572 * Grid point diagnostics: (i,j) = 134 280 * Local (i,j,rank) = 32 18 13 * Upper surface (m) 343.5833129882813068 * Thickness (m) 732.3333129882812500 * Bedrock topo (m) -388.7500000000000000 * Sfc mass balance (m/yr) 0.0000000000000000 * Basal melt rate (m/yr) 0.0000000000000000 * Basal water depth (m) 0.0000000000000000 * Basal heat flux (W/m^2) -0.0548120401799679 * Sigma Ice speed (m/yr) Ice temperature (C) * 0.000 456.2302955362317789 -14.0705940273366537 * 0.116 -9.2874932227323068 * 0.231 447.0976129890099742 * 0.319 -8.4476792256992592 * 0.407 424.7454107874802958 * 0.476 -7.8025271680867023 * 0.544 393.0939735132360511 * 0.599 -7.2961458155157546 * 0.653 353.1553870598486924 * 0.697 -6.8913726356655065 * 0.741 305.4235432701678974 * 0.777 -6.5627116616410932 * 0.812 251.0339606985370438 * 0.842 -6.2921959230560542 * 0.872 191.7189455173042063 * 0.897 -6.0668670412763541 * 0.922 129.3635312645271540 * 0.943 -5.8771875500593511 * 0.964 65.6766059235178972 * 0.982 -5.7160111263863413 * 1.000 2.0496454718998831 -5.6417792671673537 ======================================================================== Time Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run id: bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM This simulation started from date(month-day-year): 01-01-0018 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0 This run started from date(month-day-year): 01-01-0020 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0 step: 730 This run will terminate at 00:00:00 on date(month-day-year): 01-01-9999 upon receipt of stop signal from external source (eg, cpl) unless a stop signal is received from external source (eg, cpl) Starting elapsed time in years: 2.000 months: 24.000 days: 730.000 hours: 17520.000 seconds: 63072000.000 Automatic time step option (auto_dt) disabled dt_count = 1.000000E+00 GLC time step = 8.640000E+04 seconds Leap years not allowed ======================================================================== cism_history namelist settings: &CISM_HISTORY CESM_HISTORY_VARS = smb artm thk usurf topg , HISTORY_OPTION = nyears , HISTORY_FREQUENCY = 1 / End of GLC initialization ======================================================================== (glc_init_mct) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (glc_init_mct) GLC: start of main integration loop (glc_init_mct) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-02, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200102 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200102 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-03, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200103 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200103 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-04, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200104 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200104 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-05, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200105 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200105 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-06, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200106 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200106 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-07, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200107 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200107 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-08, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200108 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200108 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-09, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200109 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200109 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-10, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200110 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200110 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F (time_manager) glc date 0020-jan-11, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 200111 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 200111 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F