======================================================================== Time Management: time_manager_nml namelist settings: &TIME_MANAGER_NML RUNID = bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM , DT_COUNT = 1.00000000000000 , DT_OPTION = steps_per_day , IYEAR0 = 18, IMONTH0 = 1, IDAY0 = 1, IHOUR0 = 0, IMINUTE0 = 0, ISECOND0 = 0, STOP_OPTION = never , STOP_COUNT = -1, DATE_SEPARATOR = -, ALLOW_LEAPYEAR = F / ======================================================================== zero_gcm_fluxes: T test_coupling: F ******************************************************************************* Started logging at 2018-12-26 09:23:41.376 ******************************************************************************* ======================================================================== GLC Override Frac: glc_override_nml namelist settings: &GLC_OVERRIDE_NML ENABLE_FRAC_OVERRIDES = F, DECREASE_OVERRIDE_DELAY = 0, INCREASE_OVERRIDE_DELAY = 0, REARRANGE_OVERRIDE_DELAY = 0, DECREASE_FRAC = 0.000000000000000E+000, INCREASE_FRAC = 0.000000000000000E+000, REARRANGE_FREQ = 0 / glc_io_read_restart_time: using dumpfile for restart = bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-01-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Grid specification ------------------ ewn : 416 nsn : 704 upn : 11 EW grid spacing : 4000.00000000000 NS grid spacing : 4000.00000000000 Outflow global boundary conditions; scalars in global halo will be set to ze ro sigma file : Time steps ---------- start time (yr) : 0.000000000000000E+000 end time (yr) : 1000.00000000000 time step (yr) : 0.100000000000000 thermal dt factor : 1.00000000000000 diagnostic interval (years): 0.100000000000000 Dycore options ------------- I/O parameter file : Dycore : 2glissade temperature calculation : 1prognostic temperature flow law : 2Paterson and Budd basal_water : 0none marine_margin : 1remove all floating ice calving_init : 1ice calves at initialization calving_domain : 1calving in all cells where criterion i s met Icebergs will be removed The thickness of marine ice cliffs will be limited calving_domain : 1calving in all cells where criterion i s met Calving-front cells will not be culled at initialization evolution : 3incremental remapping minthck for diagnostics : 1include cells with H > thklim in globa l diagnostics vertical_integration : 0standard basal melt, floating ice: 0none basal mass balance : 1in continuity eqn smb input : 0SMB input in units of m/yr ice overwrite_acab : 0do not overwrite acab anywhere geothermal heat flux : 1read flux from file, if present isostasy : 0no isostasy calculation Restarting model from a previous run Higher-order options: ---------- ho_whichefvs : 2nonlinear, from eff strain rate ho_whichdisp : 1first-order model (Blatter-Pattyn) ho_whichthermal_timestep: 2vertical thermal solve split into two parts ho_whichbabc : 3pseudo-plastic sliding law ho_whichbwat : 2basal water depth computed from local till model ho_whicheffecpress : 4reduced effecpress with increasing bas al water which_ho_nonlinear : 0use standard Picard iteration ho_whichresid : 4relative L2 norm, |Ax-b|/|b| ho_whichsparse : 3Native PCG solver, Chronopoulos-Gear ho_whichapprox : 4Depth-integrated viscosity (glissade_v elo_higher) ho_whichgradient : 0centered gradient (glissade) ho_whichgradient_margin : 1compute edge gradient when ice lies ab ove ice-free land ho_whichvertical_remap : 0first-order accurate ho_whichassemble_beta : 1use local beta at each vertex (glissad e dycore) ho_whichassemble_taud : 1use local driving stress at each verte x (glissade dycore) ho_whichassemble_bfric : 1use local basal friction at each verte x (glissade dycore) ho_whichcalving_front : 0no subgrid calving front parameterizat ion ho_whichground : 0f_ground = 0 or 1; no GLP (glissade d ycore) ho_whichground_bmlt : 0bmlt_float applied to partly grounded cells ho_whichice_age : 1ice age computation on glissade_maxiter : 50 ho_whichprecond : 1Diagonal preconditioner (glissade PCG) Parameters ---------- thickness limit for dynamically active ice (m) : 1.00000000000000 Advection will be subcycled when CFL > 0.500000000000000 thickness limit for temperature calculations (m) : 1.00000000000000 thickness scale for gradient ramp (m): 50.0000000000000 pmp threshold for temperature (K): 1.000000000000000E-003 taumax_cliff : 1000000.00000000 cliff time scale (yr) : 0.000000000000000E+000 ice density (kg/m^3) : 917.000000000000 ocean density (kg/m^3) : 1026.00000000000 gravitational accel (m/s^2) : 9.80616000000000 heat capacity of ice (J/kg/K) : 2117.27000000000 latent heat of ice (J/kg) : 333700.000000000 triple point of water (K) : 273.160000000000 geothermal flux (W/m^2) : -5.000000000000000E-002 flow factor (grounded ice) : 1.00000000000000 flow factor (floating ice) : 1.00000000000000 max surface slope : 0.100000000000000 pseudo-plastic q : 0.500000000000000 pseudo-plastic u0 : 100.000000000000 pseudo-plastic phi_min (deg) : 5.00000000000000 pseudo-plastic phi_max (deg) : 40.0000000000000 pseudo-plastic bed min (m) : -700.000000000000 pseudo-plastic bed max (m) : 700.000000000000 min beta, grounded ice (Pa yr/m) : 100.000000000000 effective pressure delta : 2.000000000000000E-002 maximum till water depth (m) : 2.00000000000000 till drainage rate (m/yr) : 1.000000000000000E-003 GLAD climate ------------- evolve_ice (0=fixed, 1=evolve): 0 The ice sheet state will not evolve after initialization Mass-balance accumulation time will be set to max(ice timestep, mbal timestep ) ice_tstep_multiply: 1 CISM 2.0 Computing Glide sigma levels Sigma levels: ------------------ 0.000 0.231 0.407 0.544 0.653 0.741 0.812 0.872 0.922 0.964 1.000 ******************************************************************************* opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-01-00000 .nc for input ******************************************************************************* Restart: New tstart, tstep_count = 17.0000000000000 170 Reading time slice 1( 17.0000000000000 ) from file bwma1850 .f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-01-00000.nc at time 17.00000 00000000 Loading x1 Loading y1 Loading acab Loading artm Loading beta Loading bfricflx Loading bheatflx Loading btractx Loading btracty Loading bwat Loading dissipstag Loading efvs Loading ice_age Loading kinbcmask Loading tempstag Loading thk Loading thkmask Loading topg Loading uvel Loading uvel_2d Loading vvel Loading vvel_2d Set area scale factor = 1 for polar stereographic projection Projection ---------- Type: Stereographic Longitude of central meridian: -45.0000000000000 Latitude of projection origin: 90.0000000000000 False easting: 0.000000000000000E+000 False northing: 0.000000000000000E+000 Standard parallel: 70.0000000000000 Scale factor: 0.000000000000000E+000 * Global idiag, jdiag: 134 280 * Local idiag, jdiag, task: 32 18 13 Initializing ice temperature from the restart file Loading hflx_tavg Loading lat Loading lon Loading rofi_tavg Loading rofl_tavg ---------------------------------------------------------- * Diagnostic output, time = 16.9999999999999716 * Total ice area (km^2) 0.1667679999999865E+07 * Grounded ice area (km^2) 0.1663999999999865E+07 * Floating ice area (km^2) 0.3679999999999996E+04 * Total ice volume (km^3) 0.2952805440572578E+07 * Total ice mass (kg) 0.2707722589005053E+19 * Mass above flotation (kg) 0.2668477290954693E+19 * Total ice energy (J) -0.1142852668752733E+24 * Total SMB flux (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total BMB flux (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total calving flux (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total dmass/dt (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * dmass/dt error (Gt/y) 0.0000000000000000E+00 * Total gr line flux (Gt/y) -0.2897558656354176E+01 * Mean thickness (m) 1770.6067354485373926 * Mean temperature (C) -19.9347059892330165 * Max thickness (m), i, j 3402.6667480468750000 230 366 * Max temperature, i, j, k -2.5815498828887939 297 216 0 * Min temperature, i, j, k -30.3878574371337891 236 451 0 * Max sfc spd (m/yr), i, j 999.9088967434951201 198 100 * Max base spd (m/yr), i, j 354.5326263138903755 304 572 * Grid point diagnostics: (i,j) = 134 280 * Local (i,j,rank) = 32 18 13 * Upper surface (m) 343.5833129882813068 * Thickness (m) 732.3333129882812500 * Bedrock topo (m) -388.7500000000000000 * Sfc mass balance (m/yr) -4.8018348283165970 * Basal melt rate (m/yr) 0.0000000000000000 * Basal water depth (m) 0.0000000000000000 * Basal heat flux (W/m^2) -0.0548120401799679 * Sigma Ice speed (m/yr) Ice temperature (C) * 0.000 456.2302955362317789 -8.3405338296011564 * 0.116 -9.2874932227323068 * 0.231 447.0976129890099742 * 0.319 -8.4476792256992592 * 0.407 424.7454107874802958 * 0.476 -7.8025271680867023 * 0.544 393.0939735132360511 * 0.599 -7.2961458155157546 * 0.653 353.1553870598486924 * 0.697 -6.8913726356655065 * 0.741 305.4235432701678974 * 0.777 -6.5627116616410932 * 0.812 251.0339606985370438 * 0.842 -6.2921959230560542 * 0.872 191.7189455173042063 * 0.897 -6.0668670412763541 * 0.922 129.3635312645271540 * 0.943 -5.8771875500593511 * 0.964 65.6766059235178972 * 0.982 -5.7160111263863413 * 1.000 2.0496454718998831 -5.6417792671673537 ======================================================================== Time Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run id: bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM This simulation started from date(month-day-year): 01-01-0018 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0 This run started from date(month-day-year): 09-01-0018 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0 step: 243 This run will terminate at 00:00:00 on date(month-day-year): 01-01-9999 upon receipt of stop signal from external source (eg, cpl) unless a stop signal is received from external source (eg, cpl) Starting elapsed time in years: 0.666 months: 8.000 days: 243.000 hours: 5832.000 seconds: 20995200.000 Automatic time step option (auto_dt) disabled dt_count = 1.000000E+00 GLC time step = 8.640000E+04 seconds Leap years not allowed ======================================================================== cism_history namelist settings: &CISM_HISTORY CESM_HISTORY_VARS = smb artm thk usurf topg , HISTORY_OPTION = nyears , HISTORY_FREQUENCY = 1 / End of GLC initialization ======================================================================== (glc_init_mct) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (glc_init_mct) GLC: start of main integration loop (glc_init_mct) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-02, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180902 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180902 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-02-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-02-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-02-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-03, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180903 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180903 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-03-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-03-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-03-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-04, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180904 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180904 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-04-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-04-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-04-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-05, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180905 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180905 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-05-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-05-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-05-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-06, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180906 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180906 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-06-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-06-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-06-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-07, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180907 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180907 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-07-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-07-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-07-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-08, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180908 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180908 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-08-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-08-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-08-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-09, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180909 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180909 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-09-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-09-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-09-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-10, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180910 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180910 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-10-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-10-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-10-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-11, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180911 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180911 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-11-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-11-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-11-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-12, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180912 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180912 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-12-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-12-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-12-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-13, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180913 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180913 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-13-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-13-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-13-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-14, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180914 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180914 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-14-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-14-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-14-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-15, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180915 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180915 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-15-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-15-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-15-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-16, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180916 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180916 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-16-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-16-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-16-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000 (time_manager) glc date 0018-sep-17, 0.000000E+00 sec (glc_run_mct) CESM Date 180917 0 (glc_run_mct) GLC Date 180917 0 (glc_run_mct) valid Inputs = F glc_io_write_restart: calling dumpfile for restart filename= bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-17-00000.nc ******************************************************************************* Opening file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-17-0000 0.nc for output; Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid. The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag". Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid. The n etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag". Creating variable level Creating variable lithoz Creating variable staglevel Creating variable stagwbndlevel Creating variable x0 Creating variable x1 Creating variable y0 Creating variable y1 Creating variable acab Creating variable artm Creating variable beta Creating variable bfricflx Creating variable bheatflx Creating variable btractx Creating variable btracty Creating variable bwat Creating variable dissipstag Creating variable efvs Creating variable ice_age Creating variable kinbcmask Creating variable tempstag Creating variable thk Creating variable thkmask Creating variable topg Creating variable uvel Creating variable uvel_2d Creating variable vvel Creating variable vvel_2d Creating variable hflx_tavg Creating variable lat Creating variable lon Creating variable rofi_tavg Creating variable rofl_tavg ******************************************************************************* Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM.cism.r.0018-09-17-0 0000.nc at time 17.0000000000000