CAM atmosphere model initialization Initialize PIO subsystem: iotype = 5 ------------------------------------------ *********** CAM LOG OUTPUT *************** ------------------------------------------ Restart of an earlier run ********** CASE = bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM ********** UNSET ********** Time Manager Configuration ********** Calendar type: NO_LEAP Timestep size (seconds): 1800 Start date (yr mon day tod): 1 1 1 0 Stop date (yr mon day tod): 18 9 27 0 Reference date (yr mon day tod): 1 1 1 0 Current step number: 310657 Current date (yr mon day tod): 18 9 25 1800 ************************************************ SPMD SWAP_COMM OPTIONS: swap_comm_protocol = 4 swap_comm_maxreq = 128 SPMD FLOW CONTROL GATHER OPTION: fc_gather_flow_cntl = 64 PHYS_GRID options: Using PCOLS = 16 phys_loadbalance = 2 phys_twin_algorithm = 1 phys_alltoall = -1 chunks_per_thread = 1 (OPNFIL): Successfully opened file ./rpointer.atm on unit= 97 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using in current working directory cam_initfiles_readnl options: Continuation of case: bwma1850.f09.y18.los_chocoyos.qboW.ensoM Restart run will start from file: Maximum abs value of scale factor used to perturb initial conditions, pertlim = 0.000000000000000E+000 Summary of constituent module options: Read constituent initial values from initial file by default: T Read in cam_history_nl namelist from: atm_in Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 1 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 2 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 3 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 4 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 5 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 6 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 7 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 8 will have averaging flag A Unless overridden by namelist input on a per-field basis (FINCL), All fields on history file 9 will have averaging flag I Initial conditions history files will be written yearly. Dry adiabatic adjustment applied to top N layers; N= 3 Dry adiabatic adjustment number of iterations for convergence = 15 MG microphysics namelist: micro_mg_version = 2 micro_mg_sub_version = 0 micro_mg_do_cldice = T micro_mg_do_cldliq = T micro_mg_num_steps = 1 microp_uniform = F micro_mg_dcs = 5.000000000000000E-004 micro_mg_berg_eff_factor = 1.00000000000000 micro_mg_precip_frac_method = in_cloud micro_do_sb_physics = F micro_mg_adjust_cpt = F micro_mg_nccons = F micro_mg_nicons = F micro_mg_ncnst = 100000000.000000 micro_mg_ninst = 100000.000000000 cld_sediment_readnl: cldsed_ice_stokes_fac = 1.797693134862316E+308 RRTMG radiation scheme parameters: Frequency (timesteps) of Shortwave Radiation calc: 2 Frequency (timesteps) of Longwave Radiation calc: 2 SW/LW calc done every timestep for first N steps. N= 0 Use average zenith angle: F Output spectrally resolved fluxes: F rad_cnst_readnl: Radiation constituent lists: list_init1: namelist input for climate list rad namelist spec: A:Q:H2O rad namelist spec: A:O2:O2 rad namelist spec: A:CO2:CO2 rad namelist spec: A:O3:O3 rad namelist spec: A:N2O:N2O rad namelist spec: A:CH4:CH4 rad namelist spec: N:CFC11STAR:CFC11 rad namelist spec: A:CFC12:CFC12 rad namelist spec: M:mam4_mode1:/cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/ physprops/ rad namelist spec: M:mam4_mode2:/cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/ physprops/ rad namelist spec: M:mam4_mode3:/cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/ physprops/ rad namelist spec: M:mam4_mode4:/cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/ physprops/ gas list for climate calculations A:H2O has constituents name:Q A:O3 has constituents name:O3 A:O2 has constituents name:O2 A:CO2 has constituents name:CO2 A:N2O has constituents name:N2O A:CH4 has constituents name:CH4 N:CFC11 has pbuf name:CFC11STAR A:CFC12 has constituents name:CFC12 bulk aerosol list for climate calculations modal aerosol list for climate calculations mam4_mode1 mam4_mode2 mam4_mode3 mam4_mode4 Mode Definitions name=mam4_mode1 type=accum src_a=A num_a=num_a1 src_c=N num_c=num_c1 src_a=A mmr_a=so4_a1 src_c=N mmr_c=so4_c1 type=sulfate prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=pom_a1 src_c=N mmr_c=pom_c1 type=p-organic prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=soa_a1 src_c=N mmr_c=soa_c1 type=s-organic prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=bc_a1 src_c=N mmr_c=bc_c1 type=black-c prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=dst_a1 src_c=N mmr_c=dst_c1 type=dust prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/dust_aeronet_rrtmg_c1411 src_a=A mmr_a=ncl_a1 src_c=N mmr_c=ncl_c1 type=seasalt prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ name=mam4_mode2 type=aitken src_a=A num_a=num_a2 src_c=N num_c=num_c2 src_a=A mmr_a=so4_a2 src_c=N mmr_c=so4_c2 type=sulfate prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=soa_a2 src_c=N mmr_c=soa_c2 type=s-organic prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=ncl_a2 src_c=N mmr_c=ncl_c2 type=seasalt prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=dst_a2 src_c=N mmr_c=dst_c2 type=dust prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/dust_aeronet_rrtmg_c1411 name=mam4_mode3 type=coarse src_a=A num_a=num_a3 src_c=N num_c=num_c3 src_a=A mmr_a=dst_a3 src_c=N mmr_c=dst_c3 type=dust prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/dust_aeronet_rrtmg_c1411 src_a=A mmr_a=ncl_a3 src_c=N mmr_c=ncl_c3 type=seasalt prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=so4_a3 src_c=N mmr_c=so4_c3 type=sulfate prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ name=mam4_mode4 type=primary_carbon src_a=A num_a=num_a4 src_c=N num_c=num_c4 src_a=A mmr_a=pom_a4 src_c=N mmr_c=pom_c4 type=p-organic prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ src_a=A mmr_a=bc_a4 src_c=N mmr_c=bc_c4 type=black-c prop file= /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ epp_ionization_readnl:: epp_all_filepath = /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata /atm/cam/solar/ epp_ionization_readnl:: epp_mee_filepath = NONE epp_ionization_readnl:: epp_spe_filepath = NONE epp_ionization_readnl:: epp_gcr_filepath = NONE solar_data_readnl: solar_const (W/m2) = -9999.00000000000 solar_data_readnl: solar_irrad_data_file = /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c solar_data_readnl: solar_parms_data_file = /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c solar_data_readnl: solar_euv_data_file = NONE solar_data_readnl: solar_wind_data_file = NONE solar_data_readnl: solar_data_type = FIXED solar_data_readnl: solar_data_ymd = 18500101 solar_data_readnl: solar_data_tod = 0 check_energy options: print_energy_errors = F Rayleigh friction not enabled. Read in dyn_fv_inparm namelist from: atm_in FV dycore configuration: Lagrangian time splits (fv_nsplit) = 16 Tracer time splits (fv_nslptrac) = 4 Vertical re-mapping time splits (fv_nspltvrm) = 4 Scheme in E-W direction (fv_iord) = 4 Scheme in N-S direction (fv_jord) = 4 Scheme for vertical mapping (fv_kord) = 4 Conservative dynamics (fv_conserve) = F Filtering c-grid winds (fv_filcw) = 0 FFT filter (fv_fft_flt) = 1 Divergence/velocity damping (fv_div24del2flag) = 4 Coef for 2nd order velocity damping (fv_del2coef) = 300000.000000000 Angular momentum (AM) correction (fv_am_correction) = F Apply AM fixer (fv_am_fixer) = F Level by level AM fixer (fv_am_fix_lbl) = F Enable AM diagnostics (fv_am_diag) = F spmd_readnl: Read in spmd_fv_inparm namelist from: atm_in FV grid decomposition: npr_y = 64 npr_z = 14 nprxy_x = 14 nprxy_y = 64 npes = 896 npes_yz= 896 npes_xy = 896 Decomposing tracers into 1 groups using multi-2d decomposition methodology non-transpose geopk communication method = F Z-parallel non-transpose geopk communication method = F modcomm transpose method = 0 modcomm geopk method = 0 modcomm gatscat method = 0 modc_sw_dynrun = 0 modc_hs_dynrun = T modc_send_dynrun = T modc_mxreq_dynrun = -1 modc_sw_cdcore = 0 modc_hs_cdcore = T modc_send_cdcore = T modc_mxreq_cdcore = -1 modc_sw_gather = 1 modc_hs_gather = T modc_send_gather = T modc_mxreq_gather = 64 modc_sw_scatter = 0 modc_hs_scatter = F modc_send_scatter = T modc_mxreq_scatter = -1 modc_sw_tracer = 0 modc_hs_tracer = T modc_send_tracer = T modc_mxreq_tracer = -1 modc_onetwo = 2 modc_tracers = 10 qneg_readnl : QNEG statistics will be collected and printed at the end of the run (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/topo/fv_0.9x1.25_nc3000_Nsw042_Nrs hycoef_read: read hyai, hybi, hyam, hybm hycoef_read: read P0 value: 100000.000000000 Layer Locations (*1000) 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 7 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 8 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0000 0.0002 9 0.0002 0.0000 0.0002 0.0003 0.0000 0.0003 10 0.0004 0.0000 0.0004 0.0005 0.0000 0.0005 11 0.0007 0.0000 0.0007 0.0009 0.0000 0.0009 12 0.0011 0.0000 0.0011 0.0015 0.0000 0.0015 13 0.0018 0.0000 0.0018 0.0024 0.0000 0.0024 14 0.0030 0.0000 0.0030 0.0040 0.0000 0.0040 15 0.0050 0.0000 0.0050 0.0066 0.0000 0.0066 16 0.0082 0.0000 0.0082 0.0108 0.0000 0.0108 17 0.0135 0.0000 0.0135 0.0179 0.0000 0.0179 18 0.0223 0.0000 0.0223 0.0296 0.0000 0.0296 19 0.0368 0.0000 0.0368 0.0487 0.0000 0.0487 20 0.0607 0.0000 0.0607 0.0799 0.0000 0.0799 21 0.0992 0.0000 0.0992 0.1283 0.0000 0.1283 22 0.1574 0.0000 0.1574 0.1981 0.0000 0.1981 23 0.2388 0.0000 0.2388 0.2920 0.0000 0.2920 24 0.3452 0.0000 0.3452 0.4102 0.0000 0.4102 25 0.4751 0.0000 0.4751 0.5535 0.0000 0.5535 26 0.6318 0.0000 0.6318 0.7305 0.0000 0.7305 27 0.8292 0.0000 0.8292 0.9559 0.0000 0.9559 28 1.0827 0.0000 1.0827 1.2448 0.0000 1.2448 29 1.4068 0.0000 1.4068 1.6128 0.0000 1.6128 30 1.8189 0.0000 1.8189 2.0793 0.0000 2.0793 31 2.3398 0.0000 2.3398 2.6674 0.0000 2.6674 32 2.9951 0.0000 2.9951 3.4049 0.0000 3.4049 33 3.8147 0.0000 3.8147 4.3246 0.0000 4.3246 34 4.8344 0.0000 4.8344 5.4654 0.0000 5.4654 35 6.0964 0.0000 6.0964 6.8729 0.0000 6.8729 36 7.6493 0.0000 7.6493 8.5997 0.0000 8.5997 37 9.5501 0.0000 9.5501 10.7071 0.0000 10.7071 38 11.8640 0.0000 11.8640 13.2648 0.0000 13.2648 39 14.6655 0.0000 14.6655 16.3518 0.0000 16.3518 40 18.0380 0.0000 18.0380 20.0568 0.0000 20.0568 41 22.0755 0.0000 22.0755 24.4790 0.0000 24.4790 42 26.8825 0.0000 26.8825 29.7280 0.0000 29.7280 43 32.5735 0.0000 32.5735 35.9233 0.0000 35.9233 44 39.2730 0.0000 39.2730 43.1938 0.0000 43.1938 45 47.1145 0.0000 47.1145 51.6775 0.0000 51.6775 46 56.2405 0.0000 56.2405 61.5205 0.0000 61.5205 47 66.8005 0.0000 66.8005 73.7510 0.0000 73.7510 48 80.7014 0.0000 80.7014 87.8212 0.0000 87.8212 49 94.9410 0.0000 94.9410 103.3171 0.0000 103.3171 50 111.6932 0.0000 111.6932 121.5472 0.0000 121.5472 51 131.4013 0.0000 131.4013 142.9940 0.0000 142.9940 52 154.5868 0.0000 154.5868 168.2251 0.0000 168.2251 53 181.8634 0.0000 181.8634 178.2307 19.6774 197.9081 54 174.5980 39.3548 213.9528 170.3243 62.5043 232.8286 55 166.0507 85.6538 251.7044 161.0229 112.8879 273.9108 56 155.9952 140.1221 296.1172 150.0803 172.1616 322.2419 57 144.1654 204.2012 348.3666 137.2069 241.8940 379.1009 58 130.2483 279.5869 409.8352 122.0619 323.9306 445.9926 59 113.8756 368.2744 482.1499 104.2447 420.4425 524.6872 60 94.6139 472.6106 567.2244 84.9792 524.7995 609.7787 61 75.3445 576.9885 652.3330 66.5017 624.8877 691.3894 62 57.6589 672.7870 730.4459 50.1968 713.2077 763.4045 63 42.7346 753.6284 796.3631 37.1887 783.6697 820.8584 64 31.6427 813.7110 845.3537 28.4319 831.1028 859.5348 65 25.2212 848.4946 873.7159 22.2090 864.8113 887.0202 66 19.1967 881.1279 900.3246 16.4074 896.2372 912.6445 67 13.6180 911.3464 924.9645 11.0746 925.1238 936.1984 68 8.5311 938.9012 947.4323 6.2550 951.2305 957.4855 69 3.9788 963.5598 967.5386 1.9894 974.3360 976.3254 70 0.0000 985.1122 985.1122 0.0000 992.5561 992.5561 71 0.0000 1000.0000 1000.0000 reference pressures (Pa) 1 0.0005 0.0006 0.0003 2 0.0007 0.0010 0.0005 3 0.0012 0.0016 0.0008 4 0.0020 0.0027 0.0013 5 0.0033 0.0044 0.0022 6 0.0055 0.0073 0.0036 7 0.0090 0.0120 0.0059 8 0.0149 0.0197 0.0097 9 0.0246 0.0325 0.0159 10 0.0405 0.0537 0.0263 11 0.0668 0.0885 0.0433 12 0.1101 0.1458 0.0714 13 0.1816 0.2405 0.1178 14 0.2993 0.3978 0.1969 15 0.4963 0.6557 0.3188 16 0.8151 1.0814 0.5326 17 1.3477 1.7898 0.8842 18 2.2319 2.9558 1.4478 19 3.6797 4.8731 2.3868 20 6.0665 7.9911 3.8492 21 9.9157 12.8273 5.8233 22 15.7390 19.8120 8.1460 23 23.8850 29.2025 10.6350 24 34.5200 41.0168 12.9935 25 47.5135 55.3470 15.6670 26 63.1805 73.0480 19.7350 27 82.9155 95.5948 25.3585 28 108.2740 124.4795 32.4110 29 140.6850 161.2850 41.2000 30 181.8850 207.9325 52.0950 31 233.9800 266.7425 65.5250 32 299.5050 340.4875 81.9650 33 381.4700 432.4575 101.9750 34 483.4450 546.5400 126.1900 35 609.6350 687.2850 155.3000 36 764.9350 859.9725 190.0750 37 955.0100 1070.7050 231.3900 38 1186.4000 1326.4750 280.1500 39 1466.5500 1635.1751 337.2501 40 1803.8001 2005.6751 403.7499 41 2207.5500 2447.9000 480.6999 42 2688.2499 2972.7999 569.0999 43 3257.3499 3592.3250 669.9502 44 3927.3001 4319.3750 784.1498 45 4711.4499 5167.7499 912.6000 46 5624.0499 6152.0498 1055.9998 47 6680.0497 7375.0958 1390.0921 48 8070.1418 8782.1230 1423.9624 49 9494.1042 10331.7127 1675.2169 50 11169.3211 12154.7241 1970.8060 51 13140.1271 14299.4039 2318.5536 52 15458.6807 16822.5080 2727.6546 53 18186.3353 19790.8087 3208.9468 54 21395.2821 23282.8619 3775.1596 55 25170.4417 27391.0817 4441.2799 56 29611.7216 32224.1902 5224.9372 57 34836.6588 37910.0904 6146.8631 58 40983.5219 44599.2574 7231.4709 59 48214.9929 52468.7175 8507.4492 60 56722.4421 60977.8695 8510.8548 61 65233.2969 69138.9430 7811.2923 62 73044.5892 76340.4481 6591.7179 63 79636.3071 82085.8369 4899.0596 64 84535.3667 85953.4767 2836.2200 65 87371.5866 88702.0249 2660.8765 66 90032.4631 91264.4547 2463.9831 67 92496.4462 93619.8398 2246.7872 68 94743.2335 95748.5480 2010.6290 69 96753.8625 97632.5407 1757.3566 70 98511.2190 99255.6095 1488.7810 71 100000.0000 MOD_COMM - modcam_npryz = 64 14 14 64 MOD_COMM - modcam_tagoffset = 896 MOD_COMM - modcam_method modcam_geopk modcam_gatscat modcam_maxirr = 0 0 0 10 Using local dynamic storage for mod_comm window Mod_comm - ghostrat = 3.00000000000000 Mod_comm - geopkrat = 2.60000000000000 (MOD_COMM) - mod_comm not being used for dynamcis-physics transposes Mod_comm - tracmax dpvarmax totvar tracbmax = 1 0 1 1 Mod_comm - r4 windows disabled Mod_comm t1_win window size = 245376 Mod_comm r8_win window size = 552960 Mod_comm r4_win window size = 1 Mod_comm i4_win window size = 1 nlat_p( 0 ) = 3 nlat_p( 1 ) = 3 nlat_p( 2 ) = 3 nlat_p( 3 ) = 3 nlat_p( 4 ) = 3 nlat_p( 5 ) = 3 nlat_p( 6 ) = 3 nlat_p( 7 ) = 3 nlat_p( 8 ) = 3 nlat_p( 9 ) = 3 nlat_p( 10 ) = 3 nlat_p( 11 ) = 3 nlat_p( 12 ) = 3 nlat_p( 13 ) = 3 nlat_p( 14 ) = 3 nlat_p( 15 ) = 3 nlat_p( 16 ) = 3 nlat_p( 17 ) = 3 nlat_p( 18 ) = 3 nlat_p( 19 ) = 3 nlat_p( 20 ) = 3 nlat_p( 21 ) = 3 nlat_p( 22 ) = 3 nlat_p( 23 ) = 3 nlat_p( 24 ) = 3 nlat_p( 25 ) = 3 nlat_p( 26 ) = 3 nlat_p( 27 ) = 3 nlat_p( 28 ) = 3 nlat_p( 29 ) = 3 nlat_p( 30 ) = 3 nlat_p( 31 ) = 3 nlat_p( 32 ) = 3 nlat_p( 33 ) = 3 nlat_p( 34 ) = 3 nlat_p( 35 ) = 3 nlat_p( 36 ) = 3 nlat_p( 37 ) = 3 nlat_p( 38 ) = 3 nlat_p( 39 ) = 3 nlat_p( 40 ) = 3 nlat_p( 41 ) = 3 nlat_p( 42 ) = 3 nlat_p( 43 ) = 3 nlat_p( 44 ) = 3 nlat_p( 45 ) = 3 nlat_p( 46 ) = 3 nlat_p( 47 ) = 3 nlat_p( 48 ) = 3 nlat_p( 49 ) = 3 nlat_p( 50 ) = 3 nlat_p( 51 ) = 3 nlat_p( 52 ) = 3 nlat_p( 53 ) = 3 nlat_p( 54 ) = 3 nlat_p( 55 ) = 3 nlat_p( 56 ) = 3 nlat_p( 57 ) = 3 nlat_p( 58 ) = 3 nlat_p( 59 ) = 3 nlat_p( 60 ) = 3 nlat_p( 61 ) = 3 nlat_p( 62 ) = 3 nlat_p( 63 ) = 3 Grid: fv_centers, ID = 101, lat coord = lat, lon coord = lon, unstruct = F, block_ind = F, zonal_grid = F Attribute: gw, long name = 'latitude weights' dimname = lat Grid: fv_u_stagger, ID = 102, lat coord = slat, lon coord = lon, unstruct = F, block_ind = F, zonal_grid = F Attribute: w_stag, long name = 'staggered latitude weights' dimname = slat Grid: fv_v_stagger, ID = 103, lat coord = lat, lon coord = slon, unstruct = F, block_ind = F, zonal_grid = F Grid: fv_centers_zonal, ID = 104, lat coord = lat, lon coord = zlon, unstruct = F, block_ind = F, zonal_grid = T Attribute: gw, long name = 'latitude weights' dimname = lat Grid: physgrid, ID = 100, lat coord = lat, lon coord = lon, unstruct = F, block_ind = T, zonal_grid = F Attribute: gw, long name = 'latitude weights' dimname = lat mode = 1 = "accum " nspec 6 mprognum, mdiagnum, mprogsfc 1 0 0 mcalcwater 0 numptr 80="num_a1" numptrcw 80="num_c1" spec, massptr 1 74="so4_a1 " spec, massptrcw 1 74="so4_c1 " spec, massptr 2 75="pom_a1 " spec, massptrcw 2 75="pom_c1 " spec, massptr 3 76="soa_a1 " spec, massptrcw 3 76="soa_c1 " spec, massptr 4 77="bc_a1 " spec, massptrcw 4 77="bc_c1 " spec, massptr 5 78="dst_a1 " spec, massptrcw 5 78="dst_c1 " spec, massptr 6 79="ncl_a1 " spec, massptrcw 6 79="ncl_c1 " mode = 2 = "aitken " nspec 4 mprognum, mdiagnum, mprogsfc 1 0 0 mcalcwater 0 numptr 84="num_a2" numptrcw 84="num_c2" spec, massptr 1 81="so4_a2 " spec, massptrcw 1 81="so4_c2 " spec, massptr 2 82="soa_a2 " spec, massptrcw 2 82="soa_c2 " spec, massptr 3 83="ncl_a2 " spec, massptrcw 3 83="ncl_c2 " spec, massptr 4 85="dst_a2 " spec, massptrcw 4 85="dst_c2 " mode = 3 = "coarse " nspec 3 mprognum, mdiagnum, mprogsfc 1 0 0 mcalcwater 0 numptr 89="num_a3" numptrcw 89="num_c3" spec, massptr 1 86="dst_a3 " spec, massptrcw 1 86="dst_c3 " spec, massptr 2 87="ncl_a3 " spec, massptrcw 2 87="ncl_c3 " spec, massptr 3 88="so4_a3 " spec, massptrcw 3 88="so4_c3 " mode = 4 = "primary_carbon " nspec 2 mprognum, mdiagnum, mprogsfc 1 0 0 mcalcwater 0 numptr 92="num_a4" numptrcw 92="num_c4" spec, massptr 1 90="pom_a4 " spec, massptrcw 1 90="pom_c4 " spec, massptr 2 91="bc_a4 " spec, massptrcw 2 91="bc_c4 " *** init_aer_modes mode definitions Advected constituent list: 1 Q Specific humidity wet 2 CLDLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount wet 3 CLDICE Grid box averaged cloud ice amount wet 4 NUMLIQ Grid box averaged cloud liquid number wet 5 NUMICE Grid box averaged cloud ice number wet 6 RAINQM Grid box averaged rain amount wet 7 SNOWQM Grid box averaged snow amount wet 8 NUMRAI Grid box averaged rain number wet 9 NUMSNO Grid box averaged snow number wet 10 O3 O3 dry 11 O O dry 12 O2 O2 dry 13 N2O N2O dry 14 N N dry 15 NO NO dry 16 NO2 NO2 dry 17 NO3 NO3 dry 18 HNO3 HNO3 dry 19 HO2NO2 HO2NO2 dry 20 N2O5 N2O5 dry 21 CH4 CH4 dry 22 CH3O2 CH3O2 dry 23 CH3OOH CH3OOH dry 24 CH2O CH2O dry 25 CO CO dry 26 H2 H2 dry 27 H H dry 28 H2O2 H2O2 dry 29 CLY CLY dry 30 BRY BRY dry 31 CL2 CL2 dry 32 CLO CLO dry 33 OCLO OCLO dry 34 CL2O2 CL2O2 dry 35 HCL HCL dry 36 HOCL HOCL dry 37 CLONO2 CLONO2 dry 38 BRCL BRCL dry 39 BRO BRO dry 40 HBR HBR dry 41 HOBR HOBR dry 42 BRONO2 BRONO2 dry 43 CH3CL CH3CL dry 44 CH3BR CH3BR dry 45 CFC11 CFC11 dry 46 CFC12 CFC12 dry 47 CFC113 CFC113 dry 48 HCFC22 HCFC22 dry 49 CCL4 CCL4 dry 50 CH3CCL3 CH3CCL3 dry 51 CF3BR CF3BR dry 52 CF2CLBR CF2CLBR dry 53 HCFC141B HCFC141B dry 54 HCFC142B HCFC142B dry 55 CFC114 CFC114 dry 56 CFC115 CFC115 dry 57 H1202 H1202 dry 58 H2402 H2402 dry 59 CHBR3 CHBR3 dry 60 CH2BR2 CH2BR2 dry 61 COF2 COF2 dry 62 COFCL COFCL dry 63 HF HF dry 64 F F dry 65 CO2 CO2 dry 66 OCS OCS dry 67 S S dry 68 SO SO dry 69 SO2 SO2 dry 70 SO3 SO3 dry 71 H2SO4 H2SO4 dry 72 DMS DMS dry 73 SOAG SOAG dry 74 so4_a1 so4_a1 dry 75 pom_a1 pom_a1 dry 76 soa_a1 soa_a1 dry 77 bc_a1 bc_a1 dry 78 dst_a1 dst_a1 dry 79 ncl_a1 ncl_a1 dry 80 num_a1 num_a1 dry 81 so4_a2 so4_a2 dry 82 soa_a2 soa_a2 dry 83 ncl_a2 ncl_a2 dry 84 num_a2 num_a2 dry 85 dst_a2 dst_a2 dry 86 dst_a3 dst_a3 dry 87 ncl_a3 ncl_a3 dry 88 so4_a3 so4_a3 dry 89 num_a3 num_a3 dry 90 pom_a4 pom_a4 dry 91 bc_a4 bc_a4 dry 92 num_a4 num_a4 dry 93 AOA1 Age-of_air tracer 1 wet 94 AOA2 Age-of_air tracer 2 wet 95 HORZ horizontal tracer wet 96 VERT vertical tracer wet flbc_inti: wrk_date,wrk_sec,wrk_time = 18500925 1800 675152.020833333 flbc_inti: Species with specified lower boundary values CCL4 CF2CLBR CF3BR CFCL3 CFC113 CF2CL2 CH3BR CH3CCL3 CH3CL CH4 CO2 H2 HCFC22 N2O CFC114 CFC115 HCFC141B HCFC142B CH2BR2 CHBR3 H2402 H1202 OCS CFC11eq flbc_inti: diagnostics lower bndy timing specs type = CYCLICAL cycle year = 1850 there are 24 species with specified lower bndy values (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/waccm/lb/LBC_17500116-20150116_CMIP6_0 co2 volume mixing ratio = 2.822138683747188E-004 ch4 volume mixing ratio = 8.087476833651254E-007 n2o volume mixing ratio = 2.729853658880746E-007 f11 volume mixing ratio = 0.000000000000000E+000 f12 volume mixing ratio = 0.000000000000000E+000 ctem_inti: iref_p 4.5005000E-04 7.4201001E-04 1.2233700E-03 2.0170001E-03 3.3254501E-03 5.4827499E-03 9.0397997E-03 1.4904001E-02 2.4572000E-02 4.0512501E-02 6.6794001E-02 0.1101265 0.1815650 0.2993500 0.4963000 0.8150651 1.347700 2.231900 3.679650 6.066500 9.915650 15.73900 23.88500 34.52000 47.51350 63.18050 82.91550 108.2740 140.6850 181.8850 233.9800 299.5050 381.4700 483.4450 609.6350 764.9350 955.0100 1186.400 1466.550 1803.800 2207.550 2688.250 3257.350 3927.300 4711.450 5624.050 6680.050 8070.142 9494.104 11169.32 13140.13 15458.68 18186.34 21395.28 25170.44 29611.72 34836.66 40983.52 48214.99 56722.44 65233.30 73044.59 79636.31 84535.37 87371.59 90032.46 92496.45 94743.23 96753.86 98511.22 100000.0 ctem_inti: do_circulation_diags = T Creating new decomp: 16!4!!288!192!!d6!i5! Creating new decomp: 16!70!4!!288!192!70!!d6!i5! Creating new decomp: 16!4!!288!192!!d4!i5! Creating new decomp: 16!71!4!!288!192!71!!d6!i5! Creating new decomp: 16!280!4!!288!192!280!!d6!i5! Creating new decomp: 16!980!4!!288!192!980!!d6!i5! Creating new decomp: 16!71!4!!288!192!71!!d4!i5! Creating new decomp: 16!96!4!!288!192!96!!d6!i5! (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using in current working directory Reading history variable ABSORB Reading history variable ABSORBdn Reading history variable ADRAIN Reading history variable ADSNOW Reading history variable AEROD_v Reading history variable ANRAIN Reading history variable ANSNOW Reading history variable AOA1 Reading history variable AOA1SRC Reading history variable AOA2 Reading history variable AOA2SRC Reading history variable AODABS Reading history variable AODABSBC Reading history variable AODABSBCdn Reading history variable AODABSdn Reading history variable AODBC Reading history variable AODBCdn Reading history variable AODDUST Reading history variable AODDUST1 Reading history variable AODDUST3 Reading history variable AODDUST4 Reading history variable AODDUSTdn Reading history variable AODMODE1 Reading history variable AODMODE2 Reading history variable AODMODE3 Reading history variable AODMODE4 Reading history variable AODNIR Reading history variable AODNIRdn Reading history variable AODNIRstdn Reading history variable AODPOM Reading history variable AODPOMdn Reading history variable AODSO4 Reading history variable AODSO4dn Reading history variable AODSOA Reading history variable AODSOAdn Reading history variable AODSS Reading history variable AODSSdn Reading history variable AODUV Reading history variable AODUVdn Reading history variable AODUVstdn Reading history variable AODVIS Reading history variable AODVISdn Reading history variable AODVISstdn Reading history variable AODdnDUST1 Reading history variable AODdnDUST3 Reading history variable AODdnDUST4 Reading history variable AODdnMODE1 Reading history variable AODdnMODE2 Reading history variable AODdnMODE3 Reading history variable AODdnMODE4 Reading history variable AODxASYM Reading history variable AODxASYMdn Reading history variable AQRAIN Reading history variable AQSNOW Reading history variable AQSO4_H2O2 Reading history variable AQSO4_O3 Reading history variable AQ_BR Reading history variable AQ_BRCL Reading history variable AQ_BRO Reading history variable AQ_BRONO2 Reading history variable AQ_BRY Reading history variable AQ_CCL4 Reading history variable AQ_CF2CLBR Reading history variable AQ_CF3BR Reading history variable AQ_CFC11 Reading history variable AQ_CFC113 Reading history variable AQ_CFC114 Reading history variable AQ_CFC115 Reading history variable AQ_CFC12 Reading history variable AQ_CH2BR2 Reading history variable AQ_CH2O Reading history variable AQ_CH3BR Reading history variable AQ_CH3CCL3 Reading history variable AQ_CH3CL Reading history variable AQ_CH3O2 Reading history variable AQ_CH3OOH Reading history variable AQ_CH4 Reading history variable AQ_CHBR3 Reading history variable AQ_CL Reading history variable AQ_CL2 Reading history variable AQ_CL2O2 Reading history variable AQ_CLO Reading history variable AQ_CLONO2 Reading history variable AQ_CLY Reading history variable AQ_CO Reading history variable AQ_CO2 Reading history variable AQ_COF2 Reading history variable AQ_COFCL Reading history variable AQ_DMS Reading history variable AQ_F Reading history variable AQ_H Reading history variable AQ_H1202 Reading history variable AQ_H2 Reading history variable AQ_H2402 Reading history variable AQ_H2O Reading history variable AQ_H2O2 Reading history variable AQ_H2SO4 Reading history variable AQ_HBR Reading history variable AQ_HCFC141B Reading history variable AQ_HCFC142B Reading history variable AQ_HCFC22 Reading history variable AQ_HCL Reading history variable AQ_HF Reading history variable AQ_HNO3 Reading history variable AQ_HO2 Reading history variable AQ_HO2NO2 Reading history variable AQ_HOBR Reading history variable AQ_HOCL Reading history variable AQ_N Reading history variable AQ_N2D Reading history variable AQ_N2O Reading history variable AQ_N2O5 Reading history variable AQ_N2p Reading history variable AQ_NO Reading history variable AQ_NO2 Reading history variable AQ_NO3 Reading history variable AQ_NOp Reading history variable AQ_Np Reading history variable AQ_O Reading history variable AQ_O1D Reading history variable AQ_O2 Reading history variable AQ_O2_1D Reading history variable AQ_O2_1S Reading history variable AQ_O2p Reading history variable AQ_O3 Reading history variable AQ_OCLO Reading history variable AQ_OCS Reading history variable AQ_OH Reading history variable AQ_Op Reading history variable AQ_S Reading history variable AQ_SO Reading history variable AQ_SO2 Reading history variable AQ_SO3 Reading history variable AQ_SOAG Reading history variable AQ_bc_a1 Reading history variable AQ_bc_a4 Reading history variable AQ_dst_a1 Reading history variable AQ_dst_a2 Reading history variable AQ_dst_a3 Reading history variable AQ_e Reading history variable AQ_ncl_a1 Reading history variable AQ_ncl_a2 Reading history variable AQ_ncl_a3 Reading history variable AQ_num_a1 Reading history variable AQ_num_a2 Reading history variable AQ_num_a3 Reading history variable AQ_num_a4 Reading history variable AQ_pom_a1 Reading history variable AQ_pom_a4 Reading history variable AQ_so4_a1 Reading history variable AQ_so4_a2 Reading history variable AQ_so4_a3 Reading history variable AQ_soa_a1 Reading history variable AQ_soa_a2 Reading history variable AREI Reading history variable AREL Reading history variable AWNC Reading history variable AWNI Reading history variable BR Reading history variable BRCL Reading history variable BRCL_SRF Reading history variable BRO Reading history variable BRONO2 Reading history variable BRONO2_SRF Reading history variable BROX Reading history variable BROY Reading history variable BRO_SRF Reading history variable BR_SRF Reading history variable BTAUE Reading history variable BTAUN Reading history variable BTAUNET Reading history variable BTAUS Reading history variable BTAUW Reading history variable BTTGWSPEC Reading history variable BURDEN1 Reading history variable BURDEN2 Reading history variable BURDEN3 Reading history variable BURDEN4 Reading history variable BURDENBC Reading history variable BURDENBCdn Reading history variable BURDENDUST Reading history variable BURDENDUSTdn Reading history variable BURDENPOM Reading history variable BURDENPOMdn Reading history variable BURDENSEASALT Reading history variable BURDENSEASALTdn Reading history variable BURDENSO4 Reading history variable BURDENSO4dn Reading history variable BURDENSOA Reading history variable BURDENSOAdn Reading history variable BURDENdn1 Reading history variable BURDENdn2 Reading history variable BURDENdn3 Reading history variable BURDENdn4 Reading history variable BUTGWSPEC Reading history variable BVTGWSPEC Reading history variable CCL4 Reading history variable CCL4_SRF Reading history variable CCN3 Reading history variable CDNUMC Reading history variable CF2CLBR Reading history variable CF2CLBR_SRF Reading history variable CF3BR Reading history variable CF3BR_SRF Reading history variable CFC11 Reading history variable CFC113 Reading history variable CFC113_SRF Reading history variable CFC114 Reading history variable CFC114_SRF Reading history variable CFC115 Reading history variable CFC115_SRF Reading history variable CFC11STAR Reading history variable CFC11_CHML Reading history variable CFC11_SRF Reading history variable CFC12 Reading history variable CFC12_CHML Reading history variable CFC12_SRF Reading history variable CH2BR2 Reading history variable CH2BR2_SRF Reading history variable CH2O Reading history variable CH2O_SRF Reading history variable CH3BR Reading history variable CH3BR_SRF Reading history variable CH3CCL3 Reading history variable CH3CCL3_SRF Reading history variable CH3CL Reading history variable CH3CL_SRF Reading history variable CH3O2 Reading history variable CH3O2_SRF Reading history variable CH3OOH Reading history variable CH3OOH_SRF Reading history variable CH4 Reading history variable CH4_CHML Reading history variable CH4_SRF Reading history variable CHBR3 Reading history variable CHBR3_SRF Reading history variable CL Reading history variable CL2 Reading history variable CL2O2 Reading history variable CL2O2_SRF Reading history variable CL2_SRF Reading history variable CLDHGH Reading history variable CLDICE Reading history variable CLDLIQ Reading history variable CLDLOW Reading history variable CLDMED Reading history variable CLDTOT Reading history variable CLO Reading history variable CLONO2 Reading history variable CLONO2_SRF Reading history variable CLOUD Reading history variable CLOX Reading history variable CLOY Reading history variable CLO_SRF Reading history variable CL_SRF Reading history variable CO Reading history variable CO2 Reading history variable CO2_SRF Reading history variable COF2 Reading history variable COF2_SRF Reading history variable COFCL Reading history variable COFCL_SRF Reading history variable CONCLD Reading history variable CO_CLXF Reading history variable CO_CMXF Reading history variable CO_SRF Reading history variable DCQ Reading history variable DF_CH2O Reading history variable DF_CH3OOH Reading history variable DF_CO Reading history variable DF_H2O2 Reading history variable DF_H2SO4 Reading history variable DF_HNO3 Reading history variable DF_HO2NO2 Reading history variable DF_NO Reading history variable DF_NO2 Reading history variable DF_O3 Reading history variable DF_SO2 Reading history variable DMS Reading history variable DMS_CLXF Reading history variable DMS_CMXF Reading history variable DMS_SRF Reading history variable DSTSFMBL Reading history variable DTCOND Reading history variable DTCORE Reading history variable DTV Reading history variable DTWR_BRONO2 Reading history variable DTWR_CH2O Reading history variable DTWR_CH3OOH Reading history variable DTWR_CLONO2 Reading history variable DTWR_COF2 Reading history variable DTWR_COFCL Reading history variable DTWR_H2O2 Reading history variable DTWR_H2SO4 Reading history variable DTWR_HBR Reading history variable DTWR_HCL Reading history variable DTWR_HF Reading history variable DTWR_HNO3 Reading history variable DTWR_HO2NO2 Reading history variable DTWR_HOBR Reading history variable DTWR_HOCL Reading history variable DTWR_SO2 Reading history variable DUV Reading history variable DVV Reading history variable EKGW Reading history variable EPOTEN Reading history variable EXTINCT Reading history variable EXTINCTdn Reading history variable EXTxASYM Reading history variable EXTxASYMdn Reading history variable F Reading history variable FICE Reading history variable FLDS Reading history variable FLNS Reading history variable FLNSC Reading history variable FLNT Reading history variable FLNTC Reading history variable FLUT Reading history variable FLUTC Reading history variable FREQI Reading history variable FREQL Reading history variable FREQR Reading history variable FREQS Reading history variable FRONTGF Reading history variable FRONTGFA Reading history variable FSDS Reading history variable FSDSC Reading history variable FSNS Reading history variable FSNSC Reading history variable FSNT Reading history variable FSNTC Reading history variable FSNTOA Reading history variable FSNTOAC Reading history variable FSUTOA Reading history variable F_SRF Reading history variable H Reading history variable H1202 Reading history variable H1202_SRF Reading history variable H2 Reading history variable H2402 Reading history variable H2402_SRF Reading history variable H2O Reading history variable H2O2 Reading history variable H2O2_SRF Reading history variable H2O_SRF Reading history variable H2SO4 Reading history variable H2SO4_SRF Reading history variable H2SO4_sfgaex1 Reading history variable H2SO4_sfnnuc1 Reading history variable H2_SRF Reading history variable HBR Reading history variable HBR_CLXF Reading history variable HBR_CMXF Reading history variable HBR_SRF Reading history variable HCFC141B Reading history variable HCFC141B_SRF Reading history variable HCFC142B Reading history variable HCFC142B_SRF Reading history variable HCFC22 Reading history variable HCFC22_SRF Reading history variable HCL Reading history variable HCL_CLXF Reading history variable HCL_CMXF Reading history variable HCL_SRF Reading history variable HDEPTH Reading history variable HF Reading history variable HF_SRF Reading history variable HNO3 Reading history variable HNO3_GAS Reading history variable HNO3_NAT Reading history variable HNO3_SRF Reading history variable HNO3_STS Reading history variable HO2 Reading history variable HO2NO2 Reading history variable HO2NO2_SRF Reading history variable HO2_SRF Reading history variable HOBR Reading history variable HOBR_SRF Reading history variable HOCL Reading history variable HOCL_SRF Reading history variable HORZ Reading history variable HORZSRC Reading history variable H_SRF Reading history variable ICEFRAC Reading history variable ICIMR Reading history variable ICWMR Reading history variable IWC Reading history variable LANDFRAC Reading history variable LHFLX Reading history variable LND_MBL Reading history variable LNO_COL_PROD Reading history variable LNO_PROD Reading history variable LWCF Reading history variable MASS Reading history variable MAXQ0 Reading history variable MEG_CH2O Reading history variable MEG_CO Reading history variable MSKtem Creating new decomp: 20!3!!288!192!!d6!i1! Reading history variable N Reading history variable N2D Reading history variable N2D_SRF Reading history variable N2O Reading history variable N2O5 Reading history variable N2O5_SRF Reading history variable N2O_CHML Reading history variable N2O_SRF Reading history variable N2p Reading history variable N2p_SRF Reading history variable NETDT Reading history variable NITROP_PD Reading history variable NO Reading history variable NO2 Reading history variable NO2_CLXF Reading history variable NO2_CMXF Reading history variable NO2_SRF Reading history variable NO3 Reading history variable NO3_SRF Reading history variable NOX Reading history variable NOY Reading history variable NO_CLXF Reading history variable NO_CMXF Reading history variable NO_Lightning Reading history variable NO_SRF Reading history variable NOp Reading history variable NOp_SRF Reading history variable NUMICE Reading history variable NUMLIQ Reading history variable NUMRAI Reading history variable NUMSNO Reading history variable N_SRF Reading history variable Np Reading history variable Np_SRF Reading history variable O Reading history variable O1D Reading history variable O1D_SRF Reading history variable O2 Reading history variable O2_1D Reading history variable O2_1D_SRF Reading history variable O2_1S Reading history variable O2_1S_SRF Reading history variable O2_SRF Reading history variable O2p Reading history variable O2p_SRF Reading history variable O3 Reading history variable O3_SRF Reading history variable OCLO Reading history variable OCLO_SRF Reading history variable OCNFRAC Reading history variable OCS Reading history variable OCS_SRF Reading history variable OH Reading history variable OH_SRF Reading history variable OMEGA Reading history variable OMEGAT Reading history variable OMEGA_12_COS Reading history variable OMEGA_12_SIN Reading history variable OMEGA_24_COS Reading history variable OMEGA_24_SIN Reading history variable O_SRF Reading history variable Op Reading history variable Op_SRF Reading history variable PBLH Reading history variable PHIS Reading history variable PRECC Reading history variable PRECL Reading history variable PRECSC Reading history variable PRECSL Reading history variable PS Reading history variable PSL Reading history variable PS_12_COS Reading history variable PS_12_SIN Reading history variable PS_24_COS Reading history variable PS_24_SIN Reading history variable Q Reading history variable QCO2 Reading history variable QCP Reading history variable QFLX Reading history variable QHC2S Reading history variable QJOULE Reading history variable QNO Reading history variable QO3 Reading history variable QO3P Reading history variable QREFHT Reading history variable QRL Reading history variable QRLNLTE Reading history variable QRL_TOT Reading history variable QRS Reading history variable QRS_AUR Reading history variable QRS_CO2NIR Reading history variable QRS_EUV Reading history variable QRS_TOT Reading history variable QTHERMAL Reading history variable RAINQM Reading history variable RAM1 Reading history variable REFF_AERO Reading history variable RELHUM Reading history variable S Reading history variable SAD_AERO Reading history variable SAD_ICE Reading history variable SAD_LNAT Reading history variable SAD_SULFC Reading history variable SFBRCL Reading history variable SFBRO Reading history variable SFBRONO2 Reading history variable SFBRY Reading history variable SFCCL4 Reading history variable SFCF2CLBR Reading history variable SFCF3BR Reading history variable SFCFC11 Reading history variable SFCFC113 Reading history variable SFCFC114 Reading history variable SFCFC115 Reading history variable SFCFC12 Reading history variable SFCH2BR2 Reading history variable SFCH2O Reading history variable SFCH3BR Reading history variable SFCH3CCL3 Reading history variable SFCH3CL Reading history variable SFCH3O2 Reading history variable SFCH3OOH Reading history variable SFCH4 Reading history variable SFCHBR3 Reading history variable SFCL2 Reading history variable SFCL2O2 Reading history variable SFCLO Reading history variable SFCLONO2 Reading history variable SFCLY Reading history variable SFCO Reading history variable SFCO2 Reading history variable SFCOF2 Reading history variable SFCOFCL Reading history variable SFDMS Reading history variable SFF Reading history variable SFH Reading history variable SFH1202 Reading history variable SFH2 Reading history variable SFH2402 Reading history variable SFH2O2 Reading history variable SFH2SO4 Reading history variable SFHBR Reading history variable SFHCFC141B Reading history variable SFHCFC142B Reading history variable SFHCFC22 Reading history variable SFHCL Reading history variable SFHF Reading history variable SFHNO3 Reading history variable SFHO2NO2 Reading history variable SFHOBR Reading history variable SFHOCL Reading history variable SFN Reading history variable SFN2O Reading history variable SFN2O5 Reading history variable SFNO Reading history variable SFNO2 Reading history variable SFNO3 Reading history variable SFO Reading history variable SFO2 Reading history variable SFO3 Reading history variable SFOCLO Reading history variable SFOCS Reading history variable SFS Reading history variable SFSO Reading history variable SFSO2 Reading history variable SFSO3 Reading history variable SFSOAG Reading history variable SFbc_a1 Reading history variable SFbc_a4 Reading history variable SFdst_a1 Reading history variable SFdst_a2 Reading history variable SFdst_a3 Reading history variable SFncl_a1 Reading history variable SFncl_a2 Reading history variable SFncl_a3 Reading history variable SFnum_a1 Reading history variable SFnum_a2 Reading history variable SFnum_a3 Reading history variable SFnum_a4 Reading history variable SFpom_a1 Reading history variable SFpom_a4 Reading history variable SFso4_a1 Reading history variable SFso4_a2 Reading history variable SFso4_a3 Reading history variable SFsoa_a1 Reading history variable SFsoa_a2 Reading history variable SHFLX Reading history variable SNOWHICE Reading history variable SNOWHLND Reading history variable SNOWQM Reading history variable SO Reading history variable SO2 Reading history variable SO2_CLXF Reading history variable SO2_CMXF Reading history variable SO2_SRF Reading history variable SO3 Reading history variable SO3_SRF Reading history variable SOAG Reading history variable SOAG_SRF Reading history variable SOAG_sfgaex1 Reading history variable SOLIN Reading history variable SO_SRF Reading history variable SSAVIS Reading history variable SSAVISdn Reading history variable SSTSFMBL Reading history variable SWCF Reading history variable S_SRF Reading history variable T Reading history variable TAUARDGBETAX Reading history variable TAUARDGBETAY Reading history variable TAUBLJX Reading history variable TAUBLJY Reading history variable TAUE Reading history variable TAUGWX Reading history variable TAUGWY Reading history variable TAUN Reading history variable TAUNET Reading history variable TAUS Reading history variable TAUW Reading history variable TAUX Reading history variable TAUY Reading history variable TCLY Reading history variable TGCLDCWP Reading history variable TGCLDIWP Reading history variable TGCLDLWP Reading history variable TH Creating new decomp: 20!71!3!!288!192!71!!d6!i1! Reading history variable TMDMS Reading history variable TMO3 Reading history variable TMOCS Reading history variable TMQ Reading history variable TMSO2 Reading history variable TMso4_a1 Reading history variable TMso4_a2 Reading history variable TMso4_a3 Reading history variable TOTH Reading history variable TREFHT Reading history variable TROPP_FD Reading history variable TROP_P Reading history variable TROP_T Reading history variable TROP_Z Reading history variable TS Reading history variable TSMN Reading history variable TSMX Reading history variable TTGW Reading history variable TTGWSPEC Reading history variable TTPXMLC Reading history variable T_12_COS Reading history variable T_12_SIN Reading history variable T_24_COS Reading history variable T_24_SIN Reading history variable U Reading history variable U10 Reading history variable UI Reading history variable UIONTEND Reading history variable UTGWORO Reading history variable UTGWSPEC Reading history variable UU Reading history variable UVzm Creating new decomp: 1!71!3!!1!192!71!!d6!i4! Reading history variable UWzm Reading history variable U_12_COS Reading history variable U_12_SIN Reading history variable U_24_COS Reading history variable U_24_SIN Reading history variable V Reading history variable VD01 Reading history variable VERT Reading history variable VERTSRC Reading history variable VI Reading history variable VIONTEND Reading history variable VQ Reading history variable VT Reading history variable VTGWORO Reading history variable VTGWSPEC Reading history variable VTHzm Reading history variable VU Reading history variable VV Reading history variable V_12_COS Reading history variable V_12_SIN Reading history variable V_24_COS Reading history variable V_24_SIN Reading history variable WD_BRONO2 Reading history variable WD_CH2O Reading history variable WD_CH3OOH Reading history variable WD_CLONO2 Reading history variable WD_COF2 Reading history variable WD_COFCL Reading history variable WD_H2O2 Reading history variable WD_H2SO4 Reading history variable WD_HBR Reading history variable WD_HCL Reading history variable WD_HF Reading history variable WD_HNO3 Reading history variable WD_HO2NO2 Reading history variable WD_HOBR Reading history variable WD_HOCL Reading history variable WD_SO2 Reading history variable WSUB Reading history variable WTHzm Reading history variable XPH_LWC Reading history variable Z3 Reading history variable airFV Reading history variable bc_a1 Reading history variable bc_a1DDF Reading history variable bc_a1GVF Reading history variable bc_a1SFSBC Reading history variable bc_a1SFSBS Reading history variable bc_a1SFSIC Reading history variable bc_a1SFSIS Reading history variable bc_a1SFWET Reading history variable bc_a1TBF Reading history variable bc_a1_CLXF Reading history variable bc_a1_CMXF Reading history variable bc_a1_SRF Reading history variable bc_a1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable bc_a1_sfcoag1 Reading history variable bc_a1_sfgaex1 Reading history variable bc_a4 Reading history variable bc_a4DDF Reading history variable bc_a4GVF Reading history variable bc_a4SFSBC Reading history variable bc_a4SFSBS Reading history variable bc_a4SFSIC Reading history variable bc_a4SFSIS Reading history variable bc_a4SFWET Reading history variable bc_a4TBF Reading history variable bc_a4_CLXF Reading history variable bc_a4_CMXF Reading history variable bc_a4_SRF Reading history variable bc_a4_mixnuc1 Reading history variable bc_a4_sfcoag1 Reading history variable bc_a4_sfgaex1 Reading history variable bc_c1 Reading history variable bc_c1DDF Reading history variable bc_c1GVF Reading history variable bc_c1SFSBC Reading history variable bc_c1SFSBS Reading history variable bc_c1SFSIC Reading history variable bc_c1SFSIS Reading history variable bc_c1SFWET Reading history variable bc_c1TBF Reading history variable bc_c1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable bc_c4 Reading history variable bc_c4DDF Reading history variable bc_c4GVF Reading history variable bc_c4SFSBC Reading history variable bc_c4SFSBS Reading history variable bc_c4SFSIC Reading history variable bc_c4SFSIS Reading history variable bc_c4SFWET Reading history variable bc_c4TBF Reading history variable bc_c4_mixnuc1 Reading history variable dgnd_a01 Reading history variable dgnd_a02 Reading history variable dgnd_a03 Reading history variable dgnd_a04 Reading history variable dgnum1 Reading history variable dgnum2 Reading history variable dgnum3 Reading history variable dgnum4 Reading history variable dgnumwet1 Reading history variable dgnumwet2 Reading history variable dgnumwet3 Reading history variable dgnumwet4 Reading history variable dgnw_a01 Reading history variable dgnw_a02 Reading history variable dgnw_a03 Reading history variable dgnw_a04 Reading history variable dry_deposition_NHx_as_N Reading history variable dry_deposition_NOy_as_N Reading history variable dst_a1 Reading history variable dst_a1DDF Reading history variable dst_a1GVF Reading history variable dst_a1SF Reading history variable dst_a1SFSBC Reading history variable dst_a1SFSBS Reading history variable dst_a1SFSIC Reading history variable dst_a1SFSIS Reading history variable dst_a1SFWET Reading history variable dst_a1TBF Reading history variable dst_a1_SRF Reading history variable dst_a1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable dst_a1_sfcoag1 Reading history variable dst_a1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable dst_a1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable dst_a1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable dst_a2 Reading history variable dst_a2DDF Reading history variable dst_a2GVF Reading history variable dst_a2SF Reading history variable dst_a2SFSBC Reading history variable dst_a2SFSBS Reading history variable dst_a2SFSIC Reading history variable dst_a2SFSIS Reading history variable dst_a2SFWET Reading history variable dst_a2TBF Reading history variable dst_a2_SRF Reading history variable dst_a2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable dst_a2_sfcoag1 Reading history variable dst_a2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable dst_a2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable dst_a2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable dst_a3 Reading history variable dst_a3DDF Reading history variable dst_a3GVF Reading history variable dst_a3SF Reading history variable dst_a3SFSBC Reading history variable dst_a3SFSBS Reading history variable dst_a3SFSIC Reading history variable dst_a3SFSIS Reading history variable dst_a3SFWET Reading history variable dst_a3TBF Reading history variable dst_a3_SRF Reading history variable dst_a3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable dst_a3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable dst_c1 Reading history variable dst_c1DDF Reading history variable dst_c1GVF Reading history variable dst_c1SFSBC Reading history variable dst_c1SFSBS Reading history variable dst_c1SFSIC Reading history variable dst_c1SFSIS Reading history variable dst_c1SFWET Reading history variable dst_c1TBF Reading history variable dst_c1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable dst_c1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable dst_c1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable dst_c1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable dst_c2 Reading history variable dst_c2DDF Reading history variable dst_c2GVF Reading history variable dst_c2SFSBC Reading history variable dst_c2SFSBS Reading history variable dst_c2SFSIC Reading history variable dst_c2SFSIS Reading history variable dst_c2SFWET Reading history variable dst_c2TBF Reading history variable dst_c2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable dst_c2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable dst_c2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable dst_c2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable dst_c3 Reading history variable dst_c3DDF Reading history variable dst_c3GVF Reading history variable dst_c3SFSBC Reading history variable dst_c3SFSBS Reading history variable dst_c3SFSIC Reading history variable dst_c3SFSIS Reading history variable dst_c3SFWET Reading history variable dst_c3TBF Reading history variable dst_c3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable dst_c3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable e Reading history variable e_SRF Reading history variable jh2o_a Reading history variable jh2o_b Reading history variable jh2o_c Reading history variable ncl_a1 Reading history variable ncl_a1DDF Reading history variable ncl_a1GVF Reading history variable ncl_a1SF Reading history variable ncl_a1SFSBC Reading history variable ncl_a1SFSBS Reading history variable ncl_a1SFSIC Reading history variable ncl_a1SFSIS Reading history variable ncl_a1SFWET Reading history variable ncl_a1TBF Reading history variable ncl_a1_SRF Reading history variable ncl_a1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable ncl_a1_sfcoag1 Reading history variable ncl_a1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable ncl_a1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable ncl_a1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable ncl_a2 Reading history variable ncl_a2DDF Reading history variable ncl_a2GVF Reading history variable ncl_a2SF Reading history variable ncl_a2SFSBC Reading history variable ncl_a2SFSBS Reading history variable ncl_a2SFSIC Reading history variable ncl_a2SFSIS Reading history variable ncl_a2SFWET Reading history variable ncl_a2TBF Reading history variable ncl_a2_SRF Reading history variable ncl_a2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable ncl_a2_sfcoag1 Reading history variable ncl_a2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable ncl_a2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable ncl_a2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable ncl_a3 Reading history variable ncl_a3DDF Reading history variable ncl_a3GVF Reading history variable ncl_a3SF Reading history variable ncl_a3SFSBC Reading history variable ncl_a3SFSBS Reading history variable ncl_a3SFSIC Reading history variable ncl_a3SFSIS Reading history variable ncl_a3SFWET Reading history variable ncl_a3TBF Reading history variable ncl_a3_SRF Reading history variable ncl_a3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable ncl_a3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable ncl_c1 Reading history variable ncl_c1DDF Reading history variable ncl_c1GVF Reading history variable ncl_c1SFSBC Reading history variable ncl_c1SFSBS Reading history variable ncl_c1SFSIC Reading history variable ncl_c1SFSIS Reading history variable ncl_c1SFWET Reading history variable ncl_c1TBF Reading history variable ncl_c1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable ncl_c1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable ncl_c1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable ncl_c1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable ncl_c2 Reading history variable ncl_c2DDF Reading history variable ncl_c2GVF Reading history variable ncl_c2SFSBC Reading history variable ncl_c2SFSBS Reading history variable ncl_c2SFSIC Reading history variable ncl_c2SFSIS Reading history variable ncl_c2SFWET Reading history variable ncl_c2TBF Reading history variable ncl_c2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable ncl_c2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable ncl_c2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable ncl_c2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable ncl_c3 Reading history variable ncl_c3DDF Reading history variable ncl_c3GVF Reading history variable ncl_c3SFSBC Reading history variable ncl_c3SFSBS Reading history variable ncl_c3SFSIC Reading history variable ncl_c3SFSIS Reading history variable ncl_c3SFWET Reading history variable ncl_c3TBF Reading history variable ncl_c3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable ncl_c3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable num_a1 Reading history variable num_a1DDF Reading history variable num_a1GVF Reading history variable num_a1SF Reading history variable num_a1SFSBC Reading history variable num_a1SFSBS Reading history variable num_a1SFSIC Reading history variable num_a1SFSIS Reading history variable num_a1SFWET Reading history variable num_a1TBF Reading history variable num_a1_CLXF Reading history variable num_a1_CMXF Reading history variable num_a1_SRF Reading history variable num_a1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_a1_sfcoag1 Reading history variable num_a1_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_a1_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable num_a1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable num_a1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable num_a1_sfgaex1 Reading history variable num_a1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable num_a2 Reading history variable num_a2DDF Reading history variable num_a2GVF Reading history variable num_a2SF Reading history variable num_a2SFSBC Reading history variable num_a2SFSBS Reading history variable num_a2SFSIC Reading history variable num_a2SFSIS Reading history variable num_a2SFWET Reading history variable num_a2TBF Reading history variable num_a2_CLXF Reading history variable num_a2_CMXF Reading history variable num_a2_SRF Reading history variable num_a2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_a2_sfcoag1 Reading history variable num_a2_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_a2_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable num_a2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable num_a2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable num_a2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable num_a2_sfnnuc1 Reading history variable num_a3 Reading history variable num_a3DDF Reading history variable num_a3GVF Reading history variable num_a3SF Reading history variable num_a3SFSBC Reading history variable num_a3SFSBS Reading history variable num_a3SFSIC Reading history variable num_a3SFSIS Reading history variable num_a3SFWET Reading history variable num_a3TBF Reading history variable num_a3_SRF Reading history variable num_a3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_a3_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_a3_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable num_a3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable num_a4 Reading history variable num_a4DDF Reading history variable num_a4GVF Reading history variable num_a4SFSBC Reading history variable num_a4SFSBS Reading history variable num_a4SFSIC Reading history variable num_a4SFSIS Reading history variable num_a4SFWET Reading history variable num_a4TBF Reading history variable num_a4_CLXF Reading history variable num_a4_CMXF Reading history variable num_a4_SRF Reading history variable num_a4_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_a4_sfcoag1 Reading history variable num_a4_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_a4_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable num_a4_sfgaex1 Reading history variable num_c1 Reading history variable num_c1DDF Reading history variable num_c1GVF Reading history variable num_c1SFSBC Reading history variable num_c1SFSBS Reading history variable num_c1SFSIC Reading history variable num_c1SFSIS Reading history variable num_c1SFWET Reading history variable num_c1TBF Reading history variable num_c1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_c1_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_c1_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable num_c1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable num_c1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable num_c1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable num_c2 Reading history variable num_c2DDF Reading history variable num_c2GVF Reading history variable num_c2SFSBC Reading history variable num_c2SFSBS Reading history variable num_c2SFSIC Reading history variable num_c2SFSIS Reading history variable num_c2SFWET Reading history variable num_c2TBF Reading history variable num_c2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_c2_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_c2_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable num_c2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable num_c2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable num_c2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable num_c3 Reading history variable num_c3DDF Reading history variable num_c3GVF Reading history variable num_c3SFSBC Reading history variable num_c3SFSBS Reading history variable num_c3SFSIC Reading history variable num_c3SFSIS Reading history variable num_c3SFWET Reading history variable num_c3TBF Reading history variable num_c3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_c3_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_c3_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable num_c3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable num_c4 Reading history variable num_c4DDF Reading history variable num_c4GVF Reading history variable num_c4SFSBC Reading history variable num_c4SFSBS Reading history variable num_c4SFSIC Reading history variable num_c4SFSIS Reading history variable num_c4SFWET Reading history variable num_c4TBF Reading history variable num_c4_mixnuc1 Reading history variable num_c4_sfcsiz1 Reading history variable num_c4_sfcsiz2 Reading history variable pom_a1 Reading history variable pom_a1DDF Reading history variable pom_a1GVF Reading history variable pom_a1SFSBC Reading history variable pom_a1SFSBS Reading history variable pom_a1SFSIC Reading history variable pom_a1SFSIS Reading history variable pom_a1SFWET Reading history variable pom_a1TBF Reading history variable pom_a1_CLXF Reading history variable pom_a1_CMXF Reading history variable pom_a1_SRF Reading history variable pom_a1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable pom_a1_sfcoag1 Reading history variable pom_a1_sfgaex1 Reading history variable pom_a4 Reading history variable pom_a4DDF Reading history variable pom_a4GVF Reading history variable pom_a4SFSBC Reading history variable pom_a4SFSBS Reading history variable pom_a4SFSIC Reading history variable pom_a4SFSIS Reading history variable pom_a4SFWET Reading history variable pom_a4TBF Reading history variable pom_a4_CLXF Reading history variable pom_a4_CMXF Reading history variable pom_a4_SRF Reading history variable pom_a4_mixnuc1 Reading history variable pom_a4_sfcoag1 Reading history variable pom_a4_sfgaex1 Reading history variable pom_c1 Reading history variable pom_c1DDF Reading history variable pom_c1GVF Reading history variable pom_c1SFSBC Reading history variable pom_c1SFSBS Reading history variable pom_c1SFSIC Reading history variable pom_c1SFSIS Reading history variable pom_c1SFWET Reading history variable pom_c1TBF Reading history variable pom_c1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable pom_c4 Reading history variable pom_c4DDF Reading history variable pom_c4GVF Reading history variable pom_c4SFSBC Reading history variable pom_c4SFSBS Reading history variable pom_c4SFSIC Reading history variable pom_c4SFSIS Reading history variable pom_c4SFWET Reading history variable pom_c4TBF Reading history variable pom_c4_mixnuc1 Reading history variable qcon_gaex Reading history variable qconbb_gaex Reading history variable qconbg_gaex Reading history variable qconff_gaex Reading history variable qevap_gaex Reading history variable qevapbb_gaex Reading history variable qevapbg_gaex Reading history variable qevapff_gaex Reading history variable r_O1D_H2O Reading history variable so4_a1 Reading history variable so4_a1DDF Reading history variable so4_a1GVF Reading history variable so4_a1SFSBC Reading history variable so4_a1SFSBS Reading history variable so4_a1SFSIC Reading history variable so4_a1SFSIS Reading history variable so4_a1SFWET Reading history variable so4_a1TBF Reading history variable so4_a1_CLXF Reading history variable so4_a1_CMXF Reading history variable so4_a1_SRF Reading history variable so4_a1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable so4_a1_sfcoag1 Reading history variable so4_a1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable so4_a1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable so4_a1_sfgaex1 Reading history variable so4_a1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable so4_a2 Reading history variable so4_a2DDF Reading history variable so4_a2GVF Reading history variable so4_a2SFSBC Reading history variable so4_a2SFSBS Reading history variable so4_a2SFSIC Reading history variable so4_a2SFSIS Reading history variable so4_a2SFWET Reading history variable so4_a2TBF Reading history variable so4_a2_CLXF Reading history variable so4_a2_CMXF Reading history variable so4_a2_SRF Reading history variable so4_a2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable so4_a2_sfcoag1 Reading history variable so4_a2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable so4_a2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable so4_a2_sfgaex1 Reading history variable so4_a2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable so4_a2_sfnnuc1 Reading history variable so4_a3 Reading history variable so4_a3DDF Reading history variable so4_a3GVF Reading history variable so4_a3SFSBC Reading history variable so4_a3SFSBS Reading history variable so4_a3SFSIC Reading history variable so4_a3SFSIS Reading history variable so4_a3SFWET Reading history variable so4_a3TBF Reading history variable so4_a3_SRF Reading history variable so4_a3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable so4_a3_sfgaex1 Reading history variable so4_a3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable so4_c1 Reading history variable so4_c1AQH2SO4 Reading history variable so4_c1AQSO4 Reading history variable so4_c1DDF Reading history variable so4_c1GVF Reading history variable so4_c1SFSBC Reading history variable so4_c1SFSBS Reading history variable so4_c1SFSIC Reading history variable so4_c1SFSIS Reading history variable so4_c1SFWET Reading history variable so4_c1TBF Reading history variable so4_c1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable so4_c1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable so4_c1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable so4_c1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable so4_c2 Reading history variable so4_c2AQH2SO4 Reading history variable so4_c2AQSO4 Reading history variable so4_c2DDF Reading history variable so4_c2GVF Reading history variable so4_c2SFSBC Reading history variable so4_c2SFSBS Reading history variable so4_c2SFSIC Reading history variable so4_c2SFSIS Reading history variable so4_c2SFWET Reading history variable so4_c2TBF Reading history variable so4_c2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable so4_c2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable so4_c2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable so4_c2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable so4_c3 Reading history variable so4_c3AQH2SO4 Reading history variable so4_c3AQSO4 Reading history variable so4_c3DDF Reading history variable so4_c3GVF Reading history variable so4_c3SFSBC Reading history variable so4_c3SFSBS Reading history variable so4_c3SFSIC Reading history variable so4_c3SFSIS Reading history variable so4_c3SFWET Reading history variable so4_c3TBF Reading history variable so4_c3_mixnuc1 Reading history variable so4_c3_sfgaex2 Reading history variable soa_a1 Reading history variable soa_a1DDF Reading history variable soa_a1GVF Reading history variable soa_a1SFSBC Reading history variable soa_a1SFSBS Reading history variable soa_a1SFSIC Reading history variable soa_a1SFSIS Reading history variable soa_a1SFWET Reading history variable soa_a1TBF Reading history variable soa_a1_SRF Reading history variable soa_a1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable soa_a1_sfcoag1 Reading history variable soa_a1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable soa_a1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable soa_a1_sfgaex1 Reading history variable soa_a1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable soa_a2 Reading history variable soa_a2DDF Reading history variable soa_a2GVF Reading history variable soa_a2SFSBC Reading history variable soa_a2SFSBS Reading history variable soa_a2SFSIC Reading history variable soa_a2SFSIS Reading history variable soa_a2SFWET Reading history variable soa_a2TBF Reading history variable soa_a2_SRF Reading history variable soa_a2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable soa_a2_sfcoag1 Reading history variable soa_a2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable soa_a2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable soa_a2_sfgaex1 Reading history variable soa_a2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable soa_c1 Reading history variable soa_c1DDF Reading history variable soa_c1GVF Reading history variable soa_c1SFSBC Reading history variable soa_c1SFSBS Reading history variable soa_c1SFSIC Reading history variable soa_c1SFSIS Reading history variable soa_c1SFWET Reading history variable soa_c1TBF Reading history variable soa_c1_mixnuc1 Reading history variable soa_c1_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable soa_c1_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable soa_c1_sfgaex2 Reading history variable soa_c2 Reading history variable soa_c2DDF Reading history variable soa_c2GVF Reading history variable soa_c2SFSBC Reading history variable soa_c2SFSBS Reading history variable soa_c2SFSIC Reading history variable soa_c2SFSIS Reading history variable soa_c2SFWET Reading history variable soa_c2TBF Reading history variable soa_c2_mixnuc1 Reading history variable soa_c2_sfcsiz3 Reading history variable soa_c2_sfcsiz4 Reading history variable soa_c2_sfgaex2 Reading history variable wat_a1 Reading history variable wat_a2 Reading history variable wat_a3 Reading history variable wat_a4 Reading history variable wet_deposition_NHx_as_N Reading history variable wet_deposition_NOy_as_N (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using in current working directory Reading history variable AODVISstdn Reading history variable CO2 Reading history variable FRONTGF Reading history variable H Reading history variable NITROP_PD Reading history variable NO Reading history variable O Reading history variable O2 Reading history variable O3 Reading history variable OMEGA Reading history variable PHIS Reading history variable PS Reading history variable PSL Reading history variable QRS_TOT Reading history variable REFF_AERO Reading history variable SAD_AERO Reading history variable T Reading history variable U Reading history variable V Reading history variable Z3 Reading history variable dgnumwet1 Reading history variable dgnumwet2 Reading history variable dgnumwet3 Reading history variable dst_a3 Reading history variable ncl_a3 Reading history variable num_a2 Reading history variable num_a3 Reading history variable so4_a1 Reading history variable so4_a2 Reading history variable so4_a3 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using in current working directory H_INQUIRE: Successfully opened netcdf file (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using in current working directory H_INQUIRE: Successfully opened netcdf file *** SATURATION VAPOR PRESSURE TABLE COMPLETED *** (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/mam4_mode1_rrtmg_aeronet (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/mam4_mode2_rrtmg_aitkend (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/mam4_mode3_rrtmg_aeronet (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/mam4_mode4_rrtmg_c130628 .nc (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ _______ hygroscopic growth in visible band _______ SO4 rh ext (m^2 kg^-1) ssa asm 0.000 4317.807 1.000 0.720 0.801 11057.994 1.000 0.775 0.836 13006.039 1.000 0.779 0.858 14348.435 1.000 0.782 0.873 15407.559 1.000 0.784 0.885 16297.122 1.000 0.786 0.896 17071.906 1.000 0.787 0.904 18140.209 1.000 0.788 0.912 19488.044 1.000 0.789 0.919 20770.367 1.000 0.790 0.925 21997.414 1.000 0.791 0.930 23177.287 1.000 0.792 0.935 24316.312 1.000 0.792 0.940 25419.106 1.000 0.793 0.944 26490.366 1.000 0.794 0.948 27532.759 1.000 0.794 0.952 29227.676 1.000 0.794 0.956 31402.799 1.000 0.795 0.959 33611.108 1.000 0.795 0.963 35850.418 1.000 0.795 0.966 38119.872 1.000 0.796 0.969 40419.352 1.000 0.796 0.971 42747.903 1.000 0.796 0.974 45103.735 1.000 0.796 0.977 47489.963 1.000 0.796 0.979 49902.035 1.000 0.797 0.982 54134.014 1.000 0.797 0.984 59507.775 1.000 0.796 0.986 65215.107 1.000 0.796 0.988 71256.973 1.000 0.796 0.990 77635.529 1.000 0.796 0.992 84360.733 1.000 0.796 0.994 91441.251 1.000 0.796 0.996 98884.165 1.000 0.796 0.998 106694.639 1.000 0.795 1.000 114691.169 1.000 0.795 bulk_props_init: finished for SULFATE (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ bulk_props_init: finished for OCPHO (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ bulk_props_init: finished for OCPHI (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ bulk_props_init: finished for BCPHO (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/dust_aeronet_rrtmg_c1411 bulk_props_init: finished for DUST4 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/ bulk_props_init: finished for SSAM rad_cnst_init: checking for radiative constituents (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c solar_data_init: data file = /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c solar_data_init: has_ref_spectrum F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c sox_inti: has_sox = T ----------------------------------------- mozart will do sox aerosols ----------------------------------------- *** init_aer_modes aerosol species-types name : "so4_a1 " density, MW : 1.77000E+03 1.15000E+02 hygro : 5.07000E-01 ref index sw 1.36691E+00 1.57930E-01 ref index sw 1.31458E+00 5.66869E-02 ref index sw 1.35798E+00 2.88634E-03 ref index sw 1.38031E+00 1.49071E-03 ref index sw 1.39264E+00 5.30385E-04 ref index sw 1.40451E+00 1.02977E-04 ref index sw 1.41218E+00 1.61967E-05 ref index sw 1.42163E+00 1.75123E-06 ref index sw 1.42797E+00 2.21436E-08 ref index sw 1.43033E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.44164E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.46764E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.48400E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.16413E+00 5.51134E-01 ref index ir 1.89000E+00 2.20000E-01 ref index ir 1.91286E+00 1.51857E-01 ref index ir 1.93206E+00 8.45717E-02 ref index ir 1.58603E+00 2.22508E-01 ref index ir 1.67798E+00 1.95000E-01 ref index ir 1.75782E+00 4.40688E-01 ref index ir 1.85534E+00 6.95944E-01 ref index ir 1.59677E+00 6.94662E-01 ref index ir 1.14656E+00 4.58766E-01 ref index ir 1.26131E+00 1.60606E-01 ref index ir 1.42422E+00 1.71577E-01 ref index ir 1.35165E+00 1.43521E-01 ref index ir 1.37870E+00 1.20252E-01 ref index ir 1.38500E+00 1.22229E-01 ref index ir 1.38500E+00 1.25818E-01 ref index ir 1.36691E+00 1.57930E-01 name : "pom_a1 " density, MW : 1.00000E+03 1.20000E+01 hygro : 1.00000E-10 ref index sw 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.77692E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.06022E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 8.36914E-03 ref index sw 1.46322E+00 1.62125E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 2.19730E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.92866E-02 ref index sw 1.51959E+00 1.56431E-02 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.04815E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.66501E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.00000E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.76044E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 3.00000E-02 ref index sw 1.12360E+00 7.90744E-02 ref index ir 1.86000E+00 5.00000E-01 ref index ir 1.91429E+00 2.68571E-01 ref index ir 1.98794E+00 1.84921E-01 ref index ir 1.43871E+00 1.97732E-01 ref index ir 1.60557E+00 5.93275E-02 ref index ir 1.70004E+00 4.88024E-02 ref index ir 1.88822E+00 1.09805E-01 ref index ir 2.48902E+00 3.34511E-01 ref index ir 1.21874E+00 6.54685E-02 ref index ir 1.41924E+00 5.81336E-02 ref index ir 1.42562E+00 2.61231E-02 ref index ir 1.44637E+00 1.41795E-02 ref index ir 1.45748E+00 1.27479E-02 ref index ir 1.45814E+00 1.00284E-02 ref index ir 1.45515E+00 5.24203E-03 ref index ir 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 name : "soa_a1 " density, MW : 1.00000E+03 1.20000E+01 hygro : 1.40000E-01 ref index sw 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.77692E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.06022E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 8.36914E-03 ref index sw 1.46322E+00 1.62125E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 2.19730E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.92866E-02 ref index sw 1.51959E+00 1.56431E-02 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.04815E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.66501E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.00000E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.76044E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 3.00000E-02 ref index sw 1.12360E+00 7.90744E-02 ref index ir 1.86000E+00 5.00000E-01 ref index ir 1.91429E+00 2.68571E-01 ref index ir 1.98794E+00 1.84921E-01 ref index ir 1.43871E+00 1.97732E-01 ref index ir 1.60557E+00 5.93275E-02 ref index ir 1.70004E+00 4.88024E-02 ref index ir 1.88822E+00 1.09805E-01 ref index ir 2.48902E+00 3.34511E-01 ref index ir 1.21874E+00 6.54685E-02 ref index ir 1.41924E+00 5.81336E-02 ref index ir 1.42562E+00 2.61231E-02 ref index ir 1.44637E+00 1.41795E-02 ref index ir 1.45748E+00 1.27479E-02 ref index ir 1.45814E+00 1.00284E-02 ref index ir 1.45515E+00 5.24203E-03 ref index ir 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 name : "bc_a1 " density, MW : 1.70000E+03 1.20000E+01 hygro : 1.00000E-10 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 name : "dst_a1 " density, MW : 2.60000E+03 1.35000E+02 hygro : 6.80000E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.84371E-02 ref index sw 1.52000E+00 2.84231E-02 ref index sw 1.53997E+00 7.36022E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.00000E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.00000E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.71194E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 8.70447E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.00000E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.25138E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.94656E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 4.14895E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 5.50000E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 5.50000E-03 ref index sw 1.17979E+00 1.01466E-01 ref index ir 2.34000E+00 7.00000E-01 ref index ir 2.90429E+00 8.57143E-01 ref index ir 1.74778E+00 4.62063E-01 ref index ir 1.50773E+00 2.63401E-01 ref index ir 1.91105E+00 3.18746E-01 ref index ir 1.82202E+00 2.59881E-01 ref index ir 2.91683E+00 6.50000E-01 ref index ir 1.55722E+00 3.73459E-01 ref index ir 1.24249E+00 9.28417E-02 ref index ir 1.44717E+00 1.04984E-01 ref index ir 1.43219E+00 6.12462E-02 ref index ir 1.47274E+00 2.45385E-02 ref index ir 1.49496E+00 1.10449E-02 ref index ir 1.50000E+00 7.95709E-03 ref index ir 1.50000E+00 6.76051E-03 ref index ir 1.51000E+00 1.84371E-02 name : "ncl_a1 " density, MW : 1.90000E+03 5.85000E+01 hygro : 1.16000E+00 ref index sw 1.48000E+00 1.75734E-03 ref index sw 1.53385E+00 7.46154E-03 ref index sw 1.43699E+00 2.95161E-03 ref index sw 1.44815E+00 1.27686E-03 ref index sw 1.45000E+00 7.94256E-04 ref index sw 1.46151E+00 5.38080E-04 ref index sw 1.46918E+00 3.75357E-04 ref index sw 1.47000E+00 1.49874E-04 ref index sw 1.49000E+00 2.28249E-07 ref index sw 1.50000E+00 1.18424E-08 ref index sw 1.50137E+00 7.01937E-08 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.86616E-06 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 5.00000E-06 ref index sw 1.40804E+00 1.58149E-02 ref index ir 1.74000E+00 1.00000E+00 ref index ir 1.76000E+00 1.97857E-01 ref index ir 1.77683E+00 1.29206E-01 ref index ir 1.45624E+00 3.81179E-02 ref index ir 1.41000E+00 1.92021E-02 ref index ir 1.48000E+00 1.40000E-02 ref index ir 1.56456E+00 1.64555E-02 ref index ir 1.62782E+00 2.88872E-02 ref index ir 1.40187E+00 1.24378E-02 ref index ir 1.43283E+00 6.35857E-03 ref index ir 1.55835E+00 1.95886E-02 ref index ir 1.45184E+00 2.89957E-03 ref index ir 1.48496E+00 1.67735E-03 ref index ir 1.48629E+00 1.40000E-03 ref index ir 1.48030E+00 1.40000E-03 ref index ir 1.48000E+00 1.75734E-03 name : "so4_a2 " density, MW : 1.77000E+03 1.15000E+02 hygro : 5.07000E-01 ref index sw 1.36691E+00 1.57930E-01 ref index sw 1.31458E+00 5.66869E-02 ref index sw 1.35798E+00 2.88634E-03 ref index sw 1.38031E+00 1.49071E-03 ref index sw 1.39264E+00 5.30385E-04 ref index sw 1.40451E+00 1.02977E-04 ref index sw 1.41218E+00 1.61967E-05 ref index sw 1.42163E+00 1.75123E-06 ref index sw 1.42797E+00 2.21436E-08 ref index sw 1.43033E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.44164E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.46764E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.48400E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.16413E+00 5.51134E-01 ref index ir 1.89000E+00 2.20000E-01 ref index ir 1.91286E+00 1.51857E-01 ref index ir 1.93206E+00 8.45717E-02 ref index ir 1.58603E+00 2.22508E-01 ref index ir 1.67798E+00 1.95000E-01 ref index ir 1.75782E+00 4.40688E-01 ref index ir 1.85534E+00 6.95944E-01 ref index ir 1.59677E+00 6.94662E-01 ref index ir 1.14656E+00 4.58766E-01 ref index ir 1.26131E+00 1.60606E-01 ref index ir 1.42422E+00 1.71577E-01 ref index ir 1.35165E+00 1.43521E-01 ref index ir 1.37870E+00 1.20252E-01 ref index ir 1.38500E+00 1.22229E-01 ref index ir 1.38500E+00 1.25818E-01 ref index ir 1.36691E+00 1.57930E-01 name : "soa_a2 " density, MW : 1.00000E+03 1.20000E+01 hygro : 1.40000E-01 ref index sw 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.77692E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.06022E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 8.36914E-03 ref index sw 1.46322E+00 1.62125E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 2.19730E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.92866E-02 ref index sw 1.51959E+00 1.56431E-02 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.04815E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.66501E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.00000E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.76044E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 3.00000E-02 ref index sw 1.12360E+00 7.90744E-02 ref index ir 1.86000E+00 5.00000E-01 ref index ir 1.91429E+00 2.68571E-01 ref index ir 1.98794E+00 1.84921E-01 ref index ir 1.43871E+00 1.97732E-01 ref index ir 1.60557E+00 5.93275E-02 ref index ir 1.70004E+00 4.88024E-02 ref index ir 1.88822E+00 1.09805E-01 ref index ir 2.48902E+00 3.34511E-01 ref index ir 1.21874E+00 6.54685E-02 ref index ir 1.41924E+00 5.81336E-02 ref index ir 1.42562E+00 2.61231E-02 ref index ir 1.44637E+00 1.41795E-02 ref index ir 1.45748E+00 1.27479E-02 ref index ir 1.45814E+00 1.00284E-02 ref index ir 1.45515E+00 5.24203E-03 ref index ir 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 name : "ncl_a2 " density, MW : 1.90000E+03 5.85000E+01 hygro : 1.16000E+00 ref index sw 1.48000E+00 1.75734E-03 ref index sw 1.53385E+00 7.46154E-03 ref index sw 1.43699E+00 2.95161E-03 ref index sw 1.44815E+00 1.27686E-03 ref index sw 1.45000E+00 7.94256E-04 ref index sw 1.46151E+00 5.38080E-04 ref index sw 1.46918E+00 3.75357E-04 ref index sw 1.47000E+00 1.49874E-04 ref index sw 1.49000E+00 2.28249E-07 ref index sw 1.50000E+00 1.18424E-08 ref index sw 1.50137E+00 7.01937E-08 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.86616E-06 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 5.00000E-06 ref index sw 1.40804E+00 1.58149E-02 ref index ir 1.74000E+00 1.00000E+00 ref index ir 1.76000E+00 1.97857E-01 ref index ir 1.77683E+00 1.29206E-01 ref index ir 1.45624E+00 3.81179E-02 ref index ir 1.41000E+00 1.92021E-02 ref index ir 1.48000E+00 1.40000E-02 ref index ir 1.56456E+00 1.64555E-02 ref index ir 1.62782E+00 2.88872E-02 ref index ir 1.40187E+00 1.24378E-02 ref index ir 1.43283E+00 6.35857E-03 ref index ir 1.55835E+00 1.95886E-02 ref index ir 1.45184E+00 2.89957E-03 ref index ir 1.48496E+00 1.67735E-03 ref index ir 1.48629E+00 1.40000E-03 ref index ir 1.48030E+00 1.40000E-03 ref index ir 1.48000E+00 1.75734E-03 name : "dst_a2 " density, MW : 2.60000E+03 1.35000E+02 hygro : 6.80000E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.84371E-02 ref index sw 1.52000E+00 2.84231E-02 ref index sw 1.53997E+00 7.36022E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.00000E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.00000E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.71194E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 8.70447E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.00000E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.25138E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.94656E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 4.14895E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 5.50000E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 5.50000E-03 ref index sw 1.17979E+00 1.01466E-01 ref index ir 2.34000E+00 7.00000E-01 ref index ir 2.90429E+00 8.57143E-01 ref index ir 1.74778E+00 4.62063E-01 ref index ir 1.50773E+00 2.63401E-01 ref index ir 1.91105E+00 3.18746E-01 ref index ir 1.82202E+00 2.59881E-01 ref index ir 2.91683E+00 6.50000E-01 ref index ir 1.55722E+00 3.73459E-01 ref index ir 1.24249E+00 9.28417E-02 ref index ir 1.44717E+00 1.04984E-01 ref index ir 1.43219E+00 6.12462E-02 ref index ir 1.47274E+00 2.45385E-02 ref index ir 1.49496E+00 1.10449E-02 ref index ir 1.50000E+00 7.95709E-03 ref index ir 1.50000E+00 6.76051E-03 ref index ir 1.51000E+00 1.84371E-02 name : "dst_a3 " density, MW : 2.60000E+03 1.35000E+02 hygro : 6.80000E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.84371E-02 ref index sw 1.52000E+00 2.84231E-02 ref index sw 1.53997E+00 7.36022E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.00000E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.00000E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 7.71194E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 8.70447E-04 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.00000E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.25138E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 1.94656E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 4.14895E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 5.50000E-03 ref index sw 1.56000E+00 5.50000E-03 ref index sw 1.17979E+00 1.01466E-01 ref index ir 2.34000E+00 7.00000E-01 ref index ir 2.90429E+00 8.57143E-01 ref index ir 1.74778E+00 4.62063E-01 ref index ir 1.50773E+00 2.63401E-01 ref index ir 1.91105E+00 3.18746E-01 ref index ir 1.82202E+00 2.59881E-01 ref index ir 2.91683E+00 6.50000E-01 ref index ir 1.55722E+00 3.73459E-01 ref index ir 1.24249E+00 9.28417E-02 ref index ir 1.44717E+00 1.04984E-01 ref index ir 1.43219E+00 6.12462E-02 ref index ir 1.47274E+00 2.45385E-02 ref index ir 1.49496E+00 1.10449E-02 ref index ir 1.50000E+00 7.95709E-03 ref index ir 1.50000E+00 6.76051E-03 ref index ir 1.51000E+00 1.84371E-02 name : "ncl_a3 " density, MW : 1.90000E+03 5.85000E+01 hygro : 1.16000E+00 ref index sw 1.48000E+00 1.75734E-03 ref index sw 1.53385E+00 7.46154E-03 ref index sw 1.43699E+00 2.95161E-03 ref index sw 1.44815E+00 1.27686E-03 ref index sw 1.45000E+00 7.94256E-04 ref index sw 1.46151E+00 5.38080E-04 ref index sw 1.46918E+00 3.75357E-04 ref index sw 1.47000E+00 1.49874E-04 ref index sw 1.49000E+00 2.28249E-07 ref index sw 1.50000E+00 1.18424E-08 ref index sw 1.50137E+00 7.01937E-08 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.86616E-06 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 5.00000E-06 ref index sw 1.40804E+00 1.58149E-02 ref index ir 1.74000E+00 1.00000E+00 ref index ir 1.76000E+00 1.97857E-01 ref index ir 1.77683E+00 1.29206E-01 ref index ir 1.45624E+00 3.81179E-02 ref index ir 1.41000E+00 1.92021E-02 ref index ir 1.48000E+00 1.40000E-02 ref index ir 1.56456E+00 1.64555E-02 ref index ir 1.62782E+00 2.88872E-02 ref index ir 1.40187E+00 1.24378E-02 ref index ir 1.43283E+00 6.35857E-03 ref index ir 1.55835E+00 1.95886E-02 ref index ir 1.45184E+00 2.89957E-03 ref index ir 1.48496E+00 1.67735E-03 ref index ir 1.48629E+00 1.40000E-03 ref index ir 1.48030E+00 1.40000E-03 ref index ir 1.48000E+00 1.75734E-03 name : "so4_a3 " density, MW : 1.77000E+03 1.15000E+02 hygro : 5.07000E-01 ref index sw 1.36691E+00 1.57930E-01 ref index sw 1.31458E+00 5.66869E-02 ref index sw 1.35798E+00 2.88634E-03 ref index sw 1.38031E+00 1.49071E-03 ref index sw 1.39264E+00 5.30385E-04 ref index sw 1.40451E+00 1.02977E-04 ref index sw 1.41218E+00 1.61967E-05 ref index sw 1.42163E+00 1.75123E-06 ref index sw 1.42797E+00 2.21436E-08 ref index sw 1.43033E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.44164E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.46764E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.48400E+00 1.00000E-08 ref index sw 1.16413E+00 5.51134E-01 ref index ir 1.89000E+00 2.20000E-01 ref index ir 1.91286E+00 1.51857E-01 ref index ir 1.93206E+00 8.45717E-02 ref index ir 1.58603E+00 2.22508E-01 ref index ir 1.67798E+00 1.95000E-01 ref index ir 1.75782E+00 4.40688E-01 ref index ir 1.85534E+00 6.95944E-01 ref index ir 1.59677E+00 6.94662E-01 ref index ir 1.14656E+00 4.58766E-01 ref index ir 1.26131E+00 1.60606E-01 ref index ir 1.42422E+00 1.71577E-01 ref index ir 1.35165E+00 1.43521E-01 ref index ir 1.37870E+00 1.20252E-01 ref index ir 1.38500E+00 1.22229E-01 ref index ir 1.38500E+00 1.25818E-01 ref index ir 1.36691E+00 1.57930E-01 name : "pom_a4 " density, MW : 1.00000E+03 1.20000E+01 hygro : 1.00000E-10 ref index sw 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.77692E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 1.06022E-02 ref index sw 1.42000E+00 8.36914E-03 ref index sw 1.46322E+00 1.62125E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 2.19730E-02 ref index sw 1.51000E+00 1.92866E-02 ref index sw 1.51959E+00 1.56431E-02 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.04815E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.66501E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 5.00000E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 7.76044E-03 ref index sw 1.53000E+00 3.00000E-02 ref index sw 1.12360E+00 7.90744E-02 ref index ir 1.86000E+00 5.00000E-01 ref index ir 1.91429E+00 2.68571E-01 ref index ir 1.98794E+00 1.84921E-01 ref index ir 1.43871E+00 1.97732E-01 ref index ir 1.60557E+00 5.93275E-02 ref index ir 1.70004E+00 4.88024E-02 ref index ir 1.88822E+00 1.09805E-01 ref index ir 2.48902E+00 3.34511E-01 ref index ir 1.21874E+00 6.54685E-02 ref index ir 1.41924E+00 5.81336E-02 ref index ir 1.42562E+00 2.61231E-02 ref index ir 1.44637E+00 1.41795E-02 ref index ir 1.45748E+00 1.27479E-02 ref index ir 1.45814E+00 1.00284E-02 ref index ir 1.45515E+00 5.24203E-03 ref index ir 1.44301E+00 5.71678E-03 name : "bc_a4 " density, MW : 1.70000E+03 1.20000E+01 hygro : 1.00000E-10 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index sw 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 ref index ir 1.95000E+00 7.90000E-01 mode-pointer output from subr initaermodes_setspecptrs modeptr_accum = 1 modeptr_aitken = 2 modeptr_ufine = -999888777 modeptr_coarse = 3 modeptr_pcarbon = 4 modeptr_fineseas = -999888777 modeptr_finedust = -999888777 modeptr_coarseas = -999888777 modeptr_coardust = -999888777 species-pointer output from subr initaermodes_setspecptrs mode id name_a id name_cw sulfate 1 74 so4_a1 74 so4_a1 lptr_so4_a/cw_amode 2 81 so4_a2 81 so4_a2 lptr_so4_a/cw_amode 3 88 so4_a3 88 so4_a3 lptr_so4_a/cw_amode 4 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_so4_a/cw_amode msa 1 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_msa_a/cw_amode 2 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_msa_a/cw_amode 3 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_msa_a/cw_amode 4 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_msa_a/cw_amode ammonium 1 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_nh4_a/cw_amode 2 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_nh4_a/cw_amode 3 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_nh4_a/cw_amode 4 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_nh4_a/cw_amode nitrate 1 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_no3_a/cw_amode 2 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_no3_a/cw_amode 3 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_no3_a/cw_amode 4 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_no3_a/cw_amode p-organic 1 75 pom_a1 75 pom_a1 lptr2_pom01_a/cw_amode 2 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr2_pom01_a/cw_amode 3 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr2_pom01_a/cw_amode 4 90 pom_a4 90 pom_a4 lptr2_pom01_a/cw_amode s-organic 1 76 soa_a1 76 soa_a1 lptr2_soa01_a/cw_amode 2 82 soa_a2 82 soa_a2 lptr2_soa01_a/cw_amode 3 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr2_soa01_a/cw_amode 4 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr2_soa01_a/cw_amode 1 73 SOAG lptr2_soa01_g black-c 1 77 bc_a1 77 bc_a1 lptr2_bc01 _a/cw_amode 2 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr2_bc01 _a/cw_amode 3 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr2_bc01 _a/cw_amode 4 91 bc_a4 91 bc_a4 lptr2_bc01 _a/cw_amode seasalt 1 79 ncl_a1 79 ncl_a1 lptr_nacl_a/cw_amode 2 83 ncl_a2 83 ncl_a2 lptr_nacl_a/cw_amode 3 87 ncl_a3 87 ncl_a3 lptr_nacl_a/cw_amode 4 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_nacl_a/cw_amode dust 1 78 dst_a1 78 dst_a1 lptr_dust_a/cw_amode 2 85 dst_a2 85 dst_a2 lptr_dust_a/cw_amode 3 86 dst_a3 86 dst_a3 lptr_dust_a/cw_amode 4 -999888777 none -999888777 none lptr_dust_a/cw_amode mode, modename_amode, qneg3_worst_thresh_amode 1 accum 1.000E+03 2 aitken 1.000E+03 3 coarse 1.000E+00 4 primary_carbon 1.000E+03 *** subr. modal_aero_rename_acc_crs_init lspectooa out of range for pom_a1 ipair, modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrma, ispectoo, lspectooa = 2 1 2 75 -99 0 *** subr. modal_aero_rename_acc_crs_init lspectooc out of range for pom_c1 ipair, modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrmc, ispectoo, lspectooc = 2 1 2 75 -99 0 *** subr. modal_aero_rename_acc_crs_init lspectooa out of range for soa_a1 ipair, modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrma, ispectoo, lspectooa = 2 1 3 76 -99 0 *** subr. modal_aero_rename_acc_crs_init lspectooc out of range for soa_c1 ipair, modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrmc, ispectoo, lspectooc = 2 1 3 76 -99 0 *** subr. modal_aero_rename_acc_crs_init lspectooa out of range for bc_a1 ipair, modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrma, ispectoo, lspectooa = 2 1 4 77 -99 0 *** subr. modal_aero_rename_acc_crs_init lspectooc out of range for bc_c1 ipair, modefrm, ispecfrm, lspecfrmc, ispectoo, lspectooc = 2 1 4 77 -99 0 subr. modal_aero_rename_acc_crs_init method_optbb_renamexf 2 pair 1 mode 2 ---> mode 1 igrow_shrink 1 ixferable_all 1 spec 84=num_a2 ---> spec 80=num_a1 spec 84=num_c2 ---> spec 80=num_c1 spec 81=so4_a2 ---> spec 74=so4_a1 spec 81=so4_c2 ---> spec 74=so4_c1 spec 82=soa_a2 ---> spec 76=soa_a1 spec 82=soa_c2 ---> spec 76=soa_c1 spec 83=ncl_a2 ---> spec 79=ncl_a1 spec 83=ncl_c2 ---> spec 79=ncl_c1 spec 85=dst_a2 ---> spec 78=dst_a1 spec 85=dst_c2 ---> spec 78=dst_c1 mfrm dgnum, dgnumhi 2.600E-08 5.200E-08 mtoo dgnum, dgnumlo 1.100E-07 5.350E-08 dp_cut 7.449E-08 dp_xfernone_threshaa 2.600E-08 dp_xferall_thresh 1.100E-07 pair 2 mode 1 ---> mode 3 igrow_shrink 1 ixferable_all 0 spec 80=num_a1 ---> spec 89=num_a3 spec 80=num_c1 ---> spec 89=num_c3 spec 74=so4_a1 ---> spec 88=so4_a3 spec 74=so4_c1 ---> spec 88=so4_c3 spec 78=dst_a1 ---> spec 86=dst_a3 spec 78=dst_c1 ---> spec 86=dst_c3 spec 79=ncl_a1 ---> spec 87=ncl_a3 spec 79=ncl_c1 ---> spec 87=ncl_c3 mfrm dgnum, dgnumhi 1.100E-07 4.800E-07 mtoo dgnum, dgnumlo 9.000E-07 4.000E-07 dp_cut 4.400E-07 dp_xfernone_threshaa 1.600E-07 dp_xferall_thresh 4.700E-07 pair 3 mode 3 ---> mode 1 igrow_shrink -1 ixferable_all 1 spec 89=num_a3 ---> spec 80=num_a1 spec 89=num_c3 ---> spec 80=num_c1 spec 86=dst_a3 ---> spec 78=dst_a1 spec 86=dst_c3 ---> spec 78=dst_c1 spec 87=ncl_a3 ---> spec 79=ncl_a1 spec 87=ncl_c3 ---> spec 79=ncl_c1 spec 88=so4_a3 ---> spec 74=so4_a1 spec 88=so4_c3 ---> spec 74=so4_c1 mfrm dgnum, dgnumlo 9.000E-07 4.000E-07 mtoo dgnum, dgnumhi 1.100E-07 4.800E-07 dp_cut 4.400E-07 dp_xfernone_threshaa 4.400E-07 dp_xferall_thresh 4.100E-07 soil_erod_mod: soil erodibility dataset: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/dst/dst_source2x2tunedcam6-2x2-040 soil_erod_mod: soil_erod_fact = 0.700000000000000 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/dst/dst_source2x2tunedcam6-2x2-040 aero_model_init: bc_a1 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: bc_a4 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: dst_a1 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: dst_a2 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: dst_a3 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: ncl_a1 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: ncl_a2 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: ncl_a3 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: num_a1 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: num_a2 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: num_a3 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: num_a4 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: pom_a1 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: pom_a4 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: so4_a1 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: so4_a2 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: so4_a3 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: soa_a1 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: soa_a2 will have drydep applied aero_model_init: bc_a1 will have wet removal aero_model_init: bc_a4 will have wet removal aero_model_init: dst_a1 will have wet removal aero_model_init: dst_a2 will have wet removal aero_model_init: dst_a3 will have wet removal aero_model_init: ncl_a1 will have wet removal aero_model_init: ncl_a2 will have wet removal aero_model_init: ncl_a3 will have wet removal aero_model_init: num_a1 will have wet removal aero_model_init: num_a2 will have wet removal aero_model_init: num_a3 will have wet removal aero_model_init: num_a4 will have wet removal aero_model_init: pom_a1 will have wet removal aero_model_init: pom_a4 will have wet removal aero_model_init: so4_a1 will have wet removal aero_model_init: so4_a2 will have wet removal aero_model_init: so4_a3 will have wet removal aero_model_init: soa_a1 will have wet removal aero_model_init: soa_a2 will have wet removal chem_init: addfld done setinv_inti: m,n2,o2,h2o ndx = 1 2 -1 -1 usrrxt_inti: diagnostics 92 151 167 168 169 170 175 177 246 247 248 238 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 262 264 249 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 There are no offline invariant species There are no offline tracer sources chemini: after airpl_src on node 0 srf_emis_inti: n_emis_files = 30 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_CH2O_anthro_surface_1 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_CH2O_bb_surface_1750- (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_CO_anthro_surface_175 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_CO_bb_surface_1750-20 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_CO_other_surface_1750 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_DMS_bb_surface_1750-2 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_DMS_other_surface_175 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_NO_anthro_surface_175 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_NO_bb_surface_1750-20 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_NO_other_surface_1750 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/emissions-cmip6_SO2_anthro-ag-ship-res_surface_1750-2015_0.9x1.25_c20170616.n c trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_SO2_anthro-ag-ship-re (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/emissions-cmip6_SO2_anthro-ag-ship-res_surface_1750-2015_0.9x1.25_c20170616.n c open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/emissions-cmip6_SO2_anthro-ag-ship-res_surface_1750-2015_0.9x1.25_c20170616.n c trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_SO2_anthro-ene_surfac (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_SO2_bb_surface_1750-2 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_SOAGx1.5_anthro_surfa (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_SOAGx1.5_bb_surface_1 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_SOAGx1.5_biogenic_sur (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_bc_a4_anthro_surface_ (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_bc_a4_bb_surface_1750 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_num_bc_a4_anthro_surf (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_num_bc_a4_bb_surface_ (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: file%has_ps = F (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ trcdata_init: data type: CYCLICAL file: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/at m/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_2015/emissions-cmip6_num_pom_a4_anthro_sur (GETFIL): attempting to find local file (GETFIL): using /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/ open_trc_datafile: /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/CMIP6_emissions_1750_201 5/