Invalid PIO rearranger comm max pend req (comp2io),            0
 Resetting PIO rearranger comm max pend req (comp2io) to           64
 PIO rearranger options:
   comm type     =
   comm fcd      =
   max pend req (comp2io)  =           0
   enable_hs (comp2io)     = T
   enable_isend (comp2io)  = F
   max pend req (io2comp)  =          64
   enable_hs (io2comp)    = F
   enable_isend (io2comp)  = T
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID (  1 GLOBAL          ) pelist   =     0  1023     1 ( npes =  1024) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID (  2 CPL             ) pelist   =     0   895     1 ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID (  5 ATM             ) pelist   =     0   895     1 ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID (  6 CPLATM          ) join IDs =     2     5       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID (  3 ALLATMID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID (  4 CPLALLATMID     ) join IDs =     2     3       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID (  9 LND             ) pelist   =     0   255     1 ( npes =   256) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 10 CPLLND          ) join IDs =     2     9       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID (  7 ALLLNDID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =   256) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID (  8 CPLALLLNDID     ) join IDs =     2     7       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID ( 13 ICE             ) pelist   =   256   511     1 ( npes =   256) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 14 CPLICE          ) join IDs =     2    13       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 11 ALLICEID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =   256) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 12 CPLALLICEID     ) join IDs =     2    11       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID ( 17 OCN             ) pelist   =   896  1023     1 ( npes =   128) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 18 CPLOCN          ) join IDs =     2    17       ( npes =  1024) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 15 ALLOCNID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =   128) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 16 CPLALLOCNID     ) join IDs =     2    15       ( npes =  1024) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID ( 21 ROF             ) pelist   =     0   255     1 ( npes =   256) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 22 CPLROF          ) join IDs =     2    21       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 19 ALLROFID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =   256) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 20 CPLALLROFID     ) join IDs =     2    19       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID ( 25 GLC             ) pelist   =     0    31     1 ( npes =    32) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 26 CPLGLC          ) join IDs =     2    25       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 23 ALLGLCID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =    32) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 24 CPLALLGLCID     ) join IDs =     2    23       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID ( 29 WAV             ) pelist   =     0    31     1 ( npes =    32) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 30 CPLWAV          ) join IDs =     2    29       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 27 ALLWAVID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =    32) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 28 CPLALLWAVID     ) join IDs =     2    27       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  init ID ( 33 ESP             ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)( suffix =)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 34 CPLESP          ) join IDs =     2    33       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_jcommarr) init ID ( 31 ALLESPID        ) join multiple comp IDs       ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) init ID ( 32 CPLALLESPID     ) join IDs =     2    31       ( npes =   896) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_printcomms)     1     0  1024     1  GLOBAL:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     2     0   896     1  CPL:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     3     0   896     1  ALLATMID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     4     0   896     1  CPLALLATMID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     5     0   896     1  ATM:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     6     0   896     1  CPLATM:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     7     0   256     1  ALLLNDID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     8     0   896     1  CPLALLLNDID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)     9     0   256     1  LND:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    10     0   896     1  CPLLND:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    11   256    -1     1  ALLICEID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    12     0   896     1  CPLALLICEID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    13   256    -1     1  ICE:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    14     0   896     1  CPLICE:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    15   896    -1     1  ALLOCNID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    16     0  1024     1  CPLALLOCNID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    17   896    -1     1  OCN:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    18     0  1024     1  CPLOCN:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    19     0   256     1  ALLROFID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    20     0   896     1  CPLALLROFID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    21     0   256     1  ROF:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    22     0   896     1  CPLROF:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    23     0    32     1  ALLGLCID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    24     0   896     1  CPLALLGLCID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    25     0    32     1  GLC:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    26     0   896     1  CPLGLC:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    27     0    32     1  ALLWAVID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    28     0   896     1  CPLALLWAVID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    29     0    32     1  WAV:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    30     0   896     1  CPLWAV:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    31     0     1     1  ALLESPID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    32     0   896     1  CPLALLESPID:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    33     0     1     1  ESP:
(seq_comm_printcomms)    34     0   896     1  CPLESP:
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 OCN              : pio_numiotasks =            4
 OCN              : pio_stride =           32
 OCN              : pio_root =            1
 OCN              : pio_iotype =            5
 OCN              : pio_numiotasks =            4
 OCN              : pio_stride =           32
 OCN              : pio_rearranger =            1
 OCN              : pio_root =            1
 OCN              : pio_iotype =            5
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 ICE              : pio_numiotasks =            8
 ICE              : pio_stride =           32
 ICE              : pio_root =            1
 ICE              : pio_iotype =            5
 ICE              : pio_numiotasks =            8
 ICE              : pio_stride =           32
 ICE              : pio_rearranger =            1
 ICE              : pio_root =            1
 ICE              : pio_iotype =            5
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_read=disable
 Setting mpi info: romio_ds_write=disable
 (t_initf) Read in prof_inparm namelist from: drv_in
 (t_initf) Using profile_disable=          F
 (t_initf)       profile_timer=                      4
 (t_initf)       profile_depth_limit=                4
 (t_initf)       profile_detail_limit=               2
 (t_initf)       profile_barrier=          F
 (t_initf)       profile_outpe_num=                  1
 (t_initf)       profile_outpe_stride=               0
 (t_initf)       profile_single_file=      F
 (t_initf)       profile_global_stats=     T
 (t_initf)       profile_ovhd_measurement= F
 (t_initf)       profile_add_detail=       F
 (t_initf)       profile_papi_enable=      F
         896 pes participating in computation
  0  c48-10.cluster
  1  c48-10.cluster
  2  c48-10.cluster
  3  c48-10.cluster
  4  c48-10.cluster
  5  c48-10.cluster
  6  c48-10.cluster
  7  c48-10.cluster
  8  c48-10.cluster
  9  c48-10.cluster
 10  c48-10.cluster
 11  c48-10.cluster
 12  c48-10.cluster
 13  c48-10.cluster
 14  c48-10.cluster
 15  c48-10.cluster
 16  c48-10.cluster
 17  c48-10.cluster
 18  c48-10.cluster
 19  c48-10.cluster
 20  c48-10.cluster
 21  c48-10.cluster
 22  c48-10.cluster
 23  c48-10.cluster
 24  c48-10.cluster
 25  c48-10.cluster
 26  c48-10.cluster
 27  c48-10.cluster
 28  c48-10.cluster
 29  c48-10.cluster
 30  c48-10.cluster
 31  c48-10.cluster
 32  c48-12.cluster
 33  c48-12.cluster
 34  c48-12.cluster
 35  c48-12.cluster
 36  c48-12.cluster
 37  c48-12.cluster
 38  c48-12.cluster
 39  c48-12.cluster
 40  c48-12.cluster
 41  c48-12.cluster
 42  c48-12.cluster
 43  c48-12.cluster
 44  c48-12.cluster
 45  c48-12.cluster
 46  c48-12.cluster
 47  c48-12.cluster
 48  c48-12.cluster
 49  c48-12.cluster
 50  c48-12.cluster
 51  c48-12.cluster
 52  c48-12.cluster
 53  c48-12.cluster
 54  c48-12.cluster
 55  c48-12.cluster
 56  c48-12.cluster
 57  c48-12.cluster
 58  c48-12.cluster
 59  c48-12.cluster
 60  c48-12.cluster
 61  c48-12.cluster
 62  c48-12.cluster
 63  c48-12.cluster
 64  c49-1.cluster
 65  c49-1.cluster
 66  c49-1.cluster
 67  c49-1.cluster
 68  c49-1.cluster
 69  c49-1.cluster
 70  c49-1.cluster
 71  c49-1.cluster
 72  c49-1.cluster
 73  c49-1.cluster
 74  c49-1.cluster
 75  c49-1.cluster
 76  c49-1.cluster
 77  c49-1.cluster
 78  c49-1.cluster
 79  c49-1.cluster
 80  c49-1.cluster
 81  c49-1.cluster
 82  c49-1.cluster
 83  c49-1.cluster
 84  c49-1.cluster
 85  c49-1.cluster
 86  c49-1.cluster
 87  c49-1.cluster
 88  c49-1.cluster
 89  c49-1.cluster
 90  c49-1.cluster
 91  c49-1.cluster
 92  c49-1.cluster
 93  c49-1.cluster
 94  c49-1.cluster
 95  c49-1.cluster
 96  c49-2.cluster
 97  c49-2.cluster
 98  c49-2.cluster
 99  c49-2.cluster
100  c49-2.cluster
101  c49-2.cluster
102  c49-2.cluster
103  c49-2.cluster
104  c49-2.cluster
105  c49-2.cluster
106  c49-2.cluster
107  c49-2.cluster
108  c49-2.cluster
109  c49-2.cluster
110  c49-2.cluster
111  c49-2.cluster
112  c49-2.cluster
113  c49-2.cluster
114  c49-2.cluster
115  c49-2.cluster
116  c49-2.cluster
117  c49-2.cluster
118  c49-2.cluster
119  c49-2.cluster
120  c49-2.cluster
121  c49-2.cluster
122  c49-2.cluster
123  c49-2.cluster
124  c49-2.cluster
125  c49-2.cluster
126  c49-2.cluster
127  c49-2.cluster
128  c49-3.cluster
129  c49-3.cluster
130  c49-3.cluster
131  c49-3.cluster
132  c49-3.cluster
133  c49-3.cluster
134  c49-3.cluster
135  c49-3.cluster
136  c49-3.cluster
137  c49-3.cluster
138  c49-3.cluster
139  c49-3.cluster
140  c49-3.cluster
141  c49-3.cluster
142  c49-3.cluster
143  c49-3.cluster
144  c49-3.cluster
145  c49-3.cluster
146  c49-3.cluster
147  c49-3.cluster
148  c49-3.cluster
149  c49-3.cluster
150  c49-3.cluster
151  c49-3.cluster
152  c49-3.cluster
153  c49-3.cluster
154  c49-3.cluster
155  c49-3.cluster
156  c49-3.cluster
157  c49-3.cluster
158  c49-3.cluster
159  c49-3.cluster
160  c49-4.cluster
161  c49-4.cluster
162  c49-4.cluster
163  c49-4.cluster
164  c49-4.cluster
165  c49-4.cluster
166  c49-4.cluster
167  c49-4.cluster
168  c49-4.cluster
169  c49-4.cluster
170  c49-4.cluster
171  c49-4.cluster
172  c49-4.cluster
173  c49-4.cluster
174  c49-4.cluster
175  c49-4.cluster
176  c49-4.cluster
177  c49-4.cluster
178  c49-4.cluster
179  c49-4.cluster
180  c49-4.cluster
181  c49-4.cluster
182  c49-4.cluster
183  c49-4.cluster
184  c49-4.cluster
185  c49-4.cluster
186  c49-4.cluster
187  c49-4.cluster
188  c49-4.cluster
189  c49-4.cluster
190  c49-4.cluster
191  c49-4.cluster
192  c49-5.cluster
193  c49-5.cluster
194  c49-5.cluster
195  c49-5.cluster
196  c49-5.cluster
197  c49-5.cluster
198  c49-5.cluster
199  c49-5.cluster
200  c49-5.cluster
201  c49-5.cluster
202  c49-5.cluster
203  c49-5.cluster
204  c49-5.cluster
205  c49-5.cluster
206  c49-5.cluster
207  c49-5.cluster
208  c49-5.cluster
209  c49-5.cluster
210  c49-5.cluster
211  c49-5.cluster
212  c49-5.cluster
213  c49-5.cluster
214  c49-5.cluster
215  c49-5.cluster
216  c49-5.cluster
217  c49-5.cluster
218  c49-5.cluster
219  c49-5.cluster
220  c49-5.cluster
221  c49-5.cluster
222  c49-5.cluster
223  c49-5.cluster
224  c49-6.cluster
225  c49-6.cluster
226  c49-6.cluster
227  c49-6.cluster
228  c49-6.cluster
229  c49-6.cluster
230  c49-6.cluster
231  c49-6.cluster
232  c49-6.cluster
233  c49-6.cluster
234  c49-6.cluster
235  c49-6.cluster
236  c49-6.cluster
237  c49-6.cluster
238  c49-6.cluster
239  c49-6.cluster
240  c49-6.cluster
241  c49-6.cluster
242  c49-6.cluster
243  c49-6.cluster
244  c49-6.cluster
245  c49-6.cluster
246  c49-6.cluster
247  c49-6.cluster
248  c49-6.cluster
249  c49-6.cluster
250  c49-6.cluster
251  c49-6.cluster
252  c49-6.cluster
253  c49-6.cluster
254  c49-6.cluster
255  c49-6.cluster
256  c49-7.cluster
 ... list truncated at 256
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/topo/fv_0.9x1.25_nc3000_Nsw042_Nrs           1
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/waccm/lb/LBC_17500116-20150116_CMIP6_0           2
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/mam4_mode1_rrtmg_aeronet           4
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/mam4_mode2_rrtmg_aitkend           4
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/mam4_mode3_rrtmg_aeronet           4
 Opened existing file 
 .nc           4
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/dust_aeronet_rrtmg_c1411           4
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c           4
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c           4
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c           5
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c           6
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c           6

l, cnst_name(l), cnst_name_cw(l)
   1  Q                                     
   2  CLDLIQ                                
   3  CLDICE                                
   4  NUMLIQ                                
   5  NUMICE                                
   6  RAINQM                                
   7  SNOWQM                                
   8  NUMRAI                                
   9  NUMSNO                                
  10  O3                                    
  11  O                                     
  12  O2                                    
  13  N2O                                   
  14  N                                     
  15  NO                                    
  16  NO2                                   
  17  NO3                                   
  18  HNO3                                  
  19  HO2NO2                                
  20  N2O5                                  
  21  CH4                                   
  22  CH3O2                                 
  23  CH3OOH                                
  24  CH2O                                  
  25  CO                                    
  26  H2                                    
  27  H                                     
  28  H2O2                                  
  29  CLY                                   
  30  BRY                                   
  31  CL2                                   
  32  CLO                                   
  33  OCLO                                  
  34  CL2O2                                 
  35  HCL                                   
  36  HOCL                                  
  37  CLONO2                                
  38  BRCL                                  
  39  BRO                                   
  40  HBR                                   
  41  HOBR                                  
  42  BRONO2                                
  43  CH3CL                                 
  44  CH3BR                                 
  45  CFC11                                 
  46  CFC12                                 
  47  CFC113                                
  48  HCFC22                                
  49  CCL4                                  
  50  CH3CCL3                               
  51  CF3BR                                 
  52  CF2CLBR                               
  53  HCFC141B                              
  54  HCFC142B                              
  55  CFC114                                
  56  CFC115                                
  57  H1202                                 
  58  H2402                                 
  59  CHBR3                                 
  60  CH2BR2                                
  61  COF2                                  
  62  COFCL                                 
  63  HF                                    
  64  F                                     
  65  CO2                                   
  66  OCS                                   
  67  S                                     
  68  SO                                    
  69  SO2                                   
  70  SO3                                   
  71  H2SO4                                 
  72  DMS                                   
  73  SOAG                                  
  74  so4_a1            so4_c1              
  75  pom_a1            pom_c1              
  76  soa_a1            soa_c1              
  77  bc_a1             bc_c1               
  78  dst_a1            dst_c1              
  79  ncl_a1            ncl_c1              
  80  num_a1            num_c1              
  81  so4_a2            so4_c2              
  82  soa_a2            soa_c2              
  83  ncl_a2            ncl_c2              
  84  num_a2            num_c2              
  85  dst_a2            dst_c2              
  86  dst_a3            dst_c3              
  87  ncl_a3            ncl_c3              
  88  so4_a3            so4_c3              
  89  num_a3            num_c3              
  90  pom_a4            pom_c4              
  91  bc_a4             bc_c4               
  92  num_a4            num_c4              
  93  AOA1                                  
  94  AOA2                                  
  95  HORZ                                  
  96  VERT                                  
calcsize addfld - num_a1_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_a1_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_c1_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_c1_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_a2_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_a2_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_c2_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_c2_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_a3_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_a3_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_c3_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_c3_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_a4_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_a4_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_c4_sfcsiz1             
calcsize addfld - num_c4_sfcsiz2             
calcsize addfld - num_a2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - num_a1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - num_a2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - num_a1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - num_c2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - num_c1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - num_c2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - num_c1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - so4_a2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - so4_a1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - so4_a2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - so4_a1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - so4_c2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - so4_c1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - so4_c2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - so4_c1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - soa_a2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - soa_a1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - soa_a2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - soa_a1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - soa_c2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - soa_c1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - soa_c2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - soa_c1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - ncl_a2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - ncl_a1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - ncl_a2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - ncl_a1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - ncl_c2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - ncl_c1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - ncl_c2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - ncl_c1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - dst_a2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - dst_a1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - dst_a2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - dst_a1_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - dst_c2_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - dst_c1_sfcsiz3             
calcsize addfld - dst_c2_sfcsiz4             
calcsize addfld - dst_c1_sfcsiz4             

subr. modal_aero_gasaerexch_init - primary carbon aging pointers
pair  1     mode  4 ---> mode  1
     spec 92=num_a4           ---> spec 80=num_a1          
     spec 90=pom_a4           ---> spec 75=pom_a1          
     spec 91=bc_a4            ---> spec 77=bc_a1           
qconff addfld   qconff_gaex                   kg/kg/s 
qevapff addfld   qevapff_gaex                  kg/kg/s 
qconbb addfld   qconbb_gaex                   kg/kg/s 
qevapbb addfld   qevapbb_gaex                  kg/kg/s 
qconbg addfld   qconbg_gaex                   kg/kg/s 
qevapbg addfld   qevapbg_gaex                  kg/kg/s 
qcon addfld   qcon_gaex                     kg/kg/s 
qevap addfld   qevap_gaex                    kg/kg/s 
gasaerexch addfld   H2SO4_sfgaex1                 kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   SOAG_sfgaex1                  kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_a1_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   pom_a1_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   soa_a1_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   bc_a1_sfgaex1                 kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   num_a1_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_a2_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   soa_a2_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_a3_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   pom_a4_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   bc_a4_sfgaex1                 kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   num_a4_sfgaex1                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_a1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_c1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   soa_a1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   soa_c1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   dst_a1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   dst_c1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   ncl_a1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   ncl_c1_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   num_a1_sfgaex2                #/m2/s  
gasaerexch addfld   num_c1_sfgaex2                #/m2/s  
gasaerexch addfld   so4_a2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_c2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   soa_a2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   soa_c2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   ncl_a2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   ncl_c2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   num_a2_sfgaex2                #/m2/s  
gasaerexch addfld   num_c2_sfgaex2                #/m2/s  
gasaerexch addfld   dst_a2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   dst_c2_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   dst_a3_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   dst_c3_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   ncl_a3_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   ncl_c3_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_a3_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   so4_c3_sfgaex2                kg/m2/s 
gasaerexch addfld   num_a3_sfgaex2                #/m2/s  
gasaerexch addfld   num_c3_sfgaex2                #/m2/s  

subr. modal_aero_coag_init
pair  1     mode  2 ---> mode  1   eff  1
     spec 81=so4_a2           ---> spec 74=so4_a1          
     spec 82=soa_a2           ---> spec 76=soa_a1          
     spec 83=ncl_a2           ---> spec 79=ncl_a1          
     spec 85=dst_a2           ---> spec 78=dst_a1          
pair  2     mode  4 ---> mode  1   eff  1
     spec 90=pom_a4           ---> spec 75=pom_a1          
     spec 91=bc_a4            ---> spec 77=bc_a1           
pair  3     mode  2 ---> mode  4   eff  1
     spec 81=so4_a2           ---> spec 74=so4_a1          
     spec 82=soa_a2           ---> spec 76=soa_a1          
     spec 83=ncl_a2           ---> spec 79=ncl_a1          
     spec 85=dst_a2           ---> spec 78=dst_a1          
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  so4_a1_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  pom_a1_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  soa_a1_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  bc_a1_sfcoag1                kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  dst_a1_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  ncl_a1_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  num_a1_sfcoag1               #/m2/s  
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  so4_a2_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  soa_a2_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  ncl_a2_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  num_a2_sfcoag1               #/m2/s  
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  dst_a2_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  pom_a4_sfcoag1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  bc_a4_sfcoag1                kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_coag_init addfld  num_a4_sfcoag1               #/m2/s  
modal_aero_newnuc_init addfld  H2SO4_sfnnuc1                kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_newnuc_init addfld  so4_a2_sfnnuc1               kg/m2/s 
modal_aero_newnuc_init addfld  num_a2_sfnnuc1               #/m2/s  
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/dst/dst_source2x2tunedcam6-2x2-040           5
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 5/           7
 Opened existing file 
 5/           7
 Opened existing file 
 5/           8
 Opened existing file 
 5/           8
 Opened existing file 
 5/           9
 Opened existing file 
 5/           9
 Opened existing file 
 5/          10
 Opened existing file 
 5/          10
 Opened existing file 
 5/          11
 Opened existing file 
 5/          11
 Opened existing file 
 5/          12
 Opened existing file 
 5/          12
 Opened existing file 
 5/          13
 Opened existing file 
 5/          13
 Opened existing file 
 5/          14
 Opened existing file 
 5/          14
 Opened existing file 
 5/          15
 Opened existing file 
 5/          15
 Opened existing file 
 c          16
 Opened existing file 
 c          16
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 5/          18
 Opened existing file 
 5/          18
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 5/          23
 Opened existing file 
 5/          23
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 5/emissions-cmip6_num_so4_a1_anthro-ag-ship_surface_1750-2015_0.9x1.25_c2017061          28
 Opened existing file 
 5/emissions-cmip6_num_so4_a1_anthro-ag-ship_surface_1750-2015_0.9x1.25_c2017061          28
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 5/          32
 Opened existing file 
 5/          32
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 5/          34
 Opened existing file 
 5/          34
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 c          40
 Opened existing file 
 c          40
 Opened existing file 
 c          41
 Opened existing file 
 c          41
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 c          43
 Opened existing file 
 c          43
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/stratvolc/VolcanEESMv3.10_piC          47
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/stratvolc/VolcanEESMv3.10_piC          47
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/dvel/regrid_veget          48
 Opened existing file 
 c          48
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/waccm/ub/          49
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/water_refindex_rrtmg_c08          49
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c          49
 Opened existing file 
 /cluster/work/users/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/solar/SolarForcingCMIP6piControl_c          49
 Opened existing file 

256 pes participating in computation for CLM


(    0)  c48-10.cluster
(    1)  c48-10.cluster
(    2)  c48-10.cluster
(    3)  c48-10.cluster
(    4)  c48-10.cluster
(    5)  c48-10.cluster
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(   13)  c48-10.cluster
(   14)  c48-10.cluster
(   15)  c48-10.cluster
(   16)  c48-10.cluster
(   17)  c48-10.cluster
(   18)  c48-10.cluster
(   19)  c48-10.cluster
(   20)  c48-10.cluster
(   21)  c48-10.cluster
(   22)  c48-10.cluster
(   23)  c48-10.cluster
(   24)  c48-10.cluster
(   25)  c48-10.cluster
(   26)  c48-10.cluster
(   27)  c48-10.cluster
(   28)  c48-10.cluster
(   29)  c48-10.cluster
(   30)  c48-10.cluster
(   31)  c48-10.cluster
(   32)  c48-12.cluster
(   33)  c48-12.cluster
(   34)  c48-12.cluster
(   35)  c48-12.cluster
(   36)  c48-12.cluster
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(   62)  c48-12.cluster
(   63)  c48-12.cluster
(   64)  c49-1.cluster
(   65)  c49-1.cluster
(   66)  c49-1.cluster
(   67)  c49-1.cluster
(   68)  c49-1.cluster
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(   72)  c49-1.cluster
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(   74)  c49-1.cluster
(   75)  c49-1.cluster
(   76)  c49-1.cluster
(   77)  c49-1.cluster
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(   94)  c49-1.cluster
(   95)  c49-1.cluster
(   96)  c49-2.cluster
(   97)  c49-2.cluster
(   98)  c49-2.cluster
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(  128)  c49-3.cluster
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(  159)  c49-3.cluster
(  160)  c49-4.cluster
(  161)  c49-4.cluster
(  162)  c49-4.cluster
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(  192)  c49-5.cluster
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(  223)  c49-5.cluster
(  224)  c49-6.cluster
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(  253)  c49-6.cluster
(  254)  c49-6.cluster
(  255)  c49-6.cluster
 proc=            1  beg gridcell=           84  end gridcell=          165 
  total gridcells per proc=           82
 proc=            1  beg landunit=          202  end landunit=          393 
  total landunits per proc=          192
 proc=            1  beg column  =          493  end column  =          963 
  total columns per proc  =          471
 proc=            1  beg patch     =          707  end patch     =         1408 
  total patches per proc =          702
 proc=            1  beg coh     =           84  end coh     =          165 
  total coh per proc     =           82
 proc=            1  lnd ngseg   =         9433  lnd nlseg   =           38
 proc=            1  gce ngseg   =         8960  gce nlseg   =           35
 proc=            1  lun ngseg   =        49132  lun nlseg   =          184
 proc=            1  col ngseg   =        49132  col nlseg   =          184
 proc=            1  patch ngseg   =        49132  patch nlseg   =          184
 proc=            1  coh ngseg   =            0  coh nlseg   =            0
 proc=            1  nclumps =            1
 proc=            1  clump no =            1  clump id=            2 
  beg gridcell=           84  end gridcell=          165 
  total gridcells per clump=           82
 proc=            1  clump no =            1  clump id=            2 
  beg landunit=          202  end landunit=          393 
  total landunits per clump =          192
 proc=            1  clump no =            1  clump id=            2 
  beg column  =          493  end column  =          963 
  total columns per clump  =          471
 proc=            1  clump no =            1  clump id=            2 
  beg patch     =          707  end patch     =         1408 
  total patches per clump =          702
 proc=            1  clump no =            1  clump id=            2 
  beg cohort     =           84  end cohort     =          165 
  total cohorts per clump     =           82
 proc=          127  beg gridcell=        10426  end gridcell=        10507 
  total gridcells per proc=           82
 proc=          127  beg landunit=        25130  end landunit=        25329 
  total landunits per proc=          200
 proc=          127  beg column  =        61308  end column  =        61769 
  total columns per proc  =          462
 proc=          127  beg patch     =        90741  end patch     =        91428 
  total patches per proc =          688
 proc=          127  beg coh     =        10426  end coh     =        10507 
  total coh per proc     =           82
 proc=          127  lnd ngseg   =         9433  lnd nlseg   =           36
 proc=          127  gce ngseg   =         8960  gce nlseg   =           35
 proc=          127  lun ngseg   =        49132  lun nlseg   =          192
 proc=          127  col ngseg   =        49132  col nlseg   =          192
 proc=          127  patch ngseg   =        49132  patch nlseg   =          192
 proc=          127  coh ngseg   =            0  coh nlseg   =            0
 proc=          127  nclumps =            1
 proc=          127  clump no =            1  clump id=          128 
  beg gridcell=        10426  end gridcell=        10507 
  total gridcells per clump=           82
 proc=          127  clump no =            1  clump id=          128 
  beg landunit=        25130  end landunit=        25329 
  total landunits per clump =          200
 proc=          127  clump no =            1  clump id=          128 
  beg column  =        61308  end column  =        61769 
  total columns per clump  =          462
 proc=          127  clump no =            1  clump id=          128 
  beg patch     =        90741  end patch     =        91428 
  total patches per clump =          688
 proc=          127  clump no =            1  clump id=          128 
  beg cohort     =        10426  end cohort     =        10507 
  total cohorts per clump     =           82
 proc=          254  beg gridcell=        20850  end gridcell=        20931 
  total gridcells per proc=           82
 proc=          254  beg landunit=        50126  end landunit=        50322 
  total landunits per proc=          197
 proc=          254  beg column  =       124270  end column  =       124741 
  total columns per proc  =          472
 proc=          254  beg patch     =       181901  end patch     =       182599 
  total patches per proc =          699
 proc=          254  beg coh     =        20850  end coh     =        20931 
  total coh per proc     =           82
 proc=          254  lnd ngseg   =         9433  lnd nlseg   =           37
 proc=          254  gce ngseg   =         8960  gce nlseg   =           35
 proc=          254  lun ngseg   =        49132  lun nlseg   =          190
 proc=          254  col ngseg   =        49132  col nlseg   =          190
 proc=          254  patch ngseg   =        49132  patch nlseg   =          190
 proc=          254  coh ngseg   =            0  coh nlseg   =            0
 proc=          254  nclumps =            1
 proc=          254  clump no =            1  clump id=          255 
  beg gridcell=        20850  end gridcell=        20931 
  total gridcells per clump=           82
 proc=          254  clump no =            1  clump id=          255 
  beg landunit=        50126  end landunit=        50322 
  total landunits per clump =          197
 proc=          254  clump no =            1  clump id=          255 
  beg column  =       124270  end column  =       124741 
  total columns per clump  =          472
 proc=          254  clump no =            1  clump id=          255 
  beg patch     =       181901  end patch     =       182599 
  total patches per clump =          699
 proc=          254  clump no =            1  clump id=          255 
  beg cohort     =        20850  end cohort     =        20931 
  total cohorts per clump     =           82
 proc=          255  beg gridcell=        20932  end gridcell=        21013 
  total gridcells per proc=           82
 proc=          255  beg landunit=        50323  end landunit=        50525 
  total landunits per proc=          203
 proc=          255  beg column  =       124742  end column  =       125253 
  total columns per proc  =          512
 proc=          255  beg patch     =       182600  end patch     =       183329 
  total patches per proc =          730
 proc=          255  beg coh     =        20932  end coh     =        21013 
  total coh per proc     =           82
 proc=          255  lnd ngseg   =         9433  lnd nlseg   =           38
 proc=          255  gce ngseg   =         8960  gce nlseg   =           35
 proc=          255  lun ngseg   =        49132  lun nlseg   =          196
 proc=          255  col ngseg   =        49132  col nlseg   =          196
 proc=          255  patch ngseg   =        49132  patch nlseg   =          196
 proc=          255  coh ngseg   =            0  coh nlseg   =            0
 proc=          255  nclumps =            1
 proc=          255  clump no =            1  clump id=          256 
  beg gridcell=        20932  end gridcell=        21013 
  total gridcells per clump=           82
 proc=          255  clump no =            1  clump id=          256 
  beg landunit=        50323  end landunit=        50525 
  total landunits per clump =          203
 proc=          255  clump no =            1  clump id=          256 
  beg column  =       124742  end column  =       125253 
  total columns per clump  =          512
 proc=          255  clump no =            1  clump id=          256 
  beg patch     =       182600  end patch     =       183329 
  total patches per clump =          730
 proc=          255  clump no =            1  clump id=          256 
  beg cohort     =        20932  end cohort     =        21013 
  total cohorts per clump     =           82
MOSART decomp info proc =         1 begr =      1014 endr =      2026 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         2 begr =      2027 endr =      3039 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         3 begr =      3040 endr =      4052 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         4 begr =      4053 endr =      5065 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         5 begr =      5066 endr =      6078 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         6 begr =      6079 endr =      7091 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         7 begr =      7092 endr =      8104 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         8 begr =      8105 endr =      9117 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =         9 begr =      9118 endr =     10130 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        10 begr =     10131 endr =     11143 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        11 begr =     11144 endr =     12156 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        12 begr =     12157 endr =     13169 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        13 begr =     13170 endr =     14182 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        14 begr =     14183 endr =     15195 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        15 begr =     15196 endr =     16208 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        16 begr =     16209 endr =     17221 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        17 begr =     17222 endr =     18234 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        18 begr =     18235 endr =     19247 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        19 begr =     19248 endr =     20260 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        20 begr =     20261 endr =     21273 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        21 begr =     21274 endr =     22286 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        22 begr =     22287 endr =     23299 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        23 begr =     23300 endr =     24312 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        24 begr =     24313 endr =     25325 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        25 begr =     25326 endr =     26338 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        26 begr =     26339 endr =     27351 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        27 begr =     27352 endr =     28364 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        28 begr =     28365 endr =     29377 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        29 begr =     29378 endr =     30390 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        30 begr =     30391 endr =     31403 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        31 begr =     31404 endr =     32416 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        32 begr =     32417 endr =     33429 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        33 begr =     33430 endr =     34442 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        34 begr =     34443 endr =     35455 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        35 begr =     35456 endr =     36468 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        36 begr =     36469 endr =     37481 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        37 begr =     37482 endr =     38494 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        38 begr =     38495 endr =     39507 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        39 begr =     39508 endr =     40520 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        40 begr =     40521 endr =     41533 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        41 begr =     41534 endr =     42546 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        42 begr =     42547 endr =     43559 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        43 begr =     43560 endr =     44572 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        44 begr =     44573 endr =     45585 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        45 begr =     45586 endr =     46598 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        46 begr =     46599 endr =     47611 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        47 begr =     47612 endr =     48624 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        48 begr =     48625 endr =     49637 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        49 begr =     49638 endr =     50650 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        50 begr =     50651 endr =     51663 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        51 begr =     51664 endr =     52676 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        52 begr =     52677 endr =     53689 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        53 begr =     53690 endr =     54702 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        54 begr =     54703 endr =     55715 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        55 begr =     55716 endr =     56728 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        56 begr =     56729 endr =     57741 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        57 begr =     57742 endr =     58754 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        58 begr =     58755 endr =     59767 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        59 begr =     59768 endr =     60780 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        60 begr =     60781 endr =     61793 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        61 begr =     61794 endr =     62806 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        62 begr =     62807 endr =     63819 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        63 begr =     63820 endr =     64832 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        64 begr =     64833 endr =     65845 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        65 begr =     65846 endr =     66858 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        66 begr =     66859 endr =     67871 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        67 begr =     67872 endr =     68884 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        68 begr =     68885 endr =     69897 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        69 begr =     69898 endr =     70910 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        70 begr =     70911 endr =     71923 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        71 begr =     71924 endr =     72936 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        72 begr =     72937 endr =     73949 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        73 begr =     73950 endr =     74962 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        74 begr =     74963 endr =     75975 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        75 begr =     75976 endr =     76988 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        76 begr =     76989 endr =     78001 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        77 begr =     78002 endr =     79014 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        78 begr =     79015 endr =     80027 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        79 begr =     80028 endr =     81040 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        80 begr =     81041 endr =     82053 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        81 begr =     82054 endr =     83066 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        82 begr =     83067 endr =     84079 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        83 begr =     84080 endr =     85092 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        84 begr =     85093 endr =     86105 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        85 begr =     86106 endr =     87118 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        86 begr =     87119 endr =     88131 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        87 begr =     88132 endr =     89144 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        88 begr =     89145 endr =     90157 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        89 begr =     90158 endr =     91170 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        90 begr =     91171 endr =     92183 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        91 begr =     92184 endr =     93196 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        92 begr =     93197 endr =     94209 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        93 begr =     94210 endr =     95222 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        94 begr =     95223 endr =     96235 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        95 begr =     96236 endr =     97248 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        96 begr =     97249 endr =     98261 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        97 begr =     98262 endr =     99274 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        98 begr =     99275 endr =    100287 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =        99 begr =    100288 endr =    101300 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       100 begr =    101301 endr =    102313 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       101 begr =    102314 endr =    103326 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       102 begr =    103327 endr =    104339 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       103 begr =    104340 endr =    105352 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       104 begr =    105353 endr =    106365 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       105 begr =    106366 endr =    107378 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       106 begr =    107379 endr =    108391 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       107 begr =    108392 endr =    109404 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       108 begr =    109405 endr =    110417 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       109 begr =    110418 endr =    111430 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       110 begr =    111431 endr =    112443 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       111 begr =    112444 endr =    113456 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       112 begr =    113457 endr =    114469 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       113 begr =    114470 endr =    115482 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       114 begr =    115483 endr =    116495 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       115 begr =    116496 endr =    117508 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       116 begr =    117509 endr =    118521 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       117 begr =    118522 endr =    119534 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       118 begr =    119535 endr =    120547 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       119 begr =    120548 endr =    121560 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       120 begr =    121561 endr =    122573 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       121 begr =    122574 endr =    123586 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       122 begr =    123587 endr =    124599 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       123 begr =    124600 endr =    125612 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       124 begr =    125613 endr =    126625 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       125 begr =    126626 endr =    127638 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       126 begr =    127639 endr =    128651 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       127 begr =    128652 endr =    129664 numr =      1013
MOSART decomp info proc =       128 begr =    129665 endr =    130676 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       129 begr =    130677 endr =    131688 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       130 begr =    131689 endr =    132700 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       131 begr =    132701 endr =    133712 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       132 begr =    133713 endr =    134724 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       133 begr =    134725 endr =    135736 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       134 begr =    135737 endr =    136748 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       135 begr =    136749 endr =    137760 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       136 begr =    137761 endr =    138772 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       137 begr =    138773 endr =    139784 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       138 begr =    139785 endr =    140796 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       139 begr =    140797 endr =    141808 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       140 begr =    141809 endr =    142820 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       141 begr =    142821 endr =    143832 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       142 begr =    143833 endr =    144844 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       143 begr =    144845 endr =    145856 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       144 begr =    145857 endr =    146868 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       145 begr =    146869 endr =    147880 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       146 begr =    147881 endr =    148892 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       147 begr =    148893 endr =    149904 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       148 begr =    149905 endr =    150916 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       149 begr =    150917 endr =    151928 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       150 begr =    151929 endr =    152940 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       151 begr =    152941 endr =    153952 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       152 begr =    153953 endr =    154964 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       153 begr =    154965 endr =    155976 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       154 begr =    155977 endr =    156988 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       155 begr =    156989 endr =    158000 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       156 begr =    158001 endr =    159012 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       157 begr =    159013 endr =    160024 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       158 begr =    160025 endr =    161036 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       159 begr =    161037 endr =    162048 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       160 begr =    162049 endr =    163060 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       161 begr =    163061 endr =    164072 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       162 begr =    164073 endr =    165084 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       163 begr =    165085 endr =    166096 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       164 begr =    166097 endr =    167108 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       165 begr =    167109 endr =    168120 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       166 begr =    168121 endr =    169132 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       167 begr =    169133 endr =    170144 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       168 begr =    170145 endr =    171156 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       169 begr =    171157 endr =    172168 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       170 begr =    172169 endr =    173180 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       171 begr =    173181 endr =    174192 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       172 begr =    174193 endr =    175204 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       173 begr =    175205 endr =    176216 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       174 begr =    176217 endr =    177228 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       175 begr =    177229 endr =    178240 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       176 begr =    178241 endr =    179252 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       177 begr =    179253 endr =    180264 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       178 begr =    180265 endr =    181276 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       179 begr =    181277 endr =    182288 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       180 begr =    182289 endr =    183300 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       181 begr =    183301 endr =    184312 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       182 begr =    184313 endr =    185324 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       183 begr =    185325 endr =    186336 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       184 begr =    186337 endr =    187348 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       185 begr =    187349 endr =    188360 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       186 begr =    188361 endr =    189372 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       187 begr =    189373 endr =    190384 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       188 begr =    190385 endr =    191396 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       189 begr =    191397 endr =    192408 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       190 begr =    192409 endr =    193420 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       191 begr =    193421 endr =    194432 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       192 begr =    194433 endr =    195444 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       193 begr =    195445 endr =    196456 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       194 begr =    196457 endr =    197468 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       195 begr =    197469 endr =    198480 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       196 begr =    198481 endr =    199492 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       197 begr =    199493 endr =    200504 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       198 begr =    200505 endr =    201516 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       199 begr =    201517 endr =    202528 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       200 begr =    202529 endr =    203540 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       201 begr =    203541 endr =    204552 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       202 begr =    204553 endr =    205564 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       203 begr =    205565 endr =    206576 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       204 begr =    206577 endr =    207588 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       205 begr =    207589 endr =    208600 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       206 begr =    208601 endr =    209612 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       207 begr =    209613 endr =    210624 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       208 begr =    210625 endr =    211636 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       209 begr =    211637 endr =    212648 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       210 begr =    212649 endr =    213660 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       211 begr =    213661 endr =    214672 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       212 begr =    214673 endr =    215684 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       213 begr =    215685 endr =    216696 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       214 begr =    216697 endr =    217708 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       215 begr =    217709 endr =    218720 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       216 begr =    218721 endr =    219732 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       217 begr =    219733 endr =    220744 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       218 begr =    220745 endr =    221756 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       219 begr =    221757 endr =    222768 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       220 begr =    222769 endr =    223780 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       221 begr =    223781 endr =    224792 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       222 begr =    224793 endr =    225804 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       223 begr =    225805 endr =    226816 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       224 begr =    226817 endr =    227828 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       225 begr =    227829 endr =    228840 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       226 begr =    228841 endr =    229852 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       227 begr =    229853 endr =    230864 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       228 begr =    230865 endr =    231876 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       229 begr =    231877 endr =    232888 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       230 begr =    232889 endr =    233900 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       231 begr =    233901 endr =    234912 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       232 begr =    234913 endr =    235924 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       233 begr =    235925 endr =    236936 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       234 begr =    236937 endr =    237948 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       235 begr =    237949 endr =    238960 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       236 begr =    238961 endr =    239972 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       237 begr =    239973 endr =    240984 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       238 begr =    240985 endr =    241996 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       239 begr =    241997 endr =    243008 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       240 begr =    243009 endr =    244020 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       241 begr =    244021 endr =    245032 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       242 begr =    245033 endr =    246044 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       243 begr =    246045 endr =    247056 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       244 begr =    247057 endr =    248068 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       245 begr =    248069 endr =    249080 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       246 begr =    249081 endr =    250092 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       247 begr =    250093 endr =    251104 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       248 begr =    251105 endr =    252116 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       249 begr =    252117 endr =    253128 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       250 begr =    253129 endr =    254140 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       251 begr =    254141 endr =    255152 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       252 begr =    255153 endr =    256164 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       253 begr =    256165 endr =    257176 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       254 begr =    257177 endr =    258188 numr =      1012
MOSART decomp info proc =       255 begr =    258189 endr =    259200 numr =      1012
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    34 at global (i,j) =   198     7  changed to    33
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    34 at global (i,j) =   199     7  changed to    33
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    34 at global (i,j) =   200     7  changed to    33
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=196    4
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=197    4
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=198    4
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=199    4
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=200    4
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=196    5
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=197    5
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=198    5
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=199    5
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=200    5
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=196    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=197    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=198    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=199    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source region mask at global (ij)=200    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source adjacent mask at global (ij)=198    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source adjacent mask at global (ij)=199    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Source adjacent mask at global (ij)=200    6
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=198    8
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=199    8
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=200    8
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=198    9
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=199    9
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=200    9
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=198   10
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=199   10
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=200   10
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=198   11
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=199   11
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=200   11
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=198   12
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=199   12
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Inflow region mask at global (ij)=200   12
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=194   13
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=195   13
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=196   13
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   13
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   13
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   13
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=194   14
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=195   14
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=196   14
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=194   15
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=195   15
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=196   15
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=194   16
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=195   16
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=196   16
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=194   17
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=195   17
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=196   17
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   14
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   14
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   14
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   15
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   15
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   15
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   16
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   16
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   16
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   17
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   17
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   17
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   18
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   18
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   18
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   19
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   19
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   19
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=194   20
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=195   20
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=196   20
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=199   18
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=199   19
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=199   20
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=200   18
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=200   19
 Overflow: Ross Sea                 Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=200   20
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    38 at global (i,j) =    38   349  changed to    37
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    38 at global (i,j) =    38   350  changed to    37
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    38 at global (i,j) =    38   351  changed to    37
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    33 at global (i,j) =    19   370  changed to    32
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    33 at global (i,j) =    19   371  changed to    32
 init_overflows_kmt: KMT =    33 at global (i,j) =    19   372  changed to    32
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 41  349
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 42  349
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 41  350
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 42  350
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 41  351
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 42  351
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 41  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 42  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 41  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 42  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 41  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 42  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 41  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 42  355
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 12  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 13  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 14  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 15  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 15  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 14  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 13  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 12  359
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 12  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 11  359
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 11  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 10  359
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 10  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  9  359
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  9  360
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  6  352
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  6  353
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  6  354
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  6  355
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  6  356
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  6  357
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 39  349
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 40  349
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source adjacent mask at global (ij)= 39  349
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 39  350
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 40  350
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source adjacent mask at global (ij)= 39  350
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 39  351
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 12  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 13  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 14  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 15  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 15  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 12  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 13  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 14  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 15  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 15  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  366
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 40  351
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source adjacent mask at global (ij)= 39  351
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 25  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 26  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 27  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 28  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 29  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 30  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 39  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 40  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 28  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 29  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 30  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 31  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 31  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 25  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 26  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 27  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 28  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 29  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 30  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 39  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 40  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 28  353
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=318   12
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=319   12
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=320   12
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=317   13
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=318   13
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=319   13
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   14
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=317   14
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=318   14
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=315   15
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   15
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=317   15
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 12  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 13  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 14  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 15  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 15  366
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 10  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 11  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 12  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 13  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 14  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 15  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 12  367
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=315   16
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   16
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=317   16
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=315   17
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   17
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=317   17
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=315   18
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   18
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=317   18
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   20
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   21
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=316   22
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=318   21
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=318   22
 Overflow: Weddell Sea              Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=318   23
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 29  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 30  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 31  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 31  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 25  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 26  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 27  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 28  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 29  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 30  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 39  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 40  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 28  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 29  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 30  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 31  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 31  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 25  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 26  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 27  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 28  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 29  355
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 13  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 14  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 15  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 15  367
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 20  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 21  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 22  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 23  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 24  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 25  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 26  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 27  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 28  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 29  370
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 30  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 39  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Source region mask at global (ij)= 40  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 28  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 29  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 30  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment region mask at global (ij)= 31  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)= 31  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 25  356
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 26  356
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 27  356
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 28  356
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 29  356
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 30  356
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 25  357
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 26  357
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 27  357
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 28  357
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 29  357
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Inflow region mask at global (ij)= 30  357
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 29  352
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 30  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source adjacent mask at global (ij)= 20  370
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 20  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 21  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 22  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 23  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 24  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 25  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 26  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 27  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 28  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 29  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 30  371
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source adjacent mask at global (ij)= 20  371
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 29  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 29  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 28  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 28  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 28  355
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 27  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 27  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 27  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 25  351
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 25  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 25  353
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 25  354
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 22  350
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 22  351
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 22  352
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 19  346
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 19  347
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 19  348
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 20  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 21  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 22  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 23  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 24  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 25  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 26  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 27  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 28  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 29  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source region mask at global (ij)= 30  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Source adjacent mask at global (ij)= 20  372
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 14  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 14  362
 Overflow: Faroe Bank Channel       Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 19  349
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 14  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 13  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 13  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 13  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 12  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 12  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 12  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 12  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 12  365
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 11  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 11  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 10  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 10  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 10  363
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)= 10  364
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  9  361
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  9  362
 Overflow: Denmark Strait           Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=  9  363
    PROC    1   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC    2   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC    3   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC    4   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   13
    PROC    7   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   11
    PROC   97   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC    6   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   10
    PROC   98   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   27   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    7
    PROC  103   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    6
    PROC   28   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    9
    PROC  105   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   31   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    9
    PROC  106   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC    5   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    7
    PROC  108   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   11   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC  109   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   13
    PROC   15   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC  110   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   20   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC  111   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   23   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    6
    PROC  112   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    3
    PROC    8   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  113   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   13
    PROC   10   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    3
    PROC  114   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   13
    PROC   13   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  115   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   11
    PROC   18   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    2
    PROC  117   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   11
    PROC   25   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    4
    PROC  118   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   14
    PROC   26   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  119   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   10
    PROC    9   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    1
    PROC  120   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   12   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  122   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   16   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  123   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC   17   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  125   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   13
    PROC   19   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  126   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   21   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  127   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   22   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   96   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    6
    PROC   24   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   99   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   29   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  100   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC   30   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  101   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   14   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC  102   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC  104   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC  107   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC  116   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    4
    PROC  121   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC  124   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    6
    PROC   33   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   35   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   11
    PROC   37   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   41   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   42   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   43   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    7
    PROC   44   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    4
    PROC   45   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   64   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC   48   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    3
    PROC   65   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   50   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   66   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    2
    PROC   51   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   10
    PROC   67   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   10
    PROC   52   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    5
    PROC   69   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   53   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   70   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   54   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   71   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   55   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   72   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    9
    PROC   56   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    1
    PROC   73   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   57   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   14
    PROC   74   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    9
    PROC   60   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    3
    PROC   75   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   61   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   76   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   62   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    2
    PROC   77   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   63   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   78   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    3
    PROC   32   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   79   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    8
    PROC   34   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   80   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    9
    PROC   36   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    7
    PROC   81   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   39   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   82   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   13
    PROC   40   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    3
    PROC   83   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    9
    PROC   46   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   84   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   47   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   14
    PROC   85   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    1
    PROC   49   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   86   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    8
    PROC   58   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   87   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    6
    PROC   59   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   88   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    8
    PROC   38   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   89   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   90   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   15
    PROC   91   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   13
    PROC   92   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    1
    PROC   93   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
    PROC   94   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :   12
    PROC   95   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    3
    PROC   68   EVP blocks :   15  land blocks :    0
           1 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           2 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           3 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           4 : (init_tidal_mixing1) not all REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           5 : (init_tidal_mixing1) not all REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           6 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           7 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           8 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
           9 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          10 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          11 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          12 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          13 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          14 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          15 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          16 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          17 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          18 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          19 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          20 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          21 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          22 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          23 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          24 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          25 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          26 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          27 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          28 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          29 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          30 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          31 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196  10  22   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195  10  23   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196  10  23   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   8  24   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   8  24   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   9  24   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   9  24   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   9  24   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183  10  24   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194  10  24   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195  10  24   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196  10  24   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   8  25   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   8  25   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   8  25   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   9  25   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   9  25   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   9  25   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   9  25   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   9  25   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   9  25   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   9  25   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   9  25   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183  10  25   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189  10  25   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193  10  25   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194  10  25   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195  10  25   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196  10  25   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197  10  25   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  26   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   6  26   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  26   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  27   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  27   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   6  27   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  27   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  27   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  27   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  28   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  26   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  26   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   8  26   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   8  26   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   8  26   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   8  26   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   8  26   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   8  26   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   9  26   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   9  26   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   9  26   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  28   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   4  28   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  28   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  28   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   5  28   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  28   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  28   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  28   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  28   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   6  28   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  28   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   9  26   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   9  26   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   9  26   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   9  26   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   9  26   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   9  26   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   9  26   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   9  26   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183  10  26   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187  10  26   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188  10  26   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189  10  26   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190  10  26   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  28   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  28   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  29   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  29   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  29   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  29   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   4  29   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  29   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  29   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  29   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  29   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   5  29   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  29   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191  10  26   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192  10  26   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193  10  26   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194  10  26   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195  10  26   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196  10  26   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197  10  26   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  27   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  27   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   7  27   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   7  27   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  29   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  29   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  29   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   6  29   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  29   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  29   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  29   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  30   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  30   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  30   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  27   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  27   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  27   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   8  27   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   8  27   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   8  27   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   8  27   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   8  27   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   8  27   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   8  27   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   9  27   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   9  27   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  30   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   4  30   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  30   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  30   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  30   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  30   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   5  30   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  30   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  30   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  30   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  30   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   9  27   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   9  27   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   9  27   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   9  27   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   9  27   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   9  27   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   9  27   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   9  27   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   9  27   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   9  27   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183  10  27   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186  10  27   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187  10  27   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   6  30   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  30   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  30   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  30   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  30   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  30   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  31   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  31   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  31   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  31   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   4  31   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  31   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  31   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  31   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  31   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   5  31   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  31   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  31   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188  10  27   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189  10  27   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190  10  27   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191  10  27   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192  10  27   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193  10  27   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194  10  27   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195  10  27   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196  10  27   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197  10  27   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  28   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  28   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  28   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  28   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   6  28   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  28   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  28   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  31   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  31   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   6  31   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  31   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  31   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  31   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  31   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   7  31   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  31   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  31   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  32   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  28   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  28   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   7  28   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   7  28   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  28   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  28   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  28   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   8  28   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   8  28   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   8  28   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   8  28   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  32   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  32   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  32   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   4  32   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  32   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  32   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  32   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  32   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   5  32   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  32   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  32   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   8  28   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   8  28   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   8  28   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   9  28   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   9  28   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   9  28   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   9  28   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   9  28   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   9  28   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   9  28   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   9  28   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  32   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  32   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  32   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  32   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   7  32   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  32   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  32   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  33   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  33   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  33   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   9  28   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   9  28   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   9  28   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   9  28   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   9  28   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   9  28   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183  10  28   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184  10  28   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185  10  28   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186  10  28   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187  10  28   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  33   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   4  33   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  33   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  33   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  33   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  33   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   5  33   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  33   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  33   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  33   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   7  33   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188  10  28   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189  10  28   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190  10  28   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191  10  28   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192  10  28   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193  10  28   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194  10  28   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195  10  28   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197  10  28   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   4  29   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  33   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  33   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  33   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  34   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  34   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  34   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  34   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  34   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   7  34   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   4  29   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   4  29   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   4  29   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  29   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  29   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  29   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  29   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   5  29   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   5  29   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   5  29   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   5  29   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  34   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  34   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  34   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  34   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  35   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   7  35   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  35   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  35   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  35   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  35   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   5  29   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   5  29   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   5  29   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   5  29   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   5  29   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   5  29   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   5  29   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   5  29   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   5  29   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   5  29   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   5  29   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  29   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  29   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  29   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  29   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   6  29   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   6  29   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  35   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  35   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   7  36   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  36   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  36   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  36   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  36   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  36   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  37   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  37   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   8  37   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  37   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  37   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   6  29   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   6  29   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   6  29   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   6  29   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   6  29   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   6  29   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   6  29   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   6  29   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   6  29   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   6  29   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   6  29   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   6  29   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  37   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  38   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  38   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   8  38   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  38   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  38   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  38   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  38   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  39   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   6  29   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   6  29   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  29   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  29   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  29   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  29   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   7  29   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   7  29   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   7  29   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   7  29   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   7  29   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   7  29   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   8  39   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  39   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  39   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  39   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  39   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  39   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  39   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  40   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   8  40   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  40   1     -74.95    184.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   7  29   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   7  29   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   7  29   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   7  29   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   7  29   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   7  29   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   7  29   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   7  29   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   7  29   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   7  29   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  29   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  29   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  29   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   8  29   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   8  29   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   8  29   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   8  29   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   8  29   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   8  29   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   8  29   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   8  29   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   8  29   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   8  29   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  40   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  40   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   9  40   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  40   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  40   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  40   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   8  41   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  41   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  41   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  41   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   9  41   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  41   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  41   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  41   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   8  42   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  42   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  42   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  42   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   9  42   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  42   1     -74.41    184.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          96 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          32 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          97 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          35 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          98 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          64 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          39 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          99 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          65 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          40 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         100 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          66 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          41 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   8  29   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   8  29   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   8  29   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   8  29   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   8  29   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   8  29   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   9  29   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   9  29   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   9  29   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   9  29   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   9  29   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   9  29   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   9  29   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   9  29   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   9  29   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   9  29   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   9  29   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   9  29   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   9  29   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   9  29   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   9  29   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183  10  29   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184  10  29   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185  10  29   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186  10  29   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187  10  29   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188  10  29   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189  10  29   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190  10  29   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191  10  29   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192  10  29   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193  10  29   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194  10  29   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197  10  29   1     -74.41    181.06
         101 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          67 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          42 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  42   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  42   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203  10  42   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  43   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  43   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   9  43   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  43   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  43   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  43   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203  10  43   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  44   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   9  44   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  44   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  44   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  44   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203  10  44   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203   9  45   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  45   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  45   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203  10  45   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  46   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203  10  46   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 203  10  47   1     -74.41    187.81
         102 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          68 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          43 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         103 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          69 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          47 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         104 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          70 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          48 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         105 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          71 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          51 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         106 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          72 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          52 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         107 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          73 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          53 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         108 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          74 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          54 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         109 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          75 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          55 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         110 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          76 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          56 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         111 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          77 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          57 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   4  30   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   4  30   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   4  30   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   4  30   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  30   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  30   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  30   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  30   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   5  30   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   5  30   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   5  30   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   5  30   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   5  30   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   5  30   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   5  30   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   5  30   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   5  30   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   5  30   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   5  30   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   5  30   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   5  30   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   5  30   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   5  30   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  30   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  30   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  30   1     -77.08    185.56
         112 : (init_tidal_mixing1) not all REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          78 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          58 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  30   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   6  30   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   6  30   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   6  30   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   6  30   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   6  30   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   6  30   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   6  30   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   6  30   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   6  30   1     -76.55    174.31
         113 : (init_tidal_mixing1) not all REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          79 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          59 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   6  30   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   6  30   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   6  30   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   6  30   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   6  30   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   6  30   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   6  30   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  30   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  30   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  30   1     -76.55    185.56
         114 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          80 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          60 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  30   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   7  30   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   7  30   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   7  30   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   7  30   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   7  30   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   7  30   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   7  30   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   7  30   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   7  30   1     -76.02    174.31
         115 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          61 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   7  30   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   7  30   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   7  30   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   7  30   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   7  30   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   7  30   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   7  30   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  30   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  30   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  30   1     -76.02    185.56
         116 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          62 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  26   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   6  26   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  26   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  27   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  27   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   6  27   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  27   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  27   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  27   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  28   1     -77.62    185.56
         117 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          63 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  30   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   8  30   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   8  30   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   8  30   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   8  30   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   8  30   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   8  30   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   8  30   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   8  30   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   8  30   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   8  30   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   8  30   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   8  30   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   8  30   1     -75.48    181.06
         118 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          33 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  28   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   4  28   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  28   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  28   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   5  28   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  28   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  28   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  28   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  28   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   6  28   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  28   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  28   1     -76.02    184.44
         119 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          34 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
         120 : (init_tidal_mixing1) not all REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          36 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   8  30   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  30   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   9  30   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   9  30   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   9  30   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   9  30   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   9  30   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   9  30   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   9  30   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   9  30   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   9  30   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   9  30   1     -74.95    178.81
         121 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          37 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  28   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  29   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  29   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  29   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  29   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   4  29   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  29   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  29   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  29   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  29   1     -77.08    186.69
         122 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          38 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   9  30   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   9  30   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   9  30   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184  10  30   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185  10  30   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186  10  30   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187  10  30   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188  10  30   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189  10  30   1     -74.41    172.06
         123 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          44 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   5  29   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  29   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  29   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  29   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  29   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   6  29   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  29   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  29   1     -76.02    184.44
         124 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          45 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190  10  30   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191  10  30   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192  10  30   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193  10  30   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197  10  30   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198  10  30   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   4  31   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   4  31   1     -77.62    179.94
         125 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          46 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  29   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  30   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  30   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  30   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  30   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   4  30   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  30   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  30   1     -77.08    184.44
         126 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          49 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   4  31   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   4  31   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  31   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  31   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  31   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  31   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   5  31   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   5  31   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   5  31   1     -77.08    167.56
         127 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
          50 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  30   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  30   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   5  30   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  30   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  30   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  30   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  30   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   6  30   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  30   1     -76.02    183.31
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   5  31   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   5  31   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   5  31   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   5  31   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   5  31   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   5  31   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   5  31   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   5  31   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   5  31   1     -77.08    178.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  30   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  30   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  30   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  30   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  31   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  31   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  31   1     -77.62    185.56
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          81 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   5  31   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   5  31   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   5  31   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  31   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  31   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  31   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  31   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   6  31   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   6  31   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   6  31   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   6  31   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   6  31   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   6  31   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   6  31   1     -76.55    172.06
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          82 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  31   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   4  31   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  31   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  31   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  31   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  31   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   5  31   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  31   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  31   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  31   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  31   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   6  31   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  31   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  31   1     -76.02    184.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          83 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   6  31   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   6  31   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   6  31   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   6  31   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   6  31   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   6  31   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   6  31   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   6  31   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   6  31   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  31   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  31   1     -76.55    184.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          84 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  31   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  31   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   7  31   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  31   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  31   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  32   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  32   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  32   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  32   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   4  32   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  32   1     -77.08    183.31
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          85 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  31   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   6  31   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   7  31   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   7  31   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   7  31   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   7  31   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   7  31   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   7  31   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   7  31   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   7  31   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   7  31   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   7  31   1     -76.02    175.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          86 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  32   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  32   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  32   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   5  32   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  32   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  32   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  32   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  32   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  32   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  32   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   7  32   1     -76.02    187.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          87 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   7  31   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   7  31   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   7  31   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   7  31   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   7  31   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   7  31   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  31   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  31   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   7  31   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  31   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   8  31   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   8  31   1     -75.48    166.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          88 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  32   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  32   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  33   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  33   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  33   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  33   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   4  33   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  33   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  33   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  33   1     -77.08    185.56
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          89 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   8  31   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   8  31   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   8  31   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   8  31   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   8  31   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   8  31   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   8  31   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   8  31   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   8  31   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   8  31   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   8  31   1     -75.48    182.19
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          90 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  33   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   5  33   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  33   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  33   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  33   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   7  33   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  33   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  33   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  33   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  34   1     -77.62    183.31
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          91 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  31   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  31   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   9  31   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   9  31   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   9  31   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   9  31   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   9  31   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   9  31   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   9  31   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   9  31   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184  10  31   1     -74.41    166.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          92 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  34   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  34   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  34   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  34   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   7  34   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  34   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  34   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  34   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  34   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  35   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   7  35   1     -76.02    187.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          93 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185  10  31   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186  10  31   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187  10  31   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188  10  31   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190  10  31   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191  10  31   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192  10  31   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198  10  31   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   4  32   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   4  32   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   4  32   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   4  32   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  32   1     -77.62    183.31
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          94 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  35   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  35   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  35   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  35   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  35   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  35   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   7  36   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  36   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  36   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  36   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  36   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  36   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  37   1     -75.48    185.56
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
          95 : (init_tidal_mixing1)     ALL REGION_BOX2D values are zero
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  32   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  32   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  32   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   5  32   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   5  32   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   5  32   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   5  32   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   5  32   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   5  32   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   5  32   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   5  32   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   5  32   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   5  32   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   5  32   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   5  32   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   5  32   1     -77.08    179.94
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  37   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   8  37   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  37   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  37   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  37   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  38   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  38   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   8  38   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  38   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  38   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  38   1     -74.95    185.56
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   5  32   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   5  32   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  32   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  32   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  32   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  32   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   6  32   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   6  32   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   6  32   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   6  32   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   6  32   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   6  32   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   6  32   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   6  32   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   6  32   1     -76.55    174.31
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  38   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  39   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   8  39   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  39   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  39   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  39   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  39   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  39   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  39   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  40   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   8  40   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  40   1     -74.95    184.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   6  32   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   6  32   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   6  32   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   6  32   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   6  32   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   6  32   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   6  32   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  32   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  32   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   6  32   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   7  32   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   7  32   1     -76.02    166.44
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  40   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  40   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   9  40   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  40   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  40   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  40   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   8  41   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  41   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  41   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  41   1     -74.95    186.69
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   7  32   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   7  32   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   7  32   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   7  32   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   7  32   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   7  32   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   7  32   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   7  32   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   7  32   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   7  32   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   7  32   1     -76.02    178.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   9  41   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  41   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  41   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  41   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   8  42   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  42   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  42   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  42   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   9  42   1     -74.95    187.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   7  32   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   7  32   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   7  32   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   7  32   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   7  32   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  32   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   8  32   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   8  32   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   8  32   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   8  32   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   8  32   1     -75.48    169.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  42   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  42   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  42   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203  10  42   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  43   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  43   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   9  43   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  43   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  43   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  43   1     -74.41    186.69
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   8  32   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   8  32   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   8  32   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   8  32   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   8  32   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  32   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  32   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   9  32   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   9  32   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   9  32   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   9  32   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   9  32   1     -74.95    182.19
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203  10  43   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  44   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   9  44   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  44   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  44   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  44   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203  10  44   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203   9  45   1     -74.95    187.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184  10  32   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185  10  32   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186  10  32   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198  10  32   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   4  33   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   4  33   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   4  33   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   4  33   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  33   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348   7   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 348   7   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348   8   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 348   8   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348   9   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348   9   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348  10   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  10   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  11   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  12   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  13   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  14   1      61.01      0.02
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  45   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  45   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203  10  45   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  46   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203  10  46   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 203  10  47   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348   7   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 348   7   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 347   8   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348   8   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 348   8   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 347   9   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348   9   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348   9   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 347  10   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 348  10   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  10   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 348  10   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 347  11   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  11   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 348  11   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 347  12   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  12   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 348  12   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 347  13   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  13   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 348  13   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 348  14   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 348  14   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 348  15   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 349  16   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 349  17   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 349  18   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 349  19   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 349  20   1      61.57      0.69
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  33   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   4  33   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   4  33   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   5  33   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   5  33   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   5  33   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   5  33   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   5  33   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   5  33   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   5  33   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   5  33   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 374  11   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 374  12   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 374  13   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 374  14   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 374  15   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 374  16   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 369  19   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 374  19   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 369  20   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 374  20   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 369  21   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 374  21   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 369  22   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 374  22   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 369  23   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 373  23   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 374  23   1      69.00    335.34
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   5  33   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   5  33   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   5  33   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   5  33   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   5  33   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   5  33   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   5  33   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  33   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  33   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   5  33   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   5  33   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   6  33   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   6  33   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 352  23   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 352  24   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 352  25   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 352  26   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 352  27   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 352  28   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 349  31   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 350  31   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 351  31   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  37 349  32   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 349  32   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 350  32   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 351  32   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  37 349  33   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 349  33   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  33   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  33   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  33   1      61.29    358.81
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   6  33   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   6  33   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   6  33   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   6  33   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   6  33   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   6  33   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   6  33   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   6  33   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   6  33   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 349  20   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 349  21   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 349  21   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 349  22   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 349  23   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 349  24   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 349  25   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 350  26   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 350  26   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 350  27   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 350  27   1      62.14      1.33
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   6  33   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   6  33   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   6  33   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   6  33   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   6  33   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   6  33   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   6  33   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   7  33   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   7  33   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 369  24   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 373  24   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 374  24   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 373  25   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 370  26   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 371  26   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 373  26   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 374  26   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 370  27   1      67.06    334.03
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   7  33   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   7  33   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   7  33   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   7  33   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   7  33   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   7  33   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   7  33   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   7  33   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   7  33   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   7  33   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  33   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 350  33   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  33   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  33   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 351  33   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  33   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  33   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  37 349  34   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 349  34   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  34   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  34   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  34   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  34   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 350  34   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   7  33   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   7  33   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  33   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   8  33   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   8  33   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   8  33   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   8  33   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   8  33   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   8  33   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   8  33   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 350  28   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 350  28   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 350  29   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 350  29   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 350  30   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 350  30   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 350  31   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 350  31   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 351  32   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   8  33   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   8  33   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  33   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  33   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  33   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   9  33   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   9  33   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   9  33   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   9  33   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184  10  33   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 370  27   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 371  27   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 371  27   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 372  27   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 373  27   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 373  27   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 374  27   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  26   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   6  26   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  26   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  27   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  27   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   6  27   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  27   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  27   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  27   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  28   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  28   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   4  28   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  28   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  34   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  34   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  34   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  34   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 351  34   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  34   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  34   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  34   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  34   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  34   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  37 349  35   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 349  35   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  35   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185  10  33   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198  10  33   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   4  34   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   4  34   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   4  34   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   4  34   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   4  34   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   4  34   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   5  34   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   5  34   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  33   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  33   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  33   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  33   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  33   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  33   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 351  33   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 351  33   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  33   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  33   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  34   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  28   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   5  28   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  28   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  28   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  28   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  28   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   6  28   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  28   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  28   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  28   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 370  28   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 370  28   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 370  28   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 370  28   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 371  28   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 371  28   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 372  28   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 373  28   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 373  28   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   5  34   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   5  34   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   5  34   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   5  34   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   5  34   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   5  34   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   5  34   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   5  34   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   5  34   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   5  34   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   5  34   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   5  34   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  35   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  35   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  35   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 350  35   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  35   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  35   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  35   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  35   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 351  35   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  35   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  35   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  35   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  35   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  35   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  35   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  35   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  29   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  29   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  29   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  29   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   4  29   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  29   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  29   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  29   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  29   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   5  29   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  29   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  34   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  34   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  34   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  34   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  34   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  34   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  34   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  34   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  34   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 351  34   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 351  34   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  34   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  34   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  34   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  35   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  35   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  35   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   5  34   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   5  34   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   5  34   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   6  34   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   6  34   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   6  34   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   6  34   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   6  34   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   6  34   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   6  34   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   6  34   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 374  28   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 374  28   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 374  28   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 370  29   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 370  29   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 370  29   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 370  29   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 371  29   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 371  29   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  29   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  29   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  29   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   6  29   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  29   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  29   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  29   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  30   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  30   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  30   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  37 349  36   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 349  36   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  36   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  36   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  36   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  36   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 350  36   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  36   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  36   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  36   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  36   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  38 351  36   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  36   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  36   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  36   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   6  34   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   6  34   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   6  34   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   6  34   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   6  34   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   6  34   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 197   6  34   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   7  34   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   7  34   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   7  34   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   7  34   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  35   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  35   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  35   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  35   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  35   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  35   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  35   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  35   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  35   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 351  35   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 351  35   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  35   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  35   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 352  35   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  35   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  36   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  36   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  30   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   4  30   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  30   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  30   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  30   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  30   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   5  30   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  30   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  30   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  30   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  30   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 372  29   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 373  29   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 374  29   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 374  29   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 374  29   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 370  30   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 370  30   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 370  30   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 370  30   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   7  34   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   7  34   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   7  34   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   7  34   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 191   7  34   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 192   7  34   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 193   7  34   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 194   7  34   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 195   7  34   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 196   7  34   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  34   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  36   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  36   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  36   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  36   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  36   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  37 349  37   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  37   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  37   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  37   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  37   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  37   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  37   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  37   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  37   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  37   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  37   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  37   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   6  30   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  30   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  30   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  30   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  30   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  30   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  31   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  31   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  31   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  31   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  36   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  36   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  36   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  36   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  36   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  36   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  36   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  36   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  36   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  36   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 351  36   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 351  36   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  36   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  36   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 352  36   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 352  36   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   8  34   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 184   8  34   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 185   8  34   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 186   8  34   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 187   8  34   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 188   8  34   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 189   8  34   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 190   8  34   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   8  34   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  34   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  34   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  34   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 183   9  34   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   9  34   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  34   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198  10  34   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 370  30   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 370  30   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 371  30   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 371  30   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 371  30   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 372  30   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 372  30   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 373  30   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 374  30   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   4  31   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  31   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  31   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  31   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  31   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   5  31   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  31   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  31   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  31   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  31   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   6  31   1     -76.55    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  31   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  31   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  31   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  31   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  37   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  37   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  37   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  37   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  37   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  37   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  37   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  38   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  38   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  38   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  38   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  38   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  38   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   7  35   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   8  35   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  35   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  35   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  35   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198   9  35   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  35   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 198  10  35   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  35   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 352  36   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  36   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  36   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  37   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  37   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  37   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  37   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  37   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  37   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  37   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  37   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  37   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  37   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   7  31   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  31   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  31   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  32   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  32   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  32   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  32   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   4  32   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  32   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  32   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 374  30   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 374  30   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 370  31   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 370  31   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 370  31   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 370  31   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 370  31   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 370  31   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   8  36   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  36   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  36   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  36   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  36   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  37   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  37   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  37   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  37   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  38   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  38   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  38   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  38   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  38   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  38   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  38   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  38   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  38   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  38   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  38   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  38   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  38   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  39   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  32   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  32   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   5  32   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  32   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  32   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  32   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  32   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  32   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  32   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   7  32   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  32   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  37   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  37   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 351  37   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 351  37   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  37   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  37   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  37   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  37   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 352  37   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 352  37   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 352  37   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  37   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  37   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 349  38   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  37   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   8  38   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  38   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  38   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  38   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  38   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  38   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  39   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199   9  39   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  39   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  39   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  19 371  31   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 371  31   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 371  31   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 372  31   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 372  31   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 373  31   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 373  31   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 374  31   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 374  31   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  32   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  33   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  33   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  33   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  33   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   4  33   1     -77.62    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  33   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  33   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  33   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  33   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   5  33   1     -77.08    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  33   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  33   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  39   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  39   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  39   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  39   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  39   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  39   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  39   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  39   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  39   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  39   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  39   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  39   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  40   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  40   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  40   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  40   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  39   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  39   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  39   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   8  40   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  40   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  40   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  40   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 199  10  40   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  40   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  40   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 349  38   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 349  38   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 349  38   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  38   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  38   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 350  38   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 350  38   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  38   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  38   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  38   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  38   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 351  38   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 352  38   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  38   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  38   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  38   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 352  38   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 352  38   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 352  38   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 353  38   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  38   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  38   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 353  38   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 350  39   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 350  39   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  33   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   7  33   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  33   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  33   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  33   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  34   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  34   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  34   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  34   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  34   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   7  34   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 374  31   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 370  32   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 370  32   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 370  32   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 370  32   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 370  32   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 371  32   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 371  32   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  20 372  32   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 372  32   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 373  32   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 373  32   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 373  32   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 374  32   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 374  32   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  41   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  41   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  41   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  41   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  41   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  41   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200   9  42   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  42   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  42   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  42   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  40   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  40   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  40   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  40   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  40   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  41   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  41   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  41   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  41   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  41   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  41   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  41   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  41   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  41   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  41   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  42   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  42   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  42   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  42   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  42   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  42   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  34   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  34   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  34   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  34   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  35   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   7  35   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  35   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  35   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  35   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  35   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 351  39   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 351  39   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  39   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  39   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 352  39   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  39   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  39   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 352  39   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 352  39   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 352  39   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  39   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  39   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  39   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 353  39   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 353  39   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 353  39   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  42   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  42   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201   9  43   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  43   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  43   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  43   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  43   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202   9  44   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 370  33   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 370  33   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 370  33   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 370  33   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 371  33   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 371  33   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 372  33   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 372  33   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  35   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  35   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   7  36   1     -76.02    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  36   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  36   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  36   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  36   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  36   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  42   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  42   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  42   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  43   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  43   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  43   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  43   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  43   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  43   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  43   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  43   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  43   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  43   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 200  10  44   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  44   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  44   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 201  10  45   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  45   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   3 202  10  46   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  39   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 351  40   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 351  40   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  40   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  40   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 352  40   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 352  40   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 352  40   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  40   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  40   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  40   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 353  40   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 353  40   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 353  40   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  37   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  37   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   8  37   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  37   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  37   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  37   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  38   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  38   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   8  38   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 373  33   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 373  33   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 373  33   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 374  33   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 374  33   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 370  34   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 370  34   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 371  34   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  38   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  38   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  38   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  38   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  39   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   8  39   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  39   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  39   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  44   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  44   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  44   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  44   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  44   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  44   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  44   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  44   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  44   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  44   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  45   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  45   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  45   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  39   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  39   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  39   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  39   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  40   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   8  40   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  40   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  40   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  40   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   9  40   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  40   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  40   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  41   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  41   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 352  41   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 352  41   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 353  41   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  41   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  41   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 353  41   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 353  41   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 353  41   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  41   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  40   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  40   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  40   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   8  41   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  41   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  41   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  41   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   9  41   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 371  34   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 371  34   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 371  34   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 372  34   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 372  34   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 372  34   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 372  34   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 372  34   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  41   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  41   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  41   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   8  42   1     -75.48    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  42   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  42   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  42   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   9  42   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  45   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  45   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  45   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  45   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  45   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  46   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  46   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  46   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  46   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  46   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  46   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  46   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196  10  22   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195  10  23   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196  10  23   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  41   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  41   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  41   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 354  41   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 354  41   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 354  41   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  41   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 352  42   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 352  42   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  42   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  42   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 353  42   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 353  42   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 353  42   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  42   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  42   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  42   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203  10  42   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  43   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  43   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   9  43   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  43   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  43   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  43   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203  10  43   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  44   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   9  44   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 373  34   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 373  34   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 373  34   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 373  34   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 373  34   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 370  35   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 370  35   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 371  35   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   8  24   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   8  24   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   9  24   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   9  24   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   9  24   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183  10  24   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194  10  24   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195  10  24   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196  10  24   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  47   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  47   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  47   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  47   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  48   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  48   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  48   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  48   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  49   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  44   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  44   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  44   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203  10  44   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203   9  45   1     -74.95    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  45   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  45   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203  10  45   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  42   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  42   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  42   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  42   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 354  42   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 354  42   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 354  42   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  42   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 355  42   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 353  43   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  43   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 353  43   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 353  43   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 353  43   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   8  25   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   8  25   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   8  25   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   9  25   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   9  25   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   9  25   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   9  25   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   9  25   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   9  25   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   9  25   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 371  35   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 371  35   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 371  35   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  21 372  35   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 372  35   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 372  35   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 372  35   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 372  35   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 373  35   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  46   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203  10  46   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 203  10  47   1     -74.41    187.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  43   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  43   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  43   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  43   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 354  43   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 354  43   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 354  43   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  43   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  43   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  43   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  43   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 355  43   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   9  25   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183  10  25   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189  10  25   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193  10  25   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194  10  25   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195  10  25   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196  10  25   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197  10  25   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  26   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 373  35   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 373  35   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 373  35   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 373  35   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 371  36   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 371  36   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  26   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   8  26   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   8  26   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   8  26   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   8  26   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   8  26   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   8  26   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   9  26   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   9  26   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   9  26   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   9  26   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   9  26   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   9  26   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   9  26   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348   7   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 348   7   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348   8   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 348   8   1      60.87    359.07
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 353  44   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 353  44   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 353  44   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 354  44   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  44   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  44   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  44   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 354  44   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 354  44   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 354  44   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  44   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  44   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  44   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  44   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 355  44   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  44   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   9  26   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   9  26   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   9  26   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   9  26   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183  10  26   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187  10  26   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188  10  26   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189  10  26   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190  10  26   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191  10  26   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192  10  26   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193  10  26   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194  10  26   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 371  36   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 372  36   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 372  36   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 372  36   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 372  36   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 373  36   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 373  36   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 373  36   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 373  36   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 373  36   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195  10  26   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196  10  26   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197  10  26   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  27   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  27   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   7  27   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   7  27   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  27   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  27   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348   9   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348   9   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348  10   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  10   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  11   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  12   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  13   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  27   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   8  27   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   8  27   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   8  27   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   8  27   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   8  27   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   8  27   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   8  27   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   9  27   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   9  27   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   9  27   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   9  27   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 354  45   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  45   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  45   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 354  45   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 354  45   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 354  45   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  45   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  45   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  45   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  45   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 355  45   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  45   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 354  46   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 354  46   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 354  46   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   9  27   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   9  27   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   9  27   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   9  27   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   9  27   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   9  27   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   9  27   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   9  27   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183  10  27   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 371  37   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 371  37   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 371  37   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 372  37   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 372  37   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 372  37   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 372  37   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 373  37   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 373  37   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 373  37   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 373  37   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186  10  27   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187  10  27   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188  10  27   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189  10  27   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190  10  27   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191  10  27   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192  10  27   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193  10  27   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194  10  27   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  14   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 352  23   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 352  24   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195  10  27   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196  10  27   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197  10  27   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  28   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  28   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  28   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  28   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   6  28   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  44 354  46   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  45 354  46   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  39 355  46   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  46   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  46   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  46   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 355  46   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  46   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  47   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  47   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  47   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  43 355  47   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  47   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 355  48   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  28   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  28   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  28   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  28   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   7  28   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   7  28   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  28   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  28   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  28   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 371  38   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 371  38   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 371  38   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 372  38   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 372  38   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 372  38   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 372  38   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   8  28   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   8  28   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   8  28   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   8  28   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   8  28   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   8  28   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   8  28   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   9  28   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   9  28   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 352  25   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 352  26   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 352  27   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 352  28   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   9  28   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   9  28   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   9  28   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   9  28   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   9  28   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   9  28   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   9  28   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   9  28   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   9  28   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   9  28   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   9  28   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   9  28   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183  10  28   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184  10  28   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  41 355  48   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  42 355  48   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  48   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   2  40 356  49   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185  10  28   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186  10  28   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187  10  28   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188  10  28   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189  10  28   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190  10  28   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191  10  28   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192  10  28   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193  10  28   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  24 373  38   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 373  38   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 373  38   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 371  39   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 371  39   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  22 372  39   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  23 372  39   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194  10  28   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195  10  28   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197  10  28   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   4  29   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   4  29   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   4  29   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   4  29   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  29   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  29   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  29   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  29   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 349  31   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 350  31   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 351  31   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  37 349  32   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 349  32   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 350  32   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 351  32   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  37 349  33   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 349  33   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  33   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   5  29   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   5  29   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   5  29   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   5  29   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   5  29   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   5  29   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   5  29   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   5  29   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   5  29   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 372  39   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  25 373  39   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonDenmark Strait   1   1  26 373  39   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   5  29   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   5  29   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   5  29   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   5  29   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   5  29   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   5  29   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  29   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  29   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  29   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  33   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  33   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  33   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 350  33   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  33   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  33   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 351  33   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  33   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  33   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  37 349  34   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 349  34   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  29   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   6  29   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   6  29   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   6  29   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   6  29   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   6  29   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   6  29   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   6  29   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   6  29   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   6  29   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   6  29   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   6  29   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   6  29   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348   7   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 348   7   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 347   8   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348   8   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 348   8   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 347   9   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   6  29   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   6  29   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   6  29   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   6  29   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  29   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  29   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  29   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  29   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   7  29   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   7  29   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   7  29   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   7  29   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  34   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  34   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  34   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  34   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 350  34   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  34   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  34   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  34   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  34   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 351  34   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  34   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  34   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   7  29   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   7  29   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   7  29   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   7  29   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   7  29   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   7  29   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   7  29   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   7  29   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   7  29   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   7  29   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348   9   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348   9   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 347  10   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 348  10   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  10   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 348  10   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 347  11   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  11   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 348  11   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   7  29   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   7  29   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  29   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  29   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  29   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   8  29   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   8  29   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   8  29   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   8  29   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   8  29   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   8  29   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   8  29   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  34   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  34   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  34   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  37 349  35   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 349  35   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  35   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  35   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  35   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  35   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 350  35   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  35   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  35   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   8  29   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   8  29   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   8  29   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   8  29   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   8  29   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   8  29   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   8  29   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   8  29   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   8  29   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 347  12   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  12   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 348  12   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 347  13   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  13   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 348  13   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 348  14   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 348  14   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   9  29   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   9  29   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   9  29   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   9  29   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   9  29   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   9  29   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   9  29   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   9  29   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   9  29   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  35   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  35   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 351  35   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  35   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  35   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  35   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  35   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  35   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  35   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  35   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  37 349  36   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   9  29   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   9  29   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   9  29   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   9  29   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   9  29   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   9  29   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183  10  29   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184  10  29   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185  10  29   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 348  15   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 349  16   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 349  17   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 349  18   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 349  19   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186  10  29   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187  10  29   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188  10  29   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189  10  29   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190  10  29   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191  10  29   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192  10  29   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193  10  29   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194  10  29   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 349  36   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  36   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  36   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  36   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  36   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 350  36   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  36   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  36   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  36   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  36   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  38 351  36   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  36   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197  10  29   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   4  30   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   4  30   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   4  30   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   4  30   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  30   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  30   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  30   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 349  20   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 349  20   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 349  21   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 349  21   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 349  22   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 349  23   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 349  24   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 349  25   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  30   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   5  30   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   5  30   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   5  30   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   5  30   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   5  30   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   5  30   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   5  30   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   5  30   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   5  30   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   5  30   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   5  30   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  36   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  36   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  36   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  36   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  36   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  36   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  36   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  37 349  37   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  37   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  37   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  37   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  37   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  37   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  37   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  37   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  37   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   5  30   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   5  30   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   5  30   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   5  30   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  30   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  30   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  30   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  30   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   6  30   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   6  30   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   6  30   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 350  26   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 350  26   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 350  27   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 350  27   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 350  28   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 350  28   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 350  29   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 350  29   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   6  30   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   6  30   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   6  30   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   6  30   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   6  30   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   6  30   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   6  30   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   6  30   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   6  30   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   6  30   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   6  30   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 374  11   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 374  12   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 374  13   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   6  30   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   6  30   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  30   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  30   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  30   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  30   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   7  30   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   7  30   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   7  30   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   7  30   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   7  30   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   7  30   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  37   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  37   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  37   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  37   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  37   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  37   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  37   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  37   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  37   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  37   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  38   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  38   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  38   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  38   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   7  30   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   7  30   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   7  30   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   7  30   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   7  30   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   7  30   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   7  30   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   7  30   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   7  30   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   7  30   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  30   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 350  30   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 350  30   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 350  31   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 350  31   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 351  32   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  33   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  33   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  33   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  33   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  33   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  33   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 351  33   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 351  33   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  33   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  30   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  30   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  30   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   8  30   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   8  30   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   8  30   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   8  30   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   8  30   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   8  30   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 374  14   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 374  15   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 374  16   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 369  19   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   8  30   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   8  30   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   8  30   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   8  30   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   8  30   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   8  30   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   8  30   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   8  30   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  30   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   9  30   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   9  30   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   9  30   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   9  30   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   9  30   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   9  30   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  38   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  38   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  38   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  38   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  38   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  38   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  38   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  38   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  38   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  38   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  38   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  38   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  38   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  38   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  38   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  39   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  39   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  39   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   9  30   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   9  30   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   9  30   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   9  30   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   9  30   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   9  30   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   9  30   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184  10  30   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185  10  30   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186  10  30   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187  10  30   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188  10  30   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  33   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  34   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  34   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  34   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  34   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  34   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  34   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  34   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  34   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  34   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  34   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 351  34   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 351  34   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189  10  30   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190  10  30   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191  10  30   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192  10  30   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193  10  30   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197  10  30   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198  10  30   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   4  31   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 374  19   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 369  20   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 374  20   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 369  21   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 374  21   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   4  31   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   4  31   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   4  31   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  31   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  31   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  31   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  31   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   5  31   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   5  31   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  39   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  39   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  39   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  39   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  39   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  39   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  39   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  39   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  39   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  39   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  40   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  40   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  40   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   5  31   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   5  31   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   5  31   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   5  31   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   5  31   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   5  31   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   5  31   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   5  31   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   5  31   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  34   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  34   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  34   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  35   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  35   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  35   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  35   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  35   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  35   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  35   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  35   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  35   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  35   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  35   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   5  31   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   5  31   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   5  31   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   5  31   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  31   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  31   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  31   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  31   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   6  31   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   6  31   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   6  31   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   6  31   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   6  31   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 369  22   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 374  22   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 369  23   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 373  23   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 374  23   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 369  24   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   6  31   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   6  31   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   6  31   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   6  31   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   6  31   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   6  31   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   6  31   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   6  31   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   6  31   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  40   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  40   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  40   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  40   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  40   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  40   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  41   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  41   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  41   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  41   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  41   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  41   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  41   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  41   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   6  31   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   6  31   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  31   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  31   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  31   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   6  31   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   7  31   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   7  31   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   7  31   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  35   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 351  35   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 351  35   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  35   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  35   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 352  35   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  35   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  36   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  36   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  36   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  36   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  36   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  36   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  36   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  36   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  36   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   7  31   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   7  31   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   7  31   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   7  31   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   7  31   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   7  31   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   7  31   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   7  31   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   7  31   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   7  31   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 373  24   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 374  24   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 373  25   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 370  26   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 371  26   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 373  26   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 374  26   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   7  31   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   7  31   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   7  31   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  31   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  31   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   7  31   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  31   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   8  31   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   8  31   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   8  31   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  41   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  41   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  42   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  42   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  42   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  42   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  42   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  42   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  42   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  42   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  42   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  43   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  43   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  43   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  43   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   8  31   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   8  31   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   8  31   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   8  31   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   8  31   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   8  31   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   8  31   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   8  31   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   8  31   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  36   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  36   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  36   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 351  36   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 351  36   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  36   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  36   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 352  36   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 352  36   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 352  36   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  36   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  36   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  37   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  37   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   8  31   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  31   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  31   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   9  31   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   9  31   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   9  31   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   9  31   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   9  31   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   9  31   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 370  27   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 370  27   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 371  27   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 371  27   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 372  27   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 373  27   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 373  27   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 374  27   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   9  31   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   9  31   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184  10  31   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185  10  31   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186  10  31   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187  10  31   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188  10  31   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190  10  31   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191  10  31   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  43   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  43   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  43   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  43   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  43   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  43   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  44   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  44   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  44   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  44   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  44   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  44   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  44   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  44   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  44   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  44   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192  10  31   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198  10  31   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   4  32   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   4  32   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   4  32   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   4  32   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  32   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  32   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  37   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  37   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  37   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  37   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  37   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  37   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  37   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  37   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  37   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  37   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 351  37   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 351  37   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  37   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  37   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  37   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  37   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 352  37   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 352  37   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  32   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  32   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   5  32   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   5  32   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   5  32   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   5  32   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   5  32   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   5  32   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   5  32   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   5  32   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   5  32   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   5  32   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   5  32   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   5  32   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   5  32   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   5  32   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 370  28   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 370  28   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 370  28   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 370  28   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 371  28   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 371  28   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 372  28   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 373  28   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   5  32   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  32   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  32   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  32   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  32   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   6  32   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   6  32   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   6  32   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   6  32   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   6  32   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  45   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  45   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  45   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  45   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  45   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  45   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  45   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  45   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  46   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  46   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   6  32   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   6  32   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   6  32   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   6  32   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   6  32   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   6  32   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   6  32   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   6  32   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   6  32   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 352  37   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  37   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  37   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 349  38   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 349  38   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 349  38   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 349  38   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  38   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  38   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 350  38   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 350  38   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  38   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   6  32   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   6  32   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  32   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  32   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   6  32   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   7  32   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   7  32   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   7  32   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   7  32   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   7  32   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   7  32   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   7  32   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   7  32   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   7  32   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 373  28   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 374  28   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 374  28   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 374  28   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 370  29   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 370  29   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 370  29   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 370  29   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 371  29   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   7  32   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   7  32   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   7  32   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   7  32   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   7  32   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   7  32   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   7  32   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   7  32   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   7  32   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  32   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  46   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  46   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  46   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  46   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  46   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  47   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  47   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  47   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  47   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  48   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  48   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  48   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  48   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   8  32   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   8  32   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   8  32   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   8  32   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   8  32   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   8  32   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   8  32   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   8  32   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   8  32   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  38   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  38   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  38   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 351  38   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 352  38   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  38   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  38   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  38   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 352  38   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 352  38   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 352  38   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 353  38   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  38   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  38   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 353  38   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 350  39   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   8  32   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  32   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  32   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   9  32   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   9  32   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   9  32   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   9  32   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   9  32   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184  10  32   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 371  29   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 372  29   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 373  29   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 374  29   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 374  29   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 374  29   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185  10  32   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186  10  32   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198  10  32   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   4  33   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   4  33   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   4  33   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   4  33   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  33   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  33   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   4  33   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   4  33   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  49   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   5  33   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   5  33   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   5  33   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   5  33   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   5  33   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   5  33   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   5  33   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   5  33   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   5  33   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   5  33   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 350  39   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 351  39   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 351  39   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  39   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  39   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 352  39   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  39   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  39   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 352  39   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 352  39   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 352  39   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  39   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  39   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  39   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 353  39   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 353  39   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   5  33   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   5  33   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   5  33   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   5  33   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   5  33   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  33   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  33   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   5  33   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   5  33   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 370  30   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 370  30   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 370  30   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 370  30   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 370  30   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 370  30   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 371  30   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 371  30   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 371  30   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 372  30   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   6  33   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   6  33   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   6  33   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   6  33   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   6  33   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   6  33   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   6  33   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   6  33   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   6  33   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   6  33   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   6  33   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 353  39   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  39   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 351  40   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 351  40   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  40   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  40   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 352  40   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 352  40   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 352  40   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  40   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   6  33   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   6  33   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   6  33   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   6  33   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   6  33   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   6  33   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   6  33   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   7  33   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   7  33   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   7  33   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   7  33   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   7  33   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   7  33   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 372  30   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 373  30   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 374  30   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 374  30   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 374  30   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 370  31   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   7  33   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   7  33   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   7  33   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   7  33   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   7  33   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   7  33   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   7  33   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   7  33   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  33   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   8  33   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348   7   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 348   7   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348   8   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 348   8   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348   9   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348   9   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348  10   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  10   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  11   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   8  33   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   8  33   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   8  33   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   8  33   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   8  33   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   8  33   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   8  33   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   8  33   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  33   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  40   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  40   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 353  40   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 353  40   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 353  40   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  40   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  40   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  41   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  41   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 352  41   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 352  41   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 353  41   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  41   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  41   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  33   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  33   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   9  33   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   9  33   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   9  33   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   9  33   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184  10  33   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185  10  33   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198  10  33   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 370  31   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 370  31   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 370  31   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 370  31   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 370  31   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  19 371  31   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 371  31   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 371  31   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 372  31   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   4  34   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   4  34   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   4  34   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   4  34   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   4  34   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   4  34   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   5  34   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   5  34   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   5  34   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   5  34   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   5  34   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   5  34   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  12   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  13   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  14   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   5  34   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   5  34   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   5  34   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   5  34   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   5  34   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   5  34   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   5  34   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   5  34   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   5  34   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   5  34   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 353  41   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 353  41   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 353  41   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  41   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  41   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  41   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  41   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 354  41   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 354  41   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 354  41   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  41   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 352  42   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 352  42   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  42   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  42   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 353  42   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   5  34   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   6  34   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   6  34   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   6  34   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   6  34   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   6  34   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   6  34   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   6  34   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   6  34   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 372  31   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 373  31   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 373  31   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 374  31   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 374  31   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 374  31   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 370  32   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 370  32   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 370  32   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   6  34   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   6  34   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   6  34   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   6  34   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   6  34   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   6  34   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 197   6  34   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   7  34   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   7  34   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   7  34   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 352  23   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 352  24   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 352  25   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 352  26   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   7  34   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   7  34   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   7  34   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   7  34   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   7  34   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 191   7  34   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 192   7  34   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 193   7  34   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 194   7  34   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 353  42   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 353  42   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  42   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  42   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  42   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  42   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 354  42   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 354  42   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 354  42   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  42   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 355  42   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 353  43   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  43   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 353  43   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 195   7  34   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 196   7  34   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  34   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   8  34   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 184   8  34   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 185   8  34   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 186   8  34   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 187   8  34   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 188   8  34   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 189   8  34   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 190   8  34   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   8  34   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  34   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  34   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 370  32   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 370  32   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 371  32   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 371  32   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  20 372  32   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 372  32   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 373  32   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 373  32   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 373  32   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  34   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 183   9  34   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   9  34   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  34   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198  10  34   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   7  35   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   8  35   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  35   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 352  27   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 352  28   1      62.10    355.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 349  31   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 350  31   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 351  31   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  37 349  32   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 349  32   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 350  32   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  35   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  35   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198   9  35   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  35   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 198  10  35   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  35   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   8  36   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 353  43   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 353  43   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  43   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  43   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  43   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  43   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 354  43   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 354  43   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 354  43   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  43   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  43   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  43   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  43   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 355  43   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 353  44   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 353  44   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  36   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  36   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  36   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  36   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  37   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  37   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  37   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  37   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 374  32   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 374  32   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 370  33   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 370  33   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 370  33   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 370  33   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 371  33   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 371  33   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 372  33   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  37   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   8  38   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  38   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  38   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  38   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  38   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  38   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 351  32   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  37 349  33   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 349  33   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  33   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  33   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  33   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  33   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 350  33   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  33   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  33   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 351  33   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  33   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  33   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  37 349  34   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 349  34   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  39   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199   9  39   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  39   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  39   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  39   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  39   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  39   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   8  40   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  40   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 353  44   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 354  44   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  44   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  44   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  44   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 354  44   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 354  44   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 354  44   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  44   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  44   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  44   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  44   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 355  44   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  44   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  40   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  40   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 199  10  40   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  40   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  40   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  41   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  41   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  41   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 372  33   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 373  33   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 373  33   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 373  33   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 374  33   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 374  33   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 370  34   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 370  34   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  41   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  41   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  41   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200   9  42   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  42   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  42   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  42   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  34   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  34   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  34   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  34   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 350  34   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  34   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  34   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  34   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  34   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 351  34   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  34   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  34   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  34   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  34   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  34   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  42   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  42   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201   9  43   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  43   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  43   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  43   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  43   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202   9  44   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 200  10  44   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  44   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 354  45   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  45   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  45   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 354  45   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 354  45   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 354  45   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  45   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  45   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  45   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  45   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 355  45   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  45   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 354  46   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  44   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 201  10  45   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  45   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   3 202  10  46   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 371  34   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 371  34   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 371  34   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 371  34   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 372  34   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 372  34   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 372  34   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 372  34   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 372  34   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196  10  22   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195  10  23   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196  10  23   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   8  24   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   8  24   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   9  24   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  37 349  35   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 349  35   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  35   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  35   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  35   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  35   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 350  35   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  35   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  35   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  35   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  35   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 351  35   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  35   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  35   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  35   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  35   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   9  24   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   9  24   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183  10  24   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194  10  24   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195  10  24   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196  10  24   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   8  25   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   8  25   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   8  25   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   9  25   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   9  25   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   9  25   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   9  25   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   9  25   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 354  46   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 354  46   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  44 354  46   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  45 354  46   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  39 355  46   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  46   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  46   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  46   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 355  46   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  46   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  47   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  47   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  47   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  43 355  47   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  47   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 355  48   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   9  25   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   9  25   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   9  25   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183  10  25   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189  10  25   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193  10  25   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194  10  25   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195  10  25   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196  10  25   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 373  34   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 373  34   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 373  34   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 373  34   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 373  34   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 370  35   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 370  35   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 371  35   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 371  35   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 371  35   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197  10  25   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  26   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  26   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   8  26   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   8  26   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   8  26   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   8  26   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   8  26   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  35   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  35   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  35   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  37 349  36   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 349  36   1      60.87    355.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  36   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  36   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  36   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  36   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 350  36   1      61.28    355.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  36   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  36   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  36   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  36   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   8  26   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   9  26   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   9  26   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   9  26   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   9  26   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   9  26   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   9  26   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   9  26   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   9  26   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  41 355  48   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  42 355  48   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  48   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   2  40 356  49   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   9  26   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   9  26   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   9  26   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183  10  26   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187  10  26   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188  10  26   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189  10  26   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190  10  26   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191  10  26   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192  10  26   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193  10  26   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194  10  26   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195  10  26   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196  10  26   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 371  35   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  21 372  35   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 372  35   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 372  35   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 372  35   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 372  35   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 373  35   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 373  35   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197  10  26   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  27   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  27   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   7  27   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   7  27   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  27   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  27   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  27   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   8  27   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  38 351  36   1      61.69    355.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  36   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  36   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  36   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  36   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  36   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  36   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  36   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  36   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  37 349  37   1      60.74    355.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  37   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  37   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  37   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  37   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  37   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  37   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   8  27   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   8  27   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   8  27   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   8  27   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   8  27   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   8  27   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   9  27   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   9  27   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   9  27   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 373  35   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 373  35   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 373  35   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 371  36   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 371  36   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 371  36   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 372  36   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 372  36   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   9  27   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   9  27   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   9  27   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   9  27   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   9  27   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   9  27   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   9  27   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   9  27   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   9  27   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183  10  27   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186  10  27   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187  10  27   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188  10  27   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  37   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  37   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  37   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  37   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  37   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  37   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  37   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  37   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  37   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  37   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  37   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  37   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189  10  27   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190  10  27   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191  10  27   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192  10  27   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193  10  27   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194  10  27   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195  10  27   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196  10  27   1     -74.41    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197  10  27   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348   7   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 348   7   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 347   8   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348   8   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 348   8   1      60.87    359.07
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 347   9   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348   9   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348   9   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  28   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  28   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  28   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  28   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   6  28   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  28   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  28   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  28   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  28   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 372  36   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 372  36   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 373  36   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 373  36   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 373  36   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 373  36   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 373  36   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   7  28   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   7  28   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  28   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  28   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  28   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   8  28   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   8  28   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   8  28   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   8  28   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  38   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  38   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  38   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  38   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  38   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  38   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  38   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  38   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  38   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  38   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  38   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  38   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   8  28   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   8  28   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   8  28   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   9  28   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   9  28   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   9  28   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   9  28   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   9  28   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   9  28   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   9  28   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   9  28   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   9  28   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   9  28   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 347  10   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 348  10   1      60.73    358.12
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  10   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 348  10   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 347  11   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  11   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 348  11   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 347  12   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  12   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 348  12   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   9  28   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   9  28   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   9  28   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   9  28   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183  10  28   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184  10  28   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185  10  28   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186  10  28   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187  10  28   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188  10  28   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 371  37   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 371  37   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 371  37   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 372  37   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 372  37   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 372  37   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 372  37   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 373  37   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 373  37   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189  10  28   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190  10  28   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191  10  28   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192  10  28   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193  10  28   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194  10  28   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195  10  28   1     -74.41    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197  10  28   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  38   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  38   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  38   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  38   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  38   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  38   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  38   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  39   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  39   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  39   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  39   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  39   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  39   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   4  29   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   4  29   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   4  29   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   4  29   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  29   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  29   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  29   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  29   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   5  29   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 347  13   1      60.74      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  13   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 348  13   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 348  14   1      61.01      0.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 348  14   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 348  15   1      61.16      0.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 349  16   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   5  29   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   5  29   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   5  29   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   5  29   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   5  29   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   5  29   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   5  29   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   5  29   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   5  29   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   5  29   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   5  29   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   5  29   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 373  37   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 373  37   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 371  38   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 371  38   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 371  38   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 372  38   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 372  38   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   5  29   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   5  29   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  29   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  29   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  29   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  29   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   6  29   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   6  29   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   6  29   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   6  29   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  39   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  39   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  39   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  39   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  39   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  39   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  39   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  40   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  40   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  40   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  40   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  40   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  40   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   6  29   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   6  29   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   6  29   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   6  29   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   6  29   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   6  29   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   6  29   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   6  29   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   6  29   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 349  17   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 349  18   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 349  19   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 349  20   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 349  20   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 349  21   1      61.57      0.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 349  21   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   6  29   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   6  29   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   6  29   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  29   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  29   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  29   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  29   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   7  29   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   7  29   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 372  38   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 372  38   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  24 373  38   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 373  38   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 373  38   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 371  39   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 371  39   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  22 372  39   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  23 372  39   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   7  29   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   7  29   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   7  29   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   7  29   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   7  29   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   7  29   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   7  29   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   7  29   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   7  29   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  40   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  40   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  40   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  41   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  41   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  41   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  41   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  41   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  41   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  41   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  41   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  41   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  41   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   7  29   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   7  29   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   7  29   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   7  29   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   7  29   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  29   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  29   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  29   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   8  29   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   8  29   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   8  29   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   8  29   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   8  29   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   8  29   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 349  22   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 349  23   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 349  24   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 349  25   1      61.72      1.63
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 350  26   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 350  26   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 350  27   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 350  27   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 350  28   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   8  29   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   8  29   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   8  29   1     -75.48    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   8  29   1     -75.48    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   8  29   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   8  29   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   8  29   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   8  29   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   8  29   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 372  39   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  25 373  39   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonFaroe Bank Channel   2   1  26 373  39   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   8  29   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   9  29   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   9  29   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   9  29   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   9  29   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   9  29   1     -74.95    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   9  29   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   9  29   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   9  29   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  42   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  42   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  42   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  42   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  42   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  42   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  42   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  42   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  42   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  43   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  43   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  43   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  43   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  43   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   9  29   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   9  29   1     -74.95    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   9  29   1     -74.95    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   9  29   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   9  29   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   9  29   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   9  29   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183  10  29   1     -74.41    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184  10  29   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 350  28   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 350  29   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 350  29   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 350  30   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 350  30   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 350  31   1      61.99      0.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 350  31   1      62.14      1.33
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 351  32   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185  10  29   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186  10  29   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187  10  29   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188  10  29   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189  10  29   1     -74.41    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190  10  29   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191  10  29   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192  10  29   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193  10  29   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194  10  29   1     -74.41    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197  10  29   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   4  30   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  43   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  43   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  43   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  43   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  43   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  44   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  44   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  44   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  44   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  44   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  44   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  44   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  44   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   4  30   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   4  30   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   4  30   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  30   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  30   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  30   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  30   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   5  30   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   5  30   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   5  30   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  33   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  33   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  33   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  33   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  33   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  33   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 351  33   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 351  33   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  33   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  33   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  34   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  34   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   5  30   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   5  30   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   5  30   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   5  30   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   5  30   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   5  30   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   5  30   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   5  30   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   5  30   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  44   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  44   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  45   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  45   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  45   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  45   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  45   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  45   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  45   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  45   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   5  30   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   5  30   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   5  30   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  30   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  30   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  30   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  30   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   6  30   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   6  30   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  34   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  34   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  34   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  34   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  34   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  34   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  34   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  34   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 351  34   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 351  34   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  34   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   6  30   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   6  30   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   6  30   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   6  30   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   6  30   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   6  30   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   6  30   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   6  30   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  46   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  46   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  46   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  46   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  46   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  46   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  46   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  47   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  47   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   6  30   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   6  30   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   6  30   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   6  30   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   6  30   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   6  30   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  30   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  30   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  30   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  30   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   7  30   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   7  30   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   7  30   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   7  30   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   7  30   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  34   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  34   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  35   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  35   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  35   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  35   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  35   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  35   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  35   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  35   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  35   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  35   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  35   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  35   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 351  35   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   7  30   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   7  30   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   7  30   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   7  30   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   7  30   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   7  30   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   7  30   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   7  30   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   7  30   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   7  30   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  47   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  47   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  48   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  48   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  48   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  48   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  49   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   7  30   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  30   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  30   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  30   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  30   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   8  30   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   8  30   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   8  30   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   8  30   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 351  35   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  35   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  35   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 352  35   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  35   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  36   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  36   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  36   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  36   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  36   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  36   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   8  30   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   8  30   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   8  30   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   8  30   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   8  30   1     -75.48    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   8  30   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   8  30   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   8  30   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  36   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  36   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  36   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  36   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  36   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  36   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 351  36   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 351  36   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  36   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  36   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 352  36   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   8  30   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   8  30   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  30   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   9  30   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   9  30   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   9  30   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   9  30   1     -74.95    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   9  30   1     -74.95    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   9  30   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 374  11   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 374  12   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 374  13   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   9  30   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   9  30   1     -74.95    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   9  30   1     -74.95    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   9  30   1     -74.95    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   9  30   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   9  30   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   9  30   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184  10  30   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185  10  30   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186  10  30   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187  10  30   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188  10  30   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189  10  30   1     -74.41    172.06
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190  10  30   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191  10  30   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192  10  30   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193  10  30   1     -74.41    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197  10  30   1     -74.41    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198  10  30   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   4  31   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   4  31   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   4  31   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 352  36   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 352  36   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  36   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  36   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  37   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  37   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  37   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  37   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  37   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  37   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  37   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  37   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  37   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  37   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  37   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   4  31   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  31   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  31   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  31   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  31   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   5  31   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   5  31   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   5  31   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   5  31   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 374  14   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 374  15   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 374  16   1      68.91    334.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   5  31   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   5  31   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   5  31   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   5  31   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   5  31   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   5  31   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   5  31   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   5  31   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   5  31   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  37   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 351  37   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 351  37   1      62.56      1.01
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  37   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  37   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  37   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  37   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 352  37   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 352  37   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 352  37   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  37   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  37   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   5  31   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   5  31   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  31   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  31   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  31   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  31   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   6  31   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   6  31   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   6  31   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   6  31   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   6  31   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   6  31   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 369  19   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 374  19   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 369  20   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 374  20   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   6  31   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   6  31   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   6  31   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   6  31   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   6  31   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   6  31   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   6  31   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   6  31   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   6  31   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   6  31   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 349  38   1      61.01    356.92
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 349  38   1      61.14    357.86
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 349  38   1      61.29    358.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 349  38   1      61.43    359.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  38   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  38   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 350  38   1      61.70    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 350  38   1      61.84    359.46
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  38   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  38   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  38   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  31   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  31   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  31   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   6  31   1     -76.55    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   7  31   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   7  31   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   7  31   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   7  31   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   7  31   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 369  21   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 374  21   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 369  22   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 374  22   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   7  31   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   7  31   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   7  31   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   7  31   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   7  31   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   7  31   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   7  31   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   7  31   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   7  31   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   7  31   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   7  31   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  31   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  38   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 351  38   1      62.41      0.09
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 352  38   1      62.24    356.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  38   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  38   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  38   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 352  38   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 352  38   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 352  38   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 353  38   1      62.64    355.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  38   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  38   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  31   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   7  31   1     -76.02    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  31   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   8  31   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   8  31   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   8  31   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   8  31   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   8  31   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   8  31   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   8  31   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 369  23   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 373  23   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 374  23   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 369  24   1      67.02    337.30
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   8  31   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   8  31   1     -75.48    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   8  31   1     -75.48    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   8  31   1     -75.48    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   8  31   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   8  31   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  31   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  31   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   9  31   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 353  38   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 350  39   1      61.42    356.66
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 350  39   1      61.56    357.60
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 351  39   1      61.83    356.39
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 351  39   1      61.97    357.32
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  39   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  39   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 352  39   1      62.38    357.02
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  39   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  39   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 352  39   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 352  39   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   9  31   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   9  31   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   9  31   1     -74.95    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   9  31   1     -74.95    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   9  31   1     -74.95    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   9  31   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   9  31   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184  10  31   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185  10  31   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 373  24   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 374  24   1      69.00    335.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 373  25   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 370  26   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 371  26   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186  10  31   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187  10  31   1     -74.41    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188  10  31   1     -74.41    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190  10  31   1     -74.41    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191  10  31   1     -74.41    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192  10  31   1     -74.41    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198  10  31   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 352  39   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  39   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  39   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  39   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 353  39   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 353  39   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 353  39   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  39   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 351  40   1      62.11    358.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 351  40   1      62.26    359.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  40   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  40   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   4  32   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   4  32   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   4  32   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   4  32   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  32   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  32   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  32   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  32   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   5  32   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 373  26   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 374  26   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 370  27   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 370  27   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 371  27   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 371  27   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 372  27   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   5  32   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   5  32   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   5  32   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   5  32   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   5  32   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   5  32   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   5  32   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   5  32   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   5  32   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 352  40   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 352  40   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 352  40   1      63.13      1.59
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  40   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  40   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  40   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 353  40   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 353  40   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 353  40   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  40   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  40   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  41   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   5  32   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   5  32   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   5  32   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   5  32   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   5  32   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  32   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  32   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  32   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  32   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   6  32   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   6  32   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   6  32   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   6  32   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   6  32   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 373  27   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 373  27   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 374  27   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 370  28   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 370  28   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 370  28   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   6  32   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   6  32   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   6  32   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   6  32   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   6  32   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   6  32   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   6  32   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   6  32   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   6  32   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   6  32   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  41   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 352  41   1      62.82    359.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 352  41   1      62.97      0.68
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 353  41   1      62.79    356.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  41   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  41   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 353  41   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 353  41   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 353  41   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  41   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  41   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  41   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   6  32   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  32   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  32   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   6  32   1     -76.55    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   7  32   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   7  32   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   7  32   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   7  32   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   7  32   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 370  28   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 371  28   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 371  28   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 372  28   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 373  28   1      68.34    333.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 373  28   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 374  28   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 374  28   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   7  32   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   7  32   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   7  32   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   7  32   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   7  32   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   7  32   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   7  32   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   7  32   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   7  32   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  41   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 354  41   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 354  41   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 354  41   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  41   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 352  42   1      62.52    357.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 352  42   1      62.67    358.85
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  42   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  42   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 353  42   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 353  42   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 353  42   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   7  32   1     -76.02    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   7  32   1     -76.02    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   7  32   1     -76.02    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   7  32   1     -76.02    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  32   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   8  32   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   8  32   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   8  32   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   8  32   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 374  28   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 370  29   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 370  29   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 370  29   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 370  29   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 371  29   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   8  32   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   8  32   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   8  32   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   8  32   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   8  32   1     -75.48    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   8  32   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  32   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  32   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   9  32   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  42   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  42   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  42   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  42   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 354  42   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 354  42   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 354  42   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  42   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 355  42   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 353  43   1      62.93    357.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  43   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   9  32   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   9  32   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   9  32   1     -74.95    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   9  32   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184  10  32   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185  10  32   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186  10  32   1     -74.41    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198  10  32   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 371  29   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 372  29   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 373  29   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 374  29   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 374  29   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 374  29   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   4  33   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   4  33   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   4  33   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   4  33   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  33   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  33   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   4  33   1     -77.62    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   4  33   1     -77.62    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   5  33   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   5  33   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   5  33   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   5  33   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   5  33   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   5  33   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 353  43   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 353  43   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 353  43   1      63.54      1.24
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  43   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  43   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  43   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  43   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 354  43   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 354  43   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 354  43   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  43   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  43   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  43   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  43   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   5  33   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   5  33   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   5  33   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   5  33   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   5  33   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   5  33   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   5  33   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   5  33   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   5  33   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  33   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 370  30   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 370  30   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 370  30   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 370  30   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 370  30   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 370  30   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 371  30   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 371  30   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  33   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   5  33   1     -77.08    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   5  33   1     -77.08    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   6  33   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   6  33   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   6  33   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   6  33   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   6  33   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   6  33   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 355  43   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 353  44   1      63.08    358.53
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 353  44   1      63.23    359.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 353  44   1      63.39      0.34
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 354  44   1      63.05    355.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  44   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  44   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  44   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 354  44   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 354  44   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 354  44   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   6  33   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   6  33   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   6  33   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   6  33   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   6  33   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   6  33   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   6  33   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   6  33   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   6  33   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 371  30   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 372  30   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 372  30   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 373  30   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 374  30   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 374  30   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 374  30   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   6  33   1     -76.55    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   6  33   1     -76.55    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   6  33   1     -76.55    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   7  33   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   7  33   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   7  33   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   7  33   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   7  33   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   7  33   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  44   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  44   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  44   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  44   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 355  44   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  44   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 354  45   1      63.20    356.40
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  45   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  45   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 354  45   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   7  33   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   7  33   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   7  33   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   7  33   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   7  33   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   7  33   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   7  33   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   7  33   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  33   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   8  33   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   8  33   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 370  31   1      67.06    334.03
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 370  31   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 370  31   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 370  31   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 370  31   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 370  31   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   8  33   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   8  33   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   8  33   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   8  33   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   8  33   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   8  33   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   8  33   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  33   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  33   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  33   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   9  33   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   9  33   1     -74.95    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 354  45   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 354  45   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  45   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  45   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  45   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  45   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 355  45   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  45   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 354  46   1      63.34    357.29
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 354  46   1      63.49    358.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 354  46   1      63.64    359.08
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   9  33   1     -74.95    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   9  33   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184  10  33   1     -74.41    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185  10  33   1     -74.41    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198  10  33   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   4  34   1     -77.62    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   4  34   1     -77.62    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   4  34   1     -77.62    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  19 371  31   1      67.46    333.73
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 371  31   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 371  31   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 372  31   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 372  31   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 373  31   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 373  31   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 374  31   1      69.10    335.98
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   4  34   1     -77.62    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   4  34   1     -77.62    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   4  34   1     -77.62    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   5  34   1     -77.08    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   5  34   1     -77.08    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   5  34   1     -77.08    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   5  34   1     -77.08    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   5  34   1     -77.08    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  44 354  46   1      63.80    359.97
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  45 354  46   1      63.96      0.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  39 355  46   1      63.46    355.18
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  46   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  46   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  46   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 355  46   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  46   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  47   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  47   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  47   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   5  34   1     -77.08    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   5  34   1     -77.08    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   5  34   1     -77.08    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   5  34   1     -77.08    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   5  34   1     -77.08    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   5  34   1     -77.08    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   5  34   1     -77.08    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   5  34   1     -77.08    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   5  34   1     -77.08    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   5  34   1     -77.08    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   5  34   1     -77.08    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   5  34   1     -77.08    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   6  34   1     -76.55    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 374  31   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 374  31   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 370  32   1      67.14    334.76
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 370  32   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 370  32   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 370  32   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   6  34   1     -76.55    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   6  34   1     -76.55    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   6  34   1     -76.55    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   6  34   1     -76.55    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   6  34   1     -76.55    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   6  34   1     -76.55    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   6  34   1     -76.55    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   6  34   1     -76.55    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   6  34   1     -76.55    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   6  34   1     -76.55    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  43 355  47   1      64.06    358.72
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  47   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 355  48   1      63.60    356.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  41 355  48   1      63.75    356.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  42 355  48   1      63.90    357.83
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  48   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   2  40 356  49   1      64.01    355.71
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   6  34   1     -76.55    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   6  34   1     -76.55    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   6  34   1     -76.55    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 197   6  34   1     -76.55    181.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   7  34   1     -76.02    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   7  34   1     -76.02    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   7  34   1     -76.02    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   7  34   1     -76.02    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   7  34   1     -76.02    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 370  32   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 371  32   1      67.54    334.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 371  32   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  20 372  32   1      67.94    334.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 372  32   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 373  32   1      68.42    334.43
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 373  32   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 373  32   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   7  34   1     -76.02    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   7  34   1     -76.02    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   7  34   1     -76.02    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 191   7  34   1     -76.02    174.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 192   7  34   1     -76.02    175.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 193   7  34   1     -76.02    176.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 194   7  34   1     -76.02    177.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 195   7  34   1     -76.02    178.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 196   7  34   1     -76.02    179.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  34   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   8  34   1     -75.48    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 184   8  34   1     -75.48    166.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 374  32   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 374  32   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 370  33   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 370  33   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 370  33   1      67.42    336.95
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 185   8  34   1     -75.48    167.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 186   8  34   1     -75.48    168.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 187   8  34   1     -75.48    169.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 188   8  34   1     -75.48    170.94
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 189   8  34   1     -75.48    172.06
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 190   8  34   1     -75.48    173.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   8  34   1     -75.48    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  34   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  34   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  34   1     -75.48    185.56
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 183   9  34   1     -74.95    165.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   9  34   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  34   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198  10  34   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   7  35   1     -76.02    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   8  35   1     -75.48    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  35   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 370  33   1      67.52    337.67
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 371  33   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 371  33   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 372  33   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 372  33   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 373  33   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 373  33   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  35   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  35   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198   9  35   1     -74.95    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  35   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 198  10  35   1     -74.41    182.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  35   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   8  36   1     -75.48    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  36   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 373  33   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 374  33   1      69.20    336.62
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 374  33   1      69.30    337.25
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 370  34   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 370  34   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  36   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  36   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  36   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  37   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  37   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  37   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  37   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 371  34   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 371  34   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 371  34   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 371  34   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 372  34   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 372  34   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 372  34   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  37   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   8  38   1     -75.48    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  38   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  38   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  38   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  38   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  38   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 372  34   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 372  34   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 373  34   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 373  34   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 373  34   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 373  34   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 373  34   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  39   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199   9  39   1     -74.95    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  39   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  39   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  39   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  39   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  39   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 370  35   1      67.23    335.49
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 370  35   1      67.32    336.22
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 371  35   1      67.63    335.16
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 371  35   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 371  35   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   8  40   1     -75.48    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  40   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  40   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  40   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 199  10  40   1     -74.41    183.31
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  40   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  40   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  41   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  41   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  41   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  41   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  41   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 371  35   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  21 372  35   1      68.02    334.81
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 372  35   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 372  35   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 372  35   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 372  35   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 373  35   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  41   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200   9  42   1     -74.95    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  42   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  42   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  42   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  42   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  42   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 373  35   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 373  35   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 373  35   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 373  35   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 371  36   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201   9  43   1     -74.95    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  43   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  43   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  43   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  43   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202   9  44   1     -74.95    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 200  10  44   1     -74.41    184.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  44   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  44   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 371  36   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 371  36   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 372  36   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 372  36   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 372  36   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 372  36   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 373  36   1      68.51    335.11
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 373  36   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 201  10  45   1     -74.41    185.56
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  45   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   3 202  10  46   1     -74.41    186.69
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 373  36   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 373  36   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 373  36   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 371  37   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 371  37   1      67.81    336.58
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 371  37   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 372  37   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 372  37   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 372  37   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 372  37   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 373  37   1      68.60    335.77
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 373  37   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 373  37   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 373  37   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 371  38   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 371  38   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 371  38   1      67.91    337.28
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 372  38   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 372  38   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 372  38   1      68.31    336.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 372  38   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  24 373  38   1      68.70    336.44
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 373  38   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 373  38   1      68.91    337.75
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 371  39   1      67.72    335.87
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 371  39   1      67.81    336.58
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  22 372  39   1      68.11    335.50
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  23 372  39   1      68.21    336.19
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 372  39   1      68.41    337.55
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  25 373  39   1      68.80    337.10
 (init_tidal_mixing1) reg num, REGION_BOX3D, i,j,k,iblock,lat,lonRoss Sea   3   1  26 373  39   1      68.91    337.75
  after REGION_BOX3D print test
 Done setting default values!
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
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 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
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 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
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 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
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 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
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 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
 k, area_t_k(k), bgtarea_t_k(k) open_ocean_area_t_k(k)
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     3      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     3      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     2      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
     1      3.605116724269280E+18    3.605116724269280E+18    3.592561691876594E+18
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    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
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    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
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    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
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    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
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    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
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    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
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    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
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    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
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    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    14      3.440075972532718E+18    3.440075972532718E+18    3.433070783788089E+18
    15      3.434238153835673E+18    3.434238153835673E+18    3.427232965091044E+18
    16      3.428238941514711E+18    3.428238941514711E+18    3.421233752770082E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    17      3.423624387308853E+18    3.423624387308853E+18    3.416619198564223E+18
    18      3.419098102119645E+18    3.419098102119645E+18    3.412153436578373E+18
    19      3.414715953701839E+18    3.414715953701839E+18    3.407771288160566E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    20      3.409778109588937E+18    3.409778109588937E+18    3.402833444047665E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
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    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
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    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
    27      3.369326561417943E+18    3.369326561417943E+18    3.363302597794529E+18
    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    21      3.404563133039986E+18    3.404563133039986E+18    3.397720507784635E+18
    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
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    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    22      3.399091310878116E+18    3.399091310878116E+18    3.392581469371993E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
    31      3.343569321585032E+18    3.343569321585032E+18    3.337823127380011E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    26      3.376104182464536E+18    3.376104182464536E+18    3.369982006471207E+18
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    29      3.357582205151466E+18    3.357582205151466E+18    3.351607578020319E+18
    23      3.394306213749241E+18    3.394306213749241E+18    3.387846016213411E+18
    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
    25      3.381888634827103E+18    3.381888634827103E+18    3.375607046276558E+18
    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    24      3.388448828701634E+18    3.388448828701634E+18    3.381988631165804E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    28      3.362677958313308E+18    3.362677958313308E+18    3.356703331182161E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    30      3.350450098321052E+18    3.350450098321052E+18    3.344598273923993E+18
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    33      3.325742872894687E+18    3.325742872894687E+18    3.320495037556076E+18
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    34      3.314689546349587E+18    3.314689546349587E+18    3.310048518854782E+18
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    34      3.314689546349587E+18    3.314689546349587E+18    3.310048518854782E+18
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    34      3.314689546349587E+18    3.314689546349587E+18    3.310048518854782E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
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    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
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    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
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    36      3.290990678235035E+18    3.290990678235035E+18    3.287581797754015E+18
    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    35      3.301870867795441E+18    3.301870867795441E+18    3.298408224712406E+18
    36      3.290990678235035E+18    3.290990678235035E+18    3.287581797754015E+18
    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    36      3.290990678235035E+18    3.290990678235035E+18    3.287581797754015E+18
    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
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    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    38      3.266102429627725E+18    3.266102429627725E+18    3.263012218250014E+18
    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    37      3.279542047747848E+18    3.279542047747848E+18    3.276451836370137E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    39      3.252382854021038E+18    3.252382854021038E+18    3.249292642643327E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
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    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
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    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
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    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    40      3.236408918760606E+18    3.236408918760606E+18    3.233629536646857E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    41      3.218586858799241E+18    3.218586858799241E+18    3.215965503551506E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    42      3.196845507660826E+18    3.196845507660826E+18    3.194323644041697E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
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    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
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    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
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    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
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    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
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    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
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    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
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    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
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    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
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    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    43      3.172670640233648E+18    3.172670640233648E+18    3.170554456532549E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
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    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    44      3.146609055339809E+18    3.146609055339809E+18    3.144492871638709E+18
    45      3.111309167473597E+18    3.111309167473597E+18    3.109502268132250E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
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    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    46      3.072208273142948E+18    3.072208273142948E+18    3.071078738304258E+18
    47      3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18    3.023542382640111E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
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    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
    49      2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18    2.897543550275041E+18
    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    48      2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18    2.967882929750253E+18
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    50      2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18    2.796950138446352E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    51      2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18    2.662927759538910E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
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    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    52      2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18    2.478638263648849E+18
    53      2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18    2.251232840624556E+18
    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    54      2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18    2.000209036103316E+18
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    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
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    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
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    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
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    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
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    55      1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18    1.712959840684087E+18
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    56      1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18    1.410794107878886E+18
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
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  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    57      1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18    1.110648134250782E+18
    58      8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17    8.302308618777356E+17
    59      5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17    5.426734694876237E+17
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
    60      2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17    2.763903305186335E+17
  open_ocean_volume_2_km       1.320801417308794E+24
  rf_volume_2_km               1.321516315006501E+24
 Reading setup_nml
 Reading grid_nml
 Reading tracer_nml
 Reading thermo_nml
 Reading dynamics_nml
 Reading shortwave_nml
 Reading ponds_nml
 Reading forcing_nml
 Reading zbgc_nml
   Grid specification
    ewn             :          416
    nsn             :          704
    upn             :           11
    EW grid spacing :    4000.00000000000
    NS grid spacing :    4000.00000000000
    Outflow global boundary conditions; scalars in global halo will be set to ze
    sigma file      :
   Time steps
    start time (yr)     :   0.000000000000000E+000
    end time (yr)       :    1000.00000000000
    time step (yr)      :   0.100000000000000
    thermal dt factor   :    1.00000000000000
    diagnostic interval (years):  0.100000000000000
   Dycore options
    I/O parameter file      :
    Dycore                  :            2glissade
    temperature calculation :            1prognostic temperature
    flow law                :            2Paterson and Budd
    basal_water             :            0none
    marine_margin           :            1remove all floating ice
    calving_init            :            1ice calves at initialization
    calving_domain          :            1calving in all cells where criterion i
 s met
    Icebergs will be removed
    The thickness of marine ice cliffs will be limited
    calving_domain          :            1calving in all cells where criterion i
 s met
    Calving-front cells will not be culled at initialization
    evolution               :            3incremental remapping
    minthck for diagnostics :            1include cells with H > thklim in globa
 l diagnostics
    vertical_integration    :            0standard
    basal melt, floating ice:            0none
    basal mass balance      :            1in continuity eqn
    smb input               :            0SMB input in units of m/yr ice
    overwrite_acab          :            0do not overwrite acab anywhere
    geothermal heat flux    :            1read flux from file, if present
    isostasy                :            0no isostasy calculation
   Restarting model from a previous run
   Higher-order options:
    ho_whichefvs            :            2nonlinear, from eff strain rate
    ho_whichdisp            :            1first-order model (Blatter-Pattyn)
    ho_whichthermal_timestep:            2vertical thermal solve split into two 
    ho_whichbabc            :            3pseudo-plastic sliding law
    ho_whichbwat            :            2basal water depth computed from local 
 till model
    ho_whicheffecpress      :            4reduced effecpress with increasing bas
 al water
    which_ho_nonlinear      :            0use standard Picard iteration
    ho_whichresid           :            4relative L2 norm, |Ax-b|/|b|
    ho_whichsparse          :            3Native PCG solver, Chronopoulos-Gear
    ho_whichapprox          :            4Depth-integrated viscosity (glissade_v
    ho_whichgradient        :            0centered gradient (glissade)
    ho_whichgradient_margin :            1compute edge gradient when ice lies ab
 ove ice-free land
    ho_whichvertical_remap  :            0first-order accurate
    ho_whichassemble_beta   :            1use local beta at each vertex (glissad
 e dycore)
    ho_whichassemble_taud   :            1use local driving stress at each verte
 x (glissade dycore)
    ho_whichassemble_bfric  :            1use local basal friction at each verte
 x (glissade dycore)
    ho_whichcalving_front   :            0no subgrid calving front parameterizat
    ho_whichground          :            0f_ground = 0 or 1; no GLP  (glissade d
    ho_whichground_bmlt     :            0bmlt_float applied to partly grounded 
    ho_whichice_age         :            1ice age computation on
    glissade_maxiter        :           50
    ho_whichprecond         :            1Diagonal preconditioner (glissade PCG)
    thickness limit for dynamically active ice (m) :    1.00000000000000
    Advection will be subcycled when CFL >  0.500000000000000
    thickness limit for temperature calculations (m) :    1.00000000000000
    thickness scale for gradient ramp (m):   50.0000000000000
    pmp threshold for temperature (K):   1.000000000000000E-003
    taumax_cliff                  :    1000000.00000000
    cliff time scale (yr)       :   0.000000000000000E+000
    ice density (kg/m^3)          :    917.000000000000
    ocean density (kg/m^3)        :    1026.00000000000
    gravitational accel (m/s^2)   :    9.80616000000000
    heat capacity of ice (J/kg/K) :    2117.27000000000
    latent heat of ice (J/kg)     :    333700.000000000
    triple point of water (K)     :    273.160000000000
    geothermal flux  (W/m^2)      :  -5.000000000000000E-002
    flow factor (grounded ice)    :    1.00000000000000
    flow factor (floating ice)    :    1.00000000000000
    max surface slope             :   0.100000000000000
    pseudo-plastic q              :   0.500000000000000
    pseudo-plastic u0             :    100.000000000000
    pseudo-plastic phi_min (deg)  :    5.00000000000000
    pseudo-plastic phi_max (deg)  :    40.0000000000000
    pseudo-plastic bed min (m)    :   -700.000000000000
    pseudo-plastic bed max (m)    :    700.000000000000
    min beta, grounded ice (Pa yr/m)             :    100.000000000000
    effective pressure delta      :   2.000000000000000E-002
    maximum till water depth (m)  :    2.00000000000000
    till drainage rate (m/yr)     :   1.000000000000000E-003
   GLAD climate
    evolve_ice (0=fixed, 1=evolve):             0
   The ice sheet state will not evolve after initialization
   Mass-balance accumulation time will be set to max(ice timestep, mbal timestep
    ice_tstep_multiply:           1
   CISM 2.0
 Layout(EW,NS) =          104          88  total procs =           32
   Computing Glide sigma levels
   Sigma levels:
    0.000 0.231 0.407 0.544 0.653 0.741 0.812 0.872 0.922 0.964 1.000
   opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013-0 for input
    Restart: New tstart, tstep_count =   12.0000000000000              120
    Reading time slice            1(   12.0000000000000     ) from file bwma1850 at time  
     Loading x1
     Loading y1
     Loading acab
     Loading artm
     Loading beta
     Loading bfricflx
     Loading bheatflx
     Loading btractx
     Loading btracty
     Loading bwat
     Loading dissipstag
     Loading efvs
     Loading ice_age
     Loading kinbcmask
     Loading tempstag
     Loading thk
     Loading thkmask
     Loading topg
     Loading uvel
     Loading uvel_2d
     Loading vvel
     Loading vvel_2d
   Set area scale factor = 1 for polar stereographic projection
   Type: Stereographic
    Longitude of central meridian:   -45.0000000000000
    Latitude of projection origin:    90.0000000000000
    False easting:    0.000000000000000E+000
    False northing:   0.000000000000000E+000
    Standard parallel:    70.0000000000000
    Scale factor:   0.000000000000000E+000
Global idiag, jdiag:        134   280
Local idiag, jdiag, task:    32    18    13
  * Global idiag, jdiag:        134   280
  * Local idiag, jdiag, task:    32    18    13
   Initializing ice temperature from the restart file
 Done in glissade_initialise
     Loading hflx_tavg
     Loading lat
     Loading lon
     Loading rofi_tavg
     Loading rofl_tavg
  * Diagnostic output, time =     11.9999999999999734
  * Total ice area (km^2)      0.1667679999999865E+07
  * Grounded ice area (km^2)   0.1663999999999865E+07
  * Floating ice area (km^2)   0.3679999999999996E+04
  * Total ice volume (km^3)    0.2952805440572578E+07
  * Total ice mass (kg)        0.2707722589005053E+19
  * Mass above flotation (kg)  0.2668477290954693E+19
  * Total ice energy (J)      -0.1142852668752733E+24
  * Total SMB flux (Gt/y)      0.0000000000000000E+00
  * Total BMB flux (Gt/y)      0.0000000000000000E+00
  * Total calving flux (Gt/y)  0.0000000000000000E+00
  * Total dmass/dt (Gt/y)      0.0000000000000000E+00
  * dmass/dt error (Gt/y)      0.0000000000000000E+00
  * Total gr line flux (Gt/y) -0.2897558656354176E+01
  * Mean thickness (m)          1770.6067354485373926
  * Mean temperature (C)         -19.9347059892330165
  * Max thickness (m), i, j     3402.6667480468750000   230   366
  * Max temperature, i, j, k      -2.5815498828887939   297   216     0
  * Min temperature, i, j, k     -30.3878574371337891   236   451     0
  * Max sfc spd (m/yr), i, j     999.9088967434951201   198   100
  * Max base spd (m/yr), i, j    354.5326263138903755   304   572
  *         Grid point diagnostics: (i,j) =   134   280
  *         Local (i,j,rank) =                 32    18    13
  * Upper surface (m)            343.5833129882813068
  * Thickness (m)                732.3333129882812500
  * Bedrock topo (m)            -388.7500000000000000
  * Sfc mass balance (m/yr)       -4.2188050139379323
  * Basal melt rate (m/yr)         0.0000000000000000
  * Basal water depth (m)          0.0000000000000000
  * Basal heat flux (W/m^2)       -0.0548120401799679
  *  Sigma       Ice speed (m/yr)       Ice temperature (C)
  *  0.000    456.2302955362317789     -9.5970080172634198
  *  0.116                             -9.2874932227323068
  *  0.231    447.0976129890099742
  *  0.319                             -8.4476792256992592
  *  0.407    424.7454107874802958
  *  0.476                             -7.8025271680867023
  *  0.544    393.0939735132360511
  *  0.599                             -7.2961458155157546
  *  0.653    353.1553870598486924
  *  0.697                             -6.8913726356655065
  *  0.741    305.4235432701678974
  *  0.777                             -6.5627116616410932
  *  0.812    251.0339606985370438
  *  0.842                             -6.2921959230560542
  *  0.872    191.7189455173042063
  *  0.897                             -6.0668670412763541
  *  0.922    129.3635312645271540
  *  0.943                             -5.8771875500593511
  *  0.964     65.6766059235178972
  *  0.982                             -5.7160111263863413
  *  1.000      2.0496454718998831     -5.6417792671673537
 starttype: continue

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 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32         104
         600         104
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 1 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32           0
         600           0
 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
 3 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS=           1          32          10
         600          10
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
(seq_domain_areafactinit) : min/max mdl2drv   0.999565346641447       1.00000000000000    areafact_o_OCN
(seq_domain_areafactinit) : min/max drv2mdl    1.00000000000000       1.00043484236425    areafact_o_OCN
(seq_domain_areafactinit) : min/max mdl2drv   0.999565346641447       1.00000000000000    areafact_i_ICE
(seq_domain_areafactinit) : min/max drv2mdl    1.00000000000000       1.00043484236425    areafact_i_ICE
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file 
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  1  1  84  80
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  1  2  84  80
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  2  1  81  74
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  2  2  81  74
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  3  1  82  76
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  3  2  82  76
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  4  1  83  79
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  4  2  83  79
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  5  1  85  78
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  1  5  2  85  78
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  1  1  80  84
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  1  2  80  84
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  2  1  74  81
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  2  2  74  81
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  3  1  76  82
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  3  2  76  82
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  4  1  79  83
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  4  2  79  83
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  5  1  78  85
calcsize j,iq,jac, lsfrm,lstoo  2  5  2  78  85
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 136.063,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (157, 185). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.322E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  85.438,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (112, 180). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.917E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 164.188,   1.742), which is global (i,j) (182, 194). Level: 15
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.589E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130202       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
  max rss=719.7 MB
  max rss=492.0 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130202       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        492.03 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130203       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.2 MB
  max rss=493.4 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130203       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        493.35 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130204       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.2 MB
  max rss=493.9 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130204       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        493.93 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  86.563,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (113, 180). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.507E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130205       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
  max rss=720.2 MB
  max rss=494.5 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130205       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        494.48 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  97.812,   0.936), which is global (i,j) (123, 191). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.565E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130206       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.3 MB
  max rss=494.9 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130206       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        494.87 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 23, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 284.563, -46.099), which is global (i,j) (289, 63). Level: 15
(Task 23, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.290E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130207       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.4 MB
  max rss=495.2 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130207       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        495.18 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 138.313,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (159, 183). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.986E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  96.688,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (122, 187). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.297E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130208       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.4 MB
  max rss=495.4 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130208       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        495.39 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  91.063,  -0.401), which is global (i,j) (117, 186). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.292E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 23, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 284.563, -46.099), which is global (i,j) (289, 63). Level: 15
(Task 23, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.353E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  89.938,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (116, 185). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.754E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130209       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.5 MB
  max rss=495.5 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130209       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        495.50 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130210       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.5 MB
  max rss=495.7 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130210       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        495.71 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 134.938,  -0.401), which is global (i,j) (156, 186). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.208E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130211       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.5 MB
  max rss=495.9 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130211       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        495.89 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130212       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.5 MB
  max rss=496.0 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130212       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        496.05 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130213       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.5 MB
  max rss=496.2 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130213       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        496.15 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  86.563,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (113, 184). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.427E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130214       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.6 MB
  max rss=496.2 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130214       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        496.25 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130215       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=720.9 MB
  max rss=496.3 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130215       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        496.32 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130216       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.6 MB
  max rss=503.1 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130216       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        503.15 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 147.313,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (167, 188). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.244E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130217       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.6 MB
  max rss=520.3 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130217       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        520.29 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (164, 185). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.181E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (164, 184). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.624E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 148.438,   1.473), which is global (i,j) (168, 193). Level: 14
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.375E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  93.312,   1.204), which is global (i,j) (119, 192). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.911E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (164, 185). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.376E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130218       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.6 MB
  max rss=520.4 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130218       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        520.44 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  87.688,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (114, 181). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.325E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 149.563,   0.669), which is global (i,j) (169, 190). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.153E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  93.312,   1.204), which is global (i,j) (119, 192). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.993E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130219       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.6 MB
  max rss=520.7 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130219       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        520.67 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (164, 188). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.164E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130220       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.6 MB
  max rss=520.9 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130220       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        520.93 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130221       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.6 MB
  max rss=521.1 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130221       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        521.14 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 150.688,   1.473), which is global (i,j) (170, 193). Level: 14
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.271E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130222       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.6 MB
  max rss=521.4 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130222       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        521.36 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  96.688,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (122, 188). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.139E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  95.563,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (121, 182). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.190E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130223       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.7 MB
  max rss=521.5 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130223       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        521.52 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   7.813,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (43, 181). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.164E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130224       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.7 MB
  max rss=521.7 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130224       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        521.67 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (39, 187). Level: 15
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.480E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130225       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.7 MB
  max rss=521.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130225       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        521.78 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 152.938,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (172, 187). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.200E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 147.313,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (167, 185). Level: 15
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.260E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130226       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.7 MB
  max rss=521.9 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130226       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        521.91 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 149.563,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (169, 182). Level: 15
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.147E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130227       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.7 MB
  max rss=522.0 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130227       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        522.03 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (40, 185). Level: 15
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.126E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 139.438,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (160, 181). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.209E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130228       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=725.7 MB
  max rss=522.1 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130228       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        522.11 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 138.313,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (159, 185). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.833E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   6.687,   0.667), which is global (i,j) (42, 190). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.475E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130301       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 WARNING: Rearr optional argument is a pio2 feature, ignored in pio1
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
GPTLstopf thread 0: timer for "a:PIO:pre_pio_write_nf" had not been started.
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=522.9 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130301       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        522.91 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=726.7 MB
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
GPTLstopf: timer "i:cice_run_total" was already off.
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   6.688,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (42, 181). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.496E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (41, 181). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.335E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.158E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.574E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.746E-007 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130302       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.7 MB
  max rss=523.0 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130302       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        522.96 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130303       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.7 MB
  max rss=523.0 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130303       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.04 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  83.188,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (110, 180). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.467E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 139.438,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (160, 183). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.377E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130304       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.8 MB
  max rss=523.1 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130304       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.09 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  91.062,   1.204), which is global (i,j) (117, 192). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (164, 184). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.330E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130305       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.8 MB
  max rss=523.1 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130305       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.13 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  89.937,   2.009), which is global (i,j) (116, 195). Level: 13
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.834E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (161, 182). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.401E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (161, 182). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.714E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (161, 182). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.357E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 138.313,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (159, 182). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.126E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130306       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.8 MB
  max rss=523.2 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130306       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.18 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 145.063,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (165, 180). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.406E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130307       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.9 MB
  max rss=523.2 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130307       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.23 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (161, 183). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.195E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130308       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.9 MB
  max rss=523.3 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130308       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.29 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (164, 184). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.202E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130309       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.9 MB
  max rss=523.3 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130309       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.32 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (39, 184). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.182E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.562,   0.667), which is global (i,j) (41, 190). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.185E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   7.813,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (43, 179). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.381E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (39, 183). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.132E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130310       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=726.9 MB
  max rss=523.3 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130310       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.35 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (164, 184). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.116E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 145.063,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (165, 184). Level: 15
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.481E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (164, 184). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.989E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130311       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.0 MB
  max rss=523.4 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130311       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.37 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 142.813,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (163, 178). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.724E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (40, 181). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.222E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130312       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.0 MB
  max rss=523.4 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130312       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.44 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130313       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.0 MB
  max rss=523.5 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130313       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.52 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 112.437,   5.256), which is global (i,j) (136, 207). Level: 15
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.221E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130314       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130314       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 142.813,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (163, 184). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.544E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (39, 183). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.248E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130315       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130315       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130316       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130316       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (39, 183). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.361E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130317       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130317       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 103, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 288.428,  36.680), which is global (i,j) (292, 294). Level: 13
(Task 103, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.830E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130318       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130318       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):       87712           1
(Task 103, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 288.428,  36.680), which is global (i,j) (292, 294). Level: 13
(Task 103, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.458E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 103, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 288.405,  36.231), which is global (i,j) (292, 293). Level: 13
(Task 103, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.298E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 103, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 288.405,  36.231), which is global (i,j) (292, 293). Level: 13
(Task 103, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.114E-009 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 103, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 288.405,  36.231), which is global (i,j) (292, 293). Level: 13
(Task 103, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.104E-009 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   6.688,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (42, 179). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.345E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130319       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130319       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 103, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 288.405,  36.231), which is global (i,j) (292, 293). Level: 13
(Task 103, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.362E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   7.813,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (43, 180). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.500E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 103, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 288.405,  36.231), which is global (i,j) (292, 293). Level: 13
(Task 103, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.128E-009 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   2.188,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (38, 185). Level: 15
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.271E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 49, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  10.063,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (45, 164). Level: 14
(Task 49, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.639E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130320       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130320       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   6.688,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (42, 177). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.101E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 146.188,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (166, 175). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.260E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  92.185,   6.873), which is global (i,j) (118, 213). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.168E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  92.185,   6.873), which is global (i,j) (118, 213). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.707E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130321       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130321       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 141.688,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (162, 181). Level: 15
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130322       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130322       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  85.437,   0.936), which is global (i,j) (112, 191). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.885E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   6.688,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (42, 180). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.173E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130323       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130323       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (41, 180). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.116E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 139.438,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (160, 187). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.437E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (39, 185). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.535E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130324       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130324       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 113.562,   5.801), which is global (i,j) (137, 209). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.156E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   7.813,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (43, 178). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.301E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130325       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130325       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 142.813,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (163, 179). Level: 15
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.220E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130326       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130326       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130327       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130327       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (41, 180). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.847E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130328       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130328       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 113.562,   5.529), which is global (i,j) (137, 208). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.176E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130329       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130329       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130330       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130330       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130331       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130331       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130401       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130401       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130402       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130402       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130403       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130403       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130404       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130404       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      118845           1
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130405       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130405       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 113.562,   5.529), which is global (i,j) (137, 208). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.900E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130406       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130406       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130407       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130407       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130408       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130408       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (39, 181). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.976E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130409       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130409       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  96.687,   2.278), which is global (i,j) (122, 196). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.192E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  95.563,   0.401), which is global (i,j) (121, 189). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.405E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130410       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130410       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  92.187,   1.472), which is global (i,j) (118, 193). Level: 13
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.825E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130411       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130411       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (41, 183). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.407E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130412       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130412       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130413       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130413       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (41, 182). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.993E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (41, 182). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.395E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130414       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130414       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130415       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130415       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 112.436,   6.073), which is global (i,j) (136, 210). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.465E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130416       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130416       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  88.812,   2.546), which is global (i,j) (115, 197). Level: 13
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.556E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 112.437,   5.256), which is global (i,j) (136, 207). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.157E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130417       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130417       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 113.561,   6.074), which is global (i,j) (137, 210). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.211E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130418       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130418       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  83.188,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (110, 184). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.961E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (39, 183). Level: 13
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.955E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130419       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130419       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 138.312,   2.820), which is global (i,j) (159, 198). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.853E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130420       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130420       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,   2.820), which is global (i,j) (161, 198). Level: 14
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.504E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 131.562,   3.631), which is global (i,j) (153, 201). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.102E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130421       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130421       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 129.312,   2.550), which is global (i,j) (151, 197). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.242E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130422       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130422       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (41, 181). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.116E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 71, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 277.814,   5.958), which is global (i,j) (283, 210). Level: 14
(Task 71, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.333E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130423       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130423       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130424       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130424       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 357.688,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (34, 188). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.113E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130425       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130425       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130426       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130426       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 129.312,   4.717), which is global (i,j) (151, 205). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.429E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 127.062,   1.742), which is global (i,j) (149, 194). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.240E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 136.063,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (157, 179). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.857E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 127.062,   1.473), which is global (i,j) (149, 193). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.422E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 129.312,   4.717), which is global (i,j) (151, 205). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.676E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130427       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130427       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130428       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130428       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=727.1 MB
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 134.938,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (156, 178). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.216E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):       36343           2
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130429       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130429       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):       20708           1
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  94.437,   1.741), which is global (i,j) (120, 194). Level: 13
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.171E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130430       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130430       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 136.063,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (157, 179). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.297E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 136.063,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (157, 179). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.699E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 136.063,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (157, 179). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.125E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.563,  -7.346), which is global (i,j) (201, 160). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.178E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 134.938,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (156, 178). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.259E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 134.938,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (156, 178). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.961E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130501       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130501       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=727.1 MB
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130502       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130502       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130503       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130503       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 136.063,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (157, 179). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.207E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130504       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130504       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130505       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130505       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      101576           2
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130506       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130506       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130507       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130507       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 20, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 151.813, -47.167), which is global (i,j) (171, 61). Level: 14
(Task 20, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.273E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 186.688,  -7.346), which is global (i,j) (202, 160). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.266E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130508       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130508       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130509       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130509       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130510       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130510       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.813,  -7.880), which is global (i,j) (203, 158). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.106E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130511       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130511       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.813,  -7.880), which is global (i,j) (203, 158). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.326E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130512       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130512       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130513       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130513       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130514       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130514       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130515       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130515       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.563,  -8.949), which is global (i,j) (201, 154). Level: 13
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.286E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -7.613), which is global (i,j) (198, 159). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.181E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130516       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130516       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):       39629           1
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130517       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130517       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -6.545), which is global (i,j) (186, 163). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.942E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 355.437,   2.792), which is global (i,j) (32, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -8.949), which is global (i,j) (200, 154). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.878E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130518       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130518       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (200, 156). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.961E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.563,  -6.812), which is global (i,j) (201, 162). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.415E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130519       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130519       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 170.938,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (188, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.143E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130520       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130520       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (186, 164). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.717E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130521       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130521       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -9.483), which is global (i,j) (200, 152). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.564E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 170.938,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (188, 164). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.824E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130522       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130522       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 170.938,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (188, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.221E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.813,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (203, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.279E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 172.063,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (189, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.188E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130523       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130523       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130524       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130524       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (186, 164). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.469E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.438,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (208, 169). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.406E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (186, 164). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.259E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      116886           2
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130525       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130525       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -5.743), which is global (i,j) (186, 166). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.121E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  96.687,   2.547), which is global (i,j) (122, 197). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.999E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  84.312,   2.008), which is global (i,j) (111, 195). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.108E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130526       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130526       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 139.437,   4.445), which is global (i,j) (160, 204). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.335E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.563,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (185, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.785E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.688,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (210, 171). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.916E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.563,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (185, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.254E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130527       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130527       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.563,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (185, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.334E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.438,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (208, 172). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.626E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -9.216), which is global (i,j) (197, 153). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.233E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130528       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130528       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  88.813,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (115, 181). Level: 13
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.244E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      108118           1
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130529       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130529       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 166.438,  -5.743), which is global (i,j) (184, 166). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.661E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.438,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (208, 176). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.101E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -8.682), which is global (i,j) (196, 155). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.582E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -8.682), which is global (i,j) (196, 155). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.548E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130530       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130530       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -7.880), which is global (i,j) (198, 158). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.356E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 160.813,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (179, 165). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.933E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.688,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (210, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.568E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (186, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.333E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (186, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.232E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 104.563, -13.226), which is global (i,j) (129, 138). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.133E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130531       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130531       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.563,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (201, 169). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.101E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130601       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130601       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      123628           2
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      123629           2
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 197.938,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (212, 173). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.144E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.313,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (207, 174). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.112E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      123630           2
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 199.063,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (213, 172). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.140E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 172.063,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (189, 164). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.245E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 173.188,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (190, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.484E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 172.063,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (189, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.138E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.813,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (203, 171). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.238E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 139.437,   5.535), which is global (i,j) (160, 208). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.335E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 173.188,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (190, 165). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.837E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130602       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130602       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 174.313,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (191, 164). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.884E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.313,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (207, 175). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.417E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130603       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130603       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.813,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (203, 174). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.373E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 138.312,   5.262), which is global (i,j) (159, 207). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.100E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130604       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130604       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 196.813,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (211, 171). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.189E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 157.438, -10.819), which is global (i,j) (176, 147). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (200, 169). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.202E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 138.312,   5.535), which is global (i,j) (159, 208). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.771E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 139.437,   4.989), which is global (i,j) (160, 206). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.188E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130605       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130605       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -7.079), which is global (i,j) (197, 161). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.177E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (215, 173). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.117E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -7.613), which is global (i,j) (197, 159). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.293E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.813,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (203, 174). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.967E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 24, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 349.813, -39.153), which is global (i,j) (27, 76). Level: 14
(Task 24, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.360E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.313,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (199, 173). Level: 15
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.192E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130606       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130606       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.813,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (203, 173). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.144E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (186, 151). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.278E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.313,  -7.346), which is global (i,j) (199, 160). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.382E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130607       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130607       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -8.949), which is global (i,j) (200, 154). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.574E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -8.148), which is global (i,j) (197, 157). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.453E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,   4.174), which is global (i,j) (161, 203). Level: 13
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.542E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 35, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 113.563, -21.692), which is global (i,j) (137, 111). Level: 14
(Task 35, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.837E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 177.688,  -9.216), which is global (i,j) (194, 153). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.726E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -5.476), which is global (i,j) (198, 167). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.228E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130608       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130608       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 111.313,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (135, 151). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.817E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -9.483), which is global (i,j) (197, 152). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.794E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,   2.820), which is global (i,j) (164, 198). Level: 13
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.782E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688, -10.285), which is global (i,j) (186, 149). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.198E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (215, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.139E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688, -11.620), which is global (i,j) (186, 144). Level: 13
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.111E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (186, 151). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.118E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 197.938,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (212, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.814E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688, -10.819), which is global (i,j) (186, 147). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.201E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130609       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130609       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688, -11.887), which is global (i,j) (186, 143). Level: 13
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.149E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 178.813,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (195, 156). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.260E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 168.688, -10.017), which is global (i,j) (186, 150). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 136.062,   6.628), which is global (i,j) (157, 212). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.116E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 169.813, -11.353), which is global (i,j) (187, 145). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.301E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 110.188, -10.017), which is global (i,j) (134, 150). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.541E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130610       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130610       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 169.813, -10.285), which is global (i,j) (187, 149). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.944E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 141.688,   3.903), which is global (i,j) (162, 202). Level: 14
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.535E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 166.438,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (184, 151). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.106E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (215, 169). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.218E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 138.312,   5.535), which is global (i,j) (159, 208). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.416E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130611       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130611       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (200, 169). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.226E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.563, -10.017), which is global (i,j) (185, 150). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.306E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130612       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130612       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 204.688,  -5.209), which is global (i,j) (218, 168). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.149E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.563, -10.285), which is global (i,j) (185, 149). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.156E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 205.813,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (219, 171). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.172E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.563, -10.017), which is global (i,j) (185, 150). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.528E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.366E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.145E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.563,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (185, 151). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.119E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.688,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (210, 177). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.233E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130613       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130613       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.313,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (207, 175). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.250E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.356E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 127.062,   2.011), which is global (i,j) (149, 195). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.284E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (215, 171). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.583E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130614       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130614       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=727.1 MB
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 200.188,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (214, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.447E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.438,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (208, 176). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.213E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130615       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130615       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (198, 170). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.261E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.162E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.669E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.507E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (197, 172). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.154E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 161.938,  -6.545), which is global (i,j) (180, 163). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.948E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (216, 170). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.104E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130616       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130616       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 159.688, -13.226), which is global (i,j) (178, 138). Level: 15
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.289E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 191.188,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (206, 175). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.899E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.938,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (204, 176). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.399E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.313,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (199, 173). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.762E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (196, 174). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.103E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (196, 175). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.156E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.127E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130617       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130617       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (196, 173). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.212E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.392E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (196, 173). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.598E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 155.188, -12.422), which is global (i,j) (174, 141). Level: 14
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.187E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (196, 173). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.668E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (196, 173). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.350E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 141.688,   3.632), which is global (i,j) (162, 201). Level: 14
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.147E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (196, 173). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.142E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (196, 173). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.191E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 191.214,  14.244), which is global (i,j) (206, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.446E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 191.188,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (206, 175). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.847E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.563,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (201, 174). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.380E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 142.813,   3.090), which is global (i,j) (163, 199). Level: 14
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.186E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (215, 170). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.257E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 151.813,  -5.743), which is global (i,j) (171, 166). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.303E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130618       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130618       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 75, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 133.812,   8.830), which is global (i,j) (155, 220). Level: 13
(Task 75, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.700E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (196, 171). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (197, 171). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.263E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 178.813,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (195, 173). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.289E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (198, 172). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.135E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (39, 181). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.316E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (41, 181). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.657E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 205.813,  -5.209), which is global (i,j) (219, 168). Level: 13
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.791E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 178.813,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (195, 175). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.809E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130619       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130619       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      124802           1
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (200, 172). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.106E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (40, 179). Level: 13
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.100E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (197, 177). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.112E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.313,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (199, 178). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.242E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.313,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (199, 173). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.224E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 157.438, -11.353), which is global (i,j) (176, 145). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.980E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (200, 173). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.529E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (198, 172). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.307E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130620       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130620       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.438,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (200, 177). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.564E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   2.187,   2.794), which is global (i,j) (38, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.173E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.688,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (210, 175). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.137E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,   3.903), which is global (i,j) (161, 202). Level: 15
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.724E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 208.063,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (221, 169). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.184E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130621       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130621       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,   3.903), which is global (i,j) (161, 202). Level: 15
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.207E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (198, 178). Level: 14
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.224E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 140.563,   3.903), which is global (i,j) (161, 202). Level: 15
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.474E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -1.736), which is global (i,j) (41, 181). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.262E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 109.063, -10.285), which is global (i,j) (133, 149). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.799E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130622       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130622       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (197, 173). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.108E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (216, 171). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.875E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (41, 176). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.355E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.188,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (198, 173). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.232E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130623       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130623       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (41, 175). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.186E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  98.938, -14.038), which is global (i,j) (124, 135). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.389E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (40, 177). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.241E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (223, 169). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.404E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130624       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130624       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (217, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.229E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 160.813, -11.086), which is global (i,j) (179, 146). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.377E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 212.563,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (225, 173). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.106E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 165.313,  -5.209), which is global (i,j) (183, 168). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.373E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 68, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.938,   3.361), which is global (i,j) (164, 200). Level: 14
(Task 68, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.450E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 165.313,  -5.209), which is global (i,j) (183, 168). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.355E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130625       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130625       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 166.438, -12.155), which is global (i,j) (184, 142). Level: 13
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.637E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 204.688,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (218, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.136E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 60, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.063,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (197, 174). Level: 13
(Task 60, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.288E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130626       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130626       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (223, 170). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.315E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 114.688,  -8.682), which is global (i,j) (138, 155). Level: 13
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.280E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (217, 171). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.610E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (216, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.157E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130627       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130627       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 113.563,  -8.949), which is global (i,j) (137, 154). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.406E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (40, 175). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.448E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   8.938,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (44, 177). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.319E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130628       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130628       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 44, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 163.063, -12.155), which is global (i,j) (181, 142). Level: 13
(Task 44, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.254E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (41, 177). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.110E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  66.310,   5.761), which is global (i,j) (95, 209). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.370E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130629       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130629       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 159.688,  -8.949), which is global (i,j) (178, 154). Level: 15
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.108E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  66.310,   5.761), which is global (i,j) (95, 209). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.641E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 199.063,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (213, 172). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.208E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 208.063,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (221, 169). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.235E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 131.562,   4.717), which is global (i,j) (153, 205). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.559E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.060,   6.028), which is global (i,j) (93, 210). Level: 13
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.570E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130630       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130630       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 211.438,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (224, 170). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.731E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 101.188,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (126, 173). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.501E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  66.310,   5.761), which is global (i,j) (95, 209). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.983E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 166.438,  -9.216), which is global (i,j) (184, 153). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.145E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 166.438,  -9.216), which is global (i,j) (184, 153). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.480E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 200.188,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (214, 173). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.233E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 200.188,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (214, 173). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.790E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 166.438,  -9.216), which is global (i,j) (184, 153). Level: 13
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.753E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 211.438,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (224, 171). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.352E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130701       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130701       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=727.1 MB
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 101.188,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (126, 172). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.703E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (217, 174). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.826E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 50, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  58.438, -11.086), which is global (i,j) (88, 146). Level: 13
(Task 50, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (40, 174). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.436E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130702       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130702       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.060,   5.759), which is global (i,j) (93, 209). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.234E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (223, 170). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.119E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (40, 172). Level: 13
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.171E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130703       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130703       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (39, 170). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.429E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -4.942), which is global (i,j) (223, 169). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.312E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (40, 174). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.290E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  70.809,   6.844), which is global (i,j) (99, 213). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.499E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 92, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.982,  35.682), which is global (i,j) (164, 282). Level: 15
(Task 92, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.291E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.054,   9.257), which is global (i,j) (93, 222). Level: 13
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.293E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (215, 174). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.369E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130704       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130704       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 92, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.982,  35.682), which is global (i,j) (164, 282). Level: 15
(Task 92, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.533E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 102.313,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (127, 171). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.205E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.060,   5.759), which is global (i,j) (93, 209). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.359E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   8.938,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (44, 177). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.993E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (215, 173). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.135E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130705       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130705       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   8.938,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (44, 176). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.939E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  66.310,   5.761), which is global (i,j) (95, 209). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.121E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (216, 180). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.164E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  67.435,   5.763), which is global (i,j) (96, 209). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.169E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130706       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130706       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (217, 178). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.526E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 111.313,  -9.483), which is global (i,j) (135, 152). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.180E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 25, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  32.563, -30.080), which is global (i,j) (65, 93). Level: 15
(Task 25, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.858E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130707       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130707       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 212.563,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (225, 172). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.188E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 110.188, -10.017), which is global (i,j) (134, 150). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.112E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (215, 176). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.987E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  66.310,   5.761), which is global (i,j) (95, 209). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  59.563, -14.038), which is global (i,j) (89, 135). Level: 15
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.412E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 152.938,  -8.148), which is global (i,j) (172, 157). Level: 14
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.373E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      124501           2
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130708       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130708       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  57.313, -13.495), which is global (i,j) (87, 137). Level: 15
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.702E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (216, 178). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.307E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 50, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  58.438, -11.353), which is global (i,j) (88, 145). Level: 13
(Task 50, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.292E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  57.313, -13.226), which is global (i,j) (87, 138). Level: 15
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.161E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130709       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130709       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 107.938, -10.285), which is global (i,j) (132, 149). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.167E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 107.938, -10.285), which is global (i,j) (132, 149). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.338E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130710       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130710       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  65.186,   5.492), which is global (i,j) (94, 208). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.462E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 204.688,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (218, 175). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.100E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 25, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  32.563, -30.080), which is global (i,j) (65, 93). Level: 15
(Task 25, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.409E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  70.810,   6.305), which is global (i,j) (99, 211). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.168E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (40, 172). Level: 14
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.413E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130711       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130711       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (216, 173). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.246E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  47.188,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (78, 185). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.208E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 158.563,  -8.949), which is global (i,j) (177, 154). Level: 15
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.514E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  65.186,   5.492), which is global (i,j) (94, 208). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.200E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  66.311,   5.493), which is global (i,j) (95, 208). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.256E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  67.435,   5.763), which is global (i,j) (96, 209). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.138E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130712       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130712       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 167.590,  17.130), which is global (i,j) (185, 247). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.715E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -5.743), which is global (i,j) (39, 166). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.598E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 206.938,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (220, 176). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.470E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 205.813,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (219, 171). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.501E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 204.688,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (218, 175). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.873E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 205.813,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (219, 174). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.941E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130713       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130713       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 92, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 143.979,  35.069), which is global (i,j) (164, 281). Level: 14
(Task 92, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.374E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  80.938,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (108, 177). Level: 15
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.742E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (217, 177). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.416E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (216, 176). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.267E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  80.938,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (108, 177). Level: 15
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.111E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 112.438,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (136, 156). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.504E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 206.938,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (220, 175). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.779E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  80.938,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (108, 177). Level: 15
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.145E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130714       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130714       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 205.813,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (219, 171). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.522E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 206.938,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (220, 171). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.558E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 113.563,  -9.216), which is global (i,j) (137, 153). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.277E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130715       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130715       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -5.743), which is global (i,j) (39, 166). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.133E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130716       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130716       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -5.209), which is global (i,j) (40, 168). Level: 13
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.758E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.563,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (41, 171). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):       25425           1
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  69.685,   5.765), which is global (i,j) (98, 209). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.137E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130717       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130717       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):       61833           1
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 202.438,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (216, 174). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.309E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   6.688,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (42, 172). Level: 13
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.355E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  65.186,   5.223), which is global (i,j) (94, 207). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.284E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (217, 177). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.157E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130718       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130718       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 208.063,  -4.675), which is global (i,j) (221, 170). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.125E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 52, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.938, -10.552), which is global (i,j) (196, 148). Level: 15
(Task 52, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 204.688,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (218, 174). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.814E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130719       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130719       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  73.059,   6.847), which is global (i,j) (101, 213). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.343E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (39, 165). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.273E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (39, 165). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.208E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (39, 165). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.709E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130720       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=727.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130720       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 205.813,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (219, 172). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130721       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=854.6 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130721       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  71.935,   6.576), which is global (i,j) (100, 212). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.165E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -4.408), which is global (i,j) (223, 171). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.352E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  65.186,   4.954), which is global (i,j) (94, 206). Level: 13
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.289E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 259.813,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (267, 187). Level: 14
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.557E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  80.927,  10.123), which is global (i,j) (108, 225). Level: 15
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.126E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 206.938,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (220, 182). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.194E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130722       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130722       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  79.811,   5.235), which is global (i,j) (107, 207). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.387E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  68.563,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (97, 187). Level: 15
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.163E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 209.188,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (222, 184). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.675E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130723       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130723       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (217, 175). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.232E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130724       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130724       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 119.188, -10.819), which is global (i,j) (142, 147). Level: 15
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.164E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 211.438,  -0.401), which is global (i,j) (224, 186). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.282E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  69.687,   0.668), which is global (i,j) (98, 190). Level: 15
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.103E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 201.313,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (215, 174). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.109E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 199.063,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (213, 179). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.155E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130725       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130725       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=900.3 MB
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 203.563,  -2.805), which is global (i,j) (217, 177). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.376E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 197.938,  -3.339), which is global (i,j) (212, 175). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.649E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -0.935), which is global (i,j) (223, 184). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.531E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130726       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130726       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130727       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130727       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 121.438, -10.285), which is global (i,j) (144, 149). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.624E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  73.060,   6.578), which is global (i,j) (101, 212). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.596E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 186.688,  -3.873), which is global (i,j) (202, 173). Level: 13
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.970E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130728       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130728       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130729       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130729       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130730       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130730       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.061,   5.222), which is global (i,j) (93, 207). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.207E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130731       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.3 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130731       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  67.436,   5.225), which is global (i,j) (96, 207). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.259E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 262.063,   0.667), which is global (i,j) (269, 190). Level: 13
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.278E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 73, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  46.044,  11.642), which is global (i,j) (77, 231). Level: 14
(Task 73, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.184E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 73, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  46.044,  11.642), which is global (i,j) (77, 231). Level: 14
(Task 73, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.385E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 73, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  46.044,  11.642), which is global (i,j) (77, 231). Level: 14
(Task 73, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.650E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  69.688,  -0.401), which is global (i,j) (98, 186). Level: 15
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.986E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130801       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130801       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=900.5 MB
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 258.688,   0.934), which is global (i,j) (266, 191). Level: 14
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.163E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 310.438,   1.199), which is global (i,j) (312, 192). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.314E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130802       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130802       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -7.346), which is global (i,j) (40, 160). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130803       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130803       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 49, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  46.063,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (77, 164). Level: 14
(Task 49, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.145E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 205.813,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (219, 180). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.123E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.210,  14.289), which is global (i,j) (198, 239). Level: 13
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  69.686,   5.496), which is global (i,j) (98, 208). Level: 15
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.164E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130804       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.6 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130804       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 204.688,  -3.072), which is global (i,j) (218, 176). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.330E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 212.563,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (225, 172). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.180E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130805       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.6 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130805       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   8.938,  -1.469), which is global (i,j) (44, 182). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  70.812,   0.668), which is global (i,j) (99, 190). Level: 15
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.633E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 65, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   5.562,   1.732), which is global (i,j) (41, 194). Level: 13
(Task 65, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.336E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130806       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.6 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130806       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.212,  14.613), which is global (i,j) (198, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.467E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.212,  14.613), which is global (i,j) (198, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.705E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.212,  14.613), which is global (i,j) (198, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.500E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.212,  14.613), which is global (i,j) (198, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.529E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.212,  14.613), which is global (i,j) (198, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.278E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130807       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.6 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130807       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 190.085,  13.622), which is global (i,j) (205, 237). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 129.312,   2.281), which is global (i,j) (151, 196). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.337E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130808       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.6 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130808       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.465,  14.232), which is global (i,j) (208, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.574E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.465,  14.232), which is global (i,j) (208, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.263E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 66, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  67.436,   5.494), which is global (i,j) (96, 208). Level: 14
(Task 66, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.158E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  68.563,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (97, 185). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.150E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130809       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.6 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130809       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 190.087,  13.934), which is global (i,j) (205, 238). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.308E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.338,  14.607), which is global (i,j) (199, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.523E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130810       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130810       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -7.613), which is global (i,j) (40, 159). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.240E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.461,  14.279), which is global (i,j) (200, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.645E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.339,  14.238), which is global (i,j) (207, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.193E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130811       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130811       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.339,  14.238), which is global (i,j) (207, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.667E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.339,  14.238), which is global (i,j) (207, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.608E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 106.813,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (131, 151). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.257E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 119.188, -10.017), which is global (i,j) (142, 150). Level: 15
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.237E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130812       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130812       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130813       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130813       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 105.688,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (130, 151). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.127E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 105.688,  -9.750), which is global (i,j) (130, 151). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.197E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130814       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130814       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 103.438,  -6.812), which is global (i,j) (128, 162). Level: 15
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.193E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.088,  14.947), which is global (i,j) (197, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.100E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130815       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130815       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 310.438,   0.933), which is global (i,j) (312, 191). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.662E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 310.438,   0.933), which is global (i,j) (312, 191). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.485E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 310.438,   0.933), which is global (i,j) (312, 191). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.319E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 310.438,   0.933), which is global (i,j) (312, 191). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.181E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 263.188,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (270, 183). Level: 14
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.623E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 186.712,  14.268), which is global (i,j) (202, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.104E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130816       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130816       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.965,  14.578), which is global (i,j) (204, 240). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.630E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130817       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130817       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 129.312,   2.011), which is global (i,j) (151, 195). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.532E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130818       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130818       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 49, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  47.188,  -6.010), which is global (i,j) (78, 165). Level: 14
(Task 49, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.151E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 194.590,  14.226), which is global (i,j) (209, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.485E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130819       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130819       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):       23180           1
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.087,  14.618), which is global (i,j) (197, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.284E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.963,  14.953), which is global (i,j) (196, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.920E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130820       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130820       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.714,  13.904), which is global (i,j) (210, 238). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.560E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 118.062,   3.089), which is global (i,j) (141, 199). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.397E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 178.837,  14.958), which is global (i,j) (195, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.531E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 178.837,  14.958), which is global (i,j) (195, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.328E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 178.837,  14.958), which is global (i,j) (195, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.109E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130821       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130821       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.341,  14.559), which is global (i,j) (207, 240). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.175E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.339,  14.936), which is global (i,j) (199, 241). Level: 15
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.317E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.339,  14.936), which is global (i,j) (199, 241). Level: 15
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.114E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.087,  14.618), which is global (i,j) (197, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.737E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.339,  14.936), which is global (i,j) (199, 241). Level: 15
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.635E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 49, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  47.188,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (78, 164). Level: 14
(Task 49, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.784E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130822       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130822       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.210,  14.289), which is global (i,j) (198, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.473E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.715,  14.219), which is global (i,j) (210, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.632E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.715,  14.219), which is global (i,j) (210, 239). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.835E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 100.063,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (125, 185). Level: 14
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.376E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.210,  14.289), which is global (i,j) (198, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.140E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130823       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130823       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.336,  14.284), which is global (i,j) (199, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.139E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.461,  14.279), which is global (i,j) (200, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.455E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.461,  14.279), which is global (i,j) (200, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.207E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.336,  14.284), which is global (i,j) (199, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.439E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130824       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130824       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 128.187,   1.742), which is global (i,j) (150, 194). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.480E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130825       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130825       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.336,  14.284), which is global (i,j) (199, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.281E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.210,  14.289), which is global (i,j) (198, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.428E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -8.148), which is global (i,j) (40, 157). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.504E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.902E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130826       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130826       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 107.938,  -8.148), which is global (i,j) (132, 157). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.886E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.210,  14.289), which is global (i,j) (198, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.139E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 109.063,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (133, 156). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.142E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 107.938,  -7.880), which is global (i,j) (132, 158). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.317E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 176.588,  15.304), which is global (i,j) (193, 242). Level: 15
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.367E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130827       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130827       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 192.336,  13.611), which is global (i,j) (207, 237). Level: 13
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.886E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.030,  14.092), which is global (i,j) (93, 239). Level: 14
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.185E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.973E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.941E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.442E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.467,  14.552), which is global (i,j) (208, 240). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.109E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.507E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.283E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.807E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.336,  14.284), which is global (i,j) (199, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.102E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.967,  14.905), which is global (i,j) (204, 241). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.514E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130828       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.7 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130828       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 190.092,  14.899), which is global (i,j) (205, 241). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.579E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 110.188,  -8.148), which is global (i,j) (134, 157). Level: 14
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.437E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130829       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.8 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130829       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
 Negative conc. in ch4tran. c,j,deficit (mol):      122126           1
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130830       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.8 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130830       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.030,  14.092), which is global (i,j) (93, 239). Level: 15
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.367E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 107.938,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (132, 156). Level: 13
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.510E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 190.092,  14.899), which is global (i,j) (205, 241). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.440E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 190.092,  14.899), which is global (i,j) (205, 241). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.667E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130831       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.8 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130831       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.210,  14.289), which is global (i,j) (198, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.108E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 83, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 121.411,  19.157), which is global (i,j) (144, 252). Level: 13
(Task 83, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.666E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 193.438,   3.083), which is global (i,j) (208, 199). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.141E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130901       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130901       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 178.835,  14.629), which is global (i,j) (195, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.971E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 127.063,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (149, 188). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.263E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 127.063,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (149, 188). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.210E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130902       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130902       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 77, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 213.696,   9.263), which is global (i,j) (226, 222). Level: 14
(Task 77, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.126E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130903       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130903       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.461,  14.279), which is global (i,j) (200, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.682E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  97.813,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (123, 185). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.106E-009 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130904       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130904       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 223.813,   3.074), which is global (i,j) (235, 199). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.364E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130905       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130905       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  95.563,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (121, 185). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.493E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  96.688,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (122, 185). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.159E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 221.563,   3.075), which is global (i,j) (233, 199). Level: 15
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.122E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130906       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130906       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  97.812,   1.741), which is global (i,j) (123, 194). Level: 13
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.681E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 175.460,  14.974), which is global (i,j) (192, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.230E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 194.594,  14.872), which is global (i,j) (209, 241). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.139E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130907       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130907       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 175.460,  14.974), which is global (i,j) (192, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.324E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 176.588,  15.304), which is global (i,j) (193, 242). Level: 15
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.171E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130908       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130908       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.085,  14.295), which is global (i,j) (197, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.687E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.085,  14.295), which is global (i,j) (197, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.606E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 345.312,   5.161), which is global (i,j) (23, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.787E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130909       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130909       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  60.661,  13.157), which is global (i,j) (90, 236). Level: 14
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.697E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130910       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130910       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 196.852,  15.868), which is global (i,j) (211, 244). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.311E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 190.097,  15.570), which is global (i,j) (205, 243). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.700E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   4.438,  -7.613), which is global (i,j) (40, 159). Level: 14
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.571E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 119.186,   6.897), which is global (i,j) (142, 213). Level: 15
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.297E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130911       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130911       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 119.186,   6.897), which is global (i,j) (142, 213). Level: 15
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.137E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.971,  15.577), which is global (i,j) (204, 243). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.628E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.971,  15.577), which is global (i,j) (204, 243). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.225E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  95.561,   5.518), which is global (i,j) (121, 208). Level: 15
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.353E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 191.227,  16.258), which is global (i,j) (206, 245). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.305E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 197.981,  16.209), which is global (i,j) (212, 245). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.637E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 176.584,  14.639), which is global (i,j) (193, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.809E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130912       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130912       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.592,  15.258), which is global (i,j) (201, 242). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.137E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 186.720,  15.591), which is global (i,j) (202, 243). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.851E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.974,  15.922), which is global (i,j) (204, 244). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.178E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  98.938,  -0.668), which is global (i,j) (124, 185). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-009 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130913       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130913       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 170.958,  14.992), which is global (i,j) (188, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.811E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130914       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130914       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 184.465,  14.930), which is global (i,j) (200, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.136E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.967,  14.905), which is global (i,j) (204, 241). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.343E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130915       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130915       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.594,  15.597), which is global (i,j) (201, 243). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.343E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 172.083,  14.988), which is global (i,j) (189, 241). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 345.311,   5.947), which is global (i,j) (23, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.141E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.085,  14.295), which is global (i,j) (197, 239). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.129E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 51, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 107.938,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (132, 156). Level: 13
(Task 51, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.949E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130916       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130916       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 59, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  97.813,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (123, 188). Level: 13
(Task 59, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.400E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.856,  17.008), which is global (i,j) (203, 247). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.218E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130917       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130917       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   5.685), which is global (i,j) (22, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.573E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 177.710,  14.634), which is global (i,j) (194, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.427E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 253.063,   0.667), which is global (i,j) (261, 190). Level: 13
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.921E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130918       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130918       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.338E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.327E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -9.216), which is global (i,j) (223, 153). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.666E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130919       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130919       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 177.710,  14.634), which is global (i,j) (194, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.386E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130920       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130920       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.123E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (21, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.226E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.212,  14.613), which is global (i,j) (198, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.534E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 211.438,  -8.949), which is global (i,j) (224, 154). Level: 14
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.990E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130921       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130921       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (21, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.128E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 183.338,  14.607), which is global (i,j) (199, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.993E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130922       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130922       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 181.087,  14.618), which is global (i,j) (197, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.611E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (21, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.317E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.700E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 25, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  32.563, -29.555), which is global (i,j) (65, 94). Level: 14
(Task 25, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.983E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 224.938,   3.341), which is global (i,j) (236, 200). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.301E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130923       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130923       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 347.563,   0.400), which is global (i,j) (25, 189). Level: 15
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.741E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (22, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.884E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 179.961,  14.624), which is global (i,j) (196, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.167E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130924       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130924       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130925       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130925       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  61.788,  12.867), which is global (i,j) (91, 235). Level: 13
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.104E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 56, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 347.563,   0.667), which is global (i,j) (25, 190). Level: 13
(Task 56, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.101E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130926       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130926       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 48, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   3.313,  -8.148), which is global (i,j) (39, 157). Level: 15
(Task 48, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.129E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.184E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.644E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 174.336,  15.315), which is global (i,j) (191, 242). Level: 15
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.592E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130927       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130927       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  60.666,  12.280), which is global (i,j) (90, 233). Level: 13
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.151E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 82, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  93.282,  15.251), which is global (i,j) (119, 242). Level: 15
(Task 82, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.538E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   8.938,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (44, 180). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.326E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130928       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130928       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (313, 187). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.548E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (313, 187). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.361E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (313, 187). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.184E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (313, 187). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.218E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 177.710,  14.634), which is global (i,j) (194, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.838E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (19, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.210E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 82, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  64.020,  15.380), which is global (i,j) (93, 243). Level: 14
(Task 82, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.157E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130929       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130929       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130930       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=900.9 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00130930       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (20, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.259E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.414E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 223.813,   3.341), which is global (i,j) (235, 200). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.917E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (22, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.100E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (21, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.754E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.369E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (22, 198). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.872E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (21, 201). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.247E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.153E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131001       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131001       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.126E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (21, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.110E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 223.813,   3.074), which is global (i,j) (235, 199). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.418E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131002       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131002       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.842E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  61.778,  14.390), which is global (i,j) (91, 240). Level: 14
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.713E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (19, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  62.903,  14.398), which is global (i,j) (92, 240). Level: 14
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.171E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.552E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.214E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131003       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131003       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.847), which is global (i,j) (21, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.259E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (21, 200). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.144E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 218.188,   2.540), which is global (i,j) (230, 197). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.866E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   3.073), which is global (i,j) (239, 199). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.186E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.636), which is global (i,j) (22, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.823E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131004       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131004       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 176.584,  14.639), which is global (i,j) (193, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.312E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (21, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.250E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 173.208,  14.653), which is global (i,j) (190, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.261E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   3.339), which is global (i,j) (241, 200). Level: 13
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.337E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 173.208,  14.653), which is global (i,j) (190, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.262E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 223.813,   3.074), which is global (i,j) (235, 199). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.198E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (17, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.607E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (20, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.637E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (17, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.393E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (22, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.120E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 239.563,   3.869), which is global (i,j) (249, 202). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.167E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 210.313,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (223, 156). Level: 15
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.521E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 176.584,  14.639), which is global (i,j) (193, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.350E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131005       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131005       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (17, 207). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.461E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (19, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.228E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (17, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.582E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.899), which is global (i,j) (22, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.201E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 174.333,  14.648), which is global (i,j) (191, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.547E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.866), which is global (i,j) (83, 132). Level: 13
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.163E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (19, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.912E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (19, 200). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.218E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 211.438,  -8.415), which is global (i,j) (224, 156). Level: 15
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.337E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131006       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131006       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.596E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.685E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 82, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  61.773,  15.032), which is global (i,j) (91, 242). Level: 15
(Task 82, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.566E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 53, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 212.563,  -7.880), which is global (i,j) (225, 158). Level: 15
(Task 53, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.255E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.422), which is global (i,j) (20, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.528E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.422), which is global (i,j) (20, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.461E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131007       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131007       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (17, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.211E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.147E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 174.333,  14.648), which is global (i,j) (191, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.320E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 262.063,   0.934), which is global (i,j) (269, 191). Level: 14
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.792E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.234E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 174.333,  14.648), which is global (i,j) (191, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.274E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (18, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.108E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131008       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131008       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (18, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.389E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.261), which is global (i,j) (19, 196). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.122E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 35, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 112.438, -24.194), which is global (i,j) (136, 105). Level: 14
(Task 35, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.895E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (20, 198). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.885E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (19, 200). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.203E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (19, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.182E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 240.688,   3.069), which is global (i,j) (250, 199). Level: 15
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.219E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (20, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.884E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (18, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.136E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131009       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131009       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (21, 199). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.214E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 74, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  61.784,  13.464), which is global (i,j) (91, 237). Level: 14
(Task 74, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.144E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (20, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.300E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.110E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (18, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.695E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (21, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.751E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (16, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.834E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (19, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.608E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.384E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (21, 199). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.240E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131010       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131010       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 78, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 254.193,   7.830), which is global (i,j) (262, 217). Level: 14
(Task 78, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.774E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 33, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  35.938, -27.007), which is global (i,j) (68, 99). Level: 13
(Task 33, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.372E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (20, 198). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.276E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.168E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (18, 197). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.408E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (19, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.414E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (18, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.110E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (16, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.865E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131011       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131011       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 33, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  35.938, -26.517), which is global (i,j) (68, 100). Level: 14
(Task 33, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.872E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (17, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.132E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 219.313,   2.540), which is global (i,j) (231, 197). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   5.160), which is global (i,j) (19, 207). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.178E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (17, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.129E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (18, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.574E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (17, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.194E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.787E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (19, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.411E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 33, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  35.938, -26.517), which is global (i,j) (68, 100). Level: 13
(Task 33, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.973E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   3.073), which is global (i,j) (239, 199). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.258E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.790), which is global (i,j) (18, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.726E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (19, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.509E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (16, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 242.938,   2.268), which is global (i,j) (252, 196). Level: 15
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (19, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.632E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (16, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.996E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   5.160), which is global (i,j) (19, 207). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.245E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (19, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.701E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 224.938,   3.609), which is global (i,j) (236, 201). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.900E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (16, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.231E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.127E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.261), which is global (i,j) (19, 196). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.370E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.379E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.182E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.261), which is global (i,j) (19, 196). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.177E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.261), which is global (i,j) (19, 196). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.983E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (19, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.753E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131012       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131012       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   1.996), which is global (i,j) (19, 195). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.231E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.061,   6.207), which is global (i,j) (21, 211). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.222E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   3.073), which is global (i,j) (239, 199). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.295E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.061,   6.207), which is global (i,j) (21, 211). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.813E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.223E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (19, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.401E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (16, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.102E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131013       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131013       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.060,   7.768), which is global (i,j) (21, 217). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.290E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 174.333,  14.648), which is global (i,j) (191, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.938E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 76, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 175.459,  14.643), which is global (i,j) (192, 240). Level: 14
(Task 76, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.136E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   5.423), which is global (i,j) (22, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.397E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 218.188,   2.540), which is global (i,j) (230, 197). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.462E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.523E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (18, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.194E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.284E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (21, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.141E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (17, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.355E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.974E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.927E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.885E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (16, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.529E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (19, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.598E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131014       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131014       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.851E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (20, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.114E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.285E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.819E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.974E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.792E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.767E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.744E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.721E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (18, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.612E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.698E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (17, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.485E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (22, 204). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.333E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   2.805), which is global (i,j) (239, 198). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.227E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (21, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.485E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.669E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.914E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (21, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.229E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.572E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (18, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.132E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.491E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.489E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.410E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.163E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.351E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.114E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.298E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.228E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.753E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.225E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.194E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.572E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.161E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.611E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.130E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (19, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.725E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.755E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131015       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131015       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.951E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (16, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.542E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.121E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.977E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.157E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.916E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.852E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (17, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.568E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.786E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.701E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.561,   6.986), which is global (i,j) (17, 214). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.117E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.561E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.508E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.452E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.209E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.386E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 220.438,   2.807), which is global (i,j) (232, 198). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.261E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (21, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.503E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.290E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.748E-007 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.418E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (17, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.676E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (16, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.247E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 222.688,   2.807), which is global (i,j) (234, 198). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.631E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (16, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.637E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (16, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.100E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.312), which is global (i,j) (83, 134). Level: 13
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.583E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131016       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131016       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (20, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.220E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.186,   6.468), which is global (i,j) (22, 212). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.209E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.588), which is global (i,j) (83, 133). Level: 13
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.689E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.546E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 227.188,   2.806), which is global (i,j) (238, 198). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.109E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.588), which is global (i,j) (83, 133). Level: 13
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.378E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.588), which is global (i,j) (83, 133). Level: 13
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.578E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 227.188,   2.806), which is global (i,j) (238, 198). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.816E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (15, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.149E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (16, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.123E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131017       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131017       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (15, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.269E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.371), which is global (i,j) (15, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.316E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (17, 199). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.494E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.186,   6.207), which is global (i,j) (22, 211). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.335E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.866), which is global (i,j) (83, 132). Level: 13
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.445E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (19, 197). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.471E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (18, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.104E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (20, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.734E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (17, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 265.438,   3.592), which is global (i,j) (272, 201). Level: 13
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.528E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (16, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.102E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   1.996), which is global (i,j) (19, 195). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.223E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.790), which is global (i,j) (18, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.749E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.246E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.696E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.565E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   5.161), which is global (i,j) (21, 207). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.360E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131018       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131018       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 229.438,   2.805), which is global (i,j) (240, 198). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.890E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   2.526), which is global (i,j) (20, 197). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.985E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 263.188,   2.265), which is global (i,j) (270, 196). Level: 13
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.538E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (16, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.282E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 224.938,   2.004), which is global (i,j) (236, 195). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.301E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (20, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.122E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 224.938,   1.202), which is global (i,j) (236, 192). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.976E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.638E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -15.147), which is global (i,j) (83, 131). Level: 13
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.977E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (17, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.177E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (17, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.275E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (16, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.151E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131019       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131019       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (16, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.455E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (19, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.181E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (17, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.130E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (19, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (17, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.100E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (18, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.236E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (19, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.680E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (17, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.201E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (18, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.197E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (16, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.103E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (19, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.793E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (18, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.201E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (19, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.148E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (18, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.257E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.060,   8.027), which is global (i,j) (21, 218). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.263E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 219.313,   0.935), which is global (i,j) (231, 191). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.412E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (16, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.118E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (20, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.129E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131020       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131020       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.182E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.127E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.138E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 239.563,   3.336), which is global (i,j) (249, 200). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.153E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (16, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.158E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 131.562,   3.631), which is global (i,j) (153, 201). Level: 15
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.627E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (17, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 182.218,  15.617), which is global (i,j) (198, 243). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.128E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   2.790), which is global (i,j) (18, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.117E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 83, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 121.407,  20.019), which is global (i,j) (144, 254). Level: 15
(Task 83, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.273E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.943), which is global (i,j) (16, 210). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.690E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.929E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (17, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.102E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131021       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131021       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=901.1 MB
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.786E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (18, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.783E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.910E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.261), which is global (i,j) (19, 196). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.187E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (16, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.246E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (20, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.415E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (16, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (16, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.948E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (20, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.420E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 218.188,   1.203), which is global (i,j) (230, 192). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.124E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (20, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.540E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (20, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.471E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (20, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.267E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (20, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.270E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (18, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.866E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 241.813,   3.068), which is global (i,j) (251, 199). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.322E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (19, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.357E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.493E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.264E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.636), which is global (i,j) (21, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.500E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 190.099,  15.915), which is global (i,j) (205, 244). Level: 15
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.311E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (19, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.555E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (16, 200). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.415E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131022       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131022       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (17, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.113E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.338E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 345.311,   6.208), which is global (i,j) (23, 211). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (16, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.170E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.118E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.380E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   5.423), which is global (i,j) (22, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.270E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (17, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.551E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   5.423), which is global (i,j) (22, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.143E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (17, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.636), which is global (i,j) (21, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.353E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   5.423), which is global (i,j) (22, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.276E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.935,   8.026), which is global (i,j) (20, 218). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.147E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 221.563,   1.203), which is global (i,j) (233, 192). Level: 15
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.225E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (18, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.392E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   1.731), which is global (i,j) (19, 194). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.841E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   1.731), which is global (i,j) (19, 194). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.789E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (21, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.604E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131023       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131023       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   1.731), which is global (i,j) (19, 194). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.574E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (16, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.994E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (21, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.346E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (21, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.228E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.132E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (21, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.306E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (19, 198). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.114E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (21, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.628E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.686,   7.506), which is global (i,j) (18, 216). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.508E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.128E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.642E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (16, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.300E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (16, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.461E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.194E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.916E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.161E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.355E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.378E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.102E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.156E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.646E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.568E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.508E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131024       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131024       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.476E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.449E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 249.688,   2.800), which is global (i,j) (258, 198). Level: 15
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.271E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.686,   7.506), which is global (i,j) (18, 216). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.126E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.433E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.415E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 214.813,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (227, 187). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.661E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.405E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (21, 199). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.921E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.377E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.150E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.365E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.350E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.346E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.343E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (21, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.145E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.345E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (22, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.497E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (19, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.131E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (17, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.153E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.573E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.365E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.283E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.214E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.149E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.104E-005 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.341E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131025       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131025       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   6.465), which is global (i,j) (16, 212). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.541E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 33, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  37.063, -25.563), which is global (i,j) (69, 102). Level: 14
(Task 33, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.639E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.125E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.170E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 63, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 311.563,   0.133), which is global (i,j) (313, 188). Level: 3
(Task 63, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.163E-006 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.935,   8.026), which is global (i,j) (20, 218). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.117E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   2.805), which is global (i,j) (241, 198). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.597E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   2.805), which is global (i,j) (241, 198). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.286E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.178E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131026       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131026       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.976,  16.274), which is global (i,j) (204, 245). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.976,  16.274), which is global (i,j) (204, 245). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.540E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.976,  16.274), which is global (i,j) (204, 245). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.598E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.976,  16.274), which is global (i,j) (204, 245). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 239.563,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (249, 172). Level: 14
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.108), which is global (i,j) (14, 203). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.944E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (15, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.412E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 187.848,  15.929), which is global (i,j) (203, 244). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.989E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (16, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.433E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.038), which is global (i,j) (83, 135). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.247E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.038), which is global (i,j) (83, 135). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.254E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (14, 201). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.636E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (17, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.778E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131027       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131027       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.038), which is global (i,j) (83, 135). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.248E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  52.813, -14.038), which is global (i,j) (83, 135). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.122E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.168E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.436,   6.725), which is global (i,j) (16, 213). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.484E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 265.438,   3.592), which is global (i,j) (272, 201). Level: 13
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.159E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.265E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.686,   7.506), which is global (i,j) (18, 216). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.160E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.436,   6.725), which is global (i,j) (16, 213). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.167E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.561,   7.246), which is global (i,j) (17, 215). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.246E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (17, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (16, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.135E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131028       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131028       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.452E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (21, 198). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.358E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   6.465), which is global (i,j) (16, 212). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.785E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.686,   7.506), which is global (i,j) (18, 216). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.349E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (21, 201). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.113E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (16, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.669E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.186,   7.250), which is global (i,j) (22, 215). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.173E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131029       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131029       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 188.974,  15.922), which is global (i,j) (204, 244). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (21, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.537E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (14, 205). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.327E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  92.188, -14.866), which is global (i,j) (118, 132). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.205E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131030       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131030       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  88.813, -14.588), which is global (i,j) (115, 133). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.540E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   2.271), which is global (i,j) (241, 196). Level: 15
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.886E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (16, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.274E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131031       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.1 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131031       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.352E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.129E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.371), which is global (i,j) (15, 204). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.847E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 33, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  35.938, -26.517), which is global (i,j) (68, 100). Level: 14
(Task 33, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.964E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 345.311,   6.469), which is global (i,j) (23, 212). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.117E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.188E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.596E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 185.605,  17.024), which is global (i,j) (201, 247). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.350E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.157E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.284E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131101       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131101       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.350E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.156E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.330E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.265E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.202E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.192E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.245E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 345.311,   6.469), which is global (i,j) (23, 212). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.989E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.306E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.373E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (20, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.121E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.510E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (15, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.951E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 73, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  48.289,  12.501), which is global (i,j) (79, 234). Level: 15
(Task 73, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.651E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131102       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131102       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 224.938,   2.806), which is global (i,j) (236, 198). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.973E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131103       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131103       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 54, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 231.688,  -6.278), which is global (i,j) (242, 164). Level: 14
(Task 54, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.163E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   1.731), which is global (i,j) (21, 194). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.104E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 25, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  28.063, -34.345), which is global (i,j) (61, 85). Level: 14
(Task 25, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.487E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.060,   8.027), which is global (i,j) (21, 218). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.824E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,  -4.141), which is global (i,j) (241, 172). Level: 15
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.376E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131104       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131104       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 345.311,   5.947), which is global (i,j) (23, 210). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.328E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 194.614,  17.327), which is global (i,j) (209, 248). Level: 13
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.155E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.060,   8.286), which is global (i,j) (21, 219). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.228E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 103.438, -15.430), which is global (i,j) (128, 130). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.796E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.943), which is global (i,j) (15, 210). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.300E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 186.733,  17.390), which is global (i,j) (202, 248). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.123E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131105       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131105       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   6.725), which is global (i,j) (15, 213). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.718E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.945), which is global (i,j) (20, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.261E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (21, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.293E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.936,   6.467), which is global (i,j) (20, 212). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.275E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   5.423), which is global (i,j) (22, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.727E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   5.945), which is global (i,j) (19, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.818E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131106       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131106       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.636), which is global (i,j) (21, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.167E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (21, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.149E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131107       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131107       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.210E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 291.323,  12.234), which is global (i,j) (295, 234). Level: 14
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.773E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (20, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.134E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131108       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131108       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 83, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 121.409,  19.583), which is global (i,j) (144, 253). Level: 14
(Task 83, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.125E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131109       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131109       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.561,   7.765), which is global (i,j) (17, 217). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.735E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  91.063,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (117, 188). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.108E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (17, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.439E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (17, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.886E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (18, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.896E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   3.874), which is global (i,j) (239, 202). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.145E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (22, 203). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.310E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 229.438,   3.339), which is global (i,j) (240, 200). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.509E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131110       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131110       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   3.073), which is global (i,j) (239, 199). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.156E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (17, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.114E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.103E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (18, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.861E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 226.063,   2.806), which is global (i,j) (237, 198). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.255E-009 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 229.438,   4.141), which is global (i,j) (240, 203). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.162E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 290.198,  11.964), which is global (i,j) (294, 233). Level: 14
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.470E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.899), which is global (i,j) (22, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.410E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131111       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131111       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   3.873), which is global (i,j) (241, 202). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.286E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 57, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (   8.938,  -2.003), which is global (i,j) (44, 180). Level: 14
(Task 57, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.221E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   3.873), which is global (i,j) (241, 202). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.264E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (21, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.238E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.185E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131112       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131112       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.110), which is global (i,j) (22, 203). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.274E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   5.161), which is global (i,j) (21, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.426E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 58, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  89.938,  -0.134), which is global (i,j) (116, 187). Level: 14
(Task 58, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.239E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131113       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131113       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 195.747,  18.085), which is global (i,j) (210, 250). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.190E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 236.188,   3.604), which is global (i,j) (246, 201). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.135E-009 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 73, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  49.414,  12.507), which is global (i,j) (80, 234). Level: 14
(Task 73, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.587E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 95, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 282.475,  26.120), which is global (i,j) (287, 271). Level: 14
(Task 95, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.254E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131114       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131114       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   3.054), which is global (i,j) (15, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.178E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131115       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131115       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   3.054), which is global (i,j) (15, 199). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.504E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 227.188,   3.340), which is global (i,j) (238, 200). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.933E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 291.323,  11.961), which is global (i,j) (295, 233). Level: 14
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.250E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 290.199,  12.513), which is global (i,j) (294, 235). Level: 15
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.667E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131116       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131116       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   6.464), which is global (i,j) (15, 212). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.418E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 227.188,   3.340), which is global (i,j) (238, 200). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.496E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   3.874), which is global (i,j) (239, 202). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.744E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   3.845), which is global (i,j) (15, 202). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.218E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 290.199,  12.513), which is global (i,j) (294, 235). Level: 15
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.132E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131117       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131117       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.936,   6.206), which is global (i,j) (20, 211). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.393E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131118       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131118       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 232.813,   3.872), which is global (i,j) (243, 202). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.758E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (19, 202). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.217E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 290.199,  12.513), which is global (i,j) (294, 235). Level: 15
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.679E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131119       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131119       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 61, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 214.813,   0.134), which is global (i,j) (227, 188). Level: 14
(Task 61, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.217E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131120       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131120       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 226.063,   3.341), which is global (i,j) (237, 200). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.128E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 75, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 110.184,   8.536), which is global (i,j) (134, 219). Level: 14
(Task 75, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.725E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   4.140), which is global (i,j) (241, 203). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.756E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131121       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131121       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 345.312,   5.161), which is global (i,j) (23, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.260E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (18, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.155E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131122       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131122       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (17, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.198E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 75, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 112.429,  11.902), which is global (i,j) (136, 231). Level: 15
(Task 75, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.168E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.592E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 75, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 111.308,   9.640), which is global (i,j) (135, 223). Level: 15
(Task 75, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.112E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 291.324,  12.510), which is global (i,j) (295, 235). Level: 15
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.186E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.061,   6.207), which is global (i,j) (21, 211). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.536E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 258.688,  -2.271), which is global (i,j) (266, 179). Level: 15
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.145E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131123       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131123       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (19, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.316E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   5.946), which is global (i,j) (21, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.583E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 262.063,   4.652), which is global (i,j) (269, 205). Level: 15
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.260E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (17, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.830E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.644E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   5.946), which is global (i,j) (21, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.263E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.233E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 291.324,  12.510), which is global (i,j) (295, 235). Level: 15
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.118E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.324E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.321E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.287E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.736E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131124       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131124       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   5.160), which is global (i,j) (19, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.572E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   3.054), which is global (i,j) (14, 199). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 35, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 110.188, -21.692), which is global (i,j) (134, 111). Level: 14
(Task 35, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.924E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131125       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131125       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 224.938,   3.876), which is global (i,j) (236, 202). Level: 13
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.176E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 291.321,  11.422), which is global (i,j) (295, 231). Level: 13
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.638E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 291.322,  11.690), which is global (i,j) (295, 232). Level: 13
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.506E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 150.695,  15.386), which is global (i,j) (170, 242). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.205E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.582), which is global (i,j) (17, 201). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.186E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131126       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131126       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 150.695,  15.386), which is global (i,j) (170, 242). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.261E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.501E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.173E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 227.188,   3.340), which is global (i,j) (238, 200). Level: 15
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.226E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.358E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131127       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131127       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (18, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.301E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.166E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (20, 202). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.484E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (16, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.431E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 257.563,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (265, 183). Level: 14
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.229E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 258.688,   3.329), which is global (i,j) (266, 200). Level: 13
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.591E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.944), which is global (i,j) (18, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.815E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131128       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131128       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 109.060,   7.163), which is global (i,j) (133, 214). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.468E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.146E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.944), which is global (i,j) (18, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.583), which is global (i,j) (18, 201). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.123E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 256.438,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (264, 174). Level: 13
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.613E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131129       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131129       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 290.198,  11.964), which is global (i,j) (294, 233). Level: 13
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.185E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   5.945), which is global (i,j) (19, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.377E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (17, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.111E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.180E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.328E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.936,   6.206), which is global (i,j) (20, 211). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.278E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   3.318), which is global (i,j) (15, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.292E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 334.062,   5.158), which is global (i,j) (13, 207). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.648E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.607E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (18, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.115E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131130       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.2 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131130       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (19, 202). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.138E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 290.198,  11.964), which is global (i,j) (294, 233). Level: 13
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.240E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 103.438, -14.866), which is global (i,j) (128, 132). Level: 13
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.153E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
(Task 67, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 109.061,   6.344), which is global (i,j) (133, 211). Level: 14
(Task 67, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.896E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=8
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file to write
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131201       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          57
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          58
 Opened existing file
 Opened existing file
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Opened file
  to write          56
    Opening file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.0013- for output;
      Write output at start of run and every    1.00000000000000      years
   Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
   Temperature remapping option uses temperature on a staggered vertical grid.  
 The netCDF output variable "temp" has been changed to "tempstag".
   Temperature remapping option uses dissip on a staggered vertical grid.  The n
 etCDF output variable "dissip" has been changed to "dissipstag".
   Creating variable level
   Creating variable lithoz
   Creating variable staglevel
   Creating variable stagwbndlevel
   Creating variable x0
   Creating variable x1
   Creating variable y0
   Creating variable y1
   Creating variable acab
   Creating variable artm
   Creating variable beta
   Creating variable bfricflx
   Creating variable bheatflx
   Creating variable btractx
   Creating variable btracty
   Creating variable bwat
   Creating variable dissipstag
   Creating variable efvs
   Creating variable ice_age
   Creating variable kinbcmask
   Creating variable tempstag
   Creating variable thk
   Creating variable thkmask
   Creating variable topg
   Creating variable uvel
   Creating variable uvel_2d
   Creating variable vvel
   Creating variable vvel_2d
   Creating variable hflx_tavg
   Creating variable lat
   Creating variable lon
   Creating variable rofi_tavg
   Creating variable rofl_tavg
    Writing to file bwma1850.f09.y13.los_chocoyos.qboE.ensoN.clone.SO2.cism.r.00 at time    12.0000000000000
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=16
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=901.4 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131201       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (17, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.573E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   3.318), which is global (i,j) (15, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.663E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (20, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.118E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.129E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (19, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.114E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   5.684), which is global (i,j) (20, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.314E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (19, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.663E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (19, 202). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.357E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.896), which is global (i,j) (15, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.396E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (18, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.599E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (16, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.384E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (17, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.953E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (18, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.881E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
 Setting mpi info: striping_factor=4
 Setting mpi info: striping_unit=1048576
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131202       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.4 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131202       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   5.422), which is global (i,j) (21, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.275E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (16, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.625E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.711E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.185,   7.509), which is global (i,j) (22, 216). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.205E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (19, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.782E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (14, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.431E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131203       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.4 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131203       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (15, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.178E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.934,   9.318), which is global (i,j) (20, 223). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.249E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (16, 202). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.730E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (18, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.258E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  98.938, -14.866), which is global (i,j) (124, 132). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.602E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   5.422), which is global (i,j) (19, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.816E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 70, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 230.563,   3.606), which is global (i,j) (241, 201). Level: 14
(Task 70, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.327E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.135E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.636), which is global (i,j) (22, 205). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.277E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.811,   6.466), which is global (i,j) (19, 212). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.621E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131204       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131204       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
  max rss=901.4 MB
(Task 84, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 148.444,  15.389), which is global (i,j) (168, 242). Level: 14
(Task 84, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (18, 202). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.826E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.811,   6.466), which is global (i,j) (19, 212). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.112E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   6.206), which is global (i,j) (19, 211). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.679E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 228.313,   3.340), which is global (i,j) (239, 200). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.414E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (17, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.183E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (19, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.106E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   4.898), which is global (i,j) (19, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.810E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.937,   4.373), which is global (i,j) (20, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.226E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131205       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.4 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131205       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.635), which is global (i,j) (18, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (18, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.139E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 251.938,  -2.538), which is global (i,j) (260, 178). Level: 13
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.591E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (17, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.122E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (17, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.147E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 69, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 226.063,   3.875), which is global (i,j) (237, 202). Level: 14
(Task 69, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.289E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   4.109), which is global (i,j) (17, 203). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.735E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.683), which is global (i,j) (18, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.102E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.934,   9.060), which is global (i,j) (20, 222). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.307E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.896), which is global (i,j) (14, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.200E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.896), which is global (i,j) (15, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.198E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131206       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.4 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131206       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   4.897), which is global (i,j) (16, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.286E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.683), which is global (i,j) (18, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.106E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (17, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.127E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (17, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.172E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (17, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.830E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (17, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.121E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.161E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.934,   8.802), which is global (i,j) (20, 221). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.317E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.934,   8.802), which is global (i,j) (20, 221). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.318E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.683), which is global (i,j) (18, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.110E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131207       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.4 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131207       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 95, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 283.652,  28.486), which is global (i,j) (288, 276). Level: 13
(Task 95, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.124E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.934,   9.060), which is global (i,j) (20, 222). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.131E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.896), which is global (i,j) (15, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.992E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.199E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.606E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.371), which is global (i,j) (14, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.254E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.138E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.927E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.231E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.682), which is global (i,j) (17, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.220E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.636), which is global (i,j) (22, 205). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.359E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  84.313, -14.312), which is global (i,j) (111, 134). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.429E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.371), which is global (i,j) (15, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.178E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 102.313, -15.430), which is global (i,j) (127, 130). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.428E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131208       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131208       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   4.371), which is global (i,j) (15, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.932E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.682), which is global (i,j) (17, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.108E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (18, 200). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.494E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.846), which is global (i,j) (18, 202). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.275E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  83.188, -14.588), which is global (i,j) (110, 133). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.556E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.899), which is global (i,j) (22, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.427E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 42, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  87.688, -14.866), which is global (i,j) (114, 132). Level: 14
(Task 42, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.631E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 102.313, -15.430), which is global (i,j) (127, 130). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.204E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.209E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.172E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (14, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.235E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.200E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (17, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.109E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   2.790), which is global (i,j) (17, 198). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.583E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131209       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131209       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (17, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.450E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.811,   6.466), which is global (i,j) (19, 212). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.234E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.682), which is global (i,j) (17, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.105E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.896), which is global (i,j) (14, 206). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.848E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.682), which is global (i,j) (16, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.612E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (18, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.150E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.811,   6.466), which is global (i,j) (19, 212). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.120E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 255.313,  -3.606), which is global (i,j) (263, 174). Level: 13
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.142E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.682), which is global (i,j) (15, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.728E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.934,   8.802), which is global (i,j) (20, 221). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.456E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.944), which is global (i,j) (17, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.113E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 62, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 266.563,  -1.202), which is global (i,j) (273, 183). Level: 13
(Task 62, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.691E-013 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 72, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 341.934,   8.802), which is global (i,j) (20, 221). Level: 14
(Task 72, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.151E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131210       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131210       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (19, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.121E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 344.187,   4.899), which is global (i,j) (22, 206). Level: 14
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.175E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131211       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131211       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.420), which is global (i,j) (15, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.141E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   5.944), which is global (i,j) (18, 210). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.881E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  98.938, -14.588), which is global (i,j) (124, 133). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.695E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.682), which is global (i,j) (16, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.167E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.682), which is global (i,j) (16, 209). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.366E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   3.319), which is global (i,j) (21, 200). Level: 15
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.107E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.812,   2.791), which is global (i,j) (19, 198). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.378E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131212       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131212       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) (  98.938, -14.588), which is global (i,j) (124, 133). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.620E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 340.811,   6.466), which is global (i,j) (19, 212). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.194E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 300.316,   9.574), which is global (i,j) (303, 224). Level: 14
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.271E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 339.687,   4.372), which is global (i,j) (18, 204). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.815E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (14, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.194E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   5.158), which is global (i,j) (15, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.184E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   3.054), which is global (i,j) (14, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.254E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 336.312,   2.790), which is global (i,j) (15, 198). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.157E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131213       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131213       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 79, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 300.316,   9.574), which is global (i,j) (303, 224). Level: 14
(Task 79, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.436E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 217.159,  19.879), which is global (i,j) (229, 255). Level: 15
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.463E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 102.313, -15.147), which is global (i,j) (127, 131). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.118E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   4.634), which is global (i,j) (14, 205). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.172E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   5.422), which is global (i,j) (21, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.847E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.061,   6.207), which is global (i,j) (21, 211). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.780E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 337.437,   5.159), which is global (i,j) (16, 207). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.536E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 85, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 219.409,  19.848), which is global (i,j) (231, 255). Level: 14
(Task 85, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.510E-010 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 335.187,   3.054), which is global (i,j) (14, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 343.062,   5.422), which is global (i,j) (21, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.179E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   5.421), which is global (i,j) (17, 208). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.815E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
  max rss=1759.8 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131214       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)       1760.69 MB (usage)  (pe=  896 comps= OCN)
  max rss=901.5 MB
  max rss=523.6 MB
 memory_write: model date =   00131214       0 memory =      -0.00 MB (highwater)        523.61 MB (usage)  (pe=  256 comps= cpl ATM ICE)
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 102.313, -15.147), which is global (i,j) (127, 131). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.126E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 64, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 338.562,   3.055), which is global (i,j) (17, 199). Level: 13
(Task 64, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.427E-011 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013
(Task 43, block 1) Message from (lon, lat) ( 102.313, -15.147), which is global (i,j) (127, 131). Level: 14
(Task 43, block 1) MARBL WARNING (marbl_mod:marbl_compute_large_detritus_prod): dz*DOP_loss_P_bal= 0.377E-012 exceeds Jint_Ptot_thres= 0.271E-013