** ** * Define key parameters for alternative scenarios * ** ** SET SIM simulations / BAU base simulation. use resource technical changes based on countries with 2009 data for EU and ROW from WIOD 1995-2009 SN1 Energy efficiency only happen in 2040 and labor input is activity-specific SN2 Energy efficiency only happen in 2040 and full employment in a region where labor freely moves among activities SN3 Energy efficiency happen gradually over 2015-2040 and full employment in a region where labor freely moves among activities SN4 Energy efficiency happen gradually over 2015-2040 and Unemployment is allowed in a region / SIMCUR(SIM) current simulations ; *By defining SIMCUR, the user selects the experiments that are *carried out. BASE should always be included in SIMCUR. SIMCUR(SIM) = NO; SIMCUR('BAU') = YES; SIMCUR('SN2') = YES; SIMCUR(SIM) = YES; * Assign initial parameters to all scenarios * Technical parameters for production functions Parameter eff_xd(a,y,r) preference change rates of goods (electricity) generated from alternative technologies eff(yy,a,y,r) efficiency on intermediate inputs eff_if(f,a,y,r) efficiency on primary inputs eff_f(*,j,r) efficiency on consumption goods; eff_xd(a,i,r)$ay(a,i) = 1 ; eff(ii,a,i,r) = 1; eff_if(f,a,i,r) = 1; eff_f(i,j,r) = 1; *Next to determin intertemporal parameters for BAU set age, sex; parameter pop_(r,t,age,sex) population from UN population projection 2010 revision (Thousand) popg_(r,t,age,sex) indices of population from UN population projection 2010 revision labg_(r,t,sex) indices of population from UN population projection 2010 revision pop(r,t) population from UN population projection 2010 revision (Thousand) popg(r,t) indices of population from UN population projection 2010 revision labg(r,t) indices of population from UN population projection 2010 revision ; $GDXIN pop_un.gdx $LOAD age,sex,pop_=pop popg_=popg labg_=labg pop(r,t) = pop_(r,t,'TOT','TOT') / 1000 ; popg(r,t) = popg_(r,t,'TOT','TOT') - 1 ; labg(r,t) = labg_(r,t,'TOT') - 1 ; $GDXIN parameter GDPg(r,t) GDP growth rates from weo2014 Prim_eng(y,r,t) primary energy growth rates from weo2014 ; $GDXIN weoiaee $LOAD GDPg GDPg(r,t)$(rind(r) and (ord(t)>30) ) = 0.031 ; GDPg(r,t)$(rchn(r) and (ord(t)>30) ) = 0.020 ; $LOAD Prim_eng=TPEDg $LOAD gene_t $LOAD gene_g_t $GDXIN gene_t(a,y,r,t)$(gene_t(a,y,r,t)<1) = 0 ; gene_g_t(a,y,r,t)$((gene_t(a,y,r,t)=0) or (gene_t(a,y,r,t-1)=0)) = 0 ; parameter GDPgZ(r) GDP volume index following GDP growth rates form weo2009 EFFTFPZ(f,r) initial total factor productivity (TFP) EFFTFP_SZ(f,y,r) initial total factor productivity (TFP) for natural resources TS_PrimenZ(y,r) calibrated tax or subsidy rates for exogenous primary energy path Prim_enZ(y,r) primary energy indices for weo2014 efftfpz_T(f,r,SIM,tmax) calibrated TFP efftfp_sz_T(f,y,r,SIM,tmax) calibrated TFP for natural resources eghga_abz_T(r,t) calibrated change rate of initial emissions from intermediate use of energy in sector yy CAPAZ_T(a,y,r,SIM,tmax) capacity constraints for elc. generation TS_PrimenZ_T(y,r,SIM,tmax) calibrated tax or subsidy rates for exogenous primary energy path eff_if_T_(f,a,y,r,SIM,tmax) efficiency on primary factors in production functions ; GDPgZ(r) = 1; EFFTFPZ(f,r) = 1; EFFTFP_SZ(f,y,r) = 1; Prim_enZ(y,r)$(ipep(y) or ielc(y)) = 1; TS_PrimenZ(i,r) = 0; $if not exist efftfp.gdx eghga_abz_T(r,t) = 1; $if not exist efftfp.gdx efftfpz_T(f,r,SIM,t) = 1; $if not exist efftfp.gdx efftfp_sz_T(f,y,r,SIM,t)$ipep(y) = 1; $if not exist efftfp.gdx TS_PrimenZ_T(i,r,SIM,t)=0; $if not exist efftfp.gdx CAPAZ_T(a,y,r,SIM,t) = 0; $if not exist efftfp.gdx eff_if_T_(f,a,y,r,SIM,tmax) = 1 ; $if exist efftfp.gdx $GDXIN efftfp $if exist efftfp.gdx $LOAD efftfpz_T $if exist efftfp.gdx $LOAD efftfp_sz_T $if exist efftfp.gdx $LOAD eghga_abz_T $if exist efftfp.gdx $LOAD CAPAZ_T * CAPAZ_T(a,y,r,SIM,t)$(ielc(y) and ord(SIM)>1) = CAPAZ_T(a,y,r,'BAU',t); $if exist efftfp.gdx $LOAD TS_PrimenZ_T $if exist efftfp.gdx $LOAD eff_if_T_ $if exist efftfp.gdx $GDXIN display GDPg, Prim_enZ,efftfpz_T,gene_t; parameter eff_ifg(*,*,r,t,SIM) ; $GDXIN WIOD_Grace $LOAD eff_ifg=eff_if $GDXIN eff_ifg(ie,i,r,t,SIM)$(ord(t)=1 and (ord(SIM)>1)) = eff_ifg(ie,i,r,t,'BAU')+log(1.1)/25 ; eff_ifg(ie,'TOT',r,t,SIM)$(ord(t)=1 and (ord(SIM)>1)) = eff_ifg(ie,'TOT',r,t,'BAU')+log(1.1)/25 ;