README for CESM and WRF model data ********************************** By Øivind Hodnebrog (, CICERO, October 2019. The dataset contains model data used in the submitted manuscript "Intensification of summer precipitation with shorter time-scales in Europe" by Ø. Hodnebrog et al. The dataset consists of two main folders: CESM1-CAM4 and WRF381. CESM1-CAM4: ----------- Global CESM climate model data used in Hodnebrog et al. The folder contains two files with hourly precipitation values for the historical (1986-2005) and future (2081-2100, RCP8.5) time periods, and two files with monthly 2 m air temperature for the same time periods. WRF381: ------- Regional WRF climate model data used in Hodnebrog et al. This folder contains four subfolders and the data are described in Hodnebrog et al. - see especially Table S1. The subfolders are: - NORTHWEST_EUROPE: Data for domains 2-4 in experiment set 1, driven by CESM1-CAM4 data. - NORTHWEST_EUROPE_REANALYSIS: Data for domains 2-4 in exp. set 1, driven by GFS data. - NORTHCENTRAL_EUROPE: Data for domains 2-3 in experiment set 2, driven by CESM1-CAM4 data. - SOUTHEAST_EUROPE: Data for domains 2-3 in experiment set 3, driven by CESM1-CAM4 data. Each of the subfolders contain one file per domain (wrfgrid_d0?.nc) with information about the WRF grid (latitudes, longitudes, land/sea mask and terrain height), and one file per domain per year (wrfprecip_d0? with accumulated precipitation data in mm.