-------------------------------- CICE model diagnostic output -------------------------------- Document ice_in namelist parameters: ==================================== runid = f1850w.aCAVA_full.y15.ens5 runtype = branch days_per_year = 365 year_init = 0 istep0 = 0 dt = 1800.00 npt = 99999 diagfreq = 24 print_global = T print_points = F histfreq = m x x x x histfreq_n = 1 1 1 1 1 hist_avg = T History data will be averaged over 1 1 1 1 1 mxxxx history_dir = history_file = f1850w.aCAVA_full.y15.ens5.cice.h history_format = nc dumpfreq = y dumpfreq_n = 1 restart = T restart_dir = restart_file = f1850w.aCAVA_full.y15.ens5.cice.r restart_format = nc lcdf64 = T pointer_file = rpointer.ice ice_ic = f1850w.control.1.27.4.branch.out.experiment.control.cice.r.0015-01-01-00000.nc grid_type = latlon grid_file = /work/hanbre/inputdata/share/domains/domain.ocn.1.9x2.5_gx1v6_090403.nc kmt_file = /work/hanbre/inputdata/share/domains/domain.ocn.1.9x2.5_gx1v6_090403.nc gridcpl_file = unknown_gridcpl_file kitd = 0 kcatbound = 0 kdyn = 0 xndt_dyn = 1.00 ndte = 120 evp_damping = F yield_curve = ellipse splitcomm_dyn = F maskhalo_dyn = T maskhalo_stress = T maskhalo_remap = T maskhalo_bound = T kstrength = 0 krdg_partic = 1 krdg_redist = 1 advection = remap shortwave = dEdd albedo_type = default R_ice = 0.00 R_pnd = 0.00 R_snw = 1.50 dT_mlt_in = 1.50 rsnw_melt_in = 1500.00 albicev = 0.75 albicei = 0.45 albsnowv = 0.98 albsnowi = 0.73 heat_capacity = T atmbndy = default fyear_init = 1900 ycycle = 1 atm_data_type = default calc_strair = T calc_Tsfc = T Tfrzpt = linear_S update_ocn_f = F oceanmixed_ice = F sss_data_type = default sst_data_type = default Diagnostic point 1: lat, lon = 90.00 0.00 Diagnostic point 2: lat, lon = -65.00 -45.00 tr_iage = F restart_age = F tr_FY = F restart_FY = F tr_lvl = F restart_lvl = F tr_pond = T restart_pond = F tr_aero = F restart_aero = F Domain Information Horizontal domain: nx = 144 ny = 96 No. of categories: nc = 1 No. of ice layers: ni = 4 No. of snow layers:ns = 1 Processors: total = 256 Processor shape: null Distribution type: blkrobin Distribution weight: latitude {min,max}Blocks = 1 4 Number of ghost cells: 1 Active processors: 256 256 Block size: nx_block = 6 ny_block = 6 read_global 65536 1 1 0.000000000000000 357.5000000000000 read_global 65536 2 1 -90.00000000000000 90.00000000000000 read_global 65536 7 1 5.9644454477276109E-006 1.4426617780202839E-003 read_global 65536 5 1 0.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 read_global 65536 6 1 0.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 The following variables will be written to the history tape: description units variable frequency x grid cell mean ice thickness m hi m 1 grid cell mean snow thickness m hs m 1 grid cell mean snow fraction fs m 1 snow/ice surface temperature degC Tsfc m 1 ice area (aggregate) % aice m 1 internal ice heat content J qi m 1 internal snow heat content J qs m 1 ice mass transport (x) on East side kg/s transix m 1 ice mass transport (y) on North side kg/s transiy m 1 down solar flux W/m^2 fswdn m 1 upward solar flux W/m^2 fswup m 1 down longwave flux W/m^2 flwdn m 1 snowfall rate (cpl) cm/day snow m 1 snowfall rate cm/day snow_ai m 1 rainfall rate (cpl) cm/day rain m 1 rainfall rate cm/day rain_ai m 1 shortwave scaling factor 1 fswfac m 1 snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) W/m^2 fswabs m 1 snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux W/m^2 fswabs_ai m 1 visible direct albedo % alvdr m 1 near IR direct albedo % alidr m 1 visible diffuse albedo % alvdf m 1 near IR diffuse albedo % alidf m 1 bare ice albedo % albice m 1 snow albedo % albsno m 1 melt pond albedo % albpnd m 1 cosine of the zenith angle radian coszen m 1 latent heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 flat m 1 latent heat flux W/m^2 flat_ai m 1 sensible heat flux (cpl) W/m^2 fsens m 1 sensible heat flux W/m^2 fsens_ai m 1 upward longwave flux (cpl) W/m^2 flwup m 1 upward longwave flux W/m^2 flwup_ai m 1 evaporative water flux (cpl) cm/day evap m 1 evaporative water flux cm/day evap_ai m 1 air temperature C Tair m 1 2m reference temperature C Tref m 1 2m reference specific humidity g/kg Qref m 1 snow melt cm/day melts m 1 SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) W/m^2 fswthru m 1 SW flux thru ice to ocean W/m^2 fswthru_ai m 1 ice area ridging rate %/day dardg1dt m 1 ridge area formation rate %/day dardg2dt m 1 ice volume ridging rate cm/day dvirdgdt m 1 ice volume snapshot m hisnap m 1 ice area snapshot aisnap m 1 internal stress tensor trace N/m^2 trsig m 1 fraction of time-avg interval that any i 1 ice_present m 1 net surface heat flux W/m^2 fsurf_ai m 1 top surface conductive heat flux W/m^2 fcondtop_ai m 1 dt_dyn = 1800.000000000000 dte = 15.00000000000000 tdamp = 648.0000000000000 hin_max(n-1) < Cat n < hin_max(n) 1.0000000000000000E-002 < Cat 1 < 1.714281844682626 Using restart dump= f1850w.control.1.27.4.branch.out.experiment.control.cice.r.0015-01-01-00000.nc Restart read at istep= 0 473040000.0000000 0.000000000000000 min/max area, vol ice, vol snow, Tsfc min/max eicen for each layer min/max esnon for each layer min/max velocity components radiation fields min/max ocean stress components internal stress components ice mask for dynamics istep1: 0 idate: 150101 sec: 0 This is the prescribed ice coverage option. stream_year_first = 0 stream_year_last = 0 model_year_align = 1 stream_fldVarName = ice_cov stream_fldFileName = /work/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1.9x2.5_clim_pi_c101028.nc 1 stream_domTvarName = time stream_domXvarName = xc stream_domYvarName = yc stream_domFileName = /work/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/ocnfrac/domain.camocn.1.9x2.5_gx1v6_090403.nc stream_mapread = NOT_SET stream_fillalgo = none (shr_stream_set) size of filename = 1 (shr_stream_set) filename = /work/hanbre/inputdata/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1.9x2.5_clim_pi_c101028.nc (shr_strdata_print) ---------------------------------------------------------- (shr_strdata_print) name = SPRESICE data (shr_strdata_print) dataMode = NULL (shr_strdata_print) domainFile = null (shr_strdata_print) nxg = 144 (shr_strdata_print) nyg = 96 (shr_strdata_print) calendar = NO_LEAP (shr_strdata_print) io_type = 6 (shr_strdata_print) eccen = 1.000000E+36 (shr_strdata_print) mvelpp = 1.000000E+36 (shr_strdata_print) lambm0 = 1.000000E+36 (shr_strdata_print) obliqr = 1.000000E+36 (shr_strdata_print) nstreams = 1 (shr_strdata_print) pio_iotype = 6 (shr_strdata_print) streams ( 1) = null (shr_strdata_print) taxMode ( 1) = cycle (shr_strdata_print) dtlimit ( 1) = 1.500000E+00 (shr_strdata_print) strnxg ( 1) = 144 (shr_strdata_print) strnyg ( 1) = 96 (shr_strdata_print) dofill ( 1) = F (shr_strdata_print) fillalgo( 1) = none (shr_strdata_print) fillmask( 1) = nomask (shr_strdata_print) fillread( 1) = NOT_SET (shr_strdata_print) fillwrit( 1) = NOT_SET (shr_strdata_print) domaps ( 1) = F (shr_strdata_print) mapalgo ( 1) = bilinear (shr_strdata_print) mapmask ( 1) = dstmask (shr_strdata_print) mapread ( 1) = NOT_SET (shr_strdata_print) mapwrit ( 1) = NOT_SET (shr_strdata_print) tintalgo( 1) = linear (shr_strdata_print) (shr_strdata_print) nvectors = 0 (shr_strdata_print) ----------------------------------------------------------