ECMWF-analysis. See masterthesis for detailes about cycles and resolution. PARAMETERS FOR DIFFERENT PLOTS-See masterthesis for more info DT: “Wind components at 2 PV”, “Potential temperature at 2 PV”, “Low relative vorticity at level 800, 850, 900, 925 hpa” IVT: “Wind in levels 1000 to 100 hpa”, “Specific humidity at all levels” Thickness with winds: “geopheight at 1000, geopetheight at 500”, “SLP”, “wind at 250 hpa” TCWV: “tcwv”, “wind at 850 hpa” DETAILED ECMWF DT: “Wind components at 2 PV”, “Potential temperature at 2 PV”, “Low relative vorticity at level 800, 850, 900, 925 hpa” vorticity(relative) shortName: vo , ParameterID: 138, typeOfLevel: isobaricInhPa, Level: 800, 850, 900, 925, U component of the wind: shortName: u, ParameterID: 131, typeOfLevel: potentialVorticity, Level: 2000 (=2 PV) V component of the wind: shortName: v, ParameterID: 132, typeOfLevel: potentialVorticity, Level: 2000 (=2 PV) Potential temperature: shortName: pt, ParameterID: 3, typeOfLevel: potentialVorticity, Level: 2000 (=2 PV) IVT: “Wind in levels 1000 to 100 hpa”, “Specific humidity at all levels” (Maybe exist an IVT parameter?) V component of the wind: shortName: v, ParameterID: 132, typeOfLevel: isobaricInhPa, Levels = 1000(levidx:1), 950(levidx:2), 925(levidx:3), 900(4), 850(5), 800(6), 700(7),600(8), 500(9), 400(10), 300(11), 250(12), 200(13), 150(14), 100(15) U component of the wind: shortName: u, ParameterID: 131, typeOfLevel: isobaricInhPa, Levels = 1000(levidx:1), 950(levidx:2), 925(levidx:3), 900(4), 850(5), 800(6), 700(7),600(8), 500(9), 400(10), 300(11), 250(12), 200(13), 150(14), 100(15) Specific humidity: shortName: q, ParameterID: 133, typeOfLevel: isobaricInhPa, Levels = 1000(levidx:1), 950(levidx:2), 925(levidx:3), 900(4), 850(5), 800(6), 700(7),600(8), 500(9), 400(10), 300(11), 250(12), 200(13), 150(14), 100(15)