from osgeo import gdal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from netCDF4 import Dataset import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate """ datafile = gdal.Open('NN_wgs84.tif') print( "Driver: ",datafile.GetDriver().ShortName, datafile.GetDriver().LongName) print( "Size is ", datafile.RasterXSize, datafile.RasterYSize) print( "Bands = ", datafile.RasterCount) print( "Coordinate System is:", datafile.GetProjectionRef ()) print( "GetGeoTransform() = ", datafile.GetGeoTransform ()) print( "GetMetadata() = ", datafile.GetMetadata ()) gt = datafile.GetGeoTransform() proj = datafile.GetProjection() bnd1 = datafile.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() nx = datafile.RasterXSize # Raster xsize ny = datafile.RasterYSize # Raster ysize print("Geotransform",gt) print("proj=", proj) xres = gt[1] yres = gt[5] print("res=", xres, yres) # get the edge coordinates and add half the resolution # to go to center coordinates xmin = gt[0] + xres * 0.5 xmax = gt[0] + (xres * nx) - xres * 0.5 ymin = gt[3] + (yres * ny) + yres * 0.5 ymax = gt[3] - yres * 0.5 print("xmin=", xmin,"xmax=", xmax,"ymin=",ymin, "ymax=", ymax) xlons_tiff = np.arange(xmin,xmax,xres) xlats_tiff = np.arange(ymin,ymax,abs(yres)) print("xlons_tiff", xlons_tiff) print("xlats_tiff", xlats_tiff) """ infile = Dataset("", "r") inlats = infile.variables['LAT'][:] inlons = infile.variables['LON'][:] inpct_pft=infile.variables['PCT_PFT'][:] infile.close() #print(inpct_pft[17,500,500:600]) #print(inlats, inlons) outfile = Dataset('', mode='r+') outlats = outfile.variables['LATIXY'][:] outlons = outfile.variables['LONGXY'][:] outpct_pft=outfile.variables['PCT_PFT'][:] outpct_lake = outfile.variables['PCT_LAKE'][:] #print(outlats, inlats) print(inpct_pft.shape) print(inlats.shape) print(inlons.shape) # Edges of model box: edgen = 69.9 edges = 68.8 edgew = 22.2 edgee = 25.9 # Find indices of wanted box: indexs = 0 while inlats[indexs] <= edges: indexs += 1 indexn = indexs while inlats[indexn] <= edgen: indexn += 1 indexw = 0 while inlons[indexw] <= edgew: indexw += 1 indexe = indexw while inlons[indexe] <= edgee: indexe += 1 # Make new box containing only wanted box: box_lats = inlats[indexs:indexn] box_lons = inlons[indexw:indexe] box_pct_pft = inpct_pft[:,indexs:indexn,indexw:indexe] #print(box_pct_pft[17,:,:]) inpct_pft = np.nan_to_num(inpct_pft) plt.imshow[inpct_pft] plt.colorbar() tree = inpct_pft[1,:,:] + inpct_pft[2,:,:] + inpct_pft[3,:,:] + inpct_pft[4,:,:] + inpct_pft[5,:,:] + inpct_pft[6,:,:] + inpct_pft[7,:,:] + inpct_pft[8,:,:] shrub = inpct_pft[9,:,:] + inpct_pft[10,:,:] + inpct_pft[11,:,:] + inpct_pft[14,:,:] + inpct_pft[17,:,:] #ground_pft = inpct_pft[12,:,:] + inpct_pft[21,:,:] gras = inpct_pft[13,:,:] + inpct_pft[16,:,:] + inpct_pft[18,:,:] + inpct_pft[19,:,:] + inpct_pft[20,:,:] + inpct_pft[23,:,:] water = inpct_pft[22,:,:] lichen = inpct_pft[15,:,:] #interp = interpolate.interp2d(box_lons, box_lats, box_pct_pft[17,:,:], kind='linear') #interp = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(inlats, inlons, inpct_pft[17,:,:]) #interp = interpolate.interp2d(xlons_tiff, xlats_tiff, bnd1, kind='linear') # Må fikse bnd1 for dette interp_tree = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(inlats, inlons, tree, kx=1, ky=1) interp_gras = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(inlats, inlons, gras, kx=1, ky=1) interp_shrub = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(inlats, inlons, shrub, kx=1, ky=1) interp_water = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(inlats, inlons, water, kx=1, ky=1) interp_lichen = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(inlats, inlons, lichen, kx=1, ky=1) outlats = outlats[:,0] outlons = outlons[0,:] newtree = interp_tree(outlats, outlons) newgras = interp_gras(outlats, outlons) newshrub = interp_shrub(outlats, outlons) newwater = interp_water(outlats, outlons) newlichen = interp_lichen(outlats, outlons) newground = np.zeros((len(outlats), len(outlons))) for i in range(len(outlats)): for j in range(len(outlons)): pct = newtree[i,j] + newgras[i,j] + newshrub[i,j] + newwater[i,j] + newlichen[i,j] if pct > 100: if newtree[i,j] >= (pct-100): newtree[i,j] = newtree[i,j] - (pct-100) elif newshrub[i,j] >= (pct-100): newshrub[i,j] = newshrub[i,j] - (pct-100) else: print('pct blir negativ for i=', i, ' j=', j) elif pct < 100: newground[i,j] = 100-pct pct_pft = np.zeros((17,len(outlats),len(outlons))) pct_pft[0,:,:] = newground[:,:] pct_pft[2,:,:] = newtree[:,:] pct_pft[11,:,:] = newshrub[:,:] pct_pft[12,:,:] = newgras[:,:] pct_pft[4,:,:] = newlichen[:,:] print(outlats) print(outlons) #print(newground) #print(sum(pct_pft[:,0,0])) i,j = np.unravel_index(newlichen.argmax(), newlichen.shape) print(newlichen[i,j], i, j, outlats[i], outlons[j]) outfile.variables['PCT_PFT'][:] = pct_pft outfile.variables['PCT_LAKE'][:] = newwater #lichen_pct_pft = interp(outlats, outlons) #print(lichen_pct_pft) #a = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3) #print(a) #plt.imshow(a) #plt.colorbar() #plt.subplot(2,1,1) #plt.imshow(box_pct_pft[15,:,:]) #plt.subplot(2,1,2) #plt.imshow(newlichen) #for i in range(len(outlats)): # for j in range(len(outlons)): # print(newtree[i,j] + newgras[i,j] + newshrub[i,j] + newwater[i,j] + newlichen[i,j] + newground[i,j]) outfile.close()