!------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Users should ONLY USE user_nl_cpl to change namelists variables ! for namelist variables in drv_in (except for the ones below) and ! any keyword/values in seq_maps.rc ! Users should add ALL user specific namelist and seq_maps.rc changes below ! using the following syntax ! namelist_var = new_namelist_value ! or ! mapname = new_map_name ! For example to change the default value of ocn2atm_fmapname to 'foo' use ! ocn2atm_fmapname = 'foo' ! ! The following namelist variables MAY NOT be changed in user_nl_cpl - but must ! be changed in the appropriate $CASEROOT xml file ! ! driver namelist variable => xml variable ! ! case_name => CASE ! username => CCSMUSER ! hostname => MACH ! model_version => CCSM_REPOTAG ! start_type => RUN_TYPE ! start_ymd => RUN_STARTDATE ! start_tod => START_TOD ! atm_cpl_dt => ATM_NCPL ! ice_cpl_dt => ICE_NCPL ! glc_cpl_dt => GLC_NCPL ! lnd_cpl_dt => LND_NCPL ! ocn_cpl_dt => OCN_NCPL ! rof_cpl_dt => ROF_NCPL ! atm_ntasks => NTASKS_ATM lnd_ntasks => NTASKS_LND ! atm_nthreads => NTHRDS_ATM lnd_nthreads => NTHRDS_LND ! atm_rootpe => ROOTPE_ATM lnd_rootpe => ROOTPE_LND ! atm_pestride => PSTRID_ATM lnd_pestride => PSTRID_LND ! atm_layout => NINST_ATM_LAYOUT lnd_layout => NINST_LND_LAYOUT ! ice_ntasks => NTASKS_ICE ocn_ntasks => NTASKS_OCN ! ice_nthreads => NTHRDS_ICE ocn_nthreads => NTHRDS_OCN ! ice_rootpe => ROOTPE_ICE ocn_rootpe => ROOTPE_OCN ! ice_pestride => PSTRID_ICE ocn_pestride => PSTRID_OCN ! ice_layout => NINST_ICE_LAYOUT ocn_layout => NINST_OCN_LAYOUT ! glc_ntasks => NTASKS_GLC rof_ntasks => NTASKS_ROF ! glc_nthreads => NTHRDS_GLC rof_nthreads => NTHRDS_ROF ! glc_rootpe => ROOTPE_GLC rof_rootpe => ROOTPE_ROF ! glc_pestride => PSTRID_GLC rof_pestride => PSTRID_ROF ! glc_layout => NINST_GLC_LAYOUT rof_layout => NINST_ROF_LAYOUT !------------------------------------------------------------------------