0.0001 Time 0 MICOM starting up MICOM LIMITS-NAMELIST: NDAY1 0 NDAY2 999999 IDATE 20510102 IDATE0 20510102 RUNID xxxx BACLIN 1800.000000000000 BATROP 36.00000000000000 VDFVHI 2.000000000000000 VDFVLO 0.4000000000000000 VDFCHI 50000000.00000000 VDFCLO 3000000.000000000 VISCHI 0.5000000000000000 VISCLO 0.1000000000000000 CBAR 5.000000000000000 CB 2.0000000000000000E-003 TRXDAY 0.000000000000000 SRXDAY 0.000000000000000 APTFLX F APSFLX F DITFLX F DISFLX F SMTFRC T PATH /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119/ PATH1 ./ PATH2 ./ ATM_PATH ./ RSTFRQ 1.000000000000000 RSTFMT 1 RSTCMP 1 MICOM IO_NAMELIST GLB_FNAMETAGhd hm GLB_AVEPERIO 1 30 GLB_FILEFREQ 30 30 GLB_COMPFLAG 0 0 GLB_NCFORMAT 0 0 SRF_ABSWND 0 2 SRF_ALB 0 0 SRF_BRNFLX 0 2 SRF_DFL 0 0 SRF_EVA 0 2 SRF_FMLTFZ 0 2 SRF_FICE 0 2 SRF_HICE 0 0 SRF_HMLTFZ 0 2 SRF_HSNW 0 0 SRF_IAGE 0 0 SRF_FICE 0 2 SRF_HICE 0 0 SRF_HMLTFZ 0 2 SRF_HSNW 0 0 SRF_IAGE 0 0 SRF_LIP 0 2 SRF_MAXMLD 4 2 SRF_MLD 0 2 SRF_MLDU 0 0 SRF_MLDV 0 0 SRF_MTY 0 2 SRF_MXLU 0 2 SRF_MXLV 0 2 SRF_NSF 0 2 SRF_RFIFLX 0 2 SRF_RNFFLX 0 2 SRF_SALFLX 0 2 SRF_SEALV 4 2 SRF_SFL 0 2 SRF_SIGMX 0 2 SRF_SOP 0 2 SRF_SSS 0 2 SRF_SST 4 2 SRF_SURFLX 0 2 SRF_SWA 0 2 SRF_TAUX 0 2 SRF_TAUY 0 2 SRF_TICE 0 0 SRF_TSRF 0 0 SRF_UB 0 2 SRF_UICE 0 0 SRF_USTAR 0 2 SRF_VB 0 2 SRF_VICE 0 0 SRF_ZTX 0 2 LYR_DIAFLX 0 0 LYR_DIFDIA 0 2 LYR_DIFINT 0 2 LYR_DIFISO 0 2 LYR_DP 0 2 LYR_DZ 0 2 LYR_SALN 0 2 LYR_TEMP 0 2 LYR_TRC 0 0 LYR_UFLX 0 2 LYR_UTFLX 0 2 LYR_USFLX 0 2 LYR_UVEL 0 2 LYR_VFLX 0 2 LYR_VTFLX 0 2 LYR_VSFLX 0 2 LYR_VVEL 0 2 LYR_WFLX 0 2 LYR_WFLX2 0 2 LVL_SALN 0 2 LVL_TEMP 0 2 LVL_TRC 0 0 LVL_UFLX 0 2 LVL_UTFLX 0 2 LVL_USFLX 0 2 LVL_UVEL 0 2 LVL_VFLX 0 2 LVL_VTFLX 0 2 LVL_VSFLX 0 2 LVL_VVEL 0 2 LVL_WFLX2 0 2 LVL_WFLX 0 2 MSC_MHFLX 0 2 MSC_MSFLX 0 2 MSC_MMFLXL 0 2 MSC_MMFLXD 0 2 MSC_VOLTR 0 2 nday1: 401860 nday2: 999999 nyear ,nmonth ,nday : 2051.01.02 nyear0,nmonth0,nday0: 2051.01.02 runid: NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 baclin: 1800.0000 batrop: 36.0000 vdfvhi: 2.0000 vdfvlo: 0.4000 vdfchi: ********** vdfclo: ********** vischi: 0.5000 visclo: 0.1000 cbar: 5.0000 cb: 0.0020 trxday: 0.0000 srxday: 0.0000 aptflx: F apsflx: F ditflx: F disflx: F smtfrc: T path: /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119/ path1: ./ path2: ./ turb. flux parameters: vdfvhi = 2.00E+00 vdfvlo = 4.00E-01 vdfchi = 5.00E+07 vdfclo = 3.00E+06 vischi = 5.00E-01 visclo = 1.00E-01 rstfrq: 48.0000 rstmon: F rstann: F 50 barotropic steps per baroclinic time step reading grid information from /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119/grid.nc bigrid: nreg = 1 bigrid: periodic domain in i-index mean basin depth (m) and area (10^6 km^2): 3692.6 361.2 reading tidal dissipation data from /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119/tidal_dissipation.nc estimated max. barotropic time step: 43.68177648380184 min/max umax: 51.94425233066553 781.7123835371873 min/max vmax: 178.6990909756175 446.6053567607637 atm_ice_swgt 304560702284.6770 atm_ice_nsmt 657 reading atm. climatological ice concentration... reading atm. climatological surface temperature... sigma layers= 27.22000000000000 27.72000000000000 28.20200000000000 28.68100000000000 29.15800000000000 29.63200000000000 30.10200000000000 30.56700000000000 31.02600000000000 31.47700000000000 31.92000000000000 32.35200000000000 32.77200000000000 33.17600000000000 33.56400000000000 33.93200000000000 34.27900000000000 34.60200000000000 34.90000000000000 35.17200000000000 35.41700000000000 35.63700000000000 35.83200000000000 36.00300000000000 36.15300000000000 36.28400000000000 36.39800000000000 36.49700000000000 36.58400000000000 36.66000000000000 36.72800000000000 36.78900000000000 36.84300000000000 36.89300000000000 36.93900000000000 36.98200000000000 37.02200000000000 37.06000000000000 37.09600000000000 37.13100000000000 37.16600000000000 37.19900000000000 37.23100000000000 37.26400000000000 37.29500000000000 37.32700000000000 37.35800000000000 37.38800000000000 37.41900000000000 37.45000000000000 37.48000000000000 37.58000000000000 37.80000000000000 Warning! Initial experiment date changed from 2006.01.02 to 2051.01.02 reading restart file NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_01.micom.r.2051-01-01-00000.nc HAMOCC initialisation restart 1 1 14355336 dims 25 24 53 19937 time 2051 1 2 9644640 time step 3600.000000000000 Memory allocation for variable bgct2d ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 9 Memory allocation for variable bgcm2d ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 30 Memory allocation for variable bgcm3d ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Forth dimension : 23 Memory allocation for variable bgcm3dlvl First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Forth dimension : 21 Memory allocation for variable bgctsed ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 12 Forth dimension : 11 Memory allocation for variable expoor ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable expoca ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable exposi ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable kbo ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable kwrbioz... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable strahl ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable bolay ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable alar1max First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable TSFmax First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable TMFmax First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 ****************************************** Memory allocation for sediment modules : Memory allocation for variable sedlay ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 12 Forth dimension : 4 Memory allocation for variable sedhpl ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable burial ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 4 Memory allocation for variable powtra ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 12 Forth dimension : 7 Memory allocation for variable silpro ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable prorca ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable prcaca ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable produs ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable dzs ... First dimension : 13 Memory allocation for variable seddzi ... First dimension : 13 Memory allocation for variable seddw ... First dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable porsol ... First dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable porwah ... First dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable porwat ... First dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable ocetra ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Forth dimension : 17 Memory allocation for variable hi ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable co3 ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable OmegaC ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable chemcm ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 8 Forth dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable sedfluxo .. First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 7 Memory allocation for variable satn2o ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable aksp ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable satoxy ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable ak23 ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable ak13 ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable akb3 ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable akw3 ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 53 Memory allocation for variable atm ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 3 Memory allocation for variable atmflx ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 3 Memory allocation for variable atdifv ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable suppco2 ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable dusty ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable bgcdyn ... First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 12 Forth dimension : 5 Memory allocation for variable bgcdyntmp . First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Third dimension : 12 Memory allocation for variable bgc_zmld .. First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable bgc_nmld .. First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Memory allocation for variable nbgc_mld .. First dimension : 25 Second dimension : 24 Sediment layer thickness [m] : 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.017 0.019 0.021 0.023 0.025 Pore water in sediment: 0.8500000000000000 0.8300000000000000 0.8000000000000000 0.7900000000000000 0.7700000000000000 0.7500000000000000 0.7300000000000000 0.7000000000000000 0.6800000000000000 0.6600000000000000 0.6400000000000000 0.6200000000000000 sediment acceleration factor: 1 sediment area reduction: 1.000000000000000 new diffusion is: 3.6000000000000003E-006 total sediment thickness: 0.1560000000000000 sedict / sumsed**2: 1.4792899408284024E-004 new pore water fraction: 0.8500000000000000 0.8300000000000000 0.8000000000000000 0.7900000000000000 0.7700000000000000 0.7500000000000000 0.7300000000000000 0.7000000000000000 0.6800000000000000 0.6600000000000000 0.6400000000000000 0.6200000000000000 HAMOCC: atmospheric co2: 379.0000000000000 **************************************************************** * * Values of BELEG_BGC variables : * atm_co2 = 379.0000000000000 * atm_o2 = 196800.0000000000 * atm_n2 = 802000.0000000000 * phytomi = 9.9999999999999994E-012 * grami = 1.0000000000000000E-010 * remido = 1.0416666666666667E-003 * dyphy = 3.3333333333333332E-004 * zinges = 0.5000000000000000 * epsher = 0.8000000000000000 * grazra = 4.1666666666666664E-002 * spemor = 208333.3333333333 * gammap = 1.2499999999999998E-003 * gammaz = 1.2499999999999998E-003 * ecan = 0.9500000000000000 * bkphy = 1.9999999999999999E-007 * bkzoo = 4.0000000000000001E-008 * bkopal = 1.5000000000000000E-006 * wpoc = 0.2083333333333333 * wcal = 1.250000000000000 * wopal = 2.500000000000000 * drempoc = 1.2499999999999998E-003 * dremdoc = 1.6666666666666666E-004 * dremopal = 4.1666666666666664E-004 * dphymor = 4.1666666666666666E-003 * dzoomor = 8.3333333333333328E-004 * bluefix = 2.0833333333333332E-004 * ro2ut = 172.0000000000000 * rcar = 122.0000000000000 * rnit = 16.00000000000000 * rnoi = 6.2500000000000000E-002 * rnit23 = 114.6666666666667 * rnit13 = 57.33333333333334 * rcalc = 35.00000000000000 * ropal = 25.00000000000000 * gutc = 0.000000000000000 * ctochl = 60.00000000000000 * atten_w = 4.0000000000000001E-002 * atten_c = 732000.0000000000 * atten_f = 0.4000000000000000 * o2ut = 172.0000000000000 * rno3 = 16.00000000000000 * perc_diron = 6.2667860340196967E-006 * riron = 3.6600000000000001E-004 * fesoly = 6.0000000000000000E-010 * relaxfe = 5.7077625570776257E-007 * c14dec = 1.3809143189333264E-008 * D14Catm = 0.000000000000000 * Ratm = 1.000000000000000 * dmspar(1) = 10.00000000000000 * dmspar(2) = 7.4999999999999997E-003 * dmspar(3) = 9.5999999999999992E-003 * dmspar(4) = 1.3723065250000001E-002 * dmspar(5) = 0.1345481275000000 * dustd1 = 1.0000000000000000E-004 * dustd2 = 1.0000000000000000E-008 * dustsink = 1.9720165922144225E-003 * wdust = 1.9720165922144225E-003 **************************************************************** HAMOCC: initialising dic Reading /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119//GLODAP/TCO2.nc HAMOCC: initialising alk Reading /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119//GLODAP/Alk.nc HAMOCC: initialising pho Reading /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119//WOA_2009/phosphate_annual_1deg.nc HAMOCC: initialising nit Reading /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119//WOA_2009/nitrate_annual_1deg.nc HAMOCC: initialising sil Reading /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119//WOA_2009/silicate_annual_1deg.nc HAMOCC: initialising oxy Reading /work/shared/noresm/inputdata/ocn/micom/gx1v6/20101119//WOA_2009/dissolved_oxygen_annual_1deg.nc CHEMCON: initializing all month Date of bgc restart file : year = 2051 month = 1 day = 1 dtoce = 9644640 dtbgc = 9644640 WARNING: restart days in oce/bgc are not the same : 2 / 1 !!! Global inventory of aqueous sediment tracer ------------------------------------------- total[kmol] concentration[mol/L] No. 1 89997533783.02736 2.2929820839068284E-003 39249122099413.78 No. 2 95517330038.55365 2.4336169812058110E-003 39249122099413.78 No. 3 70961344.36183575 1.8079727791642915E-006 39249122099413.78 No. 4 10633452706.36336 2.7092205220361301E-004 39249122099413.78 No. 5 20234408941.77067 5.1553787344642006E-004 39249122099413.78 No. 6 993849386.0107261 2.5321569830107616E-005 39249122099413.78 No. 7 6149570622.723413 1.5668046299601850E-004 39249122099413.78 Global inventory of solid sediment constituents ---------------------------------------------------- [kmol] Sediment No. 1 231197716073.2044 Burial No. 1 128582303812.2720 Sediment No. 2 16722984145040.89 Burial No. 2 736486129935.1039 Sediment No. 3 2996375509562.479 Burial No. 3 226680353102.4386 Sediment No. 4 4.0374386063882840E+016 Burial No. 4 4157392778711249. hpl 277620.4900118235 Global inventory of advected ocean tracers ------------------------------------------ total[kmol] concentration[kmol/m^3] ztotvol 1.3475091467011392E+018 No. 1 3104332986176116. 2.3037565227485746E-003 No. 2 3262794850196275. 2.4213526551444793E-003 No. 3 2651355450267.766 1.9675973678980924E-006 No. 4 312134952987845.9 2.3163846698331437E-004 No. 5 650580784134379.4 4.8280249950590512E-004 No. 6 30250825653099.88 2.2449439936758469E-005 No. 7 119656559566420.9 8.8798328278033716E-005 No. 8 1229376662.186044 9.1233270304376195E-010 No. 9 678514238.0844537 5.0353219475024447E-010 No. 10 511463644.7327724 3.7956228051208074E-010 No. 11 27863137247.07915 2.0677512516550544E-008 No. 12 73431606.48743859 5.4494328789684135E-011 No. 13 838933106.2763242 6.2258063949334297E-010 No. 14 14098752794401.75 1.0462825301718473E-005 No. 15 1591423321.608423 1.1810111460129338E-009 No. 16 9145296697.488869 6.7868160449059884E-009 No. 17 22326544532.72413 1.6568751750132561E-008 Global total[kmol] of carbon : 3166274076607327. Global total[kmol] of phosph. : 3015217209364.216 Global total[kmol] of silicate : 122908091544241.2 Global total[kmol] of nitrogen. : 1337330235627656. Global total[kmol] of oxygen. : 3478350209383210. Global fluxes into and out of the sediment ------------------------------------------ [kmol] Detritus, Calcium Carbonate, Silicate 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 No. 1 0.000000000000000 No. 2 0.000000000000000 No. 3 0.000000000000000 No. 4 0.000000000000000 No. 5 0.000000000000000 No. 6 0.000000000000000 No. 7 0.000000000000000 Global total export production ------------------------------ [kmol] carbon : 0.000000000000000 carbonate: 0.000000000000000 silitat : 0.000000000000000 model starts at day401860, goes to day999999 (steps 19289280 -- 47999952) 51.7889 Time 1 Just before main loop ccsm initial date: 20510101: 0: 2051.01.01 export_mct: co2 flux not sent to coupler micom: completed initialization! import_mct: diag. atmospheric co2 read thermf: totsfl/area,sflxc 7.1978337046342962E-008 -2.2474758994865905E-008 369.3418 sec for step 19289281